The Firstborn — OOC

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The Firstborn — OOC

Post by ratwizard »

It is the 23rd year of the 2nd Era, Kurnhuelde. Groznid Bay is your home. As one of the first elvish citizens, you were either born here to parents who traveled the Sea, or you were among those who traveled themselves. Your laborious years here have proven this city to be relatively hospitable — but there is no easy day in your life. Terrible wages for back-breaking labor offered by those in positions of power have left you yearning for something beyond.

Throughout your time in the city, you have come across many wealthy figures, their positions attained whether through hard work or (more often) through familial connection. Opportunities exist for your kind, and you know that with risky employment comes hard-earned rewards. As such, a group of you have decided to band together to handle whatever job is thrown your way. Mercenary work, security, private investigation — you will do whatever it takes to rise above the position this land has apparently carved out for you.

Perhaps you can help elevate your community, giving them opportunities of their own. Perhaps you can infiltrate the political field of the city, forcing more egalitarian measures to take root. Or perhaps you simply want to become wealthy for your own sake — to travel the world, or live decadently. A new life calls you. All you have to do grab hold of it.
Setting and Lore

Just over two decades ago, elvenkind arrived at the shores of Eastern Kurnhuelde, much to the surprise of the native orcs. Spurred by their dangerous and brutal lifestyles on the continent of Quellam, the elves sought new lives through a new continent’s existence promised by the tales of naval scouts and mystical prophecies. They set out on large vessels able to withstand the sea's terrors, eager and willing.

Voreld is not without its difficulties and cruelty, however. The subsequent massive eruption of Kresh Garuul caused mayhem across the subcontinent only months after the elves arrived. An onslaught of lava practically wiped out Clan Garuul, while the famine and foreign invasion that followed crippled the remaining Kurnish people.

Many of the more ancestral orcish territories shunned the elves, attributing the natural disaster and divine punishment to their arrival. The societies of orcs along the Kresh’Aran began openly killing any elf that passed through their lands. Less brutal groups simply banned the new people from their lands, in fear of them. It was only the coastal cities, more leveled in their worldview and harboring less xenophobia, who admitted elves safely. While not all of their denizens offered the newcomers respect, the cities’ officials did their best to ensure no persecution.

Groznid Bay is one such place: a bastion for the elvish arrivals that promises opportunity to thrive. Not far from the city center is a very poor and predominantly elvish district consisting of many dense hovels packed in on each other. You have lived here for some time and seen many of your find struggle to put food on the table for their families.

The city itself is one of the largest in the peninsula and has many industries active within its limits. Finally recovering only years ago from a very costly siege in 2E Y5, Groznid has rebuilt its docks and upped its fortifications. Still technically involved in the war with the Serran Empire, there is heightened security, but it has been a long time since the Serranborn posed any threat this far into the peninsula.
Character Hook

You will play a young, able elf in a poor district of Groznid Bay. It is your choice if you would prefer to be a second-generation immigrant (the child of an immigrant) or a first-generation immigrant (sailed over yourself.) There are multiple waves of sailing elves across the two or three decades they emigrated from Quellam -- meaning the first genners would have to be from a much later wave than the second-genners’ parents in order to be in the same age bracket.

The story is focused around themes of race relations, immigration, and close-knit community during times of peril. The core trope of the campaign is intented to be young elvish adults who grew up together as the PCs. However, I did appreciate the possibility of having a first-gen immigrant -- somebody hardened by Quellam life beforehand. That being said, I am open to having first gen or second gen characters. It might make some interesting diversity. No more than half the PCs should be first gen, though.

Your character’s age should be somewhere in the vague range of 17-30. This should be your character’s first major jaunt into anything of this nature, so they will start at level 1. Before this, you could have been a laborer, farmer, craftsman, hunter, etc. For languages, Kurnish will be required for the campaign. For first-genners, this might mean your character has a heavy accent -- and you could use this as a point of roleplaying. Elvish is highly recommended as a secondary language narratively.

Note: Please also include a Crew Relations sblock in your background. This should have a short blurb on your character's thoughts and disposition toward the other PCs or NPCs.

A note on Elvish Biology: The elves from Quellam were very tall and relatively muscular -- some reaching seven feet. Those landing in Voreld and for many generations on would retain these traits. So at this point in time, typical elves are between six and seven feet and tend to have builds ranging from lean and fit to pretty muscular. In addition, elves tend to live longer lives but mature slower than humans. Only at the age of 25ish would they have the mental maturity of somebody at 20. Keep this in mind when building your characters!
Character Creation Rules

System: 4e
Level 1
Stats: 25pt buy. (rather than 4e's default 22)
Race: Any published, refluffed as elf or half-elf.
Class: Any published.
Feats: Choice of free expertise feat.
Themes: Allowed.
Background: +2 to a skill or add a language.
Equipment: Armor and weapon you are proficient in, a mundane focus or implement if need be. You may have 10 gold to purchase adventuring equipment.
Skills: There are no class skill restrictions; any class can train any skill. You still must take the mandatory/bonus skills granted by your class as usual (e.g. Arcana for a wizard). Also, if after class selection (and prior to race, feat, theme, etc. selection) you possess fewer than 4 trained skills, train as many as it takes to get to 4.
Rituals: Component costs for all rituals are reduced to ¼ their normal values to encourage ritual use. Also, Raise Dead will not be allowed in this game – dead is dead, though we hope that doesn’t have to be an issue.
Inherent Bonuses: Yes
Languages: We will not be using the standard 4e languages, but instead the ones listed below. Kurnish will be the required campaign-specific language. If by (mechanical) race or some other means you are granted a language other than Kurnish, pick one language from this list instead.
Hybrids: You will be allowed to take the feat "Hybrid Talent" as many times as you like as a hybrid character. Most hybrids are incredibly sub-par, and it allows for some really interesting combinations if you look hard enough. The CB does not allow for this option by default, though, so you will need to house-rule it and keep track of the benefits manually.

Common - Common is a lingua franca in this world. Most people know at least some of the common tongue, and many speak it fluently, but it is not the primary language of any nation. People who only know Common are typically sailors, or other people who have spent most of their life traveling rather than in one place.

Tulrissian – The widespread language of Tulrisse, a region of several city-states and kingdoms in Western Voreld.

Serran - The language spoken in the Serran Empire, a massive nation based in the Serran Desert in Southeastern Voreld.

Kurnish – The language of the orcish peoples of Kurnhuelde, a varied region consisting of taiga, tundra, and more moderate biomes on the Kurnish Peninsula.

Dwarven – The common language of the many dwarf kingdoms that occupy the mountains that run down the center of Voreld.

Elven – A catch-all term in Voreld for any of the many distinct dialects spoken by the elf natives of Quellam, a continent to the east.

Gleiosian - A language spoken primarily on Gleios and the surrounding smaller islands it influences.

Brennisian - A language that originated on the Isle of Brennis, but spread after the small nation conquered a large region of the archipelago. It has since become much less prevalent than it once was.

Ghian - A language originating on Ghia, and spreading with its culture to the smaller nearby islands.

Chathran - A language spoken primarily on Chathra and Cianthum.

Okani - A language spoken by the people of Mai'okon and the surrounding small islands under its influence.

Kawani - A language spoken by the native peoples of Mai'kawa. (D’armon on the modern map.)

Vishan - An odd language that evolved from from both Ghian and Chathran, spoken on the islands of Visha
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A Wan Smile
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Re: The Firstborn OOC

Post by ratwizard »

Character List
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Active PCs

Aeron, the Aspiring Ambassador -- Half-Elf Paladin -- Defender (Scratcherclaw)
Alierin, Sassy Rogue Type -- Halfling Rogue -- Striker (Namelessjake)
Sisera, the Steppe-rider -- Human Warlord -- Leader (TheWalrus42)
Vaughn, Arcane Weaver -- Deva Shaman -- Leader (Bart)
Dessarius, the Dark Knight -- Dragonborn Blackguard -- Striker (DIO)
Cymril, Shaper of Root and Rhyme -- Elf Protector -- Controller / Defender (DMPC -- GROMkill)

Inactive PCs

Feats of the Firstborn
The Story So Far
Sekadia, 1st of Paskago — 2E Y23
The group meets at Stout Hall, where they introduce themselves and begin looking for work together. After finding various leads, the group settles on one: finding a missing person. A man named Beamon is looking for his young adult son, who got caught up in some sort of unsavory work at the docks. He asks you to meet him the following night, the same time as another possible security job.
Seradia, 2nd of Paskago — 2E Y23
The following night, the group meets Beamon at his house. He promises mediocre pay but explains his son Berek was working for a smuggler named Kiros at the Southward Docks but turned up missing.

The group heads to the Southward Docks to look for Kiros. Alierin suspects a local beggar named Yakoa might know more, and finds him at the Tacked Barrel. Sisera chats with a monk, horrifying him with the truth of the Quellamese god-beasts. Alierin buys a bottle for Yakoa, who explains that Kiros smuggles rum out of Ramjan Lumber.

A few among the group have second thoughts and leave, while Nytholis tracks the group down to offer his blade as help. They head to the warehouse, where they encounter resistance but talk their way in to meet Kiros. After refusing to stop their investigation, the group is attacked by the smugglers. They successfully defeat them, with Nytholis killing two in the process. Kiros admits Berek is dead. The boy had stolen from a run, tried to cover it up, and then blackmailed Kiros when that failed. Sisera slits Kiros’ throat and the group finds two guards to report the situation. After explaining their side of the story, they are asked for their names and allowed to walk free. They try to meet for the other security job, but nobody shows.
Eludia, 3rd of Paskago — 2E Y23
In the morning, the group brings Beamon the bad news, and receives payment. Despite mourning, he offers to find them work on the docks if they come back in a week. They go back to Stout Hall, meeting Kiariim and finding a job to deal with a wolf hunting a farmer’s livestock. Heading to Coppercrown Farm upriver where they meet Jeseva, who shows them the damage done — two goats the night before. They agree to thin the wolves out, and begin by tracking them into the woods.

Coming across the wolf den, they light a fire to smoke them out of the cave. One of the wolves tries to escape but is engaged. Sisera tears a strange necklace off it to discover it is a shapeshifted orc, or aurug. Together, the group rescues an elder and two children from the cave. The rest of the pack return and show aggression. Nytholis’ errant attack begins hostilities, but Aeron manages to talk them down. The elves try to convince the aurugs to stop hunting livestock, but the aurugs explain that these were their lands long before the Clan’s. They compromise on the elves hunting Kuzkugi, a massive bear that has encroached on much of the aurug’s more remote hunting grounds. Should the elves deal with Kuzkugi, the aurugs will move further into the forests and plague the farmers no more. With Siva, one of the younger aurugs, they track the bear down and dispatch it and take its head. Siva offers her help in the future, and advises the group to seek out Novali, a charitable blacksmith who had crafted her family their necklaces.

The group brings the bear’s head back to Jeseva, who believes the ruse and pays them a bonus. Kiariim heads back to check on her son, while the rest of the group makes for Clan Heights to ask about an audit job posting.

When they arrive Marrok, the steward, takes their names and realizes who they are. He calls for Piatenka Rohl Ka’Groznid, the Clan Exchequer. She arrives to dress the elves down for disrupting her strange smuggling operation, punishing them by forcing them to take Kiros’ place until she can find suitable long-term replacements. Disappointed and worried, the elves head back to Stout Hall to grab a drink before their nightly duties.

They meet Kenver, who offers his aid. They return to Ramjan Lumber where they meet their handler, a young orcish man they dub Roof Boy. Aeron and Alierin stay to watch the warehouse while the others take the dinghy out to a ship moored nearby. Alierin prowls the storage and finds that Makeos owns the warehouse. The away gang makes it to the ship, meeting Captain Jormahn of the Crepuscular Wave, and getting loaded with more barrels. They bring them back and lock up for the night, heading home to their families.
Amidia, 4th of Paskago — 2E Y23
In the morning, the group takes care of some personal chatter and errands before regrouping at Stout Hall. Nytholis murders his rival and is arrested. The group decides to take on a bodyguarding job, and sets out. They are stopped by Roof Boy, who says the ‘boss’ was satisfied with their smuggling duties the night prior. He says they’re on for tonight, but might also have a voluntary job — with pay this time.

