A Tale of Two Orphans — IC

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Post by FinalTemplar »

Caedus smiled softly, "I always welcome the competition. I'm sure we'll get a chance to spar off in the ring." He considers the follow-up question and thinks; "Give me the run-down. I don't make my way down to Menora often, so I don't know much about the fighters who have shown up here." He says honestly, looking at the taller man. "Mostly I'm just looking for your opinion, gives me something to build my own off of."
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Post by ratwizard »

"Likewise," Valcus agrees with his fellow lord. "I haven't shot a bow in ages. I'm willing to try again, should Caelen forgive my form and inaccuracy." He grins, turning to Drake as well. "I suppose we'll have to find out, won't we?"
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Post by Fialova »

Drake, Caelen, Valcus, Ghor
"I'm sure you'll both be great," Carl responds with a warm smile, as he continues to lead you back through the lush garden. It does not take long until you return to the hedges that separates the archery range from the rest of the area. Once back within the range, Carl steps towards the cliffs that create the far border of their estate, where there is a small shed built against the rock face. He opens the door to the shed, revealing an array of archery gear and bows of various sizes and shapes. A bucket full of arrows sits off to one corner, and he beckons the non-archers of the group to come over to him.

"Those of you who don't have a bow of your own are free to try one of mine. There are different types, so feel free to get a feel for each one and see which you like. Then we can have a friendly competition," Carl responds, this time with a large grin on his face.

"Well, if it's a competition then I guess I'll have to join in," Dustin responds, stepping into the shed after his friend to eye the selection of weapons. "Can't remember the last time I shot with you, though."

"Think we'll be able to get your betrothed to try too?" Carl asks, before letting out a light chuckle at his own words. 

"Ha!" Dustin responds, clearly amused. "And risk dirtying herself or damaging her gown? There's no way."
"Oh-ho, my opinion, you say?" Roderick responds, seeming simultaneously amused and elated to hear your request. "Well, as a competitor myself, my opinions might differ a bit from the lay folk who have their own favorites. Let's see," he ponders, stroking his beard as he thinks. 

"Well, first off, let's go over the archers. The most famous is Master Lodzul, a dwarf out of Bal. He's said to be their master marksman, and trains the archers who guard the entrance to the city. Impressive, on the face of it. But he's a dwarf, and most of his archery is practice. No one has any interest in assaulting Bal, so I question how skilled he is when up against those with actual experience with a bow in combat."

"There's also this young lad from the tower, a mage apprentice, who has been making a name for himself. Magic isn't allowed in the tourney, but he is a skilled archer as well. He's been developing magical arrows and enchantments for his bow, but even absent all that fancy magic, he's got a pretty good shot at the title if you ask me. I've seen him practicing down here, and he deserves more credit than he gets. Galen, I think he's called."

"Neither of them are my favorite to win, though. There's this girl, used to be a ward of some local nobles, who left the city months ago to live out in the forest. Robyn Elmwood. I've never seen a better archer than her, or one with as much of an attitude. She used to enter into local events when she was younger, and won several of them even back then. I heard rumors along the road that she's coming back this way, and I don't know any other reason than to enter the tourney. If she's there, I'm placing my bets on her."

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Post by ratwizard »

Valcus nods to Carl, thankful the man has enough bows to spare. "It's a shame there's no event for axe-throwing," he says, picking up one of the bows and testing the weight of the string. "I've much better aim with axe than arrow." He raises an eyebrow at the young men's exchange, wondering Carl's thoughts about Dustin's betrothed — unable to weigh in without further context but hesitant to ask a question that might embarrass their new friend.
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Post by Namelessjake »

Drake follows Valcus in selecting one of Carl's bows for himself and testing it's strength. He smirks at Carl and Dustin's banter, however like Valcus he remains quiet not feeling it is his place to comment.

"Why don't we put some money on it if it's a competition?" He suggests, changing the subject. "Although I'd suggest it goes to both first and second place," he adds, glancing at Caelen.
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Post by BartNL »

Hellenbert moves through the crowds on his way to Mutar."CITY GUARD, MAKE WAY". Hellenbert shouts, both intentionally drawing attention to himself and making it easier to approach Mutar. "Greatings Mutar. I am looking for the western lords associated with the refugee camp outside the city. I'd appreciate it if you point me in their direction."
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Post by ratwizard »

Valcus grins, unsurprised by Drake's gambling streak. "I think we'll both be betting with the blacksmith's money, but I'll wager five coins. Three-quarters to the winner and a quarter to his understudy?"
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Post by Scratcherclaw »

Caelen puts his hands up as Drake suggests making the competition more interesting. "I've got enough to focus on without worrying over my coin pouch." He looks towards Dustin and smirks, adding, "But we can see if Dustin's tried and true strategy holds up."

