General Game Rules and Formatting

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General Game Rules and Formatting

Post by Fialova »

DM Resources

Quote this post and copy the relevant sections into your own posts elsewhere for simplest replication of all displayed formatting.

This post is a guide to the house-rules and standard formatting that we will be using, in general, for all 4e D&D games on this sub-forum. If we end up playing other PBP tabletop games in here as well, and end up using similar cross-game house-rules, then I will add more posts to account for those as well. Unless otherwise specified in a game's setup post, these rules are in effect for all 4e PBP games.

General Character Creation Rules
General Character Creation Rules
System: 4e
Level [to be specified]
Stats: 25pt buy. (rather than 4e's default 22)
Race: Any published, refluffed as human, elf, orc, or dwarf (or any combination of two e.g. half orc/elf, half dwarf/human, etc.).
Class: Any published.
Feats: Choice of free expertise feat.
Themes: Allowed.
Background: +2 to a skill or add a language.
Equipment: If level 1, then one free weapon or implement you have proficiency in, one free armor you have proficiency in, plus 50 gold to spend on other items. If higher than level one, the standard is to have three free magic items (one of your level, one of your level+1, one of your level -1) plus level-appropriate gold which is equal to the cost of a magic item of your level-1. However, in a low-magic-item game this could be different.
Skills: There are no class skill restrictions; any class can train any skill. You still must take the mandatory/bonus skills granted by your class as usual (e.g. Arcana for a wizard). Also, if after class selection (and prior to race, feat, theme, etc. selection) you possess fewer than 4 trained skills, train as many as it takes to get to 4.
Rituals: Component costs for all rituals are reduced to ¼ their normal values to encourage ritual use. Also, Raise Dead will not be allowed in this game – dead is dead, though we hope that doesn’t have to be an issue.
Inherent Bonuses: [to be specified]
Languages: We will not be using the standard 4e languages, but instead the ones listed below. If by (mechanical) race or some other means you are granted a language other than common, pick one language from this list instead, even if you would normally have no choice in the matter (such as elves receiving Elven).
Hybrids: In any game I run, you will be allowed to take the feat "Hybrid Talent" as many times as you like as a hybrid character. I feel like this helps make up for the fact that most hybrids are incredibly sub-par, and it allows for some really interesting combinations if you look hard enough. The CB does not allow for this option by default, though, so you will need to house-rule it and keep track of the benefits manually.

Common - Common is the term used to refer to a trade-based lingua franca of Voreld. Most people know at least some of the common tongue, and many speak it fluently, but it is not the primary language of any nation or set of peoples. Those who only know Common are typically sailors, or others who have spent most of their lives traveling rather than in one place. No society holds it in high regard, though most recognize its utility in facilitating trade with foreigners.

Tulrissian – The national language of Tulrisse, a primarily human agricultural-based kingdom. It has many regional dialects, but the nobility all speak a common variant that is viewed as its 'true' form.

Old Serran - The language spoken in the old, now-collapsed Serran Kingdom. Very few people still speak it with any amount of regularity except for the priests and priestess of the Serran gods and the Tenants, who need to know it for many old texts.

Modern Serran – The primary language spoken by the small kingdoms of an expansive arid region known as the Serran Desert, which consists mostly of humans and orcs. It evolved from the language of the region's once-great Kingdom, which is still highly regarded if rarely spoken.

Imardanian – The official language of the Church of the Goddess and, by extension, the Arch-Bishopric of Imardin. Like Modern Serran, it developed from the Old Serran language, though with more outside influence than its sister tongue. It is spoken by most in the region, and many abroad have learned it for the cultural benefits as well.

Kurnish – The language of the orc tribes of Kurnhuelde, a region primarily consisting of snowy hills on the Kurn Peninsula. Like Tulrissian it has many regional dialects, often one per clan, though there is a common version for communicating between clans.

Grystok - This language, the most widespread in the Gryst region, developed over time as a trade language between the Grystbehn member states. It formed as a mix of the various common native languages, primarily Modern Serran, Kurnish, and Elvish, though there are influences from Dwarven and a variety of smaller local dialects as well.

