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Post by KupoTheMagus »

"Thanks for the supplies." Gladia rummages through a few crates before grabbing a sachel of standard gear and slinging it over her shoulder.

Gladia takes an adventurer's kit and a grappling hook. This totals to 19g.
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in the Diary of Jane

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Post by BartNL »

"Thank you." Hadrurus says while helping himself to some of the heavier stuff.
Tent 10gp
Javelinx4 20gp
Oil (10 pints) 1gp
Sack (2) 1gp (to keep the oil in)
Pitons (20) 1gp
Dagger Boots 2gp
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Post by Scratcherclaw »

"Safe journeys and eagle's swiftness to all of you," Alerio says to his longtime companions who are being sent on their own missions. "Til we meet next, over libations and success I should hope." After his goodbyes, the Talon spends time familiarizing himself with the city as well as meditating on the sounds of the wind. Guide me and grant me your strength and succor on the path ahead, Great Eagle.

Waking early the following morn, he enjoys a rare leisurely moment before duty calls. Once gathered, he scans through the supplies and picks up that which he needs.
Bedroll (1sp)
Waterskin (1gp)
Tent (10gp)
Footpads (5gp)
Flint & Steel (1gp)
Belt Pouch (1gp)
Hempen Rope (1gp)
Torch (4) (4sp)

30.50gp remaining​​​​​​​

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Post by FinalTemplar »

Velasco arrives with the last vestiges of sleep still dulling his senses. He watches as the others take their pick from the supplies before diving in himself. "I think that's... everything, for me." He says sheepishly, filling his backpack with the new travel supplies.

One horn (7g), one pair of "Candle Clocks" (1g), ten-days worth Trail Rations (5g), a tent (10g), and a Lantern (7g). Total = 30gp? so 20gp left over that wasn't spent. I was thinking about buying mundane armor, but chose not to.
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Post by Chanchabruhh »

"Thanks for the supplies." Pohaku looks around quickly and grabs a few things

Pohaku takes an Mess kit, a backpack. This totals to 7g.
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Post by Fialova »


Josie will grab a hunter's kit. She will also spend some of her money getting a grappling hook, a torch, and a waterskin.
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Post by ratwizard »

Yzgo clamps the lids back on the few crates and waves the driver on. The cart is turned around, and leaves through the gates. Once you are alone again in the courtyard he turns back to you.

"Now then," Yzgo says, peering at Hadrurus and Josie in particular. "Details." He hands over a piece of thick linen, upon which is detailed a small, hand-drawn map showing the coast to your west.

"The sea-fort is halfway between Vyridis and Chevalle, built at the very tip of this cape here. Our historian told us the Imardanians built it some hundreds of years ago, before their Borstid expansion ground to a halt. It was decommissioned and left to a local group, but for the past few decades it's mostly been empty, other than the occasional bandit or squatter."

"The Powder Kegs set up shop a few years back, no doubt making some modifications. While their two ships and the crew to support them are marooned out on the Isle, you're still going to have to deal with a skeleton crew on site. Based on what our scouts saw from their patrols, we're guessing they've only got six, maybe ten men stationed there — guarding a haul of sea slaves. They could have over a dozen souls they're preparing to ship out, likely to Shivan."

"Remember, most of these fellows came from the Navy. And those that didn't are going to be just as hardened and evil of bastards. They'll come well-equipped, maybe less so since their mutinies or discharges lost them access to resupply. We're talking pistols and long-guns, jack of plate... maybe even a cannon or two if their name holds true. At the end of the day this is an armed and fully functional fortress, so use whatever advantage you can find. Play it smart. Use their arrogance and tools against them."

The massive elf sighs. "Again, I hold deep regret I cannot join your fight this time. Olatya's got more on my plate than this mission. Do any of you have any questions?"
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Post by Fialova »

"What do we know of the people they have shackled in there? Do we know if they are capable fighters, or commoners? If we can find a way into the fortress unseen, we might be able to free them and seek their assistance in overthrowing their captors," Josie responds, finding it difficult to think of a plan for a head-on assault.

"Stealth would seem most efficient for us, we do not have the tools or expertise to assault an armed fortress directly. We need to find a way in without being noticed, regardless of whether the slaves we are freeing will be able to help us in the fight to come."
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Post by Namelessjake »

"I can get in there," Samiira says in reply to Josie. "Stealth is my speciality."

"Taking out the skeleton crew and freeing those held there should be done," she says now turning to Yzgo. "But I don't see how that deals with the Powder Kegs. Surely once the storm has passed, the rest will return to the fort and start up their evil trade once again, just with fewer members. Is there a way to deal with them more permanently?" She asks.
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Post by ratwizard »

"We know little," Yzgo says to Josie. "Most of their raiding is done at sea, and with these typhoons a-brew, there are several merchant vessels that have been reported as missing or delayed. It would be impossible to know who among those were captured. Though we do know of one caravan, closer to Yjolvich, that never arrived this month. If these navy rejects were to blame, they should still be holding over a dozen commonfolk. I expect that any capable fighters would have been killed during the initial skirmish."

He turns to Samiira. "Aye, their leadership will return — that much cannot be prevented unless you control the seas themselves. I would turn your question to yourself, however. This sea-fort is stone and brick, and without the benefit of Durduumi black-powder or some cruel and divine art, I shouldn't expect you to do much to sink it into the sea. But as a few of us learned in the Ring, if all else fails, try setting a fire." His hardened face softens as he smirks. "But remember, your task is not to take the Powder Kegs off the map, yet a grievous blow in this manner can set them back months, if not longer. And that buys us time to aim for the head. Cause what damage you can to their operations, free those enslaved, and survive. Those are your orders."
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Post by Scratcherclaw »

Alerio nods as he listens intently to his orders for the mission to come, intent on succeeding both for first impressions and to save those chained by the pirates. "The storms may cover our approach as well," the Talon says with a nod as they discuss strategy. "And without their leader present, that crew may yet be riding out the storm within with flagons of ale."