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Post by FinalTemplar »

Caedus nods, listening along enthusiastically to Roderick's opinions. "So keep an eye on Master Lozul, Galen, and Robyn Elmwood... Interesting." He says, thinking. "With Robyn being the most compelling to you? Interesting. I'll keep that in mind." He looks around for a moment before looking back up again at Roderick. "What about in the melee?" He asks next.
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Post by Namelessjake »

Drake smirks at Valcus' joke. "Well with Caelen out of the running, maybe all the spoils should go to the victor," he suggests with a smile, pleased for the more even competition. "Five gold sounds good to me though," he adds, looking at Carl and Dustin for their responses.
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Post by Fialova »

Valcus, Drake, Caelen, Ghor
"I'll take that bet," Carl responds, smiling with confidence as he grabs his own bow and walks back towards the lineup for the range. He turns to Dustin, awaiting the man's response, which comes in the form of a shrug. 

"Yeah, sure, why not? I doubt I'll win, but it's only five gold," he says, as he too walks to the lineup, clearly less confident in his skills than his friend.

"So twenty gold pieces to the best of us four," Carl continues, motioning for the two lords to join in the lineup. "Caelen, you mind serving as referee, then? You just have to tell us what order to shoot in, then check scores after. Seems simple enought?"
Valcus and Drake each lose 5 gp
Skill Challenge
Skill challenge: Archery

There are 4 targets at different distances down the range. You may make three shots, split among any of the targets, or all towards the same. Further targets are worth more, while closer targets will be easier to hit. Make a RBA against each target, with the below DCs representing your chance to hit the targets outer ring, inner ring, and bullseyes respectively. Competitors may choose to either be using a longbow or a shortbow if using one of Carl's provided weapons. Calculate all rolls with the stats of those weapons in mind, taking into account any bonuses granted from your build.

Target 1: DC 10 | 12 | 14
Target 2: DC 12 | 14 | 16
Target 3: DC 15 | 17 | 19
Target 4: DC 20 | 22 | 24

Scoring is as follows:

Target 1
Outer - 1
Inner - 2
Bullseye - 3

Target 2
Outer - 3
Inner - 4
Bullseye - 5

Target 3
Outer - 5
Inner - 6
Bullseye - 7

Target 4
Outer - 7
Inner - 8
Bullseye - 9

Getting bullseyes on all shots versus the same target will be worth an extra score of that target's bullseyes score, for four times the score instead of three. For example, getting all three bullseyes versus Target 1 is worth 12 points, not 9. In the end, the person with the most points wins, gaining the 20 gold pieces up for grabs in the current pot.
You see the man frown as your own booming voice causes the crowd to scatter and dissipate somewhat. At your approach, he eyes you with a mixture of annoyance and confusion. 

"Greetings, guardsman," Mutar bellows, his voice still quite eloquent and enunciated, though not quite as loud as when you arrived. "I know of the men you speak, we traveled together for a short time. Honorable men, if I do say so myself. I hope they are not in any trouble with the guard?" With his words, he places the end of his spear on the ground, leaning against it as he awaits your response. Some of the other performers glance your way as well, seeming interested by the conversation.
The man chuckles at your response, and a glint appears in his eyes as you ask about the melee. "Ah, the melee. Now that I know much more about. I am not so humble as to hide the fact that, were I betting on the outcome, I'd put coin on myself to win. I've triumphed in several tourneys, and I aim to in this one as well. That's not to say there's no competition, however."

He strokes his head in thought, pausing for a moment to consider the options before responding. "Well, apart from yourself and those two lords from the Pinnacle last night, I suppose most people plan to put their coin on the princess' bodyguard. Ser Hansel Aldwell, he's called. Probably a few years older than you, and a real beast with a sword. But he's young and, like Master Lodzul, most of his experience is sparring and tourney fighting. He can be beaten by someone with real experience in battle, I've done so a few times myself. I'd be lying if I said he never did the same to me, though."

"There's also this real spitfire of a guard, though. Much less renowned, but no less skilled for it. Ser Hellenbert Brandt, a man with magical talents to match his martial ones. He's arrogant, and ambitious, but he's been making a name for himself from what I've heard. Haven't seen him fight myself, but, if the stories are true, he's someone else to look out for in the ring. I'm hoping I get a chance to put his prowess to the test myself, truth be told. See if he's all he's cracked up to be."
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Post by BartNL »

Why does he test my patience. A simple answer would suffice.
"No, they are not. But their large following is cause for concern. The city guard want's a word, that's all. And honourable men wouldn't dare deny the noble watch of the Menora."
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Post by ratwizard »

Valcus takes one of the longbows, the unfamiliarity of the weapon bringing back forgotten memories. The rest of Halstos' men-at-arms had been training on targets since they were children. And all along, I was delivering silverware...

"I never did get the feel of a bow, not like the throwing axe," he admits, unsure of himself. He tests the weight of the draw, finding it suitable. Stepping in line with the targets, he aims at one of the closer of the four and looses — landing a solid shot. Perhaps further, he considers, spirited by success, before he tries a second shot. He shrugs hopefully as it lands on-target, even if on the edge.

