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Post by Namelessjake »

"An apothecary could be the source of the powder that was irritating the nokve," Alierin suggests. I guess we have to go pay this Gilo a visit now.
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Post by Scratcherclaw »

"That would make sense," Aeron says, nodding at Alierin. And it would explain the handwriting. "Tells us where he got it, but still no closer to why."

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Post by ratwizard »

"Easiest answer is for coin or favor," Ulungi reasons. "Ekel's part in this, that is. As far as who wrote those instructions to him and why they'd want to piss off those nokve, that's the question, and I can't answer it."

Cymril nods, leaning against the doorframe. "Somebody stood to gain something from making all that chaos."
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Post by Scratcherclaw »

Aeron shrugs, letting out a burdened sigh. So much for a simple job. Why's everything have to have a big plot behind it in this city? "I guess we can hope Gilo asked the right questions. At least he'll know exactly what Ekel used, and maybe how to counteract it."
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Post by BartNL »

Vaughn stands back, as the other's do the talking. An apothecary. But why would they supply such amounts? This whole business smells fishy.
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Post by FinalTemplar »

Dessarius realizes he's being ignored and shuts his mouth, letting them speak to Ulungi.
Do I know anything about Gilo? Or would I not have a reason to know them since I have a regular apothecary I go to?
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Post by ratwizard »

You aren't familiar with Gilo's Goods and Greenery. On the back-end, I think you only rolled a partial success on a previous Streetwise check when dealing with the mask situation, so you were familiar with an apothecary, but not this one — one instead a bit further away in Vozto.
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Post by Namelessjake »

"I guess we'll go pay this Gilo a visit now and find out," Alierin says, voicing her earlier thought. It seems the Shipping Company's only hand in this was not paying Ekel enough to keep him from seeking other ways to earn some coin.
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Post by Scratcherclaw »

"Yeah. Let's hope he can help somehow," Aeron says with a frown as this turns into a wild goose chase of sorts for the information they're after. Looking to Ulungi, he adds, "Feel free to take a look around yourself in the meantime. Maybe you'll find something we missed. You knew Ekel more than us so you'd know what's out of the ordinary for him."

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Post by Fialova »

"Efallai mai tarfu ar y gystadleuaeth bysgota oedd y nod," Sisera muses in Elven towards the others, finding the entire business with the nokve and the powder to be quite odd. To what end? To save the fish? To avoid paying a winner? These people's motivations never cease to confuse me, I could see it simply being a prank.

Elven Translation
"Maybe a disruption of the fishing competition was the goal,"
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Post by ratwizard »

Ulungi gives Sisera a curious look, before turning back to Aeron. "I plan to. Let me know what you find," he says, locking up the shed before leading you back out the way you came.

Following the shipping boss' directions, you make your way back through Movek Point. While the boardwalk is quiet and sparse with people, Fisherman's Wharf is growing busier by the hour. As you pass by, Tiz waves. Her eyebrows are raised in clear concern. She does not approach, though, busy as she is directing the competition setup efforts.

You continue past the wharf, making for the far end of Movek, upriver. Eventually, you reach a series of podunk buildings, only one of which seems to be in active use: Gilo's Goods & Greenery. It is narrow and quite tall for most of the buildings on the boardwalk. The wood roof is in need of repair and the windows — once a weave of dense linen pulled taut into curtains — are fraying and pocked with mildew. Still, it bears an undeniable charm as you enter and find a well-maintained and pleasant-smelling apothecary.

Shelves of merchandise line two walls: reagents, tinctures, raw materials, bandages, the like. Gilo, presumably, sits behind a desk, facing an intricate set of copper alembics. Steam wafts from his work. He itches his bushy beard, sniffling as he does. "Oh," he says in a gravely tone, turning at your entrance. "Sorry. My hearing's not quite what it used to be, I'm afraid. How can I assist you this afternoon, younglings?"
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Post by Scratcherclaw »

Let's hope his memory is sharper than his hearing. Aeron steps closer to the man, wearing a polite smile. "We're looking into something for Gold Harbor Shipping," the elf leads, hoping the familiar name will lead to looser lips. "Did a man named Ekel buy something from you?"
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Post by ratwizard »