He gives another firm nod to Yzgo, adding, "Our task will be done."
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Post by KupoTheMagus »

"Just taking care of some bandits? No questions from me, seems simple enough."
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Post by Fialova »

"I can scout for weak positions in their defenses once we arrive," Josie responds, nodding to Yzgo and Samiira as a plan begins to be formulated. "They shouldn't think too much of my presence, especially not with the wind and rain making their watch shifts less bearable. Once I find a promising way in, Samiira can infiltrate and make way for the rest of us."
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Post by Namelessjake »

"Hopefully they live up to their name and have stores of powder on site. That way maybe we can render the fort useless." Samiira says as Yzgo tries to allay her concerns. "Either way, we will do what needs to be done," she adds, still resolute to complete their assigned mission even if it doesn't achieve as much as she would like.

The serranborn nods along at Josie's plan. "That works for me - and if there aren't any easy ways in, there's always ways to get by the front door," she adds. If we can lure one away from the fort, I should be able to walk right back inside as them, she thinks.
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Post by Chanchabruhh »

Pohaku Smirks and nods
"lets hurt some bad people just give me the signal"
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Post by FinalTemplar »

Velasco shifts the weight of his pack, trying not to hurt himself. He gave a soft groan at the sound of civilians being involved, but tried to keep it to himself. "Alright, so we get in there with as little fighting as possible, try to free the civilians, and see if there's a way to disrupt their operation. Sounds like a solid plan to me, right?" He says weakly, stepping forward using his walking stick for support.
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Post by BartNL »

"Seems we have all the skills we will need covered. Thank you Yzgo." Hadrurus says with a smile on his face.
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Post by ratwizard »

Yzgo gives the group of you a resolute nod. "A lot is riding on your success," he says. "I expect to see all of you next week, yes?"

With a wave goodbye, the massive elf disappears back inside the warehouse, and you leave through the atrium's gates back onto the road. Following the rolling farmland northward, you wind alongside the river — soon approaching a large set of gates built into the cliffside that overlook the waters. A trio of guards eye you as you pass. One nods to you and you continue on your way.

Together, you cross the river upon a rugged, stone bridge. Its wide, twin arches beneath you have been built to allow the passage of boats coming or going to the bay. From this height, you can easily see downriver into the sea itself, where myriad ships are stationed along Vyridis' expansive docks. The skies beyond are turbid and thick; whitecaps crash and batter even the larger vessels anchored in the small bay. You can see rain showers further out at sea. The clouds even further at the horizon glow and pulse with the occasional forked tongue of lightning.

The road north of Vyridis snakes gently along the broken coast, always keeping within a stone's throw of the cliffs on the right, flanked by the thick woods of chestnut, birch, and maple. After a few hours, the rains catch up with you and drench you for the better part of the afternoon. Thankfully, they move on before too long. The road itself is fortunately sturdy: packed gravel and grit that so far seem to hold up despite the storm's attempts to dislodge their shape.

You make good distance today. Camp is set at the forest's edge, behind a thin copse that makes for suitable cover from the elements. Night passes with little of note.

Day 26

The morning is a dreary one, with rain pelting down even before dawn. You break camp quickly, thanks to your small footprint and no pack animals, and you continue on your way.

Around what must be noon you are climbing a slow incline, when under your feet comes a belly-lurching thrumming. Up ahead, beyond the crest of the hill, you hear a massive rumble and the unmistakable crashing of rock and dirt and earth. And then, you hear them — the screams that follow.
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Post by Namelessjake »

More than used to being out on the road for lengthy times, Samiira is unbothered by the rain as it lashes down on the group, however she is glad that this area's roads are substantial enough to avoid becoming muddy quagmires which would hamper their progress.

As they set camp for the night, she considers bringing up her abilities with Josie and Hadrurus, but she decides to wait for now. A little more trust between them might go a long way in how it is received, she thinks.

The next day, she is again unfazed by the weather. She walks quietly but with determination, keen to keep pace despite the weather.
While the weather is what is making this possible, if it gets too bad it could waylay us too and render our task impossible.

The serranborn halts as they hear the landslide up ahead, followed by the screams. "Landslide," she says, starting forward again at a quicker pace. "We should see if someone needs help," she adds. Hopefully not, we can't afford we delay too much.
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Post by BartNL »

Hadrurus scrapes his throat. "Yes we should help, but not before we check this is not an ambush." It is how I set traps once... Those slavers in the desert, saddlebags jingling with blood cursed gold. Could their skulls still be overlooking the dunes?
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Post by Scratcherclaw »

And so does our brief respite end as the road beckons us once more. Alerio gives one look back before they step out of town, savoring familiar civilization before they trek once more into the wilds.

He stares skyward as the next morning greets them with a steady rainfall, expected from the intel the group received but still somewhat a novelty to the desert-born man. He spends the morning enjoying the quiet peace of it as they walk, though it is swiftly interrupted by the rumble and shrieks echoing from ahead. Gods preserve them. He nods to his companions. "A risky ploy if it is indeed an ambush. Let us not delay too long though."
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Post by KupoTheMagus »

"Quit mucking around! Who cares if it's an ambush; if someone needs our help, we don't have time to stand here!"