"May as well try something foolish," the knight says with a grin. He takes a moment longer, lining up a shot at the furthest target. To his surprise, he sinks a bullseye. "By Fausta, that was lucky."

Shot 1, at Target 2. 14 vs DC is inner ring hit. 4 points.
Target Shot 1: [1d20+3]=11+3=14

Shot 2, at Target 3. 16 vs DC is outer ring hit. 5 points.
Target Shot 2: [1d20+3]=13+3=16

Shot 3, at Target 4. Crit! Bullseye. 9 points.
Target Shot 3: [1d20+3]=20+3=23

4+5+9=18 points total.
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Post by Namelessjake »

"Not bad at all," Drake says as Valcus scores a bullseye on the furthest target. The Lord of Spearpoint steps up to take his own shots. He knocks an arrow and draws, opting to aim for the third target. He loosens his arrow which finds the bullseye.

"Maybe I'm not as rusty as I thought I'd be," he says, knocking his second arrow. He tries for the third target once more, and while he finds the target, it is only its outer ring. "Damn," he curses in frustration.

"Maybe I'll have the same luck as you Valcus," the nobleman says with a chuckle, this time taking aim at the forth and furthest target. This too hits, finding the outer ring. "All three hit the targets at least, and I think that puts me just ahead of you Lord Torinn," he says, smiling from ear to ear, clearly pleased with himself.

Shot 1 at Target 3. 22 vs DC = Bullseye for 7 points.

Shot 2 at Target 3. 15 vs DC = Outer Hit for 5 points.

Shot 3 at Target 4. 21 vs DC = Outer Hit for 7 points.

Total 19 Points!
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Post by ratwizard »

Valcus lets out a chuckle as his fellow lord manages to out-shoot him by a razor-thin margin. "Like the Pinnacle, once more. Well done, Lord Aerden. It turns out we may have a chance at the archery event after all."

He turns to Dustin and Carl, curious how they may fare. What a luxury it must be to train at war, while living in peace and wealth.
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Post by Namelessjake »

"This competition is far from over, I'm sure these two are far more practiced than you and I," Drake replies, looking to Carl and Dustin.
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Post by FinalTemplar »

Caedus laughs a bit at his response, but then considers his words carefully. "An arrogant guard? Sounds like someone who hasn't lost yet- and could have a moment of stark realization soon," he says with a bit of a sly grin, "I appreciate your answer though- I look forward to seeing you fight in the melee, I want to see what you're capable of." he says and holds out a hand to Roderick. "I should likely go practice- I'm still a little stung after losing to that lord. I don't want to let it happen again."
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Post by Pashalik »

Ghor takes one of the longbows and tests the draw a bit.  He steps up and takes aim at the second target, but hesitates.  He gingerly sets the bow and arrow down, then whips off his shirt and tosses it over his shoulder.  "That's better.  You're looking at... Taking up the gear again, he makes a show of stretching, then shoots off three arrows, one after another, punctuating each with a word.  "The!" bullseye.  "Great!" bullseye.  "Ghor!" The third arrow slams into the target, right up against the first two.

Enter poised assault stance. 3 shots at target 2:
Last edited by Pashalik on Thu Nov 09, 2023 11:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Scratcherclaw »

"Not bad," Caelen says, somewhat surprised at his allies' shots. Maybe just luck though. Had a lot of that starting out too. "Maybe I should've taken that bet," he adds with a meek smirk.

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Post by ratwizard »

Valcus chuckles once more as circus performer's steady aim edges out the pair of lords. "Well done, again, Ghor. Next you'll demonstrate you're a tenured jouster as well. Is there anything that you can't do?"
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Post by Namelessjake »

"A closer target but impressive none the less," Drake says in response to Ghor's shots, glad to wasn't part of the wager.
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Post by Fialova »

Valcus, Drake, Ghor, Caelen
"Impressive marksmanship," Carl says to the three men, offering a genuine smile as he does so. "I'd have thought you practiced frequently if you hadn't told me otherwise. Not sure if I'll measure up," he responds, looking less sure of himself.

He steps up next, loosing once against each of the three furthest targets. The first arrow finds its mark in the inner circle of the target Ghor had just landed three bullseyes in, and it is clear Carl is disappointed by the result. Next he aims for the third target, but the arrow goes wide, piercing the grass instead of the target. He sighs, takes a deep breath, and takes a moment longer as he aims at the furthest target, this time piercing the bullseye perfectly.

"Well, I'm not winning with that score, but sometimes you just have poor luck," the man responds with a shrug. He still wears a smile on his face, though now it feels more forced.

"It's alright, Carl. At least you'll beat my score," Dustin offers with a chuckle, as he steps up with one of the shortbows. He sends his first two arrows flying towards the closest target, both landing in the bullseye. The last he aims for the second target, this time only managing to make it inside of the inner ring.

"See? Told ya," he responds to his friend, offering the other a friendly pat on the back.