Heading to Gad’s Square, the group meets Oboros at the Silver Sovereign Saloon. He explains that they are to guard Sazario Beferme, a former Serranborn soldier turned prisoner of war turned peace orator. He will be speaking tonight in Gad’s Squre, and needs bodyguards. The group agrees, and heads back to the Low Docks to meet Sazario. On the way, they discuss their experiences with oppression, xenophobia through the city, while Sazario explains his intentions. They meet a beggar along the way, who Sisera advises to ask Tesni for help or work.

Arriving at Gad’s Square, the group gets to work on maintaining order during the speech. Sisera deals with pesky hecklers, while Alierin stops a young pickpocket. Together, they manage to chase off the hecklers from throwing food. Aeron and Kenver spot Morvos Ja’Groznid, the Clan Advisor amongst the crowd, intently listening to Sazario’s speech. Aeron bumps into Tribune Galain, and they discuss the reality of Sazario’s idealism. He suggests Aeron become a Tribune himself.

Sazario’s speech ends, and everyone regroups to escort him back. They are stopped by a group of orcish laborers, who invite them out for drinks near the Low Docks. After sussing out their benign intentions, the group agrees, and joins them at The Craftsman.

Jovak introduces himself and the group discuss Sazario’s message and the poverty around the city. Sisera explains the deadly nature of Quellam and the beast-gods, much to the laborers surprise. When Jovak brings up the inequity surrounding the dock specifically, the atmosphere grows awkward, and a patron leaves. Soonafter, the night is called and the elves make for Sazario’s home.

They are stopped by a group of menacing orcs dressed in nondescript, dark garb who were waiting in the alley. The orcs attempt to goad the elves into giving up Sazario, but Sisera gets them to stand down. They offer twice Sazario’s contract to walk away, to which Aeron and Alierin refuse. They threaten Sazario and leave, promising to see him soon.

After that, the group gets Sazario home safely, who pays them a bonus atop their initial deal.
Asadia, 5th of Paskago — 2E Y23

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A Wan Smile
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Re: The Firstborn OOC

Post by ratwizard »

Clan Groznid

For hundreds of years, the great Clan of Groznid has held control of the eponymous bay and surrounding territory. While leadership has changed through both natural death and challenged authority, it has always stayed within the same loose ancestral bounds. Most recently, the Groznid Clan's power was checked during the Crossing, the Kasfora Baruun, and the subsequent invasion by the Serran Empire. Though they lost their venerated chieftain Magros, they found their authority tempered, their grasp over the city and its people absolute.

In its current iteration of government the Clan (and all of its territory by ancestral right) is ruled by the Chieftain, who is advised by his council of five ministers. These stations are typically close family members, though in theory, they can be anyone among the community — blood or not.

Chieftain Kazke Ja’Groznid

Charismatic, extravagant, and a bit arrogant. Kazke’s father was Magros, the historic chieftain and war hero who saw to the defenses against the Serranborn before perishing. After Kazke’s reigning brother Mavul fell ill three years ago, Kazke challenged him to a duel and won. He is generally considered to rule well, listening to his councilors. However, he has a chip on his shoulder and seeks to become a more famous ruler than Magros, his father. He spends a lot of money on his lavish outings, like his hound Mun. He relies a lot on Morvos to advise him, but has a general motivation to learn and rule well.

Head Shaman Erukitza Ka’Groznid

Headstrong, loyal, and compassionate. Magros’ sister and aunt to the current Chieftain. Erukitza served as shaman for Magros during the war, and is largely seen as an exemplary figure among Groznidians. Her spiritual council and oration was monumental in boosting morale during the war, but she has largely faded as a background figure now that the rest of the council has largely been replaced with younger Groznid Clan members.


Warminister Gez Gezeri Ka’Groznid

Intimidating, unstoppable, and a tactical mastermind. Gez Gezeri is the oldest child of Magros, older sister to Mavul, Kazke, and Okadres. She famously served under her father in the war with the Serranborn, and was largely considered to be his successor. However, she denied the challenge of the title, instead allowing her brother Mavul to claim it. She knows her power lies on the battlefield and ensuring the defense of their territory, and lives for the fight. While still at war with Serra, she is often away for months at a time securing their borders and overseeing the logistical defense of them. Gez Gezeri’s armor is fitted with bronze and copper and tin filaments, worn both for ceremonial value and actual use. She has employed some of the best smiths under Aume’s command in the city to outfit herself and her elite guard.

Council Advisor Morvos Ja’Groznid

Studious, confident, and collaborative. Previously the lead servant of Magros, Morvos is the only one on the Council that does not have blood relation to the rest. Ironically, as Council Advisor, he is the mouthpiece for the four other non-chieftain roles, reporting directly to Kazke. He has served as Council Advisor for years, almost as long as Erukitza. He claims to love Groznid Bay more than anyone, and has sworn his life in service to his people. He often finds himself ending the infighting of the younger Councilors.

Clan Foreman Aume Ja’Groznid

Hard-working, reserved, and sincere. Aume is the son of Korval, the youngest sibling of Magros and Erukitza. Overshadowed by the rest of his family, Korval worked hard as an engineer and smith for the Clan, which led to his son doing the same. While Korval never held a Council role, Aume was selected for Clan Foreman at Morvos’ request. The two work closely together, which has formed some cliques within the Council.

Clan Exchequer Piatenka Rohl Ka’Groznid

Calculating, no-nonsense, and not afraid to get her hands dirty. Cousin to Kazke — her father is the oldest sibling of his mother and thus Groznid Clan by marriage. Piatenka Rohl was not active during the war, but was assigned to the role once Mavul came into power. She was close to Mavul, and they worked together on securing the infrastructure of Groznid and ensuring the Clan’s coffers would be full. Now that Kazke has taken on the role, she has worked largely unchecked by the rest of the Council.
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Post by ratwizard »

The Districts
Groznid Heights

Towering above the ocean stands Groznid Heights, the site of the original village settled by the indigenous orcish community who'd later become Clan Groznid. In the Second Era, Groznid Heights is both an administrative center as well as a home to the wealthy and powerful clan members. Well-built buildings of hewed logs and intricate masonry are broken up by manicured gardens with impressive statues.
Places & People of Note


A generation ago, the delta island Vozto was one of the busiest parts of the city, serving the majority of shipping and industry. When the Serranborn invaded, Vozto was used as a staging point of their advances into the rest of the city. The district experienced bloody urban combat, eventually succumbing to great fires that purged many of the older business and homes, displacing many Groznidians. In the following two decades of peace, Vozto itself has been partially redeveloped, though many buildings still lie vacant and in disrepair. Today, most folk from Vozto fall into two categories — ambitious upstarts looking to forge a future from the ruins, or stubborn survivors of the war who live amongst ghosts and dust.
Places & People of Note

Gad's Square

A highly developed delta island, Gad's Square is home to many of the city's merchants and craftsmen. Largely shielded from the Serranborn invasion by Vozto's ruination, any traces of the war are only found in the statues, monuments, and placards of the garden plaza. Stories differ on who the eponymous Gad was — some claiming they were the greatest of hunters, while others claim Gad was the speaker of Kumara.
Places & People of Note
Silver Dollar Saloon

The Plaza


A dense, primarily residential district, Drosvul houses many of Groznid Bay's middle and lower classes. The large delta island has seen extensive erosion in the last century, leading to the formation of the infamous Sinkhole Pond. Many families were displaced when their homes and places of business fell into the river.
Places & People of Note

Kumara's Ridge

Built into a series of bluffs that overlook the riverfront, Kumara's Ridge is a prominent focal point for many of the more spiritual members of the city. While there exists no formal temple structure, many temples operate within the district — both private and open to all. In addition, some of the older Groznid Clan members live out their final days here in quiet ancestral manors dotting the hillside.
Places & People of Note

Elvish Quarter

Initially an undeveloped segment of Shoreside, the Elvish Quarter was the Clan-mandated hosting site for all Quellamese arrivals at the turn of the Era. While the requirement was relaxed and then later removed entirely over a decade ago, the vast majority of elves still live in the district. Pocked with improvised shanties, huts, and the occasional stone structure, most of the Elvish Quarter is in a constant state of development — or repair. Many of those living here work at the nearby Low Docks, though some occupy more distant stations either in or outside of the city.
Places & People of Note


The chasm between rich and poor Groznidian is no more apparent than in Shoreside. While the vast majority of the district's denizens are laborers who serve the nearby Low Docks and other worksites in the city, Shoreside is also home to a few palatial beachside homes, built by those who have profited deeply from the sweat of their brethren.
Places & People of Note


Lining the delta's riverbanks on the southern side are a stretch of farmlands collectively named Anoris. The alluvial deposits have created fertile growing zones, though they are commonly prone to flooding. In recently decades, much of Anoris has been absorbed into larger farming cooperatives owned by wealthier members of Groznidian society.
Places & People of Note
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Post by ratwizard »

The Docks
Southward Docks

Almost entirely ruined by the Serran occupation, the Southward Docks remain frozen in history despite the efforts to rebuild in nearly every other area of the Groznid. Theories for why the Clan gave up on Southward in favor of developing Low Docks vary, but most agree that the former chieftain Magros' body being found amongst the wreckage is the main reason. Once home to bustling industry and trade, Southward is now a den of smuggling and debauchery. For every three piers that are burnt and rotting, one still yet hangs on, frequented by only those brave (or stupid) enough to make use of the free real estate.

Low Docks

After the near-destruction of Southward, most industry pivoted to the Low Docks, which at the time were nothing more than a series of minor piers and boardwalks that served fishing folk and local boaters like Movek. In the two decades since, they have become a packed center of shipping and industry, experience rapid development that Groznid has never seen. The arrival of the Quellamese provided the means for a high volume of cheap labor, and so much of their strange boats were disassembled and used to build the piers and surrounding buildings.

Movek Point

Movek Point consists of a series of stubby piers and withering wharfs, though unlike Low Docks, there is little industry or traffic happening here other than fishing. The long, winding boardwalk isn't as outright brutalized as Southward, but Movek is certainly the most dilapidated of the docks among the city — lined with older shanties, improvised shacks, and bungalows galore.
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Post by ratwizard »

The Bridges
Old Bridge

A massive, ancient log bridge that connects Groznid Heights with Vozto. It is thought to be one of the oldest existing bridges in the city. Many claim it is soon-to-fail, though the claim has been made for generations.

Muzumeia Bridge

An impressive feat of architecture, Muzumeia is the largest bridge throughout the city, connecting Kumara's Ridge with Anoris near the beginning of the delta. The aged stone and plaster foundation rises from three legs set deep in the center of the river. Wooden crenellations line the edges of the walkways, their new but scarred frames possibly constructed as part of wartime defense.

Brass Bridge

A stone crossing, decorated with long, weaving strands of brass that run through its length, now weathered and greenish from the sea and salt and air. Brass Bridge connects Gad's Square with the southern shores, specifically the Elvish Quarter.

Akame Bridge

The newest bridge, recently rebuilt after its partial destruction during the Serranborn siege. Akame Bridge was dedicated after a historical warrior figure who was believed to have died after a merciless battle, but turned up alive and victorious.
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Alu Koroviz

For centuries, the islands of Alu Koroviz have been a spiritual center and popular fishing destination. During the Serran occupation, Alu Koroviz was one of the main staging points for the naval attacks. Much of the island was ruined and desecrated. In the years since, there has been limited efforts to restore it.

The "Old City"

Along the cliffside of what is now Groznid Heights, there are rumored to be an entire network of tunnels and caves from the original settlers, sometimes called the Old City. The scope and function (and existence) is rarely agreed upon, but the reigning theories point to old salt mines, storage, or mushroom farms. During the Serran occupation, a pair of galleys were wrecked against the sea cliffs during a particularly nasty kodrahl, or sea fog. This caused a partial collapse of some of the eroded coastline, which many say buried what remains of the Old City.

River Kjuldis

The second largest river in Kurnhuelde (beat only by the Ghryst itself). River Kjuldis takes its name from Clan Kjuldis, which controls the heavily-forested territory upstream. The River fans out into a massive delta that makes up the majority of the city. Upriver past Muzumeia Bridge, the fertile floodplains are home to long swathes of farmland that extend for miles.
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Post by ratwizard »

Cymril, Shaper of Root and Rhyme

Cymril is a young woman of twenty-two years. Her mother, Vela, is a council-leader of the elves while her father, Taenis, is a mystic and community figure. Cymril is cousin to Aeron, as Vela is sister to Emrys.