Gladia draws her bastard sword and shield, making her way forward.
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Post by Chanchabruhh »

"Be prepared for anything," he cautioned, his voice firm yet composed. Reacting swiftly, he readied his halberd, moving purposefully behind Gladia, his focused demeanor revealing his readiness to tackle any challenge that lay ahead.
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Post by ratwizard »

Following Samiira and Gladia's lead, you make haste for the hilltop. The screams grow louder and disparate at your approach, until you can hear them individually — both terrorized wails and shouts of command bleed together. Cresting the hilltop, you find the road ends abruptly. A house-sized swath of earth has been torn from right before you, sliding down the jagged cliff-line and into the raging sea with every second.

The source of the screams is immediately apparent: a large caravan has been taken by the landslide. Five long, wooden wagons roofed with colorful rugs slowly sink further down the slope, their inhabitants with it. A quick glance to the waters below and you notice the broken forms of two more wagons already dashed against the rocks and surf.

There is a thick panic in the air as some of the more able-bodied caravanners disembark, trying to use the ropes adorning the wagons to slow their descent. With little to tie onto amidst the cascading earth however, they find no luck. The rest of the folk hold on tight as they stay inside the wagons, their faces pale with shock.

Alerio, Josie
You recognize the travelers as an Almohorongi caravan. The Almohorongi are a traditionalist group of human people stemming from the southern Imardanian region. A cultural and religious minority that predate the Serran conquests in Imardin, their people came under vehement persecution by the Church of the Goddess as its presence and reach grew across the Eras. While most of their religious history is oral and generally not shared with outsiders, you do know that their belief system lies in the strong sense of a soul, its reincarnation, and the permanent desire for free-spirited living. Their worship revolves around community celebration, often with feasts, music, and dancing.

A mostly nomadic people, they tend to form supply and trade lines along the Borstid coast — the Imardanian colonists of the area being somewhat lax in their xenophobia due to the lucrative opportunities for trade and news from the nomads. The Almohorongi have been known to take refuge within pockets of other sovereignties where both acceptance and employment can be found, including Tulrisse, Forelle, and Serranak.

The Almohorongi are generally quite tolerant of outsider cultures, though are fiercely protective of their own cultural rites, religious prayer, and Almohorongi language.
Everyone Except Alerio, Josie
Feel free to make a free History or Religion check if you want to see if you recognize the caravanners. On a success of 16 or higher, you can read the above box.

Go: Everyone!

Skill Challenge Rules
The caravan is in danger of slipping into the seas. Work together to save as many folk and their wagons as possible!

Each round, every player will perform one helpful action and explain what they are doing to aid the wagon train. A player may not use the same full action two consecutive rounds in a row. If your roll targets a specific cart, designate which one, 1 - 5. Please also note in your post if you are claiming a situational bonus granted by your current terrain position.

As a free action, you may attempt to descend to a specific position before your full action. You can do this by rolling either Acrobatics or Athletics [Climb]. On a success, you descend and can then take your full action. On a failure, you must make an immediate saving throw. On a success you cannot descend, but can still take your full action. On a failure you are moved to the Sea position but can still take your full action. Ascending to any position requires a full action instead of a free action.

At the end of the round, the wagons will make a saving throw. On a failure, they sink one level further. Beware of further complications!

Terrain Positions
Each PC, cart, and NPC occupies one of five terrain positions. PCs begin the encounter at the Path position. You can attempt to descend with an Acrobatics check, though not without risk.

Path - Safely on the path, away from the landslide. (-2 to Athletics [Tug], Endurance, Perception)
Edge - At the edge of the cliff. (+0 to Athletics [Tug], Endurance, Perception)
Slope - Feet planted within the broken cliffside soil and stone, partway down. (+2 to Athletics [Tug], Endurance, Perception)
Surf - At the edge of the breakers. (+5 to Athletics [Tug], Endurance, Perception)
Sea - Actively drowning in the sea. Ending two rounds while drowning will down a PC or kill an NPC. Ending a third will kill a PC.

Skill Checks
(Not exclusive, ping me for other possibilities)

Acrobatics or Athletics [Climb] - Descend to any position below your current one. Note that at deeper positions, you will gain successive bonuses to Athletics [Tug], Endurance, Perception. Failing this check causes slippage, prompting an immediate Saving throw, upon fail you are moved into the Sea.
Athletics [Tug] - Pull a single cart. On success, cart ascends one level. On crit, ascends 2 levels.
Athletics [Rescue] - (Requires Surf position) Rescue drowning people from Sea level, 1d4 people on success. Saved people require saving throw, if fail, then incapacitated
Athletics [Escape] - (Requires Sea position) Attempt to claw your way back to a station of your choice.
Perception - Spot any drowning folk or PCs in the Sea position. Also improves Sight Tier by 1 level, improving your situational knowledge.
Heal - Attempt to resuscitate incapacitated people who have been rescued, 1d4 people on success.
Thievery - Tie knots in rope and rig up a single cart. Grants a +2 stacking bonus to Athletics [Tug] and Endurance checks for one chosen cart. You must be within one position to the cart.
Nature - Assess, predict, and mitigate further slides or complications. Grants a stacking +2 to slip saving throws for one chosen cart.
Diplomacy - Direct team and folk efforts on the rescue. Grants a stacking +2 to slip saving throws for one chosen cart.
Arcana - TBD depending on PC. Example usage might be using heat or cold magic to bake or freeze treacherous ground, granting a stacking +2 to slip saving throws for one chosen cart.
Endurance - Put your back into holding onto the rope. Grants a stacking +2 to slip saving throws for one chosen cart.

Saving the Carts
Use Thievery to add a stacking bonus to Athletics [Tug] or Endurance checks.
Use Athletics [Tug] to pull the carts up.
Use Endurance, Nature, Diplomacy, or Arcana(?) checks to help prevent the carts from falling further.
Once carts reach Path position, they are safe unless they slip further from complications.