"Looks like Drake is the winner!" Carl exclaims, seeming a bit cheered up after his friend's encouragement. "But who knew the circus' muscle man was also a master marksman? If you'd bet too, you'd be the one claiming the coin. What other tricks are you hiding?" he asks Ghor with a chuckle.

"Drake comes out on top now in two contests. Do we have another to expect from you tomorrow?" Dustin asks as hands over the coin, seeming thrilled with the outcome.
Shot vs Target 2: 14 = 4 points
Shot vs Target 3: 12 = miss
Shot vs Target 4: 24 = 9 points

Total: 13 points

Shot vs Target 1: 21 = 3 points
Shot vs Target 1: 17 = 3 points
Shot vs Target 2: 15 = 4 points

Total: 10 points

Final Scores
Valcus = 18
Drake = 19
Carl = 13
Dustin = 11

Ghor = 20 (but not participating)

Drake wins! He gains 20 gp in winnings from the bet pool

The man offers a small smile in response to your words, seemingly pleased by them. "Well it is good they are in no trouble. I'd have been quite alarmed if it turned out those nobleman had run afoul of the law, so soon after they served as my escort no less." He pauses, stroking his beard in apparent thought, before glancing towards a lithe-looking woman seated on a crate near one of the circus' wagons. 

"I can't say I've any idea where the men have made there way to now, but they were here not long ago. They have formed a bit of a friendship with one of my performers; the Great Ghor, if you know him. Before they left they'd had a conversation, over there, with Kiki - another performer here. She might be able to tell you where they were headed, assuming they made any mention of it when conversing with her." He looks down towards you with an eyebrow raised, as if to ask if you have any further questions.
"Well if you plan to knock him on his arse, I'll be rootin' for ya," the man responds, letting out a hearty chuckle after. He nods in response to your other words, grasping your hand firmly and giving a strong handshake. "Got plenty of training to do of my own. Here's hoping we get matched up, I'd love to put your skills to the test," he continues, before releasing the handshake and turning to walk away.

Glancing around, you notice that Johanna has not yet returned from the tower, leaving you to continue exploring the tourney grounds. If you wish to find someone to spar with, you recall that the area within the stands is currently being used as a practice area, with competitors sparring with wooden weapons. You are also free to continue walking the encampment of participants to see if you meet any other interesting competitors.
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Post by Namelessjake »

"I guess a childhood of martial training counts for more than I thought it would," Drake replies to Carl. "The bull on the farthest target is still quite a feat," he reassures, after the man's own attempts at target shooting.

The lords lips curl into a smile as Dustin's last shot confirms his victory.

"Gods willing my lance strikes true," he says to Dustin as he pockets his winnings, a smile still on his face.

"Come on then Caelen - time for you to put us all to shame," he says a moment later, turning to their elven companion.
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Post by ratwizard »

Valcus finds himself surprised to have placed in the middle, having initially gauged his archery talents as much worse than he performed.

"Gods willing," he agrees with his fellow lord. "Though hopefully not at me. I'd like to stay in the tournament at least a round. There's also the melee, as well. I suspect I'll find more luck on foot."

He looks up at Caelen, waiting for their companion to prove his superior talent. "Playing at targets is no substitute for a true battle, as you've proven many times over. I have no small amount of faith you can hit a target that does not move like wolf or man." Valcus gives the younger man a smile.
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Post by Scratcherclaw »

"Right, all eyes on me," Caelen says with somewhat nervous laughter. Will be more at the tourney. Focus, Caelen. You've got this. He takes a deep breath to steady his nerves, granting him a moment's extra focus.

Taking aim, he calmly releases his first arrow toward the third target, watching it pierce the bullseye. He beams, feeling some of his anxiety wash away. He fires off another arrow, watching as it plunges into the third target's inner ring, still a respectable spot. He takes another deep breath, looking at the furthest target and trying his best to only focus on that quarry instead of the eyes upon him. Imagine the embarrassment to lose. I can't. Show them what you're made of. 

Narrowing his eyes, he readies his stance and shoots at the fourth target, closing his eyes as it whizzes through the aim. When he opens them, he sees the arrow in the dead center and relief washes over him. He sheepishly turns to his companions, a cheeky grin forming on his face. "Sufficiently shamed?"
[1d20+12]=1+12=13 ope
Elven Accuracy Reroll: [1d20+12]=9+12=21
Shot at Target 3, bullseye for 7 points

Shot at Target 3, Inner for 6 points

Shot at Target 4, bullseye for 9 points

Total: 22 points

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Post by Namelessjake »

"I would have rather seen three bullseyes, but I think that shows us up as intended," Drake replies to Caelen, the smirk on his face betraying the playfulness of his jest.