Not attuned to shamanism and mystical abilities like her father, Cymril instead found from a young age her affinity to twist and coil plant-life through primal power. She keeps her abilities under a close eye at the behest of her parents. For the most part, carrying a heavy walking stick seems to do the trick for self-defense. One thing her father has taught her, however, is the ancestral songs of Quellam. She can sometimes be found playing a drum and singing them, as well as writing her own tales having lived life in a new land for her kind.

A caring and just soul, Cymril is the first to stand up for those in no position to.
She is typically optimistic and has a bright mood, but has little patience for those to seek ill of her or those she cares about. Growing up, she gained a bit of a reputation for her obstinance after letting loose on a bully or two. She is quick to make fast friends of her peers, and is well-liked for the most part.

Cymril was brought into the fold through her cousin Aeron. While she seemed a bit cautious and shy at first, she quickly opened up to the others.
WWN Build
15, 10, 12, 11, 9, 4

STR 12
DEX 15
INT 10
WIS 4->14
CHA 11

Background, Performer (Perform-0)
Physical +2, STR->14
Rolled Perform, choose (Magic-0)

Partial Warrior, focus = Valiant Defender (Stab-0)
Bard (Magic-1), Arts: A Thousand Tongues and Rally

Valiant Defender-1 (Warrior)
Valiant Defender-2 (Free)
Unique Gift (???)

5 HP

Skill: (Stab-1)

Level 2:
One more Bard art: Inspire Dread
Focus: Whirlwind Assault (Stab-2)
3 Skill Points: (Heal-0), (Know-0), (Notice-0)
10 HP

Level 3:
3 Skill Points: (Perform-2)
17 HP

Ending Skills

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Re: The Firstborn OOC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

Aeron, the Aspiring Ambassador

Ten-Minute Background
Background and Concept Elements
Appearance: Much like many of the other early elves, Aeron stands tall at 6'8", with a toned build at 185lbs. He has medium-length blonde hair, some of which has a tendency to cover his sky-blue eyes if not careful. As a result, he oftentimes has to adjust his hair, though he refuses to cut it. Not one to forget his heritage, the elf has subtle facial tattoos along his nose and jaw, brown marking that his ancestors would have worn proudly.. Much like others in his family, he often adorns his hair and pointed ears with feathers to further commemorate his ancestors, even from a continent away.

Personality: Not one for being a stoic leader type unless absolutely necessary, Aeron is highly jovial and outgoing with nearly everyone he meets, provided they aren't hostile towards him. Though he knows the hardships his people face, he feels that letting suffering dictate one's attitude is no way to live life. He often tries to see the good in people, but this can just bring upon frustration when such people consistently fail to act on the goodness in their heart.

With his diplomatic experience, he's highly aware of his own actions and how they may be perceived since he sees himself as a representative of elves and that orcs may judge all elves based on the actions of a few. His family and friends are extraordinarily important to him, and he will go to great lengths to protect them if necessary, though he hopes it may never come to that. Aeron is also highly ambitious, with big dreams that may make him lose sight of the reality at hand. He, however, believes that he can reach these dreams with enough dedications, which lends itself to his attitude of never giving up.

Early Life: Aeron was born in a modest house in Groznid Bay, to two elven immigrants, Emrys and Rhiannon. An only child, he was extremely well-loved and doted upon in only the way a lone child could be. Although nearly all elves were living in poverty, Aeron's family's situation was less severe than many others, and he grew up not having to worry about having enough to eat each and every day. As a young child, Aeron spent most of his time with his mother, with his father off with the council but still ever-present. Without any siblings, he grew close to his first cousin Cymril, with the two often playing together. However, at this age, his parents kept him highly sheltered so as to protect him from the outside world. This protection could only last so long, though.

Young and Wild: When Aeron was about 7 or 8, he was introduced to his neighbor, the son of one of his mother's friend. Growing up, Aeron had always been a well-behaved boy who always listened and stayed out of trouble. His new friend Madoc, however, tested all of this. With the two old enough to explore beyond the house, explore they did. And get into trouble they did. Madoc, a mischievous sort, often led Aeron on all sorts of adventures, from harmless pranking runs to trespassing in areas they should not have gone.

Although terrified at the time, these adventures led to him growing braver than he previously had been. Because of all these misadventures, he quick learned the art of the lie, which was necessary to avoid all sorts of punishment. In one particular instance, the two nearly stowed away on a cargo ship until discovered by an elven crewman who told them to go home. These antics came to an end, however, once Aeron began to accompany his father to Council meetings.

A Councillor's Boy: On one sunny summer day, Emrys decided to let Aeron tag along with him to his work at the Council. Given the importance of family and the need for both parents to often work, Councillors' children were allowed to accompany their parents. However, few actually did this, as the rambunctious children would rather play with friends. Though he too would rather go out and play with Cymril or Madoc, Aeron was nevertheless excited to see where his father worked and see all of what he did. Perched upon his father's lap, he watched in awe as the elven diplomats discussed the day's proceedings. His eyes especially widened as two Councillors got heated with one another, those his father covered his ears so he doesn't know what they even said. The next day, Aeron asked his father if he could come again, which his father allowed.

From then on, Aeron would accompany his father to nearly every Council meeting, his interest piqued in politics and diplomacy. Although still young, he began to have a vast understanding of the political climate in the city and all of the issues that his people were facing. Through his continued interaction, he built many close connections and relationships with the Councillors. However, he still wanted to do more than simply watch. Although still fascinated by it, the boy hoped he could actually help out once old enough. Noting his gift with language, especially as some of the Council's members didn't know Kurnish, let alone Common, Emrys began letting his child aid as a translator.

As it went with Aeron, though, he still craved more after a few years of the same business. When he was 16, he petitioned to his father once more, and succeeded. Deeming him mature and knowledgeable enough, Aeron became a courier for the Council, delivering important messages and intel between its members and to the broader Groznid Bay government.

The Courier: Aeron quickly began to love his new position as a courier, as it allowed him to explore portions of the city he'd never seen before. Additionally, he knew it allowed him to build connections with those currently in the Groznid government. Along the way, he met Dreka, an orcish woman with deep anti-elf sentiments who has tested his own demeanor on one too many occasions. Most days, however, he found to be an enjoyable routine. Most times, he rushed to deliver the message, leaving plenty of time to explore and be back for more deliveries. Having grown up confined mostly to the elven district of town, he used this opportunity to familiarize himself with the rest of the city, being especially fond of the wealthier quarters.

While stopping into a local tavern after a delivery, Aeron met Alierin and was nearly immediately enamored with her beauty. Hoping to speak with her longer, he ordered a drink and stuck around. The two spoke for hours, leaving Aeron to get scolded by his parcel master upon his return. Aeron, however, began stopping in much more often and the two got even closer. Eventually, they began dating one another. The relationship lasted a year or so until Aeron caught her returning home with stolen goods. He confronted her, knowing that as soon as one elf is seen as a thief, they're all branded thieves. As a result of the argument, the two broke up and Aeron once more busied himself with his work.

Fueled by Ambition: As his work continued and as his connections grew, Aeron once more had a desire for more. Though he had once wanted to take after his father and join the Council once of age, he recognized that the Council was ultimately powerless in the broader scheme of things. Although they held recognized power among the elven population, they lacked the capacity to make any meaningful change in the city itself, besides the stray petition. With this realization, Aeron raised the bar of his own ambitions towards the city government that he had become acquainted with. His new mission, to be the first elven member of the city government and an ambassador for his people. As a result, he knew he had to make a change.

An Opportunity for More: Throughout his life, he'd seen how far hard work could take someone, noticing the many wealthy figures the city boasted. He decided he wanted to be among those ranks, as he saw from an early age that wealth equals power, and with that the power to make change. Fully aware that he could never do it alone, though, he gathered up close friends and family. After all, more money can be made with more heads. With a team assembled, he set out to take Groznid Bay by storm.
1) Aeron wants to raise his standing through mercenary work and odd jobs so that he can become the first Elven member of the Groznid government.

2) I'd like Aeron to step up to the plate and embrace the leader kind of role in the party dynamic, especially since none of my previous characters have quite fit that role.
1) Through his job as a courier for the Council, Aeron has had a habit of reading intel that he likely shouldn't be reading, and often chooses to deliver it or not based on the consequences he sees it having. For example, he often destroys opening hostile messages that some particularly ornery council members send.

2) Dreka is a member of an orc extremist organization with negative sentiment towards elves. Her organization is plotting an attack on Elven Council members, including Aeron's father.
People Tied to Aeron
1) Cymril is Aeron's older cousin and practically a sister to him. Growing up without any siblings, his cousins were as close as he got. With the two so close in age, they spent much of their childhood together, exploring a world so unfamiliar to them and to their parents. As a child, she saved him from bullies on more than one occasion, and he trusts her with his life. He also knows to never cross her, though, knowing fully her capabilities with plant magic. Aeron invited Cymril into the fold as he knows there is no one else he could count on more.

2) Madoc is one of Aeron's neighbors and a very close friend of his, as Aeron's mother is good friends with Madoc's. Often as children, the two would play together, with Madoc more often leading the pair into some kind of trouble. Being sheltered and somewhat of a goody-two-shoes, this was Aeron's only experience with mischief growing up and he quickly learned how to lie to stay out of trouble. In more recent years, the two have grown distant as Madoc spends most of his hours. However, when the two do get together on occasion, it's just like old times.

3) Alieren is a former girlfriend of Aeron, as they dated a few years prior. He first met her while she was working in her tavern and the two quickly grew very close. Their relationship lasted for a year until he caught her stealing, and the ensuing argument and value clash ultimately led to their break up. Time has mended most of the wounds between them, though there is still underlying tension after all these years. He still considers her a friend, however, and cares about her regardless of their failed relationship. He does hope that she can finally give up thievery and turn to a more honest line of work, part of which he hope happens with their new group together.

4) Dreka is an orcish native to Groznid with a deep hatred towards the Elven population. Unbeknownst to Aeron, she is part of an extremist organization that preys upon elves and seeks to spread terror and violence among them. Aeron first met her the first time running a letter to the Groznid government. Dreka confronted him in an alley and called him racial slurs, attempting to shove him around to assert herself. He ignored her and went about his day. However, she persists every time she sees him, attempting to make his life a living hell. Though he'd like to blow up at her, he knows he's a representative of the elves and cannot be seen as causing violence.
Memories, Mannerisms, and Quirks
1) Aeron always wears a beaded necklace his mother gave him when he was a child. It was hers when she was a child and he feels that it's a connection not only to his mother, but also to his ancestors and homeland.

2) Aeron has a deep fascination with learning about other cultures around him, as well as his own cultural heritage. This has been the foundation of his belief that the elves can somewhat assimilate to the local culture without giving up their own traditions.

3) Aeron remembers his father taking him to Council meetings while he was a child. Though he didn't understand most of the proceedings, he loved sitting on his father's lap and watching the Councillors discuss back and forth. This first helped spark the boy's future interest in diplomacy.
Background - Family/Class/Profession/Institutions
Family: Aeron is an only child, born in Voreld to Emrys and Rhiannon, immigrants like many others to the strange new realm. He is a cousin to Cymril, as his father is the brother to her mother. Being an only child has afforded him much more attention and doting than those with many siblings.

Class: As an elf in Groznid Bay, Aeron is relatively lower class. However, given his father's status on the Council, he has afforded a slightly better lifestyle than many other elves. Status, Aeron knows, is one of the few things separating him from the elves in the deepest clutches of poverty.

Profession: Given that he is proficient in local languages beyond Elven, Aeron has worked with Councillors as a translator of sorts for important documents and lesser communications with the Groznid Bay government. Additionally, he has worked as a courier for the Council, both between members and for correspondence with the local government.

Institutions: Though not a member himself, through his father, Aeron has tried to build ties with others in the Council. He'd one day like to follow in his father's footsteps and join the council though.
Drives - Primary/Secondary/Tertiary
Primary: Status: Aeron seeks to elevate his own status as well as that of all elves, and will do what it takes to achieve this.

Secondary: Wealth: Like many elves who can barely make ends meet, Aeron yearns for great wealth so that he and his family no longer have to struggle to get by.

Tertiary: Family: With the tight-knit Elven society, family, and family-like friends, are extraordinarily important to Aeron, and he always looks out for them.
Goals - Short-Term/Medium-Term/Long-Term
Short-Term: Aeron wants to find odd jobs to earn money and escape the cycle of poverty.

Medium-Term: Aeron would like to become a part of the Groznid government in some way, in order to be a voice for elves.