Saving the Fallen People
Use Perception to spot people in the Sea position.
Use Athletics [Rescue] to pull folk or PCs from Sea position to Path position. There is a significant chance folk will require resuscitation.
Use Heal to resuscitate downed folk from the Path position.
If you yourself are drowning in the Sea position, use Athletics [Escape].
Sight Tier: 0 / ?
7 Wagons
5 Remain
2 Destroyed

?? people dead or drowning

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Post by Namelessjake »

Samiira's eyes go wide as she sees the sight before them of the wagons perilously close to falling into the sea. Her initial instinct is to rush in to help, especially with families cowering in the wagons, however she fights it and forces herself to take a moment to observe the situation, looking to see where her help is most needed.
History: 13

Perception: 11-2 from Path = 9
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Post by FinalTemplar »

Velasco groans, wishing that they could just move past... but he follows quickly behind the others. Slick with rain, V approaches the caravan. Upon seeing the precarious situation, Velasco jumps into action, attempting to help whoever he can. "Okay, everybody stay calm! Move as little as possible- Pōhaku, grab that cart and dig your feet in, try and pull it back - Gladia, get in position to try and help lift people back up onto solid ground. Josie-" He glances over at her, hesitating, "You know what you do best." He nods, giving her a soft smile before looking back toward the caravan, trying to figure out what the next best move is.
History to find out if...: [1d20+1]=1+1=2 oof
Skill check: Diplomacy to try and coordinate efforts: [1d20+11]=17+11=28 Helping Cart 2
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Post by Scratcherclaw »

"Almohorongi," Alerio says to his companions, gritting his teeth as he sees the grisly scene. "Repressed Imardanians of Serran descent. We must help them, quickly." They have suffered enough. He dashes in to help, grabbing hold of one of the ropes to keep a cart from plunging into the sea.
Endurance on Cart 1: [1d20+10]=19+10=29 -2 = 27
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Post by BartNL »

Hadrurus rushes in, and roars as he attempts to hoist one of the wagons back up the cliff "YAARGH!"

Athletics [Tug] to pull up cart 3 [1d20+10]=12+10=22 (remove -2 penalty for not using heavy shield, cancelling out the -2 for being on the path)
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Post by KupoTheMagus »

Gladia peers her head over the cliff, spotting hands and fabrics to point out to the more able-bodied companions.

perception check
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Post by Fialova »

"Yes, they do not deserve this fate," Josie says, frowning as she spots the suffering people below. This land never ceases its cruelty towards those who've already suffered enough. She peers over the edge, hoping to spot people that can be saved.

Perception: [1d20+12]=1+12=13 -2 for path = 11

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Post by Chanchabruhh »

Pōhaku grips the thick rope tightly, his muscles tensing as he braces against the unstable ground. With a swift but controlled motion, he channels his strength into a powerful tug, attempting to anchor the wagon and halt its descent. The strain is evident on his face, but his determination remains steadfast as he fights against the force of the landslide.
Athletics Check:[1d20+9]=7+9=16
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Post by ratwizard »

Skill Challenge — Round 2!

The Unfettered agents spur to action, splitting their attention across the raging seas and cliffside. Hadrurus and Pōhaku pull one of the wagons safely up the ridge. Several of the Almohorongi clamor out of it — a mother and three children. With Velasco's help they are ushered to safety on solid ground. Meanwhile, Alerio bears down on another of the wagons, keeping it steady.

Samiira, Josie, and Gladia survey the waters below. The latter spots a terrible sight amongst the wreckage of the two wagons: a few bodies are limp and blue, tossed to and fro by the waves against the ragged shoreline. A handful more are thrashing about, crying for aid and air as they battle the waters.

Amidst the fray, one wagon's wheels loosen from its temporary rut in the unstable earth. It continues sliding down as the travelers inside scream in terror.
OOC - Important Update on Mechanics!
I have changed the way that moving terrain positions works.

Each turn as a free action, you may attempt to descend to a specific position before you take your main action. You can do this by rolling either Acrobatics or Athletics [Climb]. On a success, you descend to a desired position and can then take your main action. On a failure, you must make an immediate saving throw. On a success you stay where you are, but can still take your main action. On a failure you are moved to the Sea position, but can still take your main action.

Attempting to ascending to any position requires a main action instead of a free action.
Skill Challenge Rules
The caravan is in danger of slipping into the seas. Work together to save as many folk and their wagons as possible!

Each round, every player will perform one helpful action and explain what they are doing to aid the wagon train. A player may not use the same full action two consecutive rounds in a row. If your roll targets a specific cart, designate which one, 1 - 5. Please also note in your post if you are claiming a situational bonus granted by your current terrain position.

As a free action, you may attempt to descend to a specific position before your full action. You can do this by rolling either Acrobatics or Athletics [Climb]. On a success, you descend and can then take your full action. On a failure, you must make an immediate saving throw. On a success you cannot descend, but can still take your full action. On a failure you are moved to the Sea position but can still take your full action. Ascending to any position requires a full action instead of a free action.

At the end of the round, the wagons will make a saving throw. On a failure, they sink one level further. Beware of further complications!

Terrain Positions
Each PC, cart, and NPC occupies one of five terrain positions. PCs begin the encounter at the Path position. You can attempt to descend with an Acrobatics check, though not without risk.

Path - Safely on the path, away from the landslide. (-2 to Athletics [Tug], Endurance, Perception)
Edge - At the edge of the cliff. (+0 to Athletics [Tug], Endurance, Perception)
Slope - Feet planted within the broken cliffside soil and stone, partway down. (+2 to Athletics [Tug], Endurance, Perception)
Surf - At the edge of the breakers. (+5 to Athletics [Tug], Endurance, Perception)
Sea - Actively drowning in the sea. Ending two rounds while drowning will down a PC or kill an NPC. Ending a third will kill a PC.

