Custom Content for XWN Games

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Magical Liopleurodon
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Custom Content for XWN Games

Post by Fialova »

This thread will serve as a place for us to archive all custom content we've created for SWN, WWN, and all future XWN game systems we RP in. Anything listed here will be, unless specified by the DM of the game in question, free for use in future builds for appropriate XWN games, in appropriate settings. 

Custom Rules

Below will be custom overarching rules that we've used for any/all XWN systems for our games, that are generally system and setting independent.
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Magical Liopleurodon
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SWN Content





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Magical Liopleurodon
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Post by Fialova »

WWN Homebrew Content

Brash Assault Style
Your melee attacks distract and disarm, creating opportunities for nearby allies to attack as well. This feat is usable for melee combatants of any type.

Level 1: Gain Stab or Punch as a bonus skill. When you make a melee attack, nominate an ally who is also within melee range of your target as an Instant action. The target suffers Shock as if it had been melee attacked by that ally, assuming it would be susceptible to the ally’s Shock damage. Alternatively, you may gain one System Strain to apply this benefit to allow all allies within melee range to apply their shock damage, rather than just one nominated ally. This alternate option may only be used once per scene. 

Level 2: If you hit the target with a melee attack boosted by level 1 of this Focus, either you or your ally may choose to gain one System Strain and heal 2d6 damage plus the target’s level or hit dice. A given subject can heal only once per scene this way. All players involved in the attack may choose to use this option, even in the case of you allowing each ally in range to apply their shock. You may, at your own discretion, choose to spend System Strain in place of ally to apply the healing to that ally.

Dual-Wielding Specialist
Level 1: Gain Stab as a bonus skill. Two one-handed weapons can be carried Readied without costing Encumbrance. While dual-wielding, your AC increases by +1. Once per scene, you can use the Dual Feint action.
Level 2: Ignore the hit penalty to dual-wielding. By pushing yourself, you can use Dual Feint more than once per scene; each use after the first adds one System Strain.

Dual Feint: Confuse your enemy with multiple feints before striking. As an Instant action, when you miss, make another attack roll with either weapon at +2 to hit.
Thrown Weapon Specialist
The attack and damage bonuses of this Focus do not stack with Armsmaster or other similar skill-adding Foci, nor do its benefits apply to thrown weapons being used as melee weapons.
Level 1: Gain Stab or Exert as a bonus skill. You can hurl Stowed thrown weapons as if they were Readied. You can add your Stab or Exert skill level to the weapon's damage roll, but not to any Shock. Your thrown weapons do not take a hit penalty for long range and the first Snap Attack you make with them during a combat does not take the -4 hit penalty.
Level 2: You take no hit penalty for using thrown weapons in melee range. You never run out of normal throwing knives unless intentionally disarmed or fighting for an unreasonably long period. You may add a total number of weapon mods among your throwing weapons equal to your Stab or Exert skill; each mod can't require a Fix skill higher than your Stab or Exert skill. These mods cost no silver or special components and you can maintain them for free, but it takes a day to add or change a mod choice.
Unique Gift - Approachable
You are a soothing presence to commoners and the lower classes of society. When interacting with common folk and those even lower than them in society, roll 3d6 and take the best two results for all convince, connect, and trade checks. Allies in your immediate presence also gain a +1 bonus to such checks, as their status as your ally puts commoners slightly more at ease with them than they would be otherwise.
Unique Gift - Cavalry Charger
You are an expert in mounted combat, with experience above and beyond lesser mounted soldiers. Gain ride as a bonus skill. While mounted, you can use the Heavy Spear one-handed as a couched lance, but may only wield a heavy or light shield in the other hand when doing so. Lances and Heavy Spears readied while mounted count as 0 encumbrance. In combat, as a main action, you can perform a mounted charge. To do so, you must move up to your mount's speed in a straight line, ending adjacent to the target. Make a melee attack against that target, with both the hit and damage rolls of this attack taking a +2 bonus. The first use of this charge per scene is free, additional uses in the same scene each add 1 System Strain.
Unique Gift - Troubled Bookkeeper
You've spent much time working to stretch resources in times of scarcity and crisis, and the stress it has caused has granted you a keen eye for organization on a large scale. Gain Administer as a bonus skill. When rolling to gather or manage resources for a large group (such as an army, ship, or territory under your control), roll 3d6 and take the best two results for all Lead and Administer checks. Your skill at administration allows you to pay hirelings of all types 10% less than market value without any need to haggle.
Unique Gift - Accursed Arms Master
This focus may only be taken by those who have either full or partial Accursed as their class, and who have the Accursed Blade art. Gain two new arts to be used as Accursed arts:

Pact Weapon: You may commit effort indefinitely to bind one mundane or magical weapon magically to you. While bound, this weapon cannot be disarmed and can be manifested or banished as an on-turn action the same as your accursed blade. The weapon calculates hit and damage rolls the same was your Accursed Blade, using your Magic skill instead of any combat skills. While bound, you may still use any traits or benefits associated with the weapon (such as masterwork benefits, customizations, and magical enchantments).

Only one weapon may be bound to you at a time in this manner. When not in combat, you can end this magical connection at any time, allowing you to regain your point of effort, freeing up the ability to bind another weapon to you at any time afterwards. Unaltered mundane weapons crumble to dust when their connection to you ends, causing you to lose them forever. Masterwork, customized, and magical weapons return to your inventory unharmed when the connection ends.

Elemental Sparks: This art functions the same way it does for elementalists, but it may not be used to solve issues on its own, even once per session as the original version allows.
Unique Gift - Aura of Fear
You have a menacing aura about you, one that has a tendency to make those who don't know you feel uneasy. When making a Convince check to scare or intimidate someone, roll 3d6 and take the best two results.