Andorian – A language that developed in the Andorian peninsula after it was settled by the Andor dwarves and became a prominent location in Voreld. It was originally a strange mix of Dwarven and Tulrissian, but has since grown into a distinct language of its own.

Native Andorian - The language spoken by the tribes native to Andor, who are often seen as bandits and outlaws by the northerners who have since settled the region. Each tribe has its own variant on the tongue, though they are, for the most part, mutually intelligible.

Kandorasian - An ancient, dead language once spoken by the natives of Kandoras, an island southeast of Andor. Though no one knows how it is spoken, the written version can be found scattered throughout ruins on the island and on mainland Andor. Most who know how to translate it are part of the Explorer's Guild, based in Fort Sakura.

Dwarven – The common language of the many dwarf kingdoms that occupy the mountains that run down the center of Voreld. The dwarves view their language as sacred, and so there is very little variation between the kingdoms. Andor was the great outlier, which eventually developed its own language through outside influence.

Elven – A catch-all term in Voreld for any of the many distinct dialects spoken by the elf natives of Quellam, a continent to the east. There were once many more than there are now, due to the elven population mostly assimilating into the other cultures of Voreld. Few still speak Elven outside of the few, small elf villages in the Serranak.

Gleiosian - A language spoken primarily on Gleios and the surrounding smaller islands it influences. It and Brennisian have influenced one another over the years, the two nations often at war with one another. It also has some loanwords from Akiran, due to the nations' historically close bond.

Brennisian - A language that originated on the Isle of Brennis, but spread after the small nation conquered a large region of the archipelago. It has since become much less prevalent than it once was.

Cru'unish - Cru'un has always had its own native language, though it's been conquered so many times that it has only recently been the island's official language. The language has evolved greatly over time as a result, having strong influence from both Brennisian and Gleiosian, its most common occupiers.

Gerrikan - Historically the island of Gerrik has spent much of its time under Gleiosian control. Before that, its people often traded with its larger neighbor, so they shared a language. However, an influx in orcs from Kurnhuelde caused a shift in both society and language, eventually leading to a Gerrikan language influenced by both Gleiosian and Kurnish.

Old Ghian - A language originating on Ghia, and spreading with its culture to the smaller nearby islands. In modern times it is not even spoken on Ghia, except by scholars and some members of the nobility. It has since given way to two child languages, the result of the great cultural and political schism that resulted after the Civil War.

Amkharan - After the Civil War, Amkhara began to distance itself from its neighbors in Ya-Jarang. They began to speak with new slang and picked up words from its neighbors in Visha, causing the speech of those in the east and west to begin to drift apart. Over time the differences became enough for the two to be considered two different, if superficially similar, languages.

Jarangi - While Amkhara was influenced by its neighbors to the south, Ya-Jarang began to pick up words and syntax changes from Akiro once it was finally conquered. The assimilation of the two societies caused the shift in language that finally pushed the two halves of Ghian language apart.

Akiran - Akiro has always had its own language, which has changed very little over the centuries. It is kept this way on purpose, as it has always been the script used in the writings of Akiran monks, and others who follow the religious spiritualism that has been adopted by Ghia and its surrounding territories.

Chathran - A language spoken primarily on Chathra and Cianthum. The originating on Chathra, as the name suggests, the people of their neighboring island have adopted it as their own for many centuries now. There are some regional variations, but for the most part the two islands speak identically.

Okani - A language spoken by the people of Mai'okon and the surrounding small islands under its influence. The people of Mai'kawa and Mai'okon once spoke the same language (now known as Kawani), but that language is all but dead in modern times. Okani continued to evolve over time, and though the two are similar they are no longer mutually intelligible.

Kawani - A language spoken by the native peoples of Mai'kawa, the island now known as D'armon. It was once a major language spoken by a regional power, but is now restricted to inland tribes descended from the old kingdom's inhabitants who fled to the mountains when the invasion forces arrived.

Vishan - The Vishan peoples once had many local dialects, and some speakers in some villages still speak these ultimately-unimportant languages. However, as the nation of Visha become a united and worldly place, the influences of more widely-spoken languages (such as Old Ghian and Chathran) have all-but erased the native aspects.