Skill Checks
(Not exclusive, ping me for other possibilities)

Acrobatics or Athletics [Climb] - Descend to any position below your current one. Note that at deeper positions, you will gain successive bonuses to Athletics [Tug], Endurance, Perception. Failing this check causes slippage, prompting an immediate Saving throw, upon fail you are moved into the Sea position.
Athletics [Tug] - Pull a single cart. On success, cart ascends one level. On crit, ascends 2 levels.
Athletics [Rescue] - (Requires Surf position) Rescue drowning people from Sea level, 1d4 people on success. Saved people require saving throw, if fail, then incapacitated
Athletics [Escape] - (Requires Sea position) Attempt to claw your way back to a station of your choice.
Perception - Spot any drowning folk or PCs in the Sea position. Also improves Sight Tier by 1 level, improving your situational knowledge.
Heal - Attempt to resuscitate incapacitated people who have been rescued, 1d4 people on success.
Thievery - Tie knots in rope and rig up a single cart. Grants a +2 stacking bonus to Athletics [Tug] and Endurance checks for one chosen cart. You must be within one position to the cart.
Nature - Assess, predict, and mitigate further slides or complications. Grants a stacking +2 to slip saving throws for one chosen cart.
Diplomacy - Direct team and folk efforts on the rescue. Grants a stacking +2 to slip saving throws for one chosen cart.
Arcana - TBD depending on PC. Example usage might be using heat or cold magic to bake or freeze treacherous ground, granting a stacking +2 to slip saving throws for one chosen cart.
Endurance - Put your back into holding onto the rope. Grants a stacking +2 to slip saving throws for one chosen cart.

Saving the Carts
Use Thievery to add a stacking bonus to Athletics [Tug] or Endurance checks.
Use Athletics [Tug] to pull the carts up.
Use Endurance, Nature, Diplomacy, or Arcana(?) checks to help prevent the carts from falling further.
Once carts reach Path position, they are safe unless they slip further from complications.

Saving the Fallen People
Use Perception to spot people in the Sea position.
Use Athletics [Rescue] to pull folk or PCs from Sea position to Path position. There is a significant chance folk will require resuscitation.
Use Heal to resuscitate downed folk from the Path position.
If you yourself are drowning in the Sea position, use Athletics [Escape].

Samiira: Perception - Failure.
Velasco: Diplomacy - Success on Cart 2.
Alerio: Endurance - Success on Cart 1.
Hadrurus: Athletics [Tug] - Success on Cart 3.
Gladia: Perception - Success, Sight Tier 1 achieved. 4 dead, 5 drowning.
Josie: Perception - Failure.
haku: Athletics [Tug] - Success on Cart 3.

End of Round
Cart 1 - Succeeds slip save.
Cart 2 - Succeeds slip save.
Cart 3 - No slip save, safely on Path position.
Cart 4 - Fails slip save, descends to Surf position.
Cart 5 - Succeeds slip save.
Sight Tier: 1 / ?
7 Wagons
4 In Peril
1 Safe
2 Destroyed

4 people dead, 5 people drowning.

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Post by Namelessjake »

Seeing one of the carts fall closer to the sea, Samiira slides down the slope towards it, nearly slipping on the way but managing just to keep her footing.

She grabs the ropes and helps tie them together to make it easier to for the others to pull it up to safety.

Descend to Slope. Acrobatics = 13


Cart 4 tie ropes. Thievery = 18

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Post by BartNL »

"ALRIGHT, THAT'S ONE!" Hadrurus yells. As the frightened Almohorongi crawl out of their cart, the former gladiator grabs his climbing gear, and moves down to rescue the people in the sea.
As Hadrurus fishes out people with his grappling hook, he shouts to the people above: "GET THEM BACK ON THEIR FEET!"

Athletics to climb down to Surf using climbing kit +2, dagger boots +2, not using heavy shield remove -2,
Saving throw: [1d20]=13 (don't think I need it anyway)
Atheletics [rescue] [1d20+10]=14+10=24
[1d4]=4 for persons saved.

Last edited by BartNL on Tue Jan 16, 2024 3:43 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by ratwizard »

Hadrurus hauls up 4 drowners, 4 succeed their saving throws and are safely at Path position now.

4 people dead, 4 people safe, 1 person drowning.
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Post by Fialova »

Josie attempts to make her way to the breakers below, but loses her footing and tumbles into water.

Athletics to descend to the surf level: [1d20+6]=5+6=11 = fail
Saving throw: [1d20]=3 = fail, fall to sea level 
Athletics to escape the sea: [1d20+6]=6+6=12 = fail
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Post by Scratcherclaw »

Alerio focuses his attention on the terrain, trying to make sense of one of the cart's risk points to keep it from sliding into the sea. Gods preserve us and save these people's livelihood.
Nature on Cart 5: [1d20+6]=5+6=11 -2 = 9

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Post by Chanchabruhh »

his keen senses catch Josie's struggle in the water, he multitasks efficiently.
"Hold tight!" he calls before swiftly turning his attention to the water below. With a controlled movement, he repositions himself, ready to extend a helping hand to Josie as she fights against the waves. The urgency in his actions demonstrates a balance between aiding those trapped and ensuring the safety of his fellow companion.
Athletics Climb- [1d20+9]=6+9=15
Athletics Rescue-[1d20+9]=4+9=13
People saved [1d4]=4

To Josie: "I've got your back. Take a moment to catch your breath," he says, his gaze reflecting concern for her well-being.

To the Almohorongi: "Gather your strength. We need to ensure everyone's accounted for. Any injuries?" Pōhaku's voice carries assurance, his attention now on the well-being of those he just rescued.