The man spins in his chair, facing you upright. He squints, his face tightened in bewilderment. "What? You're... what are you... I am sorry, younglings, but I do not accept solicitors in my store. Nor do I discuss the concerns of other customers."
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Post by Namelessjake »

"Well I guess we'll see what the clan have to say about his death, I'm sure they'll want to investigate. Maybe you'll speak to them?" Alierin says, beginning to get fed up with the wild goose chase they have been sent on. "Or maybe you can just help us instead?"
Intimidate: [1d20+4]=17+4=21
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Post by ratwizard »

Gilo continues to sputter in bewilderment, throwing his hands up in the air. "The clan? A death? What in... what in the Old Orc's name are you even talking about? What do you people want from me?" He snatches a bottle from a shelf, clutching it defensively with tight, knobbly fingers.
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Post by Scratcherclaw »

Aeron lets out a sigh, both at the man's frustrating confusion and Alierin's threat. Guess I can't blame her. I'm sick of this too. He crosses his arms, looking at the aged orc cautiously. "Ekel was in here recently. We have a bill of sale proving it," the elf begins carefully. "He's unfortunately dead now though, and whatever he bought here might have contributed to it. We can share what we know and go on our way. All we want is your help, whatever information you can give."
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Post by ratwizard »

Gilo lowers the bottle slightly, some of the panic draining from his posture. "I don't know who this Ekel is, nor do I care to. I operate within clan law, I will have you know, and I don't need any trouble-makers like you sniffing around and interrupting my operations."

He reaches a hand out, beckoning impatiently. "This bill of sale, let me see it."
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Post by Scratcherclaw »

Aeron shrugs. "We came here at Ulungi's behest, and Tiz Teberi at that," he says, still hoping that other potentially familiar might ease his demeanor. The only one causing trouble is you, Gilo. He hands over the bill of sale, adding, "Not the easiest to read, but what we could led us here."
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Post by ratwizard »

Gilo takes the bill of sale from Aeron's hand, waving you to step back. He squints even more, leaning over the document on his desk as he reads it. "Ah. I can't imagine what they want," he says flatly, his attention clearly on the parchment before him.

"No, no, this is all wrong. You clearly cannot read a bill of sale. Indubitably because this isn't yours to read in the first place... This is the delivery copy," he explains in a condescending tone. "This 'Ekel', as you say, I presume he must have been the fellow simply picking up the order."

"As you are neither the purchaser, nor the recipient, you are therefore not authorized to have obtained this. Do not worry. I will deal with it." Gilo holds the bill of sale into the flame beneath one of his alembics, where it catches immediately.
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Post by FinalTemplar »

Dessarius, now annoyed, approaches the counter. "Quite frankly, Gilo, your insistence that you can wipe your hands clean of this event is of no concern to any of us. We know that you were involved, and your continued attempts to avoid the problem are only going to make this worse for you." He places a hand gently on the counter, not making an aggressive move currently, but his tone shows his impatience. "The orc was found dead and he used ingredients purchased from this store to rile up the population of nokve down by the docks, which has caused a problem for the fisherpeople down there." Dessarius smirks slightly, staring into Gilo's eyes. "I think you know just how damning that bill of sale was, and that's why you burnt it up so quickly. You knew how that would make you look if the authorities were to get their hands on the original copy, and could compare the two." The dark knight says, clenching his fist before he continues; "Tiz Teberi wants to know exactly who started this, and if you won't answer us, another group will come tomorrow. And whoever comes after us may be significantly... less... tame."
Intimidation to try and scare the shopkeep: [1d20+11]=3+11=14
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Post by ratwizard »

"The only thing I am wiping my hands clean of is you!" Gilo whines. "You come into my fine shop to harass me, demanding information I don't understand, and frankly, have no interest in giving to you hooligans. I don't know about your nokve problem, and I don't know about your dead man."

