Ravnica: Guildpact — OOC

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Omae Wa Mou Shindeiru
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Ravnica: Guildpact — OOC

Post by FinalTemplar »

Ravnica; the city of guilds. Such a massive and beautifully terrifying testament to society.
Ravnica is largely controlled by several factions known as the Guilds, numbering ten, though only nine hold any political power over the city itself. To be a member of a guild is to have a place in the world - and to be without is to not exist. Membership is truly everything, and finding the place that will benefit you and yours is of utmost importance.

A time of uncertainty is upon Ravnica, however. For many long years, a magical tome known as the Guildpact has kept an uneasy peace between the guilds, but after an open attempt at a coup, the guildpact has been shattered. War has begun to rage across the streets of Ravnica, and many are being caught in the crossfire. The guilds, each seeing a chance to take control, are looking to claim the top rung - but some amongst them know that if they don’t remake the guildpact, it may be the end of Ravnica as all know it.

Teysa Karlov, representative of the Council of Orzhov has called for a meeting amongst the guilds on the Transguild Promenade, neutral ground. Whether or not you enjoy the chaos, it is affecting business, and that doesn't help with anyone's personal goal of taking over the city of Ravnica.

 Welcome to Ravnica, the City of Guilds. The year is 10,000 zc, exactly one month after what should have been the decamillenial celebration of the Guildpact's signing. During this campaign you will be an envoy of one of the guilds, taking on tasks to further your guild’s position in the city. Below I will be posting some major concepts that I think are important to understanding Ravnica as a setting, but as your characters will all be adults who have spent their entire lives in the city (whether your character came from a guildless family and was the first to join a guild, or you’ve spent your entire life in a guild-aligned family) there will be many additional topics your characters will know more about than you might. At any time, feel free to ask, some things may not need a roll.

Ravnica is a setting rife with political intrigue and strife, and as such there won’t be a *ton* of combat, though what does happen will be fairly important in scope. For my player’s consideration, I intend for each player to be from a different Guild, acting as representatives of their chosen faction. How long you’ve been with your faction is up to you, and may play into how devout (or not) you are to them. Inter-player conflict will be a factor, though PVP will *not* be allowed. The Guildpact is a magically binding contract held by people much higher than you, and inter-guild combat is highly illegal in-universe. Your Guild will drop you without a second thought if it thinks your presence is harmful to the guild, and your words mean very little as a member of the Guildless.

System: Worlds Without Number
Level: 1st
Stats: Standard as per WWN (if rolling, link rolls)
Unseen Servant Code: 1055
Races: Any official, but you will reflavor into one of: (Goblin), (Human), (Minotaur), (Vedalken), (Loxodon), (Elf), (Centaur), (Simic Hybrid)
Classes: Any Heroic Class
Starting equipment: Use default character creation rules (take a preload of equipment as per rules or use the rules for rolling for starting silver)
Standard Languages: Common (All)
Uncommon Languages: Abyssal, Celestial, Draconic, Elvish, Giant, Goblin, Loxodon, Merfolk, Minotaur, Sphinx, Sylvan, Vedalken (You get the language of your chosen race for free)

The Guildpact
While few who live remember the first Paruns to sign the guildpact, all know of its existence, and the now-lack of it.
The Guildpact is an ancient magical tome that contains the laws and rules of the guilds, and each of the ten is magically bound by their Parun's signature. The text of the Guildpact spelled out specific roles for each guild within the infrastructure of Ravnica, allowing the city to grow while the guilds coexisted in relative peace. But the true power of the Guildpact was the strength of its magically binding force, which prevented large-scale violence among the guilds.
The guildpact was signed ten thousand years ago, which marked year 1 of the new calendar, "Zal Concordant" (1 ZC).
Currency - Zibs and Zinos
There used to be a convoluted explanation here, however, the basic explanation is as follows: Copper coins become Zibs, and Silver coins are Zinos. Most people, especially amongst the guilded, trade in zinos, but zibs exist and are still legal tender. There is rumor of larger denominations of coins after zinos, but those are incredibly rare.
Zibs and Zinos will be 1:1 with WWN copper and silver for purchases.
Renown - Guild Standing
Within each guild, you’ll have a numerical rank (and corresponding in-game title) that posits your mechanical standing within the guild. You will be able to use your renown to call upon favors from your guild, with higher renown earning more favor from the guild.
Guild Membership
Styles of Membership - Joining a Guild
There are four base concepts to consider when you’re considering your character’s membership within a guild. Variations exist, but these exist to give you a springboard to consider your character’s ideologies and desires.