Pōhaku surveys the scene, noting the precarious position of the remaining wagons. "We've bought some time, but we need to secure the others.
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Post by FinalTemplar »

Velasco desperately tried to stay calm, moving toward the edge to look out to see survivors. 
Looking for survivors, Perception: [1d20+5]=12+5=17
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Post by KupoTheMagus »

Gladia shifts down, attempting to get a better view of the sea.

[1d20+9]=11+9=20 acrobatics to scale the cliff-face

[1d20+7]=18+7=25 25 to spot people

Something's getting in the way
Something's just about to break
I will try to find my place
in the Diary of Jane

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Post by ratwizard »

Skill Challenge — Round 3!

With little difficulty, Hadrurus hauls up four of the Almohorongi as he barks out his orders to the others. Alerio finds a moment to assess the state of the terrain, but to his eyes, simply everything looks unstable.

A cry goes out from some of the people as Josie plunges into the warm and raging sea. Pōhaku slides his way down to the brink, bringing her and the last of the caravanners back up to dry safety.

Samiira and Gladia jump from rock to rock down the cliffside, the former tying off fresh knots while the latter puts her back into pulling. They gain several paces, but after a long push, the cart begins to drag back in.

All of a sudden, another great stirring comes from the very ground beneath you. A large swathe of the cliffside sloughs off, violently coming apart as it tumbles down a slick torrent of rainwater. The wave of wet earth crashes through the carts and Unfettered. While Gladia holds fast to cart, the wheels finally give out as the cart is torn from her grasp. Dashing against the rocks beneath, the cart splits in two with a mighty crack — throwing several of the travelers into the waves.

From his perch above, Velasco begins to count the survivors...

Samiira: Descends to Slope, Thievery on Cart 4 = success.
Hadrurus: Descends to Surf, Athletics [Rescue] = success. 4 saved, who pass their saving throw and are healthy.
Josie: Descends to Surf = failure, fails saving throw and descends to Sea, Athletics [Escape] = fail.
Alerio: Nature on Cart 5 = failure.
Pōhaku: Descends to Surf, Athletics [Rescue] = success. Josie and 1 person saved, who passes their saving throw and is healthy.
Velasco: Perception = success, gaining Sight Tier 2.
Gladia: Descends to Surf, Athletics [Tug] on Cart 4 = success. Cart 4 is pulled to Slope position.

End of Round
Cart 1 - Succeeds slip save.
Cart 2 - Succeeds slip save.
Cart 3 - No slip save, safely on Path position.
Cart 4 - Fails slip save, descends to Surf position.
Cart 5 - Fails slip save, descends to Surf position.

Aftershock: All carts or characters not on Path must make an immediate Slip saving throw.

Cart 1: Fails slip save, descends to Surf position.
Cart 2: Succeeds slip save.
Cart 3: No slip save, safely on Path position.
Cart 4: Fails slip save, descends to Sea position and is destroyed. 7 people fall out and are now drowning. Unknown units of supplies fall out.
Cart 5: Succeeds slip save.
Gladia: Succeeds slip save.
Samiira: Roll a saving throw. On a failure, you are moved to the Sea position.
Roll a saving throw. On a failure, you are moved to the Sea position.
Sight Tier: 2 / 3
Unlocked: # of people in water, carts, or saved.
Unlocked: +1 bonus to Athletics [Rescue]

7 Wagons
3 In Peril
1 Safe
3 Destroyed

4 people dead, 9 people saved, 7 people drowning. Unknown units of supplies in the water.

Skill Challenge Rules
The caravan is in danger of slipping into the seas. Work together to save as many folk and their wagons as possible!

Each round, every player will perform one helpful action and explain what they are doing to aid the wagon train. A player may not use the same full action two consecutive rounds in a row. If your roll targets a specific cart, designate which one, 1 - 5. Please also note in your post if you are claiming a situational bonus granted by your current terrain position.

As a free action, you may attempt to descend to a specific position before your full action. You can do this by rolling either Acrobatics or Athletics [Climb]. On a success, you descend and can then take your full action. On a failure, you must make an immediate saving throw. On a success you cannot descend, but can still take your full action. On a failure you are moved to the Sea position but can still take your full action. Ascending to any position requires a full action instead of a free action.

At the end of the round, the wagons will make a saving throw. On a failure, they sink one level further. Beware of further complications!

Terrain Positions
Each PC, cart, and NPC occupies one of five terrain positions. PCs begin the encounter at the Path position. You can attempt to descend with an Acrobatics check, though not without risk.

Path - Safely on the path, away from the landslide. (-2 to Athletics [Tug], Endurance, Perception)
Edge - At the edge of the cliff. (+0 to Athletics [Tug], Endurance, Perception)
Slope - Feet planted within the broken cliffside soil and stone, partway down. (+2 to Athletics [Tug], Endurance, Perception)
Surf - At the edge of the breakers. (+5 to Athletics [Tug], Endurance, Perception)
Sea - Actively drowning in the sea. Ending two rounds while drowning will down a PC or kill an NPC. Ending a third will kill a PC.