"I imagine you'll be up against stiffer competition than us in the tourney, but my money will be on your victory," he says as he continues to admire the elf's handiwork.
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Post by ratwizard »

Valcus grins as their elven companion manages to top even Ghor's score. "I expect nothing less," he says, admiring the bullseye on the furthest target. "I wonder how the competition will fare."
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Post by BartNL »

"Thank you for your assistance." Hellenbert nods as he moves towards Kiki.
Hellenbert remembers Ghor from his visit to the circus the last time they were in Menora. More than The Great Ghor he remembers losing a coin toss with his older brother on who would buy roasted nuts. Stupid Cuthbert. You'd think Groddo was the god of Luck, letting the oaf priest win a coin toss thrice in a row now. Hellenbert then smirks as he remembers he did get in the last laugh. Those nuts turned out to be a bit burned for Cuthbert's taste.
"Excuse me, are you the performer Kiki? I am looking for Ghor or rather his friends, some western lords"
Last edited by BartNL on Mon Nov 13, 2023 8:55 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by FinalTemplar »

Feeling alone, and mildly afraid, Caedus decides to head out to the sparring arena.  At least around other potential competitors he might be able to distract himself, and besides... it'll be good practice. Can't lose again.
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Post by Fialova »

Drake, Valcus, Caelen, Ghor
As the coins are distributed, along with praise, a number of footsteps can be heard approaching from the garden, and within a moment the same elven man from before comes into the archery range with two women in tow - one you would all recognize as Dustin's betrothed, Miriam - and the other a tall, stoic brunette whom Drake would know to be Ser Emrys Stane.

"Mistress Carla, your guests have arrived," the man responds, as the women begin to walk past him and towards the rest of you. You can see a veiled look of annoyance in Carl's face, though he manages to hide it well. 

"Thank you, Iain," he responds to the man, same as he had before. "That will be all."

"Of course, mistress. It is my pleasure," the man says, offering a bow before he turns and makes his way back the way he'd come.

With the man gone, Carl's demeanor changes almost immediately, and he seems much more excited than he had than even when you or Dustin had arrived earlier. "Emrys!" he says joyfully, as he quickly walks towards the woman, the two of them embracing as long absent friends would. "It has been much too long," he continues, looking up towards the tall woman with a large smile on his face.

"Too long indeed," the woman responds with a warm smile. As they embrace, you notice her stroke the man's hair once, before they separate. "But you know how things are. Tourneys to win, brigands to rout. Knightly life is busy, but I do so miss coming home to the city."

"Who are all these people?" Miriam asks, as she makes her way towards Dustin, who greets her with a much less enthusiastic hug and a neutral expression.

"You don't remember them?" Dustin asks, shocked by his betrothed's question. "The human men are the lords of Twinriver and the Spear, here for the princess' tourney tomorrow. The elf is their friend, and the orc is the Great Ghor, from the circus. We met them all yesterday, don't you remember?"

"Oh, right," the woman responds, looking a bit embarrassed. She turns towards Drake and Valcus before offering a small bow of her own. "My apologies, my lords. I had no idea you'd be joining our gathering today."
As you approach, you recognize Kiki as well from your last time here. She's a younger woman, in her mid 20s most likely, with an olive complexion and short black hair. You find her seated on a barrel next to one of the wagons, tossing knives against a board she's propped against another barrel nearby. You notice as she seemingly-effortlessly manages to hit various Xs marked on the board with each throw. At your arrival, she turns to face you before letting loose the knife held in her hand, which still hits its mark despite her diverted attention.

She perks up at the sight of you, and at your question, a wide grin forming on her face. "I most certainly am, handsome," she responds, giving you a quick wink as she does so. "But what would you want with that big lunk, when you've already come to see me?" she adds in response to your follow-up question, as she looks to you quizzically. 
In the sparring area you find a handful of competitors already squaring off against one another with practice blades of wood, as well as a number of others watching with mild interest from the stands. Off to one side, you spot a woman of darker complexion than you are accustomed to seeing in this land, suggesting she might be of Serran descent, who is practicing against a wooden dummy. She spots you as you arrive, and stops swinging her sword to face you.

"You, over there," she says, as she glances at your armor and its insignia. "You are entering the tourney, yes?" she continues, an accent notable in her voice as she does. "I am Esmé. Spar with me. I must see what a knight of this land can do."
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Post by Namelessjake »

Another betrothal in the air perhaps? Although maybe not with Carl's father, Drake thinks as he catches Emrys stroke Carl's hair.

"That's quite alright, we only met in passing," Drake replies to Miriam, offering up a smile. These two are far from a good match, he can't help but think.

"Ser Emrys!" He says, turning his attention to the tall knight. "It seems we will cross lances once again."
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Post by BartNL »

Hellenbert blushes as the woman flirts with him. "Eh-Thank you for your kind words. I am actually looking for the Western lords Ghor has befriended. It's all strictly business, had I been tasked to find the prettiest woman in Menora, I would have stopped my search this instant, alas, I was not. Could you please point me in the direction of the lords or that of Ghor?"