Loyalists join a guild because they firmly believe in the guild’s ideals and want to advance its goals. Their membership in the guild is a badge of identity for them. They’re typically of the races and classes most strongly associated with the guild, and their personality traits and ideals fall in line with the chosen guild.

Opportunists join a guild based on what they can gain from becoming members. Every guild offers its members something - whether concrete benefits such as opportunities for wealth or more subtle, intangible rewards such as social status - and getting that something is the primary motivation for this type of player.

Rebels love the guilds they’re in but don’t conform to guild expectations. They might be good-hearted idealists trying to bend a shady guild toward nobler pursuits, or they might be selfish egotists hoping to direct the guild’s actions toward promoting their interests.

Anomalies are individuals who join guilds contrary to all expectations. Their race or class (or both) is outside the norm for their guild, but their personalities and ideals fall perfectly in line; that’s why they joined.

Changing Faces - It is possible to change guilds after finalizing your character, though doing so is not something to be done lightly. A guild is at the core of one’s self, whether you blindly devote yourself to one, or are in one for other reasons. Leaving one guild to join another will have a semi-variable difficulty based on how long you’ve been a member of your current guild, and is usually a one-time ticket - Your original guild will not lightly take you back under most circumstances.
Guilds of Ravnica
Spoilered below are details on each of the ten guilds. Each guild comes with a small section that "suggests" a class, and race - These are not mandatory, and mostly just a guideline for what a "true" member of that guild would present as. Additionally, you will get a free focus at level 1 representing your connection to your guild. This "guild foci" will be custom-made, I will work with you individually to figure out an effect that ties your backstory and personality to your guild's themes.
Azorius Senate
“The maze-like design embodies the core of Azorius law- a strict structure designed to test wills and stall change.” Bringing order from chaos - that is the mission of the Azorius Senate. Without the extensive legal code crafted and enforced by the Azorius, society would crumble, transforming Ravnica into a field of rubble where the Gruul and the Rakdos do whatever they please. The Azorius carry this weighty responsibility with stoic pride, and they perform their work of legislation, investigation, and enforcement with steely determination.
Suggested Races: Human, Vedalken
Suggested Classes: Bard, Cleric, Fighter, Paladin, Wizard
Goals: The Azorius Senate’s ultimate goal is the perfection of society. They want to protect the people of Ravnica and foster a community of peace and harmony. A society’s values, they contend, are reflected in the laws it creates. Something is good if it is lawful. To the Azorius, the highest virtue is a society built on stability and order, and the guild’s elaborate system of laws is structured to prevent wrongdoing first and foremost, even at the expense of certain liberties.
Common themes: Laws. Order. Bureaucracy. Members of the Azorius Senate feature the colors white and blue frequently on their outfits. Azorius armor is nearly always inlaid with gems and magical runes, with heavy capes and collars featured on many of their outfits. Many members of the Azorius Senate wear robes, but some wear more formal-looking armor.
Boros Legion
“Have you ever held a Boros signet? There’s a weight to it that belies its size - a weight of strength and pride.” Clad in shining armor and fueled by righteous zeal, the soldiers of the Boros Legion take up steel against the corruption and lawlessness that gnaw at the soul of Ravnica. Combining the force of law with the military strength to back it up, the Boros work to forge Ravnica into a just society, a safe and healthy community for all. From garrisons throughout the sprawling city, disciplined, stalwart soldiers are dispatched to stand firm against Gruul raids, Dimir infiltration, Golgari corruption, and the subtle influence of more nefarious foes.
Suggested Races: Human, Goblin, Minotaur
Suggested Classes: Cleric, Fighter, Paladin, Ranger, Wizard
Goals: Wherever criminals exploit others, petty tyrants make grabs for power, or violence erupts and leaves devastation in its wake, Boros soldiers are there fighting to make things right. The Boros Legion is defined by the tension between its goal of establishing order and harmony and the fiery zeal that drives many of its members. The guild stands for peace and justice, which can be established only through the rule of law. Its moral stance is fundamentally good, as it strives to protect the innocent and powerless from oppression and exploitation. At the same time, members of the legion are passionate about their pursuit of justice, spurred by their righteous warth into action against evil and injustice.