Skill Checks
(Not exclusive, ping me for other possibilities)

Acrobatics or Athletics [Climb] - Descend to any position below your current one. Note that at deeper positions, you will gain successive bonuses to Athletics [Tug], Endurance, Perception. Failing this check causes slippage, prompting an immediate Saving throw, upon fail you are moved into the Sea position.
Athletics [Tug] - Pull a single cart. On success, cart ascends one level. On crit, ascends 2 levels.
Athletics [Rescue] - (Requires Surf position) Rescue drowning people from Sea level, 1d4 people on success. Saved people require saving throw, if fail, then incapacitated
Athletics [Escape] - (Requires Sea position) Attempt to claw your way back to a station of your choice.
Perception - Spot any drowning folk or PCs in the Sea position. Also improves Sight Tier by 1 level, improving your situational knowledge.
Heal - Attempt to resuscitate incapacitated people who have been rescued, 1d4 people on success.
Thievery - Tie knots in rope and rig up a single cart. Grants a +2 stacking bonus to Athletics [Tug] and Endurance checks for one chosen cart. You must be within one position to the cart.
Nature - Assess, predict, and mitigate further slides or complications. Grants a stacking +2 to slip saving throws for one chosen cart.
Diplomacy - Direct team and folk efforts on the rescue. Grants a stacking +2 to slip saving throws for one chosen cart.
Arcana - TBD depending on PC. Example usage might be using heat or cold magic to bake or freeze treacherous ground, granting a stacking +2 to slip saving throws for one chosen cart.
Endurance - Put your back into holding onto the rope. Grants a stacking +2 to slip saving throws for one chosen cart.

Saving the Carts
Use Thievery to add a stacking bonus to Athletics [Tug] or Endurance checks.
Use Athletics [Tug] to pull the carts up.
Use Endurance, Nature, Diplomacy, or Arcana(?) checks to help prevent the carts from falling further.
Once carts reach Path position, they are safe unless they slip further from complications.

Saving the Fallen People
Use Perception to spot people in the Sea position.
Use Athletics [Rescue] to pull folk or PCs from Sea position to Path position. There is a significant chance folk will require resuscitation.
Use Heal to resuscitate downed folk from the Path position.
If you yourself are drowning in the Sea position, use Athletics [Escape].

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Post by Namelessjake »

Slip Save: 13


Tug Cart 1: 11 including slope bonus

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Post by Chanchabruhh »

Pōhaku's eyes dart to another cart and he slides down the slope, the unstable slope challenging his every step. Without a secure anchor point in sight, he relies solely on his own strength. With a powerful tug, he strains against the forces of the landslide, leveraging his athleticism to stabilize the endangered wagon. The cart shudders but holds, Pōhaku's unwavering determination. "Hold firm, you will not meet your end here!" he says firmly and with passion.

Descending to the slope= [1d20+9]=4+9=13

Tug Cart 2: 22

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Post by Fialova »

"Thank you," Josie responds, finding it difficult to hide her fear as she is rescued. Here I am, come to save these people, and it is I who needs saving. It is good to have allies.

Athletics to tug cart 5: [1d20+6]=1+6=7 ._.
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Post by Scratcherclaw »

Grimacing as one of the carts succumbs to the sea, the Talon grabs hold of the rope on another of the vulnerable caravans. Gritting his teeth, he tries to stand firm to keep it and its inhabitants from plunging into the stormy depths. Gods grant me strength. I am in need of it.
Endurance (Path) on Cart 5: [1d20+10]=13+10=23-2=21

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Post by BartNL »

This is bad. Hadrurus descends again. Looking down on the dangling carts he decides to pull up the closest cart, leaving the others at the hands of fate. Their cries, like a chorus. Like the audience, always crying at fallen gladiators, friends... enemies.. all brothers and sisters... but now the terror waiting is for the spectators themselves.

Athletics [Climb] to slope: [1d20+16]=16+16=32
Atletics [Tug] to pull up cart 2 [1d20+14]=5+14=19
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Post by FinalTemplar »

Velasco saw things quickly spiraling, and despair nearly began to settle deep within his stomach. No, this can't be... We have to save them, if we can't do this, can we even... Velasco freezes, feeling a fear he thought he had moved away from. Can I even stop this? Can I...  He comes back to the moment, before shouting down to his allies. "There's more, Hadrurus, to your right!" He points out several more survivors, "Keep going, Talon, you can pull it up!" 
Diplomacy to coordinate effort on Cart 5 - [1d20+11]=11+11=22
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Post by ratwizard »

Skill Challenge — Round 4!

A renewed wave of coordination falls upon the Unfettered agents as they tug the imperiled wagons, while Velasco and Gladia keep watch and direct from above.

One more of the carts is pulled to safety, and the Almohorongi clamor out with their spare belongings.

Another cart is not so lucky — despite the efforts of Alerio and Velasco, the weight of the earth is too much and the wagon slips to the rocky beach below, splitting apart with a deafening crunch. Gladia calls out a half-dozen of the caravanners who tumble free, joining their drowning brethren in the breakers.

Round 3 Results
Samiira: Succeeds slip saves, Athletics [Tug] vs Cart 1 = failure.
Pōhaku: Descends to Slope, Athletics [Tug] vs Cart 2 = success. Cart 2 is pulled to Edge.
Josie: Athletics [Tug] vs Cart 5 = failure.
Alerio: Endurance vs Cart 5 = success. Cart 5 gains a Slip Save bonus of +2.
Hadrurus: Descends to Slope, Athletics [Tug] vs Cart 2 = success. Cart 2 is pulled to Path, and 9 people safely exit.
Velasco: Diplomacy vs Cart 5 = success. Cart 5 gains a Slip Save bonus of +2, now at +4 total.
Gladia: Perception = success. Sight Tier maxed out at Tier 3. +2 bonus to Athletics [Rescue] unlocked, as well as # of units of supplies in play.

End of Round
Cart 1 - Succeeds slip save.
Cart 2 - No slip save, safely on Path position.
Cart 3 - No slip save, safely on Path position.
Cart 5 - Fails slip save, descends to Sea position and is destroyed. 6 people fall out and are now drowning. 4 units of supplies fall out.
Sight Tier: 3 / 3
Unlocked: # of people in water, carts, or saved.
Unlocked: +2 bonus to Athletics [Rescue]
Unlocked: # of supplies in water, carts, or saved.