In combat, when you hit an opponent with a ranged or melee attack, you may make an on-turn action to force the target of that attack to make a Morale check. This ability can be used for free once per scene, with each subsequent use adding 1 point of System Strain. While usable multiple times per scene, this ability may not target the same opponent more than once in that scene.
Unique Gift - Forceful Swings
You are more highly skilled with long weapons than most, able to wield them more deftly and forcefully than a common user. When wielding a weapon with the Long trait, make attacks against prone targets with a +2 bonus, as if you were adjacent to them, at any distance within your weapon's reach.

When you hit with a melee attack against a target while wielding a weapon with the Long trait, you may choose to deal only your shock damage to the target and attempt to shove the target instead. Make a Str/Stab check opposed to the target's Str/Exert, forcing the target back up to 10 feet, or knocking it prone, on success. This ability may be used once per scene for free, with additional uses incurring 1 point of System Strain.
Unique Gift - Gleiosian Astromancy
You are trained in reading the constellations of the Gleiosian pantheon's gods, and they have deemed you worthy of their aid. At the start of each day, you are granted one blessing tied to one of the five gods of the pantheon. These blessings cycle in order, though on a given day you may choose to incur 1 point of System Strain to choose any of the blessings other than the one that would typically occur. If you change blessings in this manner, the cycle continues as usual from the one chosen for that day. The cycle goes as follows:

The Creator's Boon -> The Artist's Inspiration -> The Old Man's Guidance -> The Wind Lord's Endurance -> The Harbinger's Blessing

This focus may only be taken by characters with the mage or partial mage class.

The Creator's Boon: Krymos instill you with his skill and passion for creation, allowing your works and repairs to excel. When you make a skill check to craft, repair, or upgrade an item, roll 3d6 and take the best 2 results when determining success. You may use this ability once per day per action type (repair, craft, etc).

The Artist's Inspiration: Your art and performance is imbued with the grace of Hyrmina, allowing you to inspire those around you. Once per day, you may make a performance check before a crowd, with a DC determined by the crowd's size. On success, all who witness the performance gain +2 to their morale for the remainder of the day, and will view you in a more positive light until they fail a morale check.

The Old Man's Guidance: Pharon imbues you with his keen senses and mastery of the seas, allowing you to navigate unhindered. For the duration of the day, you know exactly where you are at sea and how far the nearest port is, should you maintain your current heading. When your ship rolls for an event, roll a d20 instead of the typical d10 or d12. A 1 still causes a typical event to occur, while a 20 sees a positive event come your way instead.

The Wind Lord's Endurance: The fury of Maleos is typically all-encompassing, but he has offered you and those close to you temporary repreieve. When dealing with the dangers of storms or turbulent waters, you, your crew, and your ship gain +2 to any checks to resist damage or injury. Additionally, all crew on your ship consume half rations for the day with no penalties.

The Harbinger's Blessing: Ianessa has decided that today is not your day to join her, and has offered you a boon to help ensure you live to see another day. Until the day ends, you gain +2 to your AC and +1 to saving throws (except Luck). These bonuses can stack with other like bonuses, but this may not cause your AC to exceed 18.

Unique Gift - Seasoned Officer
Having earned your rank through years of hard labor aboard sailing vessels, you relate to your crew and they to you, inspiring them to fight harder and recover quicker during a crisis. Gain lead as a bonus skill. When you are an officer on a ship, all NPC crew members contribute an extra 0.25 to Crew Strength. In addition gain +2 to any skill checks when dealing with a crisis that involves the ship's crew, such as Crew Panicked, Crew Trapped or Crew Lost.
Unique Gift - Benevolent Artisan
Your humility and friendliness lowers the guard of fellow artisans and tradesfolk. When interacting with members of a similar trade, roll 3d6 and take the best two results for all Convince, Connect, and Trade checks. Allies in your immediate presence also gain a +1 bonus to such checks, as their status as your ally puts tradesfolk slightly more at ease with them than they would be otherwise.
Unique Gift - Whakaruru's Chosen
Your god grants you some amount of dominion over the sea and its creatures in return for your devotion and prayer. Gain Pray as a bonus skill. You gain the ability to bind sea creatures to your will, summon them from great distances with a simple whistle, and command them to complete minor tasks for you (such as delivering a one-sentence message, locating specific people or resources, etc. If unsure if the command would work, ask the GM first.) These tasks might require a pray check from you to influence the rate of success, and the time it takes your servant to complete their task will depend on the complexity of said task and the distance they must travel to do so.

You can control 1 servant in this way at 1st level, gaining a second at 4th level, a third at 7th level, and a fourth at 10th level. Each servant may be issued one command per day, assuming they are not already working on a previously-assigned task. When not being commanded to perform an action for you, they will go about their lives as normal, though aiming to stay close enough to you and whatever ship you are on that they can be available next time you call. Those sent on far-off missions will have an inherent sense of where to find you if you leave your initial position, so that you need not stay in one place until they return from their task.
Unique Gift - Adept Sailor
Your years at sea have made you better at most things related to sea travel than your average sailor. You do not suffer any movement penalties while swimming, and can breathe longer underwater before suffocating. The number of turns you can do so would equal your con score +5 (instead of just your con score). You can more more easily spot incoming dangers and land, gaining a +2 to any notice checks related to spotting distant things while on a ship. If on the crow's next, raise this bonus to +3, but only once per day. Once per scene, you may make a fighting withdrawal as an on-turn action instead of a main action. 


WWN Weapon Chart (Vanilla & Ganoltir Homebrew) - Sheet1 (2)-1.png


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Magical Liopleurodon
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CWN Content (someday)





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