Language Translations
When speaking in a language that is not the default one for the game (ie not Common in Blackwood's Dogs, not Serran in Amongst the Flames, etc.), translate the text of your character's speech into a language using Google Translate and use that translation in your post. Include the English translation in a spoiler at the bottom. Below are the real languages you should translate each of the server languages into:

Common - Esperanto
Tulrissian - German
Old Serran - Latin
Modern Serran - Spanish
Imardanian - French
Kurnish - Russian
Grystok - Bosnian
Andorian - Swedish
Native Andorian - Shona
Kandorasian - Kannada
Dwarven - Danish
Elven - Welsh
Gleiosian - Greek
Brennisian - Italian
Cru'unish - Corsican
Gerrikan - Bulgarian
Old Ghian - Standard Chinese
Amkharan - Korean
Jarangi - Japanese
Akiran - Thai
Chathran - Urdu
Okani - Maori
Kawani - Samoan
Vishan - Bengali
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A Wan Smile
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Post by ratwizard »

Ten Minute Background


Click SELECT ALL on the below code, then copy and paste it into your OOC post while in Source View. See additional instructions beneath it on what each section should contain.

Code: Select all

[spoiler=Background][spoiler=Background and Concept Elements]1)






2)[/spoiler][spoiler=People Tied to Character]1)


3)[/spoiler][spoiler=Memories, Mannerisms, and Quirks]1)


3)[/spoiler][spoiler=Background - Family/Class/Profession/Institutions]Family:



Institutions:[/spoiler][spoiler=Drives - Primary/Secondary/Tertiary]Primary:


Tertiary:[/spoiler][spoiler=Goals - Short-Term/Medium-Term/Long-Term]Short-Term:




Background & Concept Elements
Write 5 background and concept elements that you feel are important to your image of the character. These can be a concept overview, a list of important life events, a physical description, a personality profile...whatever you need to get an image in your mind. 5 is just a minimum...more elements are encouraged but not required. Don't feel pressured or at a loss due to unfamliarity with the Ganoltir campaign world! I'm more than happy to provide elements and more to assist in the process.
1) Birth - Karth was born as the offspring of Queen Gwarta of Bridged City and one of her many guards. During her pregnancy it was assumed she would be giving birth to another of her husband's children, but when the child turned out to be a half-elf this was quickly proven to be false. The king consort, enraged by the discovery, demanded his wife reveal who the father was. Not wishing for controversy, she quickly revealed who the information and Karth and his father were banished and sent away in secret. The royal family told the public that the pregnancy resulted in a miscarriage and held a grand funeral for the supposed deceased prince. Meanwhile, Karth's father travelled with his newborn son to the city of Mithril to start a new life.

2) Early Life - Karth's father settled in the Harbor City section of Mithril and began taking whatever odd jobs he could find. As Karth got older he would sometimes help, but he usually caused more harm than good and was sent away. It was these times that he first began following the other boys around town, participating in various acts of thievery and creating bonds of friendship.

3) Later Life - As he got older, Karth began to grow bored with petty thievery. After all, it was his destiny to become king of Bridged City and he wasn't going to do that by pickpocketing the various merchants who came to Harbor City. He wanted more, but he didn't exactly know how to get it. Lucky for him his old friend Faust was an ambitious one, and when he stole a ship from the harbor he invited Karth and the other thieves who grew up together to join as his crew. Karth saw this as an opportunity, not only to relieve his boredom but also to gain more riches than he'd ever be able to scrounge alone.

4) The Magnificent Manslayer - As is custom among the Conspicuous Oils, Karth has a nickname that he goes by. When thinking up the names with the others he initially came up with such ideas as "Karth the Glorious", "The Radiant Ruffian", and "The Most Gorgeous Pirate Known to Man." These were all quickly shot down by the others, who said the point of the nicknames were to strike fear. Faust suggested he go by "The Manslayer" since he was always a ruthless fighter when the need arose, and reluctantly Karth accepted. However, it quickly came to everyone's attention that he was reffering to himself as "Karth the Magnificent" outside of their presence. They tried to get him to follow the captain's suggestion, only to be told that "the title simply does not express my greatness as well as it should." After some discussion they finally all came to a compromise, and Karth's nickname was officially made to be "The Magnificent Manslayer."