7 Wagons
1 In Peril
2 Safe
4 Destroyed

4 people dead, 18 people saved, 13 people downing (7 drowning for 1 round, 6 drowning for 0 rounds yet).
11 units of supplies in the water, 3 units of supplies saved.

Skill Challenge Rules
The caravan is in danger of slipping into the seas. Work together to save as many folk and their wagons as possible!

Each round, every player will perform one helpful action and explain what they are doing to aid the wagon train. A player may not use the same full action two consecutive rounds in a row. If your roll targets a specific cart, designate which one, 1 - 5. Please also note in your post if you are claiming a situational bonus granted by your current terrain position.

As a free action, you may attempt to descend to a specific position before your full action. You can do this by rolling either Acrobatics or Athletics [Climb]. On a success, you descend and can then take your full action. On a failure, you must make an immediate saving throw. On a success you cannot descend, but can still take your full action. On a failure you are moved to the Sea position but can still take your full action. Ascending to any position requires a full action instead of a free action.

At the end of the round, the wagons will make a saving throw. On a failure, they sink one level further. Beware of further complications!

Terrain Positions
Each PC, cart, and NPC occupies one of five terrain positions. PCs begin the encounter at the Path position. You can attempt to descend with an Acrobatics check, though not without risk.

Path - Safely on the path, away from the landslide. (-2 to Athletics [Tug], Endurance, Perception)
Edge - At the edge of the cliff. (+0 to Athletics [Tug], Endurance, Perception)
Slope - Feet planted within the broken cliffside soil and stone, partway down. (+2 to Athletics [Tug], Endurance, Perception)
Surf - At the edge of the breakers. (+5 to Athletics [Tug], Endurance, Perception)
Sea - Actively drowning in the sea. Ending two rounds while drowning will down a PC or kill an NPC. Ending a third will kill a PC.

Skill Checks
(Not exclusive, ping me for other possibilities)

Acrobatics or Athletics [Climb] - Descend to any position below your current one. Note that at deeper positions, you will gain successive bonuses to Athletics [Tug], Endurance, Perception. Failing this check causes slippage, prompting an immediate Saving throw, upon fail you are moved into the Sea position.
Athletics [Tug] - Pull a single cart. On success, cart ascends one level. On crit, ascends 2 levels.
Athletics [Rescue] - (Requires Surf position) Rescue drowning people, or supplies, from Sea level. 1d4 people or supplies on success. Saved people require saving throw, if fail, then incapacitated.
Athletics [Escape] - (Requires Sea position) Attempt to claw your way back to a station of your choice.
Perception - Spot any drowning folk or PCs in the Sea position. Also improves Sight Tier by 1 level, improving your situational knowledge.
Heal - Attempt to resuscitate incapacitated people who have been rescued, 1d4 people on success.
Thievery - Tie knots in rope and rig up a single cart. Grants a +2 stacking bonus to Athletics [Tug] and Endurance checks for one chosen cart. You must be within one position to the cart.
Nature - Assess, predict, and mitigate further slides or complications. Grants a stacking +2 to slip saving throws for one chosen cart.
Diplomacy [Focus] - Direct team and focus efforts on one imperiled wagon. Grants a stacking +2 to slip saving throws for one chosen cart.
Diplomacy [Inspire] - Renew your allies courage and strength in their rescue attempts. Grants a stacking +2 bonus to Athletics [Rescue] checks for people or supplies.
Arcana - TBD depending on PC. Example usage might be using heat or cold magic to bake or freeze treacherous ground, granting a stacking +2 to slip saving throws for one chosen cart.
Endurance - Put your back into holding onto the rope. Grants a stacking +2 to slip saving throws for one chosen cart.

Saving the Carts
Use Thievery to add a stacking bonus to Athletics [Tug] or Endurance checks.
Use Athletics [Tug] to pull the carts up.
Use Endurance, Nature, Diplomacy, or Arcana(?) checks to help prevent the carts from falling further.
Once carts reach Path position, they are safe unless they slip further from complications.

Saving the Fallen People
Use Perception to spot people in the Sea position.
Use Athletics [Rescue] to pull folk or PCs from Sea position to Path position. There is a significant chance folk will require resuscitation.
Use Heal to resuscitate downed folk from the Path position.
If you yourself are drowning in the Sea position, use Athletics [Escape].
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Post by Chanchabruhh »

Amidst the chaos and desperation, Pōhaku takes in the dire situation. The gratitude in Josie's eyes doesn't go unnoticed, and a silent acknowledgment passes between them. Allies in need, allies indeed.
Against the relentless pull, Pōhaku's endurance prevails. Muscles strain, but he stands firm, preventing the cart from slipping further into the stormy sea. "Steady yourselves! We face the tempest together. Hadrurus, you're doing well. Velasco, keep guiding us. Josie, your strength is needed. Hold tight, everyone. We'll weather this storm, as one". Amidst the chaos, Pōhaku's words carry a reassuring strength, a beacon of calm in the tumult of the disaster.
Endurance Check-Saving Cart 1:[1d20+9]=6+9=15
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Post by Namelessjake »

Seeing the next of the carts fall in the water, and spotting the people in the sea, Samiira rushes to try and save them. However in her haste she misses a loose patch of rocks, slipping on them as they dislodge, which nearly sends her down into the ocean herself.

"That was close," she thinks, as she quickly picks herself back up off the ground. She changes her mind now, only hoping that someone else is able to pull the travellers from the water. Instead she attempts to pull up the last cart in danger, hoping to prevent any more from ending up in the sea.

Acrobatics to descend to Surf: 11 = fail

Save against falling: 17 = success

Athletics to tug Cart 1: 18 = success
Inc +5 from surf should be +2 from slop for a total of 18.
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