Handsome, huh. Hellenbert thinks, smirking
<She's just doing her job idiot> Ember replies telepathically.
<Thanks for the confidence boost, Ember
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Post by ratwizard »

"Good morning, madame," Valcus says to Miriam, giving her a curt nod. "It's quite all right. We are far from home, I would not expect us to be recognized so keenly. At least, not until Lord Aerden makes a lasting impression tomorrow." He grins, before turning to Ser Emrys. She cuts a fine figure. And as a famed warrior, too. It is no wonder that Carl so clearly admires her.

"And it is good to finally meet you, Ser Emrys. I was looking forward to your arrival, once Carl had said you might be training with us today. Lord Torinn, of Twinriver," he introduces himself. It is still so odd hearing myself utter those words. 'Ser Valcus' might feel more honest, but we are not here for comfort nor friendship. If title will carry weight with those who hold power to rally men and spear to the cause, then I will wield title to do so.
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Post by Scratcherclaw »

Caelen frowns as Miriam arrives, not granting her the courtesy of a greeting as she ignored him over the lords. Typical that she'd only see value in such things. Just titles and names. He looks toward Emrys and gives her a nod and smile. "I've heard much about you from these too. It's an honor to meet you, Emrys." He pauses for a moment after hearing Valcus's formal introduction before adding, "And I'm Caelen."
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Post by FinalTemplar »

Caedus arrives at the sparring area and looks around at the competitors and spectators. Quite a healthy turnout. He thinks. He turns towards the one identified as Esmé, and with a nod, he grabs one of the sparring swords, adjusting to the feel and weight of it. "Your eyes lead you well, I'd be happy to spar with you," he says and steps over toward her. "Your form, while different from what I'm used to, looked quite sharp." He drops into a sparring stance and motions that he's ready to fight.
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Post by Fialova »

Drake, Valcus, Caelen, Ghor
"Well well, if it isn't Lord Aerden's boy," Ser Emrys responds, her face a mixture of excitement and surprise at seeing Drake. "Drake, right? It's been a long time, it will be good to square off again. How are your father and mother? It has been ages since I last visited the Spear, but I still recall how wonderful the carp stew was the last time I visited."

She steps over to shake the man's hand, before turning to face Valcus as well. "And it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance as well. Lord of Twinriver, you say?" she asks, a puzzled look on her face at the words. "I was not aware of Lords Halstos' passing, my condolences," she continues, her mouth turning into a frown at the apparent news.

At Caelen's approach, the woman raises an eyebrow. "Caelen, a pleasure. I am sure my Carl has embellished some of the tales, he has a tendency to do so when talking about me. I did not hear a title, are you another friend from the city, like Dustin? I've not seen you around."

As introductions are made, the others look on, not wanting to interrupt the formalities, though you do notice Carl and Dustin eagerly watching the meeting of the two worlds. Miriam, meanwhile seems unfazed by the interactions, instead choosing to wander towards the shed of bows. She seems unhappy as she approaches.
"It's the same direction, actually," Kiki responds, before hopping off of her barrel. She walks over to the crate and retrieves her knives as you continue to converse, and she slowly places each one in a series of sheathes that are wrapped around her upper leg. She turns to face you again once they are all safely put away.

"He went with them earlier, they went to some fancy lord's estate from what I heard." She places a finger to her chin in thought. "Elmo or something, I think? Maybe Eliwood? I admit, I wasn't paying a ton of attention, I was mostly focusing on the cute elf boy that follows the lords around like a lost puppy. He's fun to tease," she continues, her grin widening again with the last words.
From her words, you'd suspect she is referring to the Elmwood Estate, home of of the somewhat scandalous Elmwood family. While not major players in Menoran politics, they do own a larger lumber industry and a number of small villages in service to that industry. Their main claim to fame is the nature of the relationships between the Master of the House - Camden Elmwood - and his two children. One, his biological child, was born Carla but has since chosen to present publicly, in both manner and dress, as Carl Elmwood. Camden does not respect or approve of the decision, and so their relationship has deteriorated in past years. The other, Robyn Elmwood, was an adopted child who grew up with little love for the wealthy or the nobility, and who had a falling out with her father a few months prior, storming off to reside in the wilderness without the trappings of luxury she'd had for the past several years of her life. Like all of the major families in the city, you know just where their estate lies.

"Thank you," the woman responds, her eyes having gone somewhat wide at your response. It is clear she did not expect you to accept without more convincing, and likely did not expect the compliments either. Stepping away from the training dummy, she walks with you to a clear spot in the arena grounds, and enters into a fighting stance of her own.

"You say nice words, but it will not make me go easy on you. I want you to give your all, and I will do the same," she continues. The slight smile on her face suggests she is happy to finally be able to spar with someone, and not simply a bundle of straw and sticks.
Skill Challenge
This skill challenge will function similar to Rock, Paper, Scissors, and is mechanically the same as the sparring skill challenge you encountered at the Pinnacle the night prior. You will choose a move to do from the available categories, and roll the corresponding check: 

Brute Force Attack (Athletics)
Nimble Attack (Acrobatics)
Defensive Stance (Perception)

Defensive Stance gets a bonus to dodge a Brute Force Attack, Brute Force Attack get a bonus to overpower a Nimble Attack, and Nimble Attack gets a bonus to break through the defenses of a Defensive Stance. This will be represented by the 'winning' RPS move getting a +5 bonus to their roll result. 