Common themes: Military. Order. Justice. Members of the Boros Legion often wear heavy armor featuring their guild symbol prominently. When heavy armor isn’t needed, Boros guildmembers can often be seen wearing white robes with red accents, still often featuring the symbol of Boros proudly.
House Dimir
“Secrets are a currency that few can afford to hold.” House Dimir is Ravnica’s dark secret: behind a facade of respectable messengers and reporters lurks an association of spies and assassins whose existence is barely suspected by the populace at large. Secrecy is both House Dimir’s best weapon and its best defense, and much of the guild’s work is hidden even from other members. Dimir agents leave no trace of their covert activities, warping the memories of witnesses to remove any evidence of their completed assignments.
Suggested Races: Half-elf, Human
Suggested Classes: Monk, Rogue, Wizard
Goals: House Dimir is all about secrets and misinformation, even where its members are concerned. Any given Dimir agent knows no more than a handful of alleyway contacts and dossier drop spots. One agent knows another only by a code name or receives communications only at a particular meeting spot at a specific place and time. To House Dimir, knowledge is power. The guild hungers to learn everything it doesn’t already know, especially the weaknesses of its adversaries, and to exploit those weaknesses for its gain. Conversely, the house holds its secrets tightly, because it doesn’t want its enemies to turn the tables. The Dimir lurk in the shadows, methodically gathering the knowledge they need to remake Ravnica to their advantage.
Common Themes: Stealth. Efficiency. Discretion. As a member of House Dimir, you will never wear a physical symbol that connects you to your guild - Too obvious. Instead, your guild connections are more spiritual - Most Dimir outfits feature a motif of symmetrical threes. Dimir outfits are also always ready for danger, featuring many adjustable belts that double as makeshift tourniquets when needed - What’s the good of making people forget you were there if you leave your blood dripping everywhere?
Golgari Swarm
“Let the rest of Ravnica sneer. One way or another they all end up in the Undercity.” The teeming masses that compose the Golgari Swarm see themselves as pragmatic above all else, uncowed by the simple fact that death is part of the cycle of life. They believe the idea of life and death as opposing forces to be nothing more than naive sentimentality. They know everything crumbles and rots in the end, and then new life springs from that rot. Time inevitably passes, bringing both destruction and new creation to all things.
Suggested Races: Human, Elf (dark)
Suggested Classes: Druid, Fighter, Ranger, Rogue, Wizard
Goals: The Golgari Swarm celebrates the growth and vibrancy of the natural world, but gives equal attention to nature’s facets of destruction, decay, and death. It finds allies and agents in the form of fungi, oozes, insects, diseases, and other unsavory aspects of nature, and it uses the power of nature actively toward the goal of advancing its place in the world. But the Golgari have also learned patience from nature: they are content to work from the shadows, harnessing the energy that comes from decay while the civilization of Ravnica slowly erodes and destroys itself. The Golgari prepare for the upheaval of civilization.
Common Themes: Recycling. Nature. Death. Golgari armor features what appear to be carapaces of large insects that have grown over with moss and fungi. Their weapons often feature fungal elements to them as well, with the weapons themselves taking odd and exotic shapes. Additionally, the plated elements of their armor often feature insect plates made from giant insects, and small bones wrapped with scavenged fabric or leather scraps. Golgari outfits feature the colors green and black prominently.
Gruul Clans
“Return to nature. Society is the end of life. Burn it all down." The Gruul Clans are a wild people in a civilized land, a loose affiliation of bands that squat on the fringes of Ravnican society. They shun the centers of civilization, which they see as a source of oppression and weakness, and instead haunt Ravnica’s alleyways, abandoned zones, and ruins. They want to see the edifice of civilization torn down so the world can revert to the pure wilderness that thrived before the city grew to cover everything. Then the true order of nature can be restored - an unbridled and brutal state in which only the strong survive and the strongest rule. The Gruul are the most out of place in the city, and many laws have been passed by the Azorius to try and bar them from public places. As such, the Gruul often sends raiding parties into the city to steal supplies and wreak havoc.