Long-Term: Aeron wants to improve the social standing of elves in Groznid Bay, making them equals to the orcish natives.
Crew Relations
Cymril: Cymril is Aeron's cousin and he practically considers her a sister due to their time growing up. He loves her and cares about her deeply, and trusts her with his life. However, he knows she is not to be crossed and does not test her limits. He's always enjoyed her optimistic outlook and knows he can go to her for advice when needed.

Ember: Aeron finds Ember's warm demeanor much needed given how sorrowful many of the other elves often are. He appreciates her hugs and their ability to somehow make all stress melt from one's body. However, he hopes she can learn to open up more to others and assert herself. He knows her love of sweets and uses this to his advantage on occasion, whether to cheer her up when she's sad or to garner her help with something.

Alierin: Time has passed since their relationship, so Aeron is friendly enough with Alierin. Despite their breakup, he still cares for her well-being and does want the best for her. However, he does still feel some tension with her, though tries not to let it get in the way of their interactions. He dislikes her tendency to steal, but understands that it often comes from necessity more than anything.

Sisera: Aeron somewhat dislikes Sisera's somewhat stoic demeanor, though is curious to get to know more about her past. He's also curious to hear more about the old world, especially a different part than from where his parents came. Though he doesn't care much for her emphasis on strength and valor, preferring diplomacy and charisma, he nevertheless knows he can rely on her skills.

Erevan: Aeron finds Erevan to be generally pleasant, and appreciates that the man prefers to obey the laws where so many other elves break them. He finds the man's obsession with woodcarving to be a bit much, though he recognizes the skill. Aeron has also noticed Erevan's tendency at talking to himself, and he finds this to be a bit odd. However, he figures it's best not to comment on it in case the carpenter is unhinged.
4E Archive
Character Sheet
Aeron, level 3
Half-Elf, Paladin
Half-Elf Power Selection: Dilettante
Background: Early Life - Well-Loved (+2 to Insight)

Str 12, Con 16, Dex 10, Int 8, Wis 12, Cha 20.

Str 12, Con 14, Dex 10, Int 8, Wis 12, Cha 18.

AC: 19 Fort: 15 Reflex: 12 Will: 17
HP: 43 Surges: 13 Surge Value: 10

Religion +5, Insight +11, Bluff +11, Diplomacy +13

Acrobatics -1, Arcana, Dungeoneering +2, Endurance +2, Heal +2, History, Intimidate +6, Nature +2, Perception +2, Stealth -1, Streetwise +6, Thievery -1, Athletics

Feat User Choice: Two-Handed Weapon Expertise
Level 1: Weapon Proficiency (Fullblade)
Level 2: Mark of Warding

Dilettante: Intent Laid Bare
Lay on Hands: Lay on Hands
Paladin at-will 1: Ardent Strike
Paladin at-will 1: Virtuous Strike
Paladin encounter 1: Valorous Smite
Paladin daily 1: Majestic Halo
Paladin utility 2: Virtue
Paladin encounter 3: Hold Fast

Equipped Items

Code: Select all

Main Hand: Fullblade
Offhand:   Fullblade
Body:      Plate Armor

Head:      ---
Neck:      ---
Arms:      ---
Hands:     ---
Waist:     ---
Feet:      ---
Symbol:    ---
Ki Focus:  ---
Ring:      ---
Ring:      ---
Tattoo:    ---

Boon:      ---
Bedroll, Chalk and slate
Belt Pouch
Waterskin, Coinpourse of 51 gold pieces and 8 silver pieces
All Items
Plate Armor, Fullblade, Backpack (empty), Bedroll, Waterskin, Chalk and slate, Belt Pouch (empty), Coinpurse of 51 gold pieces and 8 silver pieces
Combat Block

Male Half-Elf Paladin 3
Languages: Elven, Kurnish, Common
Age: 21
Height: 6'8"
Weight: 225 lbs.

Speed: 5
Initiative: +1 (+3 w/ Sisera)
Passive Perception: 12
Passive Insight: 21
Senses: Low-light Vision

AC: 19 (20 w/ Dess)
Fort: 15
Reflex: 12
Will: 17
HP: 43/43
Bloodied: 21
Surge Value: 10
Surges left: 13/13
Action Points: 1

MBA (Virtuous Strike): +11 vs AC, 1d12+6 radiant damage and +2 to saving throws until SONT
MBA Charging (Ardent Strike): +11 vs AC, 1d12+6 damage and the target is subject to Divine Sanction until EONT
MBA (Hold Fast): +11 vs AC, 2d12+6 damage and the target is immobilized until EONT
RBA: +2 vs AC, 1d4+1 damage

Resistances: None

Vulnerabilities: None

Saves: None

Active Effects: None


Divine Challenge
Lay on Hands
Virtuous Strike
Ardent Strike
Divine Sanction


Second Wind [_]
Guardian's Counter [_]
Intent Laid Bare [_]
Valorous Smite [_]
Virtue [_]
Divine Mettle [_]*
Divine Strength [_]*
Hold Fast [_]

Majestic Halo [_]

*Can only use one Channel Divinity power per encounter


Important Features:
Class Features
Divine Challenge/Sanction: While a target is marked, it takes a –2 penalty to attack rolls for any attack that doesn’t include you as a target. Also, it takes radiant damage equal to 3 + your Charisma modifier (+5) the first time it makes an attack that doesn’t include you as a target before the start of your next turn. The damage increases to 6 + your Charisma modifier (+5) at 11th level, and to 9 + your Charisma modifier (+5) at 21st level. On your turn, you must engage the target you challenged or challenge a different target. To engage the target, you must either attack it or end your turn adjacent to it. If none of these events occur by the end of your turn, the marked condition ends and you can’t use divine challenge on your next turn.

Racial Features
Group Diplomacy: You grant allies within 10 squares of you a +1 racial bonus to Diplomacy checks.

Two-Handed Weapon Expertise: You gain a + 1 feat bonus to weapon attack rolls you make with a two-handed melee weapon. In addition, you gain a + 1 bonus to the damage rolls of charge attacks you make with a two-handed melee weapon. Both of these bonuses increase to +2 at 11th level and +3 at 21st level.

Weapon Proficiency (Fullblade): You gain proficiency with the Fullblade.

Mark of Warding: Whenever one of my powers grants a bonus to a defense, increase that bonus by 1. When I mark an enemy, they take -3 to attack rolls for attacks that don't target me instead of -2.
Character Sheet
Aeron, level 3
Human Adventurer (Warrior/Expert)
Background: Noble

Str 14(+1), Dex 12(+0), Con 13(+0), Int 11(+0), Wis 12(+0), Cha 18(+2)

Str 7, Dex 12, Con 13, Int 11, Wis 12, Cha 14

HP: 17 AC: 17
Physical: 12 Evasion: 13 Mental: 11 Luck: 13
Base Attack Bonus: +2


Impervious Defense-1
Specialist-1 (Convince)
Valiant Defender-1
Unique Gift
Diplomatic Grace-1


READIED (Capacity: /7)

STOWED (Capacity: 0/14)

Char Gen & Advancement
Stat Rolls: [3d6]=14[3d6]=7[3d6]=12[3d6]=12[3d6]=11[3d6]=13
Replace 7 with 14

Background Rolls: 
[1d6]=4 +2 to CHA (14>16)
[1d6]=6 Any skill (Convince)
[1d8]=3 Connect
Notice as free skill

Gold Roll: 

HP Rolls:
Lvl 1 [1d6+2]=2+2=4
Lvl 2 [2d6+4]=9+4=13
Lvl 3 [3d6+6]=11+6=17

Lvl 2: 4 Skill Points, spend 3 to bring Cha to 16>18 and 1 to learn Administer-0; gain Diplomatic Grace as focus, gaining Convince-2; saves decreased to 13/14/12

Lvl 3: 4 Skill Points, spend 3 to learn Stab-2 and 1 to learn Exert-0; saves decreased to 12/13/11
Combat Block Format

Male Elf Adventurer (Warrior/Expert) 3
Languages: Elven, Kurnish, Common
Age: 21
Height: 6'8"
Weight: 225lbs

Speed: 30ft
Initiative: +0

AC: 17
Physical: 12
Evasion: 13
Mental: 11
Luck: 13
HP: 17/17

Attack Bonuses:
Weapon: Attack Roll, Damage Roll
Unarmed: Attack Roll, Damage Roll

Ammunition Loaded:
Weapon: X/X

Active Effects: none

Important Features:
Partial Warrior: 

Partial Expert: 
Last edited by Scratcherclaw on Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:37 pm, edited 20 times in total.
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Re: The Firstborn OOC

Post by Fialova »

One Punch Elf
One Punch Elf


Ten-Minute Background
Background and Concept Elements






People Tied to Character


Memories, Mannerisms, and Quirks


Background - Family/Class/Profession/Institutions



Drives - Primary/Secondary/Tertiary


Goals - Short-Term/Medium-Term/Long-Term


Character Sheet
level 1
Longtooth Shifter, Fighter
Fighter: Combat Superiority
Fighter Talents: Brawler Style
Background: Muscle (+2 to Intimidate)
Theme: Guardian

Str 18, Con 13, Dex 16, Int 8, Wis 14, Cha 12.

Str 16, Con 13, Dex 16, Int 8, Wis 12, Cha 12.

AC: 17 Fort: 18 Reflex: 13 Will: 12
HP: 28 Surges: 10 Surge Value: 7

Endurance +7, Streetwise +6, Intimidate +8, Athletics +10

Acrobatics +2, Arcana -1, Bluff +1, Diplomacy +1, Dungeoneering +2, Heal +2, History -1, Insight +2, Nature +2, Perception +2, Religion -1, Stealth +2, Thievery +2

Feat User Choice: Ki Focus Expertise
Level 1: Master of the Fist

Fighter at-will 1: Grappling Strike
Fighter at-will 1: Cleave
Fighter encounter 1: Steel Serpent Strike
Fighter daily 1: Villain's Menace

Monk Unarmed Strike, Ki Focus, Hide Armor
Combat Block
Character Name (colored to their in-game text color)

Gender Race Class Level
Languages: Common, _____
Age: __
Height: __
Weight: __ lbs.

Speed: __
Initiative: +__
Passive Perception: __
Passive Insight: __
Senses: _____ Vision

AC: __
Fort: __
Reflex: __
Will: __
HP: __/__
Bloodied: __
Surge Value: __
Surges left: __/__
Action Points: __

MBA: include attack and damage rolls here (e.g. +5 vs AC, 1d6+2 damage)
RBA: include attack and damage rolls here (e.g. +5 vs AC, 1d6+2 damage)

List all passive resistances here. If none, then just write "None."

List all passive vulnerabilities here. If none, then just write "None."

List all passive bonuses to saving throws here. If none, then just write "None."

Active Effects:
List all current, non-permanent effects here (and the permanent ones too, if you really want). This includes all effects such as being prone, blinded, etc. Make sure this is always up to date. If none, then just write "None."


Item At-Will

Encounter [_]
Item Encounter [_]

Daily [_]
Item Daily [_]


List things such as potions and other consumable items here. If none, just write "None."

Important Features:
Feature: Explanation of feature. These should be any passive effects that are more than a flat increase to attack, defense, hp, or a skill (such as being able to use perception for initiative rolls), any effect that are triggered by certain other effects (such as an attack boost vs bloodied foes), and so on. If it is relevant info that is not directly represented elsewhere in the combat block or in your character sheet, it needs to go here.

Item Feature: Explanation of feature. These should be any effects listed as 'Property' on a magic item, as well as any specific traits of the item itself (such as Brutal and other effects on certain weapons, special effects from superior implements, etc.). Again, if it is relevant it needs to be listed.
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Re: The Firstborn OOC

Post by Neovenator »

Ember, Elven Huntress
Ember, Elven Huntress


Ten-Minute Background Response Format
Background and Concept Elements
1) Physical Description: Ember is slightly below average height for a female elf at 6’2”, and is a lean and fit 161 pounds. She has a diamond-shaped face, with high, elven cheekbones and wavy auburn hair which falls loosely past her shoulders. Her green eyes are closer in color to seafoam than deep forest hues. It would not be a stretch to say she is considered quite comely by most people. She walks with an easy grace, has excellent hand-eye coordination, and possesses an excellent sense of balance (leading to no great fear of heights).