5) Appearance - Karth is somewhat tall, standing 6'3", with a fairly slender build. He has long, silver hair due to his elven heritage and he is very protective of it - many men have scars (or worse) to show as a result of touching Karth's hair. His manner of dress is never very fancy as he has always been of the lower class, but whatever the clothing he always wears it in a way that gives off an air of nobility. Even while at sea he makes a point to look his best, and can often be found tending to his precious hair. On his belt hangs a mirror that, while useful for some raids, spends most of its time reflecting Karth's face back at him.

6) Personality Traits - As a narcissist Karth tends to be very confident in his abilites, and his self-esteem is never low. He goes into every battle without fear, completely assured of his victory from the start. He is always looking to make friends with new people (no one should miss the opportunity to gaze upon his gorgeous face, after all), though this is often made difficult due to the arrogance that often manifests in social situations due to his narcissism. He is extremely loyal to the few people he truly respects, and despite his overconfidence he is still a formidable opponent on the battlefield, so to some it might be worth earning that respect.

List at least two goals for the character. At least one of these goals should be one that the character has, while another should be one that you, as a player, want to see developed over the course of the game.
1) Karth ultimately desires to become the king of Bridged City. He feels he was wrongly banished, and that as retribution he deserves to gain the throne in place of his half-sister Hannatha.

2) I'd like Karth to get a chance to return to Bridged City so that I can develop that part of his story. He need not actually ever gain the throne as he wants, but I'd at least like to have him come to terms with royalty who are against him in some way, and perhaps meet his mother for the first time.

List at least two secrets about your character. One is a secret the character knows, one is a secret that involves him but that he is not actually aware of yet. This will help me in creating plots that center around your character. I may also be creating a third secret which you as a player will not be aware of, so expect the unexpected.
1) Karth is actually the son of Queen Gwatra of Bridged City, making him royalty in the city-state. He ultimately plans to use this to become king and rule the city-state as he feels he deserves.

2) Karth was made a divine champion of Enkili without his knowledge, and most of his success and combat skill is a result of this. Enkili chose him for his personality, and as such the divine powers he possesses are triggered by him acting in line with his natural narcissism. Acting against this can sometimes have negative effects.

NPCs Tied to Your Character
Describe at least three people that are tied to the character. Two of them are friendly to the character, one is hostile. If you like, you can include an enemy of yours here as well, so I have an instant NPC nemesis to throw at you.
1) Karth's father is his only real family, and he cares deeply about his only son. He is the one who filled Karth's head with the idea of becoming king, and thus is directly responsible for Karth's narcissism.

2) Captain Faust is an old friend and Karth has a great deal of respect for the quirky man. He is one of the few people Karth views as an equal.

3) Queen Gwatra, Karth's mother, has a somewhat neutral opinion of him. As her own child she cannot hate him, but she was not sad when he was banished from Bridge City with his father. She wants to avoid a succession dispute just as much as the other royals who know of his existence, but would be torn somewhat if that were ever to happen.

4) The king consort of Bridged City was furious when he learned that Karth was not his son, and when he found out he immediately had the boy and his father banished from the city. He loved his wife enough to forgive her for her affair, but he hates Karth and his father and would likely go to any means to keep them from returning or gaining any sort of prominince in Bridged City.

Memories, Mannerisms, and Quirks
Describe three memories, mannerisms, or quirks that your character has. They don't have to be elaborate, but they should provide some context and flavor.
1) Karth is very much a narcissist, and can sometimes be quite arrogant due to his self-absorption. Ironically, these personality traits are the direct cause of his successes in life, as well as his skills in combat, due to them triggering his divinely-granted abilities.

2) He has a very fuzzy memory of the palace interior from the time he was born. Occasionally it is the setting of his dreams, where he is revered by the citizens of Bridge City as a great leader.

3) He absolutely hates for anyone to touch his hair unless they are a very close friend, and even then he is not completely comfortable with it. Touching Karth's hair is one of the few ways to anger him (and the quickest), and has occasionally resulted in the injury or death of the unfortante offender.