Suggested Races: Human, Centaur, Goblin, Minotaur
Suggested Classes: Barbarian, Cleric, Druid, Fighter, Ranger
Goals: So far as any philosophy can be said to underlie the Gruul way of life, it is about living in the now, with little concern for forethought, planning, or speculation. Impulse drives the actions of the Gruul Clans. They want to live their lives unimpeded, and they lash out when something tries to stand in their way. Emotion and impulsiveness drive them as they seek to do what they want, take what they want, and smash what they want.
Common Themes: Emotion. Nature. Impulse. Members of the Gruul Clans are notable for a very punk, tribal appearance, often including scavenged animal bones and parts to craft their armor, but also frequently pick up scrap pieces of armor and weapons from other guilds. Tattoos and piercings that have personal meaning are very common and are often integral for identifying members of specific clans. Common Gruul colors feature greens and reds prominently.
Izzet League
"The only action worth taking is one with an unknown outcome.” The Izzet are obsessive experimenters, combining a keen creative intellect with a short attention span. The original mandate of the Izzet guild was to provide solutions for public works projects (sewers, boilers, and roadways), but their increasingly far-fetched experiments satisfy only their insatiable curiosity. Sometimes their experiments yield useful technological advancements; other times they produce unintended mana geysers, spacial rifts, arcane portals, or huge explosions - all of which can be useful in their own way.
Suggested Races: Human, Goblin, Vedalken
Suggested Classes: Fighter, Sorcerer, Wizard
Goals: The Izzet League thirsts for knowledge, cherishes intellect and speculates about the secrets of the multiverse. It brings to its scientific pursuits a flaming passion that turns its search for knowledge into an insatiable hunger, makes its cold intellect brilliantly fruitful, and widens its speculation into a search for connections between wildly disparate objects or concepts. It is manic in its expressions of creative energy, shifting from careful analysis to intuitive leap seemingly for no reason, always thinking outside the proverbial box.
Common Themes: Intelligence. Experimentation. Fire. Members of the Izzet League are driven by unpredictability and experimentation above all and are constantly after new ideas to chase down their technological experiments. Frequently, Izzet guildmembers will gather together to work on new ideas. Some of your downtime may include forced involvement in a community project with your fellow Izzet Scientists, but oftentimes such group projects are for matters of extreme societal importance. Izzet League outfits feature the colors red and blue prominently.
Orzhov Syndicate
“Wealth is power, and you absolutely *can* take it with you if you’re an undying spirit living in decadent luxury on the ruling council of the Orzhov Syndicate.” Built on the crushed dreams and broken bodies of citizens deeply indebted to the syndicate’s banks and loan sharks, Orzhov’s elaborate hierarchy of syndics, priests, and oligarchs exists for the single purpose of funneling wealth to the top. Beneath the twin facades of religious hierarchy and banking operation, Orzhov is an organized crime syndicate with its fingers in businesses across the city.
Suggested Races: Human
Suggested Classes: Cleric, Fighter, Rogue, Wizard
Goals: The Orzhov Syndicate is dedicated to the quest for power. It sees the value in an organized, structured, law-abiding community because it is adept at exploiting laws and structures for its own gain. It sees itself, in a perfect world, as the arbiter and enforcer of a social order that keeps everyone in their place and the Orzhov in the highest place. To boost their profits in a vacillating economy, the Orzhov has begun offering protection services, promising to shield their “customers” from both physical harm and fiscal disaster. These operations amount to racketeering, bringing with them the underlying threat that those who refuse to pay for protection become targets of Orzhov’s thugs and enforcers.
Common themes: Corrupt Religion, financial overlords, undeath. As a member of the Orzhov Syndicate, you are well aware of their use of the undead as both servants and leaders. Even in undeath, you may serve the Syndicate well, and your eternal servitude will be compensated. Members of the Syndicate run the gamut from wealthy oligarchs to penniless citizens deeply indebted to the guild. As a member of the Orzhov guild, you are a member of an undead mafia, and that’s not a secret. Orzhov Guild members feature the colors white and black prominently in their outfits.
Cult of Rakdos