2) Personality: Ember has a warm personality and an easy charm that makes her easy to talk to and get along with. Her melodious laugh and biggest smiles with her friends and those she knows well touch her eyes and could be described as mesmerizing, though she is most often prone to smaller, almost secretive smiles with others. Growing up in Groznid Bay’s poor sector has taught her that there is great value in being shy and secretive until you know it is safe to open up to strangers. Ember often gesticulates when speaking if she isn’t holding something, particularly when excited, scared, or feeling some other strong emotion. She likes most animals more than some people and is fascinated by true wildlife. Sweets are a luxury her family couldn’t afford when she was younger and she values them almost more than money. When it comes to friends, Ember is always a big, full-bodied hugger. When it comes to armed conflict, she knows her limitations and prefers to fight from a distance, utilizing cover if possible and bringing her skill with the bow into play.

3) Early Life: Ember is the first of her family to be born in Kurnhelde. Her mother and father, Marin and Branwen, were among the first elvish immigrants to make the journey across the sea from Quellam. Residing in the poor district of Groznid Bay, the family of four (Ember’s younger brother, Elyas, is 10 years her junior) survived mostly on odd jobs and occasionally bringing down game in the forests around the city when they could manage it. When Ember became turned 14, she begged her father to let her help him in the hunt. When she turned out to have a natural talent for the bow, the teenager doggedly began practicing archery whenever she had a rare free moment.



Ever since she was a small child, Ember has always been fond of animals. Though her family had little in the way of food, she would always try to sneak off with some of her own portion to bring to stray cats or dogs in the alleyways. One of her happiest memories is her father teaching her how to quietly sneak up to a deer so that she could touch it. The first animal she has actually been able to call her own, however, is the white hawk she named Cloud. He began following Ember as she was hunting one day out in the forests near Groznid Bay. She stopped to eat before moving on and noticed the bird hopping over to a fallen piece of meat. He followed her to her next stop and returned the next day when she went left the city again. Over time, Cloud became nearly inseparable from the elf girl and learned some rudimentary commands and tricks that Ember tried to teach him.

5) A Better Life: Ember is convinced that there is a better life out there for her people, she simply isn’t sure how it's to be accomplished yet. While Groznid Bay has been relatively hospitable, there are still many parts of Kurnhelde in which elves are persecuted, enslaved, or executed. Perhaps there’s a niche to be carved out here in Groznid Bay by finding an industry in which the elves can excel and, thus, begin to prosper. Maybe there is another region of Voreld in which they could settle that would be more welcoming, perhaps even a place the elves could found themselves. It could be a matter of a group of elves earning political power and negotiating for fair treatment laws from the various Kurnish governing bodies. For her part, Ember believes that it may take generations for some orcs to lose their prejudice against the elves and that other parts of Voreld could be an option. She wants to explore this new world and discover if the answer is out there.

1) Find a higher quality of life for the elves of Kurnhelde.
See #5 of the Background Section

2) I think it would be very cool to see Ember and crew eventually become new heroes for future generations of elves to look up to and tell stories of.

People Tied to Character
Elyas: Ember's younger brother. Ten years behind his sister, Elyas can be headstrong and a bit envious of his sister's growing independence. He looks up to his sister, who shared the task of raising him with both parents working, and wishes to make his own mark on their people one day.

Davrall, Butcher of Waystone Street: A middle-aged half-orc (half-human) who runs the butcher shop where Ember sells most of the meat and bones of her kills. He also dabbles in carving, which is why he is interested in animal bone at all. Davrall is fond of Ember, and many times the young ranger has gone to the butcher for advice or just idle conversation. Davrall was once a mercenary who traveled the length of Kurnhelde and the Gryst in his youth.

Ghazol Smokeaxe: Several years ago on a hunting trip, Ember journeyed further west than she ever had before. Well into an area devastated by the eruption of Kresh Garuul, she came across a massive boar limping through a rock-strewn field. Thinking of both putting the creature out of its misery and of the price Davrall would give her for the beast's tusks, the ranger took aim and brought the huge razorback down with a single, well-placed arrow. As she approached however, she noted another shaft, this one feathered red and black, sticking from the beast's other side. She was confused until, with a howl of rage, an orc burst from the direction the boar had come. In a tribal dialect of Kurnish, he raged at being "immasculated by a filthy doombringer such as she." To the best of Ember's understanding, the orc, named Ghazol Smokeaxe, was in the midst of a trial of manhood that would determine his place in his tribe. Apologizing profusely and backing away, Ember offered up a fine long knife as a gift and fled.

Ember knows:

Ember doesn't know: By handing Ghazol Smokeaxe a weapon after ruining his trial of manhood, Ember unknowingly delivered a scornful challenge, as if to a foe considered beneath her notice. Between this and "stealing" the boar's death, Ghazol's rage was palpable and he swore a blood oath to kill the red-haired "doombringer" with her own weapon.

Memories, Mannerisms, and Quirks
1) Ember loves sweets, especially those made with fruit, partially due to how rarely she was able to afford them growing up. They are an almost surefire way to bribe or thank her.

2) When it comes to friends, Ember is always a big, full-bodied hugger.

3) Ember often gesticulates when speaking if she isn’t holding something, particularly when excited, scared, or feeling some other strong emotion.

Background - Family/Class/Profession/Institutions
- Raised by - her parents (Branwen and Marin). From her father, Ember learned archery and an appreciation for the natural world. From her mother, she learned the importance of community and to pursue her goals with her whole heart.

- Social class - low. Ember grew up in the poor, primarily elven district near the city center of Groznid Bay. As a result, she had few opportunities herself, but wants to rise above that and find a higher quality of life for her family and the other elves that have settled in Kurnhelde.

- Work - Ember has had several odd jobs since she became old enough to help her family with income. She has been a courier, a scullion maid, and an assistant in a tanner’s shop. Now, she hunts deer and other game in the coastal forests between Groznid Bay, Berrid Heights, and Kjuldish Village then sells the hide, bones, and much of the meat.

- Institutions - None yet

- Relationships - Ember is unmarried and has no children. While she is not opposed to romantic relationships, she’s not actively looking for them.

Drives - Primary/Secondary/Tertiary
Primary: Earn wealth to help her family as well as enable her to travel

Secondary: Seek out some means of giving the elves a better life.

Tertiary: Explore a vast and varied new world.

Goals - Short-Term/Medium-Term/Long-Term
Short-Term: Personal Excellence - Ember takes pride in her archery skills and they are her ticket to her other goals and drives.

Medium-Term: Wealth - Her family needs it. Additionally, influence can be bought, perhaps even by elves. Lastly, traveling across a continent isn’t exactly cheap.

Long-Term: Curiosity - Ember wants to see and experience more of this world new to her people. Plus, there’s bound to be bizarre and interesting animals outside of Kurnhelde too, right?

Crew Relations - Important NPCs and other PCs
Cymril: Ember feels that Cymril is a big of a kindred spirit. Both girls are well-attuned to the natural world, though Cymril talents lie with plants rather than animals, and both tend towards the shy side until you get to know them. As a result, Ember considers Cymril to be a close friend. While she mostly keeps it to herself, Ember is jealous of Cymril's talented singing.

Aeron: Ember's feelings with regards to Aeron are two-fold. First, she considers him to likely be her closest male friend. His ability to almost instantly befriend people or pull just about anyone into a conversation with nothing more than a well-placed joke nearly boggles her mind. If she's feeling down, Aeron has proven adept at finding something to make her laugh and take her mind off her troubles. Secondly, Ember feels that Aeron is well-positioned to lead the elvish people into the future and has the foresight and temperament to do well by subsequent generations. She has sworn to herself that she will do the best she can to help him in that endeavor.




Character Sheet
Ember level 1
Elf, Ranger
Fighting Style: Archer Fighting Style
Ranger: Prime Shot
Choose Animal Minion: Animal Master Minion (Hawk)
Elf Subrace: Standard Elf Racial Traits
Background: Shinaelestra - Trained as a Ranger (+2 to Perception)

Str 10, Con 13, Dex 20, Int 11, Wis 16, Cha 8.

Str 10, Con 13, Dex 18, Int 11, Wis 14, Cha 8.

AC: 18 Fort: 12 Reflex: 16 Will: 13
HP: 25 Surges: 7 Surge Value: 6

Dungeoneering +8, Nature +10, Acrobatics +9, Perception +12, Stealth +9

Arcana, Bluff -1, Diplomacy -1, Endurance, Heal +3, History, Insight +3, Intimidate -1, Religion, Streetwise -1, Thievery +4, Athletics -1

Feat User Choice: Bow Expertise
Level 1: Weapon Proficiency (Greatbow)

Ranger at-will 1: Twin Strike
Ranger at-will 1: Nimble Strike
Ranger encounter 1: Two-Fanged Strike
Ranger daily 1: Sure Shot

Greatbow, Hide Armor, Dagger, Backpack (empty), Bedroll, Belt Pouch (empty), Flint and Steel, Hempen Rope (50 ft.), Torch (2), Waterskin, Arrows (30)

Combat Block

Female Elf Archer Ranger Level 1
Languages: Elven, Kurnish
Age: 23
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 161 lbs.

Speed: 7
Initiative: +5
Passive Perception: 20
Passive Insight: 13
Senses: Low-light Vision

AC: 18
Fort: 12
Reflex: 16
Will: 13
HP: 25/25
Bloodied: 12
Surge Value: 6
Surges left: 7/7
Action Points: 1




Active Effects:


Hunter's Quarry
Nimble Strike
Twin Strike

Second Wind [_]
Elven Accuracy [_]
Distracting Attack [_]
Two-Fanged Strike [_]

Sure Shot [_]



Important Features:
Racial Traits and Class or Path Features:

Archer Fighting Style: gain Defensive Mobility as a bonus feat
Prime Shot: If none of your allies are nearer to your target than you are, +1 bonus to ranged attack rolls against that target
Elven Accuracy: Free Action, Encounter, Reroll an attack roll. Use the second roll, even if it is lower.
Hunter's Quarry

Notable Feats:

Defensive Mobility: +2 to AC vs opportunity attacks
Weapon Proficiency (Greatbow)
Bow Expertise: +1/+2/+3 to weapon attacks w/bows, +1/+2/+3 to damage against isolated creatures w/ bow weapon attacks

Item Features:
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Re: The Firstborn OOC

Post by Namelessjake »

Alierin, Sassy Rogue Type


Background and Concept Elements
Birth and Early Life - Alierin was the second child born in Groznid Bay to parents who had both been born across the sea. Alierin’s Father was beaten to death by a couple of drunken Orcs when she was around two years old. With the main breadwinner of the family dead, life was not easy for the three of them and they survived mostly through the generosity of their extended family until Alierin’s brother was old enough to help.

With her older brother able to find work, often simple manual labour, Aleirin spent most of her later childhood helping her mother around the house and hanging around with the other eleven children that lived in the same area of the city. The children would generally spend their time playing, but as they got older this tended to morph into more risky games such as stealing loaves of bread from market stalls, and then as they got older still, trying their hands at pickpocketing and running begging scams. Although with the nature of the elven society in Groznid bay, the children would only ever target Orcs, leaving their fellow Elves alone.

Early Adulthood - Once Alierin was old enough, she too began to look for work to help out her mother and, when they had money or food spare, their extended family. Unable to work the docks like her older brother, Alierin mostly found work in the taverns as a barmaid. Although without the dangers of her brother’s working conditions in the docks, the taverns of Groznid came with their own dangers for a young Elven girl, mostly in the form of their drunken patrons, both Elf and Orc alike. However, through necessity, Alierin quickly learned to handle herself, and more than a few handsy patrons found their foreheads connecting with the table or their fingers broken.

But the work was still not always easy to find, and there would often be tavern owners looking to replace their staff with anyone one willing to work for less. Alierin’s fierceness in defending herself rarely won over her employers either. So occasionally Alierin would find herself playing the same games she had as a child, stealing food from the cities markets and picking the pockets of unsuspecting citizens. It was around this time too, that her mother developed an illness and which resulted in a heavy fever which would come and go every few months. The costs of the herbal medicine for her mother didn’t help the family’s financial situation and Alierin found herself resorting to stealing more and more often when out of work, and occasionally even when in work if her mother was hit by the fever again unexpectedly.

Relationship with Aeron - Alierin met Aeron a couple of years ago, the two initially hit it off and started a relationship. The relationship lasted a year or so, before Alierin’s mother came down with another one of her fevers. Alierin was working in a tavern at the time, however her brother had been struggling to find work for a while. Needing money for her mother’s medicine she turned to stealing however Aeron caught her returning home one night and confronted her about it. She stubbornly left out the reason behind her stealing and the two got into an argument, breaking up in the process.