He groans. "And what did I say? That was the delivery copy, and in compromised hands. I would never destroy an original. I will have you know that all original sales documents I prepare are kept with utmost security. Conduct yourself with an ounce of respect by turning around and walking out of my shop, or I will call for the damned clan guard myself."
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Post by BartNL »

He sounds like he knows something.
"How would you know this document was compromised? Why shouldn't we have had it?"
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Post by ratwizard »

Gilo looks at Vaughn incredulously. "Are you lacking all sense, youngling? The document was compromised, because it had been obtained without permission of the purchaser, or the recipient. You are obviously neither, and therefore unauthorized to keep sensitive documents that correspond to my business. Now go. Please. You are interrupting important operations."
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Post by BartNL »

"We have been given permission by the holder of the document. You are not allowed to take and burn our papers. Prove the burnt document was not for our eyes to see, and we will leave. Or is that impossible now, now it's been destroyed?"
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Post by ratwizard »

"One, I have nothing to prove to you, as I have no culpability in whatever crimes you claim to be investigating. Two, you mean to say you had permission from a dead man to have his documents?" Gilo laughs coldly. "Okay, perhaps I hold off on calling the guard, as now you amuse me. Prove such a claim."
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Post by BartNL »

"The document exists whether the original owner is dead or not. Therefore, permissions relating to who can have access are determined by it's new rightful owner. And he gave us permission to hold onto it. It certainly would not give you permission to destroy it."
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Post by ratwizard »

"I have the right to protect my business by destroying any document containing private information related to a customer that has become compromised. Any customer. The rightful owner of the document, as is customary by Clan Groznid law — of which I remind you am in full abidance of — would be an heir. So unless you can bring me written notice of this Ekel's heir, then I am afraid you are mistaken."

He looks at you with a tired impatience. "Are you finished? Will you be leaving now?"
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Post by BartNL »

History check to settle the legal debate: [1d20+14]=5+14=19
Memory of a thousand lifetimes for + [1d6]=2 = 21
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Post by ratwizard »

From your time under Groznid law, you haven't had any personal experience in inheritance laws. However you are quite the learned spirit and know that inheritance is generally decided as the next of kin. However, Kurnish culture and law has long been guided by the spirit of challenging for ownership of terrain, land, or other tangible holdings. For example, any individual in particular can challenge the current Chieftain. This may extend to documents, like the one Gilo burnt.

In this case, there may be an argument to make that because Ulungi was the employer, and the document was left in his shed, he could rightfully challenge the next of kin for legal ownership. Such an act would be relatively uncouth, socially, especially when surrounding the recent death of Ekel. But it is technically possible.

Of course, there is always the possibility of providing written permission from Ekel's family (that Ulungi mentioned), whether obtained legitimately, or... not :^)
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Post by Scratcherclaw »

Sure, call the guard. Let them take their time getting to this sorry hovel. Aeron lets out another hefty sigh, knowing Dess's tone has done them no favors in getting information from this man. "I'm sorry for some of my companions' lack of decorum," he says, gritting his teeth as his own voice wavers from the tension. "We don't mean to imply you are involved in the crime. But the fact of the matter is that someone was poisoning nokve using something purchased from your shop. They've already grown aggressive and pushed from their caves, and it's only a matter of time until people along the wharf get hurt." 

He frowns, hoping to appeal to what little empathy the crotchety man has. "I don't want anyone to get hurt. One life's already been lost, and your customer is unlikely to stop over this."
Diplo: [1d20+13]=1+13=14 oop
Insight on whether he actually knows nothing of the nokve business: [1d20+11]=15+11=26

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Post by ratwizard »

"You may not mean to imply, but he certainly is," Gilo growls, pointing at Dessarius. Then he moves his finger toward Alierin. "And she's not certainly helping your case either. But I accept your apology, as late as it may be."

"In any case, every single good I sell at Gilo's Goods & Greenery is my right to do within Groznid clan law. How somebody may — or may not! — be using such a good purchased from my store is neither my responsibility to patrol, nor my mess to clean up. What interest is it of mine to provide you with sensitive details surrounding my customers? You have clearly shown poor judgment in determining culpability. I suspect you might just blindly accuse them as well."