“Rakdos festivals almost leave enough rubble in their wake to hide the bodies.” Tomorrow is an illusion everything is ridiculous. Members of the Cult of Rakdos have witnessed the grandiose speeches and self-important plans of other guilds and concluded that their rivals take themselves far too seriously. Since death comes for everyone, and since order tends inevitably toward chaos, the Rakdos believe that unrestrained, moment-to-moment hedonism is the only sane way to live. Of course, few other Ravnicans would describe the Rakdos as sane.
Suggested Races: Human, goblin
Suggested Classes: Barbarian, Bard, Fighter, Warlock
Goals: The Cult of Rakdos is centered on a demon lord who exemplifies the concepts of chaos and evil. At its worst, the cult is driven by a lust for power, extreme selfishness, and a lack of compassion. Cultists take delight in causing pain to others to make sure they know their place, which is subservient to the powerful adherents of this self-centered philosophy. The cult’s chaotic nature fuels its passion, impulsiveness, and obsession with freedom. A guild of unbridled hedonism, it does what it wants, driven by base desires and a strong streak of cruelty.
Common themes: Carnivals, entertainers, dramatics. Common uniforms for the Rakdos follow a theme more than a specific dress code, with all of their outfits being inspired by carnival attire, and favoring a red and black color scheme. As a member of the Cult of Rakdos, you likely have a type of performance you specialize in and may sometimes do so for fun - Though, often, Rakdos Performances are a front for mayhem and chaos as always.
Selesnya Conclave
“The clamor of the city drowns all voices. But together we can sing a harmony that will resonate from Ravnica’s tallest spires to her deepest wells.” Like a thriving garden, carefully tended and abundantly fertile, the communities of the Selesnya Conclave are a harmonious union of nature and civilization. The members of the conclave dream of embracing all of Ravnica in their peaceful union. In the meantime, they are growing an army, preparing to resist the ambition and destructive impulses of the other guilds and fight to defend their way of life.
Suggested Races: Human, Centaur, Elf (wood), Half-Elf, Loxodon
Suggested Classes: Bard, Cleric, Druid, Fighter, Monk, Paladin, Ranger, Warlock
Goals: Despite the growing tensions that now grip the world, in the long view of the Selesnya Conclave, not much has changed. Ravnica is troubled, but Ravnica has always been troubled. The Guildpact has vanished, but the Guildpact comes and goes. The Worldsoul has not changed, nor has the will of Mat’Selesnya; the conclave’s main goal is to grow, as it has always been. Its strength lies in its numbers. Selesnya strives always for peace and harmony, but at all times is ready to strike out at anything that threatens its harmony.
Common Themes: Harmony. Nature. Peace. Members of the Selesnya conclave strive to be at one with themselves and nature, with all of their architecture, armor, weapons, and clothing revolving around that fact. Selesnya strives to always be at one with nature. They are very similar to Wood Elves in most fantasy settings. Their most frequent colors are green and white.
Simic Combine
“Of course it will grow beyond control- it was designed to choose its own evolution.” The secrets of life are revealed in the laboratories of the Simic, and their research notes plumb and catalog nature’s wonders. Their original mission was to oversee issues of public health, but the Simic came to believe that complete health - of individuals and society as a whole- depends on the mutual adaptation of nature and civilization to one another. Thus, biological experimentation has always been among its primary concerns.
Suggested Races: Human, Elf (High), Simic hybrid, Vedalken
Suggested Classes: Druid, Fighter, Monk, Wizard
Goals: Two philosophical principles, in tension with each other, combine to give the Simic Combine its unique approach to science and nature. In traditional Simic thought, these principles are called the Holdfast and the Upwelling.
The Holdfast principle, named for the biological mechanism that keeps kelp and sponges anchored to the sea floor, advises members of the simic combine never to stray so far from nature that they become “adrift”.
The Upwelling principle, named for the phenomenon of nutrient-rich water rising to the ocean surface, advocates that the new and enlivened should replace the old and depleted in an unending cycle, bringing constant refreshment and renewal.
Common Themes: Perfect. Evolve. Combine. Members of the Simic Combine often wear loose cloth robes that allow for freedom of movement. Additionally, with the Simic’s close relationship to the oceans of Ravnica, their primary colors (green and blue) often feature on their clothes and mix into more of an aqua.
Last edited by FinalTemplar on Mon Feb 19, 2024 11:49 am, edited 6 times in total.
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Omae Wa Mou Shindeiru
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Post by FinalTemplar »