Background - Family/Class/Profession/Institutions
Who raised you and how did they shape your life? What social class do you belong to, and how did that change your opportunities and your outlook? What do you do for a living, and have you changed careers in the past? What social institutions (religions, governments, civil society, businesses) are you a part of or interact with? Do you have a spouse? Children? Did you at one time?

I add this last bit because I like to tie characters into the world around them. Often, people go for very individual or personal stories - long-lost love, bad guy killed my parents, mysterious birth, etc. But I find that this can make characters somewhat disconnected from the world around them, and the world becomes rather too much of a two-dimensional backdrop. Both in reality, you'd expect people to be profoundly shaped by their society and the institutions around them.
Family - Karth's only real family is his father, and older elven man who was once a guard at the Queen's palace in Bridged City. While he is related by blood to the Bridged City royalty, most of them are unaware of his existence. The ones who do know of him want him kept a secret, so as not to cause a succession dispute.

Class - On his mother's side he is a member of the Bridged City royalty, on his father's side he is a common peasant. He was raised by his father in Mithril as a simple commoner, but his royal blood cannot be denied.

Profession - Karth is a pirate and he is good at it. He has been First Mate of the Quina Vjeta for a long time under Captain Faust, and not without reason. He was one of the few to survive the fateful encounter with the guarded merchant ship, and one of the even fewer to survive who was also a companion of Faust in his youth.

Institutions - he is a member of Faust's Crew, the Conspicuous Oils.

Drives - Primary/Secondary/Tertiary
Here's where I like to get a bit more personality than backstory, because an overly historical concept only really gives you a good grounding in what your character did, what happened to them, rather than what they'll do in the future. So I generally try to ask what motivates a character at any given moment: Revenge? Wealth? Fame? Personal Excellence? Curiosity? Survival? Instinct? Reason? Power? Emotions? Loyalty? Etc.
Primary - Karth's feeling of entitelement towards the throne of Bridged City is his primary motivating factor. He deserves to rule the city as he sees it, and he will do everything in his power to obtain the position he views as rightfully his.

Secondary - His years as a pirate have also fostered in him a desire for wealth. He has incorporated this lesser desire into his ultimate goal of becoming King of Bridged city by deciding that he will not yet return to the city-state until he has first amassed considerable wealth. This amassing of wealth will surely make it easier for him to obtain the influence he needs gain the throne, but he also wants it for the luxury as well.

Tertiary - Karth is always looking to make new friends, having grown up with very few. His personality tends to hinder him in his pursuit for companions, so one could say it is a never-ending search for those patient and accepting enough to handle his presence on a regular basis.

Goals - Short-Term/Medium-Term/Long-Term
Similar to your Step 2, I think that goals give a character a higher order of drive, and can make for a nice character arc that gives level progression some meaning beyond mechanics. In addition, as you point out, it can also be a good hook for DMs.
Short Term - Meet and befriend the new crewmembers. More friends are always nice.

Medium Term - Continue earning coin with Faust, until Karth as enough to return to Bridged City in style and live there comfortably.

Long Term - Win the hearts of the people of Bridged City and take over as monach instead of his half-sister Hannatha.
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A Wan Smile
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Post by ratwizard »

Combat Block

Copy and paste the below code into your post in the OOC, then fill it out.

Code: Select all

[spoiler=Combat Block][color=#000000][b]Character Name (colored to their in-game text color)[/b][/color]

[b]Gender Race Class Level[/b]
Languages: Common, _____
Age: __
Height: __
Weight: __ lbs.

Speed: __
Initiative: +__
Passive Perception: __
Passive Insight: __
Senses: _____ Vision

AC: __
Fort: __
Reflex: __
Will: __
HP: __/__
Bloodied: __
Surge Value: __
Surges left: __/__
Action Points: __

[color=#008000]MBA:[/color] include attack and damage rolls here (e.g. +5 vs AC, 1d6+2 damage)
[color=#008000]RBA:[/color] include attack and damage rolls here (e.g. +5 vs AC, 1d6+2 damage)

List all passive resistances here. If none, then just write "None."

List all passive vulnerabilities here. If none, then just write "None."

List all passive bonuses to saving throws here. If none, then just write "None."