"Maybe it's legal, but it's certainly bad for business. I doubt the rest of Movek would appreciate his selfish policy, not when one person is dead and others might still be in danger," Cymril murmers in Elvish, her arms crossed. Gilo either doesn't hear her or chooses to ignore her.

You've studied the crotchety man from the start. You sense an air of confusion or possibly ignorance, especially early on when mentioning the nokve. His brow furrows, his eyes focused.

You also have seen that during the attempts to implicate him as part of the conspiracy, he grows tense, almost bestial — angry, possibly, or simply scared. He clenches his jaw, and his eyes grow wide.

Under all of it, you also sense a vein of pride. Through the back and forth, he has continually held what you feel is a sense of righteousness, both in his process and his stance toward your questioning.
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Post by Namelessjake »

Alierin listens as the men argue back and forth. Her ears perk up at the apothecary's mention of having the original document safely stored away. Damn it Gerirl! If we weren't busy helping him tonight I could probably just come break in and get our hands on that document.
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Post by Fialova »

Sisera watches as her companions and the shopkeeper argue, growing more and more annoyed by the situation as accusations fly and tensions flare. Aeron tries to keep the peace, the others only seek to incense the man further. This is going nowhere. Seeing how their attempts at reasoning with the man have failed so far, she decides to take matters into her own hands. Stepping forward, wearing the same sort of menacing glare she has in several prior encounters, she looks down at the man before speaking.

"Man is dead, you sell items that lead to death. We will find cause, with you or no. What will clan think, you, lawful man, hinder truth of murder? No more respect. No more customers. No more good standing. Only stain of man who helped criminals. Help, or suffer this. We make sure all know you let murderer go free. All know Gilo the coward. Gilo the prideful. Gilo the fool."

Intimidate: [1d20+8]=18+8=26
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Post by ratwizard »

At Sisera's approach, Gilo flinches so hard that he falls back in his chair, landing onto and shattering whatever glass vial he had been holding. "You are insane!" he croaks out, his voice cracking and feeble. "Guttersnipes, you lot, with more brawn than brain! What will the clan think, indeed!" He stumbles towards the back of his workspace, where he makes for a rear door of the shop. "Harassment in the first degree, and for Kumara's sake, extortion as well!"
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Post by Scratcherclaw »

"You implied us solicitors, keen to ignore us from the get-go. So we've both forgone respect," Aeron says bluntly, crossing him arms. He listens to Sisera, impressed with her deep cuts into the man regardless of her fluency. He looks down at the sorry man fallen on the floor. "It's as she says though. While your sale may have been legal, the circumstances surrounding it weren't. I'd think it's in your best interest to wipe your hands of this, unless you want it to leave a stain on you and your business. Ekel was a local too, lived here in Movek. His family and friends will remember." He glares at Gilo, growing beyond fed up with this man. Should ask if one of his tonics can deflate that head of his. But his reaction to implying he's involved... Telling. 

He gives a passive aggressive smile. "It wouldn't be blindly accusing your customer anyway. The deceased also had a note from his employer, your customer, instructing him on how to use it. Let's see..." He looks upward in thought. "'Grind crystals into fine powder, it disperses better. Rub the powder on the walls around chest level or higher. Do this each morning for a week, then come and see me,'" he recites from memory.
Obligatory diplo: [1d20+13]=7+13=20
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Post by ratwizard »

Gilo seems to hardly register Aeron's words as he continues scrambling toward the door. He desperately grabs a pair of keys from the wall and a coat, and with a hobbling gait, boots the door open to leave.
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Post by Scratcherclaw »

Aeron lets out a sigh as the aged orc flees with his tail between his legs. "What an asshole," Aeron says with a frown once the orc is out the door, taking a deep breath to relieve some of the tension. "Shouldn't have to worry about the guard though. I doubt the clan cares much about this part of town." He remembers the disheveled buildings nearby, pointing to what sort of neighborhood this is. "May as well take a quick look around. See if we can't find that document ourselves before he gets back. And maybe figure out what those crystals are."
Perception: [1d20+2]=4+2=6 nope

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Post by Namelessjake »