(DIO post1)
Tenative Start Date: April 21st 2024.
Tentative Character Finish Date: April 14th 2024.

Giving 2 months as this is a new setting and I want to give everyone some breathing room to workshop characters and ideas for a party (as well as to give myself time to settle my life into where it needs to be to run a game. Tentatively may move this back to May, but I should have a better idea by the first week of April.)
Last edited by FinalTemplar on Fri Feb 16, 2024 2:55 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Omae Wa Mou Shindeiru
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Post by FinalTemplar »

(DIO post2 gotta type more because site is angy with me posting so fast)
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Omae Wa Mou Shindeiru
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Post by FinalTemplar »

(dio post3 mystery mystery mystery drama drama drama)
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Omae Wa Mou Shindeiru
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Post by FinalTemplar »

(dio post 4 just in case its needed hopefully i only need 4)
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Post by Chanchabruhh »

Howdy it’s boros gang
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Post by BartNL »

Sup my dudes - Azorius Senate -

Swap 7 dex for 14
Background: Performer
Growth table: [1d6]=4[1d6]=2
+2 Mental, +4 Physical

14, 18, 12, 9, 11, 15

Gold: [3d6]=8 = 80 gold
buy: War Robe 50, Large Shield 10, Crossbow 10, Short spear 0.5, writing kit 0.3, backpack 0.2, Arrowsx20 0.2,
Foci warrior:Valiant Defender (stab)
Foci expert: Polymath (perform)
Foci any: Authority (lead)
Foci guild:
Bonus skill (stab)

Last edited by BartNL on Fri Feb 16, 2024 8:13 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by ratwizard »

Introducing Commandant Ludok Ghullos, the Orzhovian Officer

Build Generation

Take 14 to Charisma

Background: Noble (Lead-0)
Growth: Growth: [1d6]=5 (Connect-0)

Learning: [1d8]=8 (Ride-0)

Learning: [1d8]=8 (Ride-1) ._.

Class: Full Necromancer / Partial Warrior

Heroic Warrior's Fray

Foci picks:

Free: Armored Magic
Warrior: Whirlwind Assault
Heroic Adventurer: Henchkeeper
Guild: ???