Active Effects:
List all current, non-permanent effects here (and the permanent ones too, if you really want). This includes all effects such as being prone, blinded, etc. Make sure this is always up to date. If none, then just write "None."

[b]Powers: [/b]

[color=#ffbf00]Item At-Will[/color]

[color=#bf0000]Encounter [_][/color]
[color=#ffbf00]Item Encounter [_][/color]

[color=#000000]Daily [_][/color]
[color=#ffbf00]Item Daily [_][/color]


[color=#ffbf00]List things such as potions and other consumable items here. If none, just write "None."[/color]

[spoiler=Important Features:][color=#000000][b]Feature:[/b][/color] Explanation of feature. These should be any passive effects that are more than a flat increase to attack, defense, hp, or a skill (such as being able to use perception for initiative rolls), any effect that are triggered by certain other effects (such as an attack boost vs bloodied foes), and so on. If it is relevant info that is not directly represented elsewhere in the combat block or in your character sheet, it needs to go here.

[color=#ffbf00][b]Item Feature:[/b][/color] Explanation of feature. These should be any effects listed as 'Property' on a magic item, as well as any specific traits of the item itself (such as Brutal and other effects on certain weapons, special effects from superior implements, etc.). Again, if it is relevant it needs to be listed.[/spoiler][/spoiler]
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A Wan Smile
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Location: Hellworld

Post by ratwizard »

Equipped Items Template (Part of Character Sheet)

This template should go in your Character Sheet spoiler-block at the bottom. It needs to have the 'code' tag around it to preserve its spacing. You can quote this post and copy the template including the 'code' tag. Or, you can click SELECT ALL below to copy the actual text but you will need to add the 'code' tag around it in your post.

Delete the dashes and replace with item names. Do not apply colors or other formatting, as they will not show up in code format. Do not delete any of the spaces, or else the alignment of the rows will be off. Add more boon rows as necessary, if you have more than one.

Code: Select all

Main Hand: ---
Offhand:   ---
Body:      ---

Head:      ---
Neck:      ---
Arms:      ---
Hands:     ---
Waist:     ---
Feet:      ---
Symbol:    ---
Ki Focus:  ---
Ring:      ---
Ring:      ---
Tattoo:    ---

Boon:      ---
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A Wan Smile
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Post by ratwizard »

Example RP Text Formatting

This is what plain text should look like. (Plain, un-formatted text)

"This is what chararacter speech should look like, with color being based on your own chosen character chat color." (Bolded, colored text with quotation marks)

"This is what character whispered speech should look like, in your color." (Just colored text with quotation marks)

This is what character thoughts should look like, in your color. (Colored, italicized text without quotation marks)

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A Wan Smile
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Location: Hellworld

Post by ratwizard »

WWN Character Sheet

Code: Select all

[spoiler=Character Sheet][b]Character Name, level <#>[/b]
Race Class

[u][b]Starting Ability Scores[/b][/u]
Str # (+#)
Dex # (+#)
Con # (+#)
Int # (+#)
Wis # (+#)
Cha # (+#)

[u][b]Final Ability Scores[/b][/u]
Str # (+#)
Dex # (+#)
Con # (+#)
Int # (+#)
Wis # (+#)
Cha # (+#)

HP: #
AC: #
Physical: #
Evasion: #
Mental: #
Luck: #
Base Attack Bonus: +#


Name of Focus


[i]Readied (Capacity: #/#)[/i]
# | Item

[i]Stowed (Capacity: #/#)[/i]
# | Item

# silver[/spoiler]
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A Wan Smile
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Location: Hellworld

Post by ratwizard »

WWN Combat Block

Code: Select all

[spoiler=Combat Block Format][b]Name in Character Color[/b]

[b]Gender Race Class 1[/b]

Speed: X feet


[b]Attack Bonuses:[/b]
[b][i]Weapon:[/i][/b] Attack Roll, Damage Roll
[b][i]Unarmed:[/i][/b] Attack Roll, Damage Roll

[b]Active Effects:[/b]

[spoiler=Important Features:][color=#000000][b]Feature:[/b][/color] Description[/spoiler][/spoiler]
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