"Fuck it! Let's quickly look around and get the fuck out of here," Alierin agrees after the orc storms out of the shop. Like Aeron, she turns her attention to looking for the place the orc was referring to earlier, where the original bill of sale may be kept.
Perception: [1d20+6]=8+6=14
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Post by Fialova »

Gilo the fool it is, then, Sisera thinks, shaking her head in disgust as the man flees his own place of business. Turning to Aeron and Alierin, she shakes her head, once more returning to her native tongue. "If we search his shop in his absence, that only lends credence to his complaints to the guard about us. We should tell Ulungi of this man and his reaction to our discovery. He must know something he wants to hide, and Ulungi probably holds more respect than we do to pressure him to reveal what he knows." We do not need more trouble with these clan tyrants. We already were made to do their dirty work, last thing we need is them thinking us thugs roughing up an old shopkeeper.
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Post by FinalTemplar »

"I can only imagine they'll think us thugs for any number of reasons... but I wouldn't be much good at finding anything in this place." Dess glances over at Alierin. "Do as you wish, I won't stop you, but I think returning to Ulungi is a good idea." He says a little softer, lowering his voice.
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Post by Scratcherclaw »

Aeron can't help but frown as the nerves and tension of what just occurred struggle to fade away. They just had to keep pushing him. And basically accuse him of murder of all things. He could've helped us if not for that... He shakes his head, feeling wholly defeated. "Yeah, fine," the elf says, grimacing as he glares at Dess. Think us thugs, no thanks to you. "And maybe Ekel's family can get involved too."
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Post by Namelessjake »

"Fine," Alierin relents, as the others decide turning over the apothecary's shop isn't the best course of action. "Well we'd best get out of here then," she adds, not wanting to be around when the shop's owner gets back with the clan in tow.
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Post by BartNL »

Vaughn collects whatever remains of the document they brought, as some sort of evidence. And prepares to head out with the others.
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Post by ratwizard »

There are only fragments of parchment, charred and blackened, that fall away when held. You manage to gather what scraps you can.

Having ran Gilo out from his apothecary shop, the group of you now leave it and head back toward Gold Harbor Shipping. It takes you several minutes to span the boardwalk but you arrive without trouble. Outside, Ulungi is standing outside of the front door, fiddling with a heavy ring of what appear to be keys. He notices you as you approach, waving you over with a solemn look.

"Was just about to lock up. Sent everyone home," the older man says. "Come on inside, we can chat a moment."

He leads you inside the office area, empty and quiet now. "So, any luck at Gilo's?"
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Post by Namelessjake »

"Ha! Not exactly," Alierin laughs. She then falls silent though, leaving the retelling to one of the others
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Post by Scratcherclaw »

"It definitely could've gone better," Aeron says, eyeing his companions who scared Gilo into fleeing. Maybe we'll leave that part out. "Egos and tempers flared a bit, but we can say for sure that Ekel got those crystals from him. Trouble is, Ekel didn't place the order and only picked it up, and Gilo refused to tell us who did."

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Post by ratwizard »

Ulungi listens quietly, nodding. He grunts in acknowledgement. "Gilo's always been a miserable little shit. No surprises with Ekel, though. This whole thing hardly sounds like him, scheming and such. I suppose it makes more sense if he was just a paid hand."

He sighs, looking down at his keys as he twirls them in a slow loop. "So, what's next then?"
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Post by FinalTemplar »

Dessarius spent much of the walk back to the harbor thinking and as Ulungi and Aeron talk, he begins to speak; "Not that I really want to pry into Ekel's personal life, but did you know him very well? Was he acting weirdly over the last few weeks, did he seem to make a new friend?" He asks, hoping Ulungi has something to add.
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Post by ratwizard »

Ulungi scratches his head, pondering the blacksmith's question. "Nothing out of the ordinary, I suppose. For the most part, he handles some of our routine customers. Handled... They'll be saddened to hear of his passing as well."
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Post by Fialova »

"Close to any customers?" Sisera asks, curious to know who might be hiring a young man to do their dirty work. Whoever got him involved got him killed and partially eaten by some little river critters. They sound like a pretty bad person, but maybe it was someone he trusted.
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