Background Skill: Administer


Level 1 HP: [1d6+15]=5+15=20

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Post by Fialova »

Vel'imiz 'Vel' Klar, the Ambitious Aspiring Bloodwitch of Rakdos

True Appearance
aspiring blood mage in x troupe of cult of rakdos. cunning, sadistic, ambitious, a bit crazy
Character Sheet
Vel'imiz 'Vel' Klar, level 1
Demon Heroic Adventurer (Full High Mage, Partial Warrior)
Background: Performer
Background Effects
Gain Perform-0
Growth: [1d6]=2 = +2 Mental, raising Wis to 12
Growth: [1d6]=6 = gain any skill, choosing Convince-0
Growth: [1d6]=4 = +2 Physical, raising Con to 18 and Str to 15

Class Features
Heroic Adventurer
* Gain all benefits of Full Mage (High Mage) and Partial Warrior
* Roll hit points and determine hit bonus as Partial Warrior (best of the two)
* One additional free focus at level 1, in addition to ones provided by class choices
* Gain Heroic Warrior's Fray
* add 12 to each HP roll, after the results are calculated
* always have initiative over foes unless ambushed or otherwise taken by surprise
* gain Heroic Determination once per scene

Full Mage (High Mage)
* Gain High Mage tradition
* Gain Magic-0
* Cannot wear bulky clothing, armor, or shields while casting
* gain 4 High Mage spells at creation, and 2 new High Mage spells each level up
* have effort equal to 1 + magic level + best of Cha/Int modifier
* gain 2 High Mage arts at creation, and 1 new High Mage art at each even level

Partial Warrior
* Gain a free combat focus at level 1, in addition to the normal choice of any focus
* begin with +1 hit bonus, which increases at various intervals
* roll hp at 1d6+2 (+con) per level

Str 15 (+1), Dex 11 (+0), Con 18 (+2), Int 9 (+0), Wis 12 (+0), Cha 8 (+0)

Str 7, Dex 11, Con 17, Int 9, Wis 10, Cha 8
use free 14 on STR

HP: 17/17 AC: 16
Physical: 14 Evasion: 15 Mental: 15 Luck: 15
Base Attack Bonus: +1


Unarmed Combatant-1
Impervious Defense-1
Shocking Assault-1

The Coruscating Coffin - Level 1
Ineluctable Shackles of Volition - Level 1
The Wind of the Final Repose - Level 1
Decree of Ligneous Dissolution - Level 1

ARTS (Effort: 1/1)
Retain Sorcery
Counter Magic


READIED (Capacity: 5/7)
♦ Performer's Implements | Enc. 3
♦ Performer's Attire (common) | Enc. 1 (0 when worn)
♦ Waterskin (1 gallon of blood) | Enc. 1
♦ Dagger | Enc. 1

STOWED (Capacity: 0/15)
♦ 10 Ritual Candles | Enc. *

[3d6]=13 x 10 = 130 Starting Silver
130 (starting silver)
-100 (performer's implements)
-25 (clothes, common [performance attire])
-1 (waterskin, one gallon)
-1 (candle x10)
-3 (dagger)
Total: 0 silver
Combat Block Format
Name in Character Color

Gender Human Class 1
Languages: Mandate

Speed: X meters


Attack Bonuses:
Weapon: Attack Roll, Damage Roll
Unarmed: Attack Roll, Damage Roll

Ammunition Loaded:
Weapon: X/X

Active Effects: none

Important Features:
Feature: Description
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Post by KupoTheMagus »

Introducing: Voheron Ivanov, starting Blitzback for the Rubblebelt Riptides!