Recent Life - In the last couple of year Alierin realised she had become quick adept at her side job and she started stealing more, turning down more honest work finding she could make more money through less legal means. She eventually caught the eye of the Orcs in the area linked to the wider criminal elements of Groznid Bay. Their information and ability to act as fences, made it even easier for Alierin to slip further into a life of crime, however while the money was good and she could afford to support her mother, Alierin resented working with the Orcs and she eventually cut ties with them. Being such a small player in the criminal underworld, leaving didn’t cause too many issues and she retained a few contacts and friends, although a few Orcs didn’t take to kindly to her leaving, particularly her main fence who relied on her ill gotten gains.

After trying to move away from that life, Alierin returned to her previous one waiting tables and serving drinks, still occasionally resorting to thievery if her mother was taken sick again. But she found the life considerably more boring and began to look for more work she could put her skills to use in.

Personality - Hardened by her early adulthood Alierin is fiercely independent and hates to show weakness, and is not quick to trust people. She is quick witted and talkative, but stubborn and will rarely compromise, not being afraid of getting into arguments.

Appearance - Alierin has piercing blue eyes and long scarlet hair. She tends to forego the traditional tribal dress some of the elves still chose to wear, instead opting for clothes more suited to city life. However, she does not shy away from her culture and wears much of her hair in braids as well as having several piercings in both her pointed ears along which another in her nose.
1) Alierin wants to find a way to make enough money to lift herself and those she cares about out of the poverty stricken lives they lead.

2) I’d like Alierin to learn to trust the group and start to become more open and less confrontational.
1) Alierin does her best to hide her source of her extra income. Despite petty thievery not being something high on the authorities list to investigate, she still doesn’t want to attract too much attention, from either the authorities or the larger criminal organisations in the city. Also while it tends to be an open secret amongst her friends, she tries to avoid her family finding out, particularly her Mother.

2) Unknown to Alierin and the rest of her family, Alierin’s father was actually involved in the criminal underworld of Groznid Bay and he had been trying to cheat the two orcs that killed him.
People Tied to Character
1) Falyri - Alierin’s Mother. An immigrant from Voreld who looked after Alierin and her brother alone for most of their lives due to the untimely death of their Father. In her older age she is beset with a sickness which manifests as a heavy fever every now and then, each time potentially being fatal. With her father having died so early in her life, Alierin is very close with her mother.

2) Gerirl - Alierin’s Older Brother by five years. As a child she looked up to her brother, seeing him working to support her and her mother, however more recently she has grown to see him as weak and unable to truly support their family due to her own relelative successes. Despite this the two remain close particularly when it comes to caring for their mother.

3) Aeron - Alierin was in a relationship with Aeron a couple of years ago which lasted for about a year, before they broke up during an argument. Time has healed most of the wounds and Alierin doesn’t harbour any resentment towards Aeron, although still feels she was in the right. Although she doesn’t realise it Aeron was something of a balancing force for her, keeping her from going to far down the route of becoming a career criminal, and she teetered on the edge of this for a while following the end of their relationship.

4) Logorm Vyclast - Alerin’s fence from her days associating with the Orcish criminal underworld. He didn’t take well to her backing away from the organisation and is looking to teach her a lesson in loyalty.
Memories, Mannerisms, and Quirks
1) Alierin tends to go by her full name however those close to her, such as her family and close friends, call her Alie.

2) When angry Alierin has a piercing murderous glare which would unsettle most people.

3) Alierin only has one memory of her Father before his death, of her as a young girl sitting in his lap by the fire while he regaled her brother and her with tales of their homeland.
Background - Family/Class/Profession/Institutions
Family: Alierin’s Father is dead, her Mother, Falyri, is still alive however for the last few years she has had a sickness that comes and goes. She has an older brother, Gerirl, who works as a dock worker. She also has a few cousins in the city as her Mother journeyed to Voreld with her two siblings who both also started families.

Class: Alierin’s class is just about the lowest you can get. Although it has fluctuated over her life, from subsistence living to better off than a lot of the other elves, depending on how much work the members of her family were finding at the time.

Profession: Alierin tends to find work in taverns tending the bar or serving the patrons, however often when she is out of work or needs me money, she will resort to stealing from the Orcish population.

Institutions: Alierin isn’t affiliated with any institutions in Groznid bay other than the wider elven community. She has however had dealings with some elements of the criminal underworld.
Drives - Primary/Secondary/Tertiary
Primary: Personal wealth - Having experienced such poverty, particularly compared with the wealthy Bosses of Groznid bay, Alierin wants nothing more than to be a wealthy woman.

Secondary: Fame - Alierin wouldn’t be truly content with just wealth alone. She also wants to be more than just a worthless gutter rat to most people and for people to know and respect (or fear) her name.

Tertiary: Fun - With how depressing life can be in Groznid Bay for an elf on the poverty line, Alierin is constantly looking for an escape and, with little else to do most of the time, will often spend her time drinking and gambling with her friends.
Goals - Short-Term/Medium-Term/Long-Term
Short-Term: Survive on what funds she has and try to find some enjoyment in her life.

Medium-Term: Secure more decent work to avoid falling back into poverty.

Long-Term:Find a way of achieving a more stable and comfortable life.
Crew Relations
Cymril: Alierin has known her for some time, having met her through Aeron. She likes Cymril, and her readiness to stand up for herself and others. Although at times Alierin does find her optimism a bit grating, especially given the reality that many elves face in Voreld.

Ember: Alierin likes Ember however, similarly to Cymril, she also does occasionally find her warmth too much for the situation many of the elves face.

Aeron: Alierin still gets along with Aeron for the most part, admiring his ambition for himself and the wider elven community and still finding him attractive, despite the way their relationship ended, although there can still be some tension between the two from time to time.

Sisera: Alierin dislikes Sisera somewhat, particularly her stoic nature. She also feels Sisera is unprepared for life in Voreld, due to her comparatively recent arrival, and needs to adapt if she is to succeed. She is however, curious to learn more from Sisera of Quellam.

Erevan: Alierin doesn't really know what to make of Erevan. She finds his talking to himself weird, and dislikes how he is unwilling to break the Orc's laws. However she admires his carpentry abilities, and finds him generally pleasant to be around.
Character Sheet
Alierin, level 3
Halfling, Rogue
Rogue Tactics: Artful Dodger
Rogue: Rogue Weapon Talent
Background: Geography - Urban (+2 to Streetwise)
Theme: Spy

Str 12, Con 12, Dex 20, Int 8, Wis 10, Cha 16.

Str 12, Con 12, Dex 18, Int 8, Wis 10, Cha 14.

AC: 18 Fort: 12 Reflex: 18 Will: 14
HP: 34 Surges: 7 Surge Value: 8

Stealth +11, Thievery +13, Perception +6, Bluff +9, Acrobatics +16, Streetwise +11

Arcana, Diplomacy +4, Dungeoneering +1, Endurance +2, Heal +1, History, Insight +1, Intimidate +4, Nature +1, Religion, Athletics +5

Feat User Choice: Light Blade Expertise
Level 1: Backstabber
Level 2: Duelist's Panache

Rogue at-will 1: Acrobatic Strike
Rogue at-will 1: Piercing Strike
Rogue encounter 1: Dazing Strike
Rogue daily 1: Press the Advantage
Rogue utility 2: Tumble
Rogue encounter 3: Low Slash

Leather Armor, Dagger (4), Backpack (empty), Belt Pouch (empty), Flint and Steel, Hempen Rope (50 ft.), Torch (2), Bedroll, Waterskin, Kiros' keyring, Gold Harbor Shipping Key, Coinpurse of 110.15 GP
Combat Block

Female Halfling Rogue 3
Languages: Kurnish, Elven
Age: 21
Height: 6'3"
Weight: 167 lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +6 (+8 when within 10 squares of Sisera)
Passive Perception: 16
Passive Insight: 11
Senses: Normal Vision

AC: 18 (19 from Dess)
Fort: 12
Reflex: 18
Will: 14
HP: 34/34
Bloodied: 17
Surge Value: 8
Surges left: 7/7
Action Points: 1

MBA: 1d20+8 vs AC, 1d4+2 damage
RBA: 1d20+12 vs AC, 1d4+6 damage

Resistances: None

Vulnerabilities: None

Saves: +5 Against Fear

Active Effects: None


Piercing Strike
Acrobatic Strike


Second Wind [_]
Skulking Spy [_]
Second Chance [_]
Dazing Strike [_]
Tumble [_]
Low Slash [_]

Press the Advantage[_]


Important Features:
Nimble Reacton: You gain a +2 racial bonus to opportunity attacks.

Artful Dodger: You gain a bonus to AC equal to your charisma modifier (+3) against opportunity attacks.

Sneak Attack: When you make an attack with a light blade, a hand crossbow, a shortbow, or a sling and hit an enemy granting combat advantage to you, that enemy takes extra damage of 2d6. You can deal this extra damage once per turn.

Backstabber: The extra damage dice from your sneak attack class feature increase from d6s to d8s.

Light Blade Expertise: +1 bonus to attacks with light blades and +1 damage to damage rolls against creatures granting CA.
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Re: The Firstborn OOC

Post by Slashstick »

Samdel, the undeveloped prodigy
Samdel, the undeveloped prodigy

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Re: The Firstborn OOC

Post by Pashalik »

Owain, White Mage
Owain, White Mage


Owain was born in Quellam to a family with a long history in the priesthood worshiping the Land Gods. He would have grown up to be a priest himself, but for a chance encounter at the age of nine, with a deadly quellamese viper. A bite from such a serpent would have been fatal, especially at his age, but the priests of his village were better than most at treating poisons, and they were able to save him, albeit just barely.

The incident was still very traumatic, the venom wracked his body, and Owain didn't grow up quite right as he got older. He turned pale and thin, with hair already silver as though with age. The veins on his right thigh, where he was bitten, look black through the skin. The bigger changes took place inside him. His brush with death awoke Owain's mystic powers of life and death magic, and his soul remains just barely out sync with his body. This gives him the ability to visualize the webs of life force and magic energy that run through the world, and to manipulate them. He came to see Death as a sort of ultimate predator, above even the Land Gods, who comes after everyone eventually. He loathes the Land Gods and Death alike, and became fiercely devoted to using his powers to snatch people back from Death's Door.

This inclination did not match well with the priesthood, and their practice of trying to appease the Land Gods. Owain's difficult condition and rebellious ideas made for a tumultuous few years. A rift grew between him and his family as he rejected the future they had been grooming him for, and at the age of fifteen, in a fit of pique, Owain fled his village to join in the migration away from Quellam. He stowed away aboard one of the great ships, and by the time they found him, they were already well out to sea. It was a close minute while they tried to decide what to do with him, but attacks by merfolk and sea serpents soon decided it. The casualties freed up space and rations, and while Owain's sickly looks and morbid attitude didn't win him many friends, his healing abilities quickly ingratiated him with the other migrants.

In Groznid Bay, Owain has continued to rely on his healing abilities to make himself a living. Owain sometimes uses his life sensing abilities to find patients before they find him, and as such most of the elves, and even some orcs, know him by reputation.

Character Sheet
====== Created Using Wizards of the Coast D&D Character Builder ======
Owain, Level 1 Kalashtar Cleric
Cleric: Healer's Lore
Versatile Expertise: Versatile Expertise (Mace)
Versatile Expertise: Versatile Expertise (Holy Symbol)
Kalashtar: Religion Bonus
Theme: Scholar

Str 10, Con 8, Dex 10, Int 10, Wis 20, Cha 18.

Str 10, Con 8, Dex 10, Int 10, Wis 18, Cha 16.