In the end, whoever has the higher number still wins, so it is still good to roll what you're good at, though always possible to try to outsmart your opponent with something they're not expecting. 

Optionally, before deciding each 'round' what move you want to use, you can roll insight against your opponent's bluff to determine what you think they intend to do. If you beat their bluff you will be informed the correct move, though if you fail to beat their bluff you will be instead told their intended feint. You will not be told whether or not you actually beat their bluff each time, so take the information given from such optional insight rolls with a grain of caution.
If you would like to perform an insight check into your opponents planned move, do so now. Otherwise, declare your own move and roll for it.
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Post by Scratcherclaw »

"Aye, that he did," Caelen says quick a quick grin flashed at Carl. "I'm a travel companion of these two, from the west," the elf adds with a warm smile. "No title, just Caelen."
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Post by ratwizard »

Valcus frowns, the mention of Lord Halstos making his heart run rapid — the grim memories of his forced retreat threatening to return. He takes a moment, considering his next words and the weight they might have.

"Yes, he fell in battle — to the Imardanians, when they arrived from the sea. In truth, the western heartlands are falling one by one. Twinriver, the Spear, likely more now as our enemy's momentum continues. It is why we are here, in part. Though it seems our hasty trek eastward has brought us here even before news of such defeats."
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Post by Namelessjake »

Drake suppresses his irritation as Emrys calls him Boy, letting the greetings continue.

"A similar fate befell my father to. I am Lord of the Spear now," Drake says after Valcus speaks. Hopefully my mother is safe. They should have fled the castle before the Imardanians arrived, he thinks, wondering what has befallen the rest of his family and court who remained at Spearpoint.

"Our participation in the tourney is really only in aid of convincing the Queen to join the alliance we have been forming," he continues. "Not to say I'll go easy on you," he adds.
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Post by BartNL »

"Thank you for your assistance, milady." Hellenbert bows politely before leaving for the Elmwood estate.
So the Elmwoods are involved. How scandalous. Hellenbert remembers the years of gossip about Carl and more recently Robyn. So lord Camden has finally lost all control over his household, harbouring foreign lords and circus folk. Well, good for me I suppose. How fast will gossip about me entering this cursed estate spread? Mother will probably know of my actions in hours. That could complicate matters.

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Post by FinalTemplar »

The man flourishes the practice weapon, nodding. "Wouldn't plan on it." He says, examining her posture to look for any insight into her movements.
Insight roll: [1d20+3]=16+3=19
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Post by Fialova »

Caelen, Valcus, Drake, Ghor
Caelen's greeting is met with polite smiles, which immediately turn to looks of shock and disgust as the two lords make the current invasion known. 

"The... Imardanians have attacked? Truly?" Emrys responds, it clear that she is taken aback by this news. She turns to Carl, who seems nearly as surprised as she is.

"You had said things were bad in the west, but I'd no idea. Your homes, they have already fallen? How is it that we have not even heard word of this war if so much has happened in it?"

"By the Gods," Dustin says, shaking his head in disbelief, a look of disappointment on his face. "I've spent the past two days fawning over you as competitors in some games, and you were merely here seeking aid for your people. You must have felt awful," he continues, the disappointment on his face turning to one of sorrow. Miriam, meanwhile, has wandered fully inside the bow shed, and does not seem to have heard what was said.

"If what you say is true, then the Queen must hear of this," Emrys says, her face and stance hardened, her friendly and personable demeanor replaced by the knightly one she so often presents. "Is there something I can do to assist?"
"Leaving so soon?" Kiki asks, a faux pout forming on her face at the news. "Make sure to come back later, if you're free. I put on a great show," she continues, offering the man a wink before she returns to her seat on the barrel and once more begins flinging her knives at the same nearby crate as before.

Making your way out of the market square, you find the main road no less busy than it had been before. Squeezing past no shortage of common folk going about their days, you begin your short ascent up the hillside, towards the wealthier parts of town. A short distance up the hill, you turn down Limestone Boulevard, home to several estates ranging from the homes of local merchants and minor nobles, to the smaller capital estates of some of the major nobility whose main residences lie in their castles and cities afield. It is a road not unlike the one your own home resides on, though most of the estates on Limestone are a bit larger than your family's own.