Character Sheet
Ability Scores - Str 14 (+1), Dex 11, Con 14 (+1), Int 12, Wis 12, Cha 11
Hit Points: 20/20

Background: Laborer
Free Skill: Work
Class: Heroic Adventurer (Full Warrior / Part Expert)
Class Abilities: Quick Learner, Killing Blow, Veteran's Luck, Heroic Warrior's Fray, Heroic Resilience, Heroic Reflexes, Heroic Determination
Skills from Rolls: Exert
Chosen Skill: Stab

Foci: Polymath (Lead) (Expert), Specialist (Exert) (Level 1), Armsmaster (Warrior), Impervious Defense, Thread the Needle (Guild Foci)

BAB: +1

Melee Atk: +3
Ranged Atk: +1

Warhammer (Tetsubo) +3, 1d8+1 [1/AC 18]

AC: 16

Phys: 14
Eva: 15
Men: 15
Lck: 15

Skills: Work-0, Exert-1 (3d6), Stab-1, Lead-0

Zinos: 72

Other Gear: Backpack, Rations, Waterskin, Clothes

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Last edited by KupoTheMagus on Sun Feb 18, 2024 11:22 pm, edited 6 times in total.
Something's getting in the way
Something's just about to break
I will try to find my place
in the Diary of Jane

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Post by Scratcherclaw »

NAME, the Decaying Devotee of the Golgari Swarm

Char Gen
[3d6]=11 [3d6]=15 [3d6]=11 [3d6]=12 [3d6]=8 [3d6]=9

Take 14 in Wisdom

Background: Barbarian, Survive-0
Growth: [1d6]=1, +1 to (to decide)
Learning: [1d8]=1, Punch-0
Learning: [1d8]=5, Notice-0

Additional skill: Sneak

Free: Impervious Defense
Heroic Adventurer: Poisoner
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idk, that's pretty grey
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Post by greysigil »

Claiming a spot
Looking at Izzet or Simic, but still open to change
Active Characters
Atropos - #4f8596
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Post by benderfan »

Introducing Sliqvax, the Eccentric Doctor (colour = #1abc9c)


Character Sheet

Tinkerer Goblin Heroic Adventurer (Full Expert/Partial Healer Mage)

Background: Physician

STR: 7 (-1)
DEX: 12 (+0)
CON: 13 (+0)
INT: 14 (+2)
WIS: 14 (+0)
CHA: 8 (+0)

HP: 16/16

AC: 11

Physical: 15
Evasion: 13
Mental: 15
Luck: 15

Special Origin (Tinkerer Goblin)-1
Gifted Chiurgeon-1

Expert's Fray
Masterful Expertise
Quick Learner
Heroic Resilience
Heroic Reflexes
Heroic Determination

ARTS (Effort: 3/3)
Healing Touch
Far Healer

Heal-1 (3d6)

Money: 23 sp


READOED (Capacity: 3/3)
- Backpack | Enc. 1 (0 when worn)
- Small Bow | Enc. 1
- Arrows x20 | Enc. 1
- War Shirt | Enc. 0
- Healer's Pouch | Enc. 1

STOWED (Capacity: 7/7)
- Staff | Enc. 1
- Lantern | Enc. 1
- Tinder box | Enc. 1
- Pint flask of oil x2 | Enc. 1
- Waterskin | Enc. 1
- Dagger | Enc. 1
- Writing kit & 20 sheets of paper | Enc. 1

- Dagger | Enc. 1
- Rations, 1 week | Enc. 4

[3d6]=7 STR; [3d6]=10 DEX; [3d6]=13 CON; [3d6]=11 INT; [3d6]=14 WIS; [3d6]=8 CHA

Replacing INT with 14

Physician Background, Heal-0

[1d6]=2 Growth = +2 Physical (DEX)
[1d8]=3 Learning = Craft
[1d8]=3 Learning = Craft

[1d6+12]=4+12=16 HP

Didn't roll for money, took the "Scholar, Healer, or Mage" equipment package and used some of the leftover money for stuff
80 sp starting money
-20 sp for Small Bow
-2 sp for Arrows x20
-5 sp for Warshirt
-30 sp for Roberto the Mule
Last edited by benderfan on Fri Feb 23, 2024 1:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Chanchabruhh »

Active Pcs
Kairon Lergaros, The Shaded Jester
Eldrin Stormblade, Tempest-born Avenger
Kaze Mori the Gunpowder Titan 
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