AC: 16 Fort: 10 Reflex: 10 Will: 17
HP: 20 Surges: 6 Surge Value: 5

Religion +7, Insight +12, Heal +10, Arcana +5

Acrobatics -1, Bluff +4, Diplomacy +4, Dungeoneering +5, Endurance -2, History, Intimidate +4, Nature +5, Perception +5, Stealth -1, Streetwise +4, Thievery -1, Athletics -1

Cleric: Ritual Caster
Feat User Choice: Versatile Expertise
Level 1: Pacifist Healer

Channel Divinity: Healer's Mercy
Channel Divinity: Divine Fortune
Cleric at-will 1: Sacred Flame
Cleric at-will 1: Astral Seal
Cleric encounter 1: Bane
Cleric daily 1: Beacon of Hope

Ritual Book, Chainmail, Holy Symbol, Staff Implement
Comrades' Succor, Make Whole
====== Copy to Clipboard and Press the Import Button on the Summary Tab ======

Combat Block

Male Kalashtar Pacifist Cleric Level 1
Languages: Elven, Kurnish, Telepathy 5
Age: 30
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 161 lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +0
Passive Perception: 15
Passive Insight: 22
Senses: Normal

AC: 16
Fort: 10
Reflex: 10
Will: 17
HP: 20/20
Bloodied: 10
Surge Value: 6
Surges left: 5/5
Action Points: 1




Active Effects:


Astral Seal
Sacred Flame

Second Wind [_]
Bastion of Mental Clarity[_]
Use Vulnerability[_]
Healing Word[_][_]
Channel Divinity: Healer's Mercy[_]
Channel Divinity: Divine Fortune(inactive)[_]

Beacon of Hope [_]



Important Features:
Racial Traits and Class or Path Features:

Healer's Lore: +Wis(+5) to healing when I let a creature spend a healing surge with a cleric power that has the healing keyword

Dual Soul: At the start of your turn, you can make a saving throw against each effect that renders you dazed or dominated. If you fail, you do not get a saving throw at the end of your turn.

Notable Feats:

Pacifist Healer: When the cleric uses healing word or lets an ally spend a healing surge to regain hitpoints using a divine healing power, you add your 1d6 + your charisma modifier to the hit points regained. The amount increases to 2d6+Charisma at 11st level, and 3d6+Charisma modifier at 21st level.

However, the pacifist healer who hits or misses a bloodied enemy and deals damage to it is stunned until the end of the next turn.
Versatile Expertise(mace/holy symbol)

Item Features:

color = C0C0C0
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Re: The Firstborn OOC

Post by Fialova »

Tesni, the 'Star-Speaker'


Tesni is a woman of great conviction, a trait she has gained over the past years of leading her flock to safety in Quellam, and keeping their spirits high enough to make the journey without succumbing to its many hardships. Where she began the trek as an uncertain and unambitious woman seeking to save as many lives as possible, she ended it as a hardened leader capable of making tough decisions and stoic enough to not let the many travails of her journey break her.

Since coming to Groznid she has had to adapt quickly, her position as a leader of her people evolving to be more spiritual than temporal. Where before she was seen as a guide to salvation in a purely physical sense, many who followed her - and some recent converts among the local populace - have come to see her as a guide to safety in security in this new and difficult position they find themselves in. While the threat of violent death no longer looms, still she is happy to serve her people as a leader of sorts, offering what advice she can based on her limited knowledge of the orcs and their culture.

While it does not show openly on her face or in her interactions with those who rely on her, this position has taken a heavy emotional toll on the woman. She feels responsible for keeping them safe even now, as it was her guidance that brought them to this land. Any failures they experience she views as failures in herself, any hardships they face she sees as her burden to bear, and something she should seek to mend. She only lets her closest confidant, Sisera, know of this aspect of her leadership, and she is happy to have a companion to share her troubles with, who will support her even when she does not feel worth supporting.
Ten-Minute Background
Background and Concept Elements





1) Tesni is aware of Sisera's affections for her, and while she is appreciative of the feelings, and has great trust and respect for Sisera, she does not share romantic interest. She has thus been pushing her friend towards interacting with others, in hopes that her romantic interest will find a new target, as she does not want to have to break the woman's heart.

People Tied to Tesni


Memories, Mannerisms, and Quirks


Background - Family/Class/Profession/Institutions



Drives - Primary/Secondary/Tertiary


Goals - Short-Term/Medium-Term/Long-Term


Character Sheet
Tesni, level 1
Elven Adventurer (Bard/Elementalist)
Background: Wanderer
Background Effects
Gain Survive-0

Growth: [1d6]=2 = +2 physical, raising Dex to 13
Growth: [1d6]=2 = +2 physical, raising Dex to 14 and Str to 10
Learning: [1d8]=3 = gain Notice-0
Class Effects
Adventurer (Bard + Partial Elementalist)

Gain Perform-0
Effort equals perform skill level + Cha mod, minimum 1
Arts can be used with or without armor, and do not count as magical effects for abilities that counter or detect magic
Gain 1 designated art +1 additional at creation, plus 1 additional each even level

Partial Elementalist
Gain Magic-0
Cannot cast spells or use arts while wearing bulky clothing, armor, or shields
Gain 2 elementalist or high mage spells at creation, and 1 additional at each level-up
Gain 2 designated arts +1 additional at creation, plus 1 additional each odd level
Effort equals magic skill level + Cha mod, minimum 1

Str 10 (+0), Dex 14 (+1), Con 9 (+0), Int 7 (-1), Wis 9 (+0), Cha 14 (+1)

Str 9, Dex 11, Con 9, Int 7, Wis 9, Cha 7
Use free 14 to change Cha to 14

HP: 15 AC: 11
Physical: 13 Evasion: 12 Mental: 12 Luck: 13
Base Attack Bonus: +1
Max Spell Level: 1


Gain Connect as a bonus skill. If you’ve spent at least a week in a not-entirely-hostile location, you’ll have built a web of contacts willing to do favors for you that are no more than mildly illegal. You can call on one favor per game day and the GM decides how far they’ll go for you.
Gain Lead-1 as a bonus skill. Once per day, you can make a request from an NPC who is not openly hostile to you, rolling a Cha/Lead skill check at a difficulty of the NPC’s Morale score. If you succeed, they will comply with the request, provided it is not significantly harmful or extremely uncharacteristic.

BARD ARTS (Effort: 2/2)
A Thousand Tongues
Your arts that require communication are intuitively understood by all intelligent creatures, whether or not you speak their language. You can learn a new language with no more than a week of study with a native speaker.
Inspire Dread
Commit Effort for the day as an Instant action when your enemies are forced to make a Morale check. You goad their fears, forcing them to
make two Morale checks instead of one. Those who succeed on both must still make an Instinct check immediately after.
Commit Effort for the day as a Main Action to exhort a wounded or fallen ally, removing any Frailty. The target regains 2d6 plus your level in hit points, but you incur one System Strain.

Elemental Resilience
You are unharmed by mundane extremes of cold or by heat less than that of a furnace. You suffer only half damage from magical or extremely intense flame or frost attacks.
Elemental Sparks
You can conjure petty amounts of flame, water, ice, stone, or wind, sufficient to do small tricks, chill drinks, light candles, or do other
minor things. Conjured substances last no longer than a scene, and conjured water cannot lastingly quench thirst. This art cannot actually be useful in solving a problem or overcoming a challenge more than once per game session.
Pavis of Elements
Commit Effort as an On Turn action to conjure an elemental barrier around yourself. The barrier improves your Armor Class by +4 and
remains as long as the Effort remains Committed. This bonus stacks with other effects, but cannot increase AC above 18, regardless of the combinations.
Elemental Blast
Commit Effort for the scene as a Main Action to hurl a blast of some elemental force at a visible target within fifty feet per character level. The attack is made with Magic as the combat skill, Int, Cha, or Dex as the attribute, and a bonus to hit equal to your character level. It is not hindered by melee foes. On a hit, the attack does 1d6 damage plus your character level and attribute mod. The blast may have collateral effects on objects in the case of hurled fire or a torrent of pressurized water, but any conjured matter vanishes at the end of the round.

The Wind of the Final Repose - Level 1
The mage designates a visible point within two hundred feet. A silent, invisible burst of soporific influence erupts from that point, targeting all living creatures within a twenty-foot radius. All such targets with 4 or fewer hit dice within that area fall unconscious instantly, and can be roused only by damage or by a Main Action used to kick them awake. If not roused, they revive at the end of the scene. Entities that do not sleep are immune to this spell.
The Coruscating Coffin - Level 1
A thaumic discharge is focused on a single visible creature within one hundred feet per caster level, wreathing them in a lethal mantle of crackling energy. The target suffers 1d8 damage per caster level, with a Physical save for half. NPC targets with only 1 hit die will inevitably
be slain regardless of the damage done. The spell cannot be blocked by non-magical intervening barriers, provided the caster can see the target with their unaided vision.
Velocitous Imbuement - Level 1
Unlike most spells, this one may be cast as a simple On Turn action, targeting up to one visible willing creature per caster level within one hundred feet. Enchanted creatures become incredibly fleet of foot, doubling their usual ground movement rate and becoming capable of running up walls and across ceilings without falling, provided they end their round upright on a navigable surface. They may also move away from melee opponents without needing to make a Fighting Withdrawal to avoid a parting attack, and may pass through and around armed foes who do not completely physically block their path. The spell lasts for the remainder of the scene and adds 1 System Strain to those who take advantage of it.
Wardpact Invocation - Level 1
This spell may be cast in two different forms. If it targets a creature within 200 feet, the target becomes partially immune to physical weapons; any weapon hit on them requires the attacker make a successful Physical save or the hit is negated. This effect lasts for one round per two caster levels, rounded up, and can’t target the caster. If it targets a visible weapon within two hundred feet, that weapon is rendered entirely harmless and unable to inflict damage for the rest of the scene, with no saving throw. The spell may only affect a given target or weapon once per scene and natural body weapons aren’t affected.

SPELLS PREPARED (Prepared/Cast: 3/1)

READIED ITEMS (Capacity: 2/5)
♦ Parrying Blade | Enc. 1
♦ Common Clothing | Enc. 0 (1 when stowed)
♦ Healer's Pouch | Enc. 1

STOWED IN BACKPACK (Capacity: 1/10)
♦ Writing Kit | Enc. 1

ITEMS AT BASE (small home)

[3d6]=12 x10 = 120 starting silver
120 (starting silver)
-25 (parrying blade)
-25 (clothing, common)
-2 (backpack)
-5 (healer's pouch)
-3 (writing kit)
60 Silver

Level 2
Roll HP: [2d6]=9

Improve Attack Bonus: +0 -> +1

Improve Saving Throws: Physical: 15 Evasion: 14 Mental: 14 Luck: 15 -> Physical: 14 Evasion: 13 Mental: 13 Luck: 15

Gain Skill Points: +3, spend 2 to gain Perform-1, save remaining point

Choose Bard Art: Rally

Choose Spell: Velocitous Imbuement - Level 1

Choose Focus: Authority-1
Level 3
Roll HP: [3d6]=15

Improve Saving Throws: Physical: 14 Evasion: 13 Mental: 13 Luck: 15 -> Physical: 13 Evasion: 12 Mental: 12 Luck: 15

Gain Skill Points: +3, 4 total with save point. Spend 2 to gain Magic-1, spend 2 to gain Connect-1

Choose Elementalist Art: Elemental Blast

Choose Spell: Wardpact Invocation - Level 1

Combat Block Format
Name in Character Color

Gender Human Class 1
Languages: Mandate

Speed: X meters


Attack Bonuses:
Weapon: Attack Roll, Damage Roll
Unarmed: Attack Roll, Damage Roll

Ammunition Loaded:
Weapon: X/X

Active Effects: none

Important Features:
Feature: Description
4e Archive
Character Sheet
Tesni, level 1
Dragonborn, Sorcerer
Spell Source: Cosmic Magic
White Lotus Dueling Expertise: Choose Implement Proficiency: White Lotus Dueling Expertise (Orb)
Dragonborn Subrace: Bozak Draconian
Select option: Arcane Blood
Select option: Draconic Heritage
Select option: Dragonfear
Background: Keeper of the Flame (+2 to Religion)
Theme: Seer

Str 18, Con 12, Dex 14, Int 10, Wis 8, Cha 18.

Str 16, Con 12, Dex 14, Int 10, Wis 8, Cha 16.

AC: 14 Fort: 14 Reflex: 12 Will: 16
HP: 24 Surges: 7 Surge Value: 7

Arcana +5, Religion +7, History +7, Athletics +9

Acrobatics +2, Bluff +4, Diplomacy +4, Dungeoneering -1, Endurance +1, Heal -1, Insight -1, Intimidate +6, Nature -1, Perception -1, Stealth +2, Streetwise +4, Thievery +2

Feat User Choice: White Lotus Dueling Expertise
Level 1: Superior Implement Training (Incendiary dagger)

Sorcerer at-will 1: Ensorcelled Blade
Sorcerer at-will 1: Blazing Starfall
Sorcerer encounter 1: Explosive Pyre
Sorcerer daily 1: Chromatic Orb

Incendiary dagger, Cloth Armor (Basic Clothing), Backpack (empty), Waterskin, Filter mask, Desert Clothing, Dagger
Combat Block
Character Name (colored to their in-game text color)

Gender Race Class Level
Languages: Common, _____
Age: __
Height: __
Weight: __ lbs.