At nearly the end of the road, on the left, you find a slightly smaller manor with an ornate wooden sign above its entrance reading Elmwood Estate. It is walled, with ivy and some flowers covering much of the old stone wall that surrounds its plot, and an intricate wrought-iron archway leading into the property. Passing through, you find that the rest of the grounds are separated by a shorter, iron fence - showing signs of rust from years of weather - leaving only a short cobblestone path towards the entrance. The entrance is mostly unassuming, a solid wooden door in the side of the stone bottom floor of the building, which features two higher floors constructed of wood and plaster, not much different from most of the more common homes in the city despite its size. The center of the door features a brass knocker in the shape of antlers, with the center that hits against the door fashioned in the shape of a stag's head.
From what you are able to tell, your opponent appears to be preparing to start with a nimble attack. Please choose your own move and roll to hit. 
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Post by Namelessjake »

"Truly," Drake confirms. "Imardanian agents work to suppress the news to avoid the realms further inland from coming to the aid of those on the coast."

"In truth the distraction has been a welcome one," he says in reply to Dustin, genuinely glad to have had some time in Menora that has had an air of pre-invasion normalcy.

"We've already petitioned some influential courtiers," he says to Emrys. "An audience should just be a matter of time now."
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Post by ratwizard »

As Valcus listens to the shocked responses of the Menorans, he casts an inquisitive eye toward the bow shed before he provides one of his own. Dustin's betrothed seems to bemoan every event he drags her to, and yet he still persists in doing so. What a truly cursed match they make.

Insight check on Miriam's disposition, expressions, and actions so far to see if she is truly apathetic, or possibly hiding something: Insight: [1d20+2]=6+2=8
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Post by Fialova »

While it was quite clear that she seemed unhappy when she was headed towards the bow shed before, as you glance more directly towards her you can see that Miriam appears to be trying to distance herself. You cannot tell for sure from the distance and other chatter, but you get the sense that she might be crying and trying to hide it.
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Post by ratwizard »

Valcus frowns, surprised to sense that the young woman might be crying in the bow shed. Other than a concerned and wayward look her way, he decides not to draw attention to the poor thing. Unrequited love? Or has she family in the west? Questions for later, he notes to himself.

"You couldn't have known," he finally says to Dustin, his voice an assuring tone. "Most of the east is unaware of the invasion, or have minimized it as yet another struggle between Tulfolk and Rissans."

Valcus nods at Drake's words. "The tournament is no ambitious endeavor of ours, but a strategic one. A win, even a partial one, could secure us the funding, or fame, or audience to call for more banners to march west." He gives a mirthless smile to Emrys. "Though I will not ask you to give us anything less than your best. Our cultures are proud ones, and if the Pantheon has anything to demand of Lord Aerden, of Caelen, of myself, it is that we are here to prove our mettle the same as the rest of you."
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Post by BartNL »

Hellenbert firmly grabs the knocker and intentionally knocks quite a bit louder than what would be considered appropriate and polite, yet not loud enough for it to be considered an insult.
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Post by Fialova »

Drake, Valcus, Caelen, Ghor
Dustin seems relieved by your words, though still clearly upset by the news. "How can we help?" he asks, glancing between Drake and Valcus with a more determined look, albeit still showing his sadness at the news of the war. "Should I speak to my father? He is in charge of foreign affairs, he should know of these events. He would have the Queen's ear."

"I would not go easy on you," Emrys responds, nodding towards Valcus at his comment. "If anything, I should make sure to show you no quarter in the tourney. More experience will aid in vanquishing these enemy invaders, and we could all benefit from the practice."

Raising her right arm towards her chest in salute, she bows her head and continues, saying, "once this tournament is complete - regardless of the Queen's decision - you have my word that I and the armsmen I command will aid in your war to defend your homelands from this invasion. The safety of the east is necessary for the safety of the west, and I will not see it go undefended. You can count on our banner to follow where you lead and serve at your command until they've been ousted for good."
Miriam's demeanor does not appear to change from its previous state, as she continues to softly cry in the bow shed away from the others. You are not able to tell if she is listening to the rest of the conversation or not, but the lack of change suggests that your recent words have not affected her mental state.
There is a silence in the air for a moment after you knock, but in a minute or so afterwards, shuffling can be heard from the other side. The large wooden door slowly swings open, revealing the figure of a tall elven man. He is well dressed and looks to be in his later middle age, with salt and pepper hair and a neatly trimmed beard and mustache. He wears a neutral expression as he peers down at you, before greeting you with, "good tidings, man of the watch. Whatever may I assist you with this fine day? Are you here to speak to Master Elmwood? If so, I can make your presence known."
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Post by BartNL »

"Greetings, I have business with the master's guests. I am looking for a colourful company, consisting of two western lords, a circus performer and a young elf. Are they here still?" Hellenbert answers.
Surely he would have taken note of an elf entering the estate.
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Post by Scratcherclaw »

"Aye, I'm sorry for any deceit," Caelen says to Carl at his remark towards the west. "I didn't want to cause a panic in a place like that, nor break the news without these two." He looks at Valcus and Drake, knowing the natural authority they carry, and their natural ability to convey such dire information.

He looks to Dustin for a moment, knowing his father is one of their potential suspects and the potential awkwardness in divulging that. "If he doesn't know of these events, then that'll just prove great lengths were taken to conceal them."

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