Speed: __
Initiative: +__
Passive Perception: __
Passive Insight: __
Senses: _____ Vision

AC: __
Fort: __
Reflex: __
Will: __
HP: __/__
Bloodied: __
Surge Value: __
Surges left: __/__
Action Points: __

MBA: include attack and damage rolls here (e.g. +5 vs AC, 1d6+2 damage)
RBA: include attack and damage rolls here (e.g. +5 vs AC, 1d6+2 damage)

List all passive resistances here. If none, then just write "None."

List all passive vulnerabilities here. If none, then just write "None."

List all passive bonuses to saving throws here. If none, then just write "None."

Active Effects:
List all current, non-permanent effects here (and the permanent ones too, if you really want). This includes all effects such as being prone, blinded, etc. Make sure this is always up to date. If none, then just write "None."


Item At-Will

Encounter [_]
Item Encounter [_]

Daily [_]
Item Daily [_]


List things such as potions and other consumable items here. If none, just write "None."

Important Features:
Feature: Explanation of feature. These should be any passive effects that are more than a flat increase to attack, defense, hp, or a skill (such as being able to use perception for initiative rolls), any effect that are triggered by certain other effects (such as an attack boost vs bloodied foes), and so on. If it is relevant info that is not directly represented elsewhere in the combat block or in your character sheet, it needs to go here.

Item Feature: Explanation of feature. These should be any effects listed as 'Property' on a magic item, as well as any specific traits of the item itself (such as Brutal and other effects on certain weapons, special effects from superior implements, etc.). Again, if it is relevant it needs to be listed.
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Re: The Firstborn OOC

Post by Fialova »

Sisera, the Steppe-rider


Sisera is a bit tall, even by elf standards, standing at 6' 6". She is lean and muscular, from he days riding the steppes and fending off the harpies and other beasts that roam the plains of central Quellam. She has long brown hair that is often tied in a few braids, though sometimes let loose. Her facial features vary a bit from most of the elves in Groznid Bay, since the steppe elves are a bit different than the forest elves of the western and southern coasts. The closest comparison among humans would be the differences between western mainlanders and those of the northwestern isles, such as Ghia and Dakara, though it is not an exact analogy.

As a relative newcomer to Groznid Bay, Sisera is still regularly found dressed in her old Quellamese garb. This includes clothing made primarily of hides and tanned leathers, her large bow, and a Quellamese scimitar. She has often considered replacing the gear with more local attire to better fit in, though is note quite ready to give up her last physical connection to her homeland to do so.
Despite her outwardly strong appearance, Sisera is really a romantic at heart. She values strength and honor, and would fight and die for her friends or loved ones if it came to it, but fighting is not her primary drive. She ultimately wants a simple, free life, living with her future spouse on some wide open field she can ride in to her heart's content.

Value-wise, Sisera very drawn to strength and charisma, and is generally more of a follower than a leader. It is no coincidence that her first great love was the song of her tribal chieftain, and future chief of the tribe. It is likewise not a coincidence that her current romantic interests lie with a spiritual leader that is responsible for saving the lives of many of her brothers and sisters through her prophecies. Any person, elf or otherwise, who shows both traits is likely to earn her admiration, and potentially her affection.

In day-to-day life, Sisera presents as outwardly stoic, though is often a mixture of nervous and excited about her new life. The nervousness mostly comes from the culture shock of it all - the stone buildings, the colorful orcish skintones and personalities. There are many things to be excited about. New lands to explore, new people to meet (or fight), and the lack of gods in this land means that no matter the hardships she or her elven brethren suffer, the constant fear of being plucked from the ground and devoured is not one of them.
Ten-Minute Background
Background and Concept Elements
Early Life: Sisera was born in the vast, dry plains and grasslands of central Quellam. The various nomadic tribes of this region were forced to constantly be on the move, only staying in one spot for a few weeks at most, to avoid the sky and land gods that roamed these parts, and the beastly servants they commanded. Her childhood was unremarkable for her tribe. All young elves were taught to ride, to hunt, to fight. Bows were useful for bringing down the harpies that swoop down to try to pick them off, though swords were better when fighting saurians or rival tribes, so she gained experience in both.

Adolescence: As she aged, she began to grow closer with one of the boys her age. His name was Ari, and his father was village chieftain, so he was destined to rule their tribe upon his father's death. He was large, strong, handsome, and kind-hearted, all traits Sisera admired. They would often ride together, sometimes for long distances with no one else. It was a bonding experience approved of by the tribe, as the two were expected to marry one day. Their bond gradually deepened from friends to lovers, before he was eventually stolen away by a harpy on one of these long rides. Try as she might, Sisera was unable to chase the beast down, and her young love was never seen from again.

Grief: The loss of Ari left Sisera in despair for a time, though it quickly turned to anger. She grew more focused on her combat training, and sought to ride with the adults when possible to try to hunt down whatever beasts the gods sent their way. She learned, finally, just why her people were always on the move, and why so many adults never returned from their rides. In an attempt to ambush a harpy feasting on a saurian corpse out in the open, her group was set upon by even more of the feathered creatures - an ambush of their own. After a long fight, though she managed to survive, all but three of the elves - herself included - had been slain.

Hope: Shortly after the ambush, while Sisera was still reeling from the slaughter she'd witnessed, there came rumors of a seer from the east, who was leading a pilgrimage westward. Curious, Sisera offered to seek this seer out to learn more, but her tribe would not have it. They spat on the idea of following some weak person who put faith in the gods - the same gods that sought to kill and eat them - and forbade it. Sisera, tired of the death and destruction that seemed to follow her people wherever they went, chose to seek the seer out on her own.

The Star Speaker: She rode for weeks, following any rumor she could, and desperately avoiding the harpies that stalked the skies and the few great land gods often seen stomping in the distance as well. After some time, she was forced to abandon her horse to one of the beasts so she could survive, continuing on her way on foot. Eventually, though, over a month after she'd left her tribe, she encountered the pilgrims. To her surprise, they were being led not by some wise old man, but a beautiful young woman, not much older than herself. They called this woman the 'Star Speaker,' claiming her visions of the future were coming not from the evil gods of this land, but the stars in the sky, and that the stars were saying to head west and find salvation from this forsaken place.

Pilgrimage: Together with Tesni - the Star Speaker - and her gathered pilgrims, Sisera headed west. The steppe-lands were easy to cross, especially with Sisera's expertise now added into the mix. But eventually the steppes ended, and the mountains came. Here the harpies truly shined, as their wings allowed much more maneuverability on a slope than they did in flat land. Many pilgrims perished in their trek across the jagged peaks, though Sisera's blade did prevent many deaths. The longer she was with the group, the more the leader Tesni began to value her, and the two started to become friends as a result.

Journey to the West: Despite the hardships, after nearly a year of travel the group of pilgrims - or what remained of it - arrived at the coast, to find that Tesni's stars spoke true. There they found groups of forest elves constructing ships from the massive trees, and sending them to the west to some unknown new land that had been discovered. A few of the pilgrims panicked and fled at the thought of going out to sea, having heard stories of the great sea gods that stalked the waters, but most were happy to abandon this life of fear even if it meant venturing into the unknown. Sisera boarded one of the ships along with her new friend, and together they sailed to the newly discovered land of Voreld.

Groznid Bay: It has now been only a few months since their arrival, and Sisera is finding the new land as confusing as it is astounding. The large city of Groznid Bay is nothing like what existed in Quellam, and she finds it claustrophobic. She longs to once more ride in the open plains - if those even exist in this new land - but for now, makes her way as a friend and companion to Tesni, who has a small following in the city that supports her via donations.
1) Sisera's chief goal is to free herself from the cramped city life and go back to a simpler one of riding. She cares little about what this would entail, so long as she can leave the city, ideally for good.

2) I'd like for Sisera to obtain a new horse as soon as possible, since that is where she functions best, as well as prefers to be.
1) Sisera has developed deeper feelings for Tesni, which is the only reason she followed her onto the ship. She was tempted to flee with some of the others, but was inspired by her friend's courage and her desire to stay by her side.

2) Tesni is aware of Sisera's feelings, but does not share them. She is trying to find ways to gently push Sisera away and into other activities, in an attempt to avoid breaking the young woman's heart.
People Tied to Sisera
Sisera's first love, who was stolen away and, presumably, violently killed by harpies. He was her whole world up until that day, which truly left a lasting impression

Tesni: The Star Speaker, Tesni's close friend and secret love interest. See above post for more details

A young orcish man who has set his sights on Tesni. Sisera hates him, both because she also has feelings for Tesni, and also because she believes his intentions are unpure.

An elderly dwarf merchant who lives in the more expensive part of Groznid Bay. He has taken a somewhat grandfatherly approach towards many of the young elves in their section of town, having experienced similar persecution by some of the orcs in his early days in the city. Sisera finds him amusing, due to is small stature, but is thankful for his generosity.

An elf child who was one of the pilgrims following the Star Speaker. Her parents were killed by beasts during the pilgrimage, and Sisera has since been her de-facto guardian along with Tesni, serving as an older sister figure. The girl has expressed interest in learning to fight, so Sisera has been showing her a few things here and there as there is time.
Memories, Mannerisms, and Quirks
1) Regardless of current feelings, the abduction of her first love Ari will always haunt Sisera's memory. It was that point in her life where she was at her weakest, and she never wants to be in another situation where she is that helpless in the face of adversity.

2) Despite being outside of the steppes for over a year, and being in Voreld for months now, Sisera is still in the habit of checking the skies every few moments. A necessary precaution in her homeland, it now just appears odd and paranoid in Groznid.

3) Everything about the way Sisera acts - from her walk, mannerisms, and even her speech - is a bit at odds with most of the other elves. Not many from the eastern parts of the continent made it on the migratory ships, and even fewer from the steppe tribes. She feels out of place, not just for an elf in an orc's world, but for a steppe elf surrounded by predominantly forest elves.

4) As a newcomer to Voreld, she is still not fully comfortable speaking in Kurnish. When conversing with other elves, if it is clear they also know Elven she will regularly alternate between it and Kurnish in her speech, often without noticing it, if she is unsure how to express herself fully in the orcish tongue.
Background - Family/Class/Profession/Institutions
Family: Steppe-riders. They are all back in Quellam

Class: Warrior turned peasant

Profession: Bodyguard of sorts, but technically none

Institutions: Tesni's small religious following
Drives - Primary/Secondary/Tertiary
Primary: Freedom. Sisera above all desires a return to the freedom she had on the steppes. Despite the danger of her homeland, she does sometimes still miss it.

Secondary: Love. Despite her tough exterior, Sisera is still a bit of a romantic. She was happiest when with Ari, and is beginning to feel similarly towards Tesni despite her affections not being reciprocated so far. She wants to eventually settle down with someone, ideally in a wide open place where they can ride for fun.

Tertiary: Survival. Ultimately, to do the other things she desires, it does require Sisera to actually survive going forward. She puts less emphasis on that aspect of her life, but does recognize the importance of the basic necessities and shelter.
Goals - Short-Term/Medium-Term/Long-Term
Short-Term: Get out of Groznid Bay, ideally for good

Medium-Term: Obtain a horse

Medium-Term: Express feelings to Tesni

Long-Term: Find a place to live that is safe and peaceful, with lots of open space.
Crew Relations
Cymril: Sisera admires Cymril for her kindheartedness and willingness to stick up for others. She likes to think the two share those qualities, though Sisera is not always so selfless as her companion. Though they have not known one another long, she does hope to become close friends with the young woman.

Aeron: Though finding him physically attractive, Sisera is not otherwise initially impressed with Aeron. While he is charismatic, his lack of leadership qualities, and seeming lack of a desire to even be in such a position, does put her off of the young man somewhat. She feels his ambition may cloud his judgement when important matters at hand, and fears that in such situations he will put his own interests above those of the others.

Ember: Sisera relates to Ember's love of animals and nature, though she prefers larger animals that can be ridden to animals in a general sense. She also is happy to have someone else she can compete at archery with, seeing it as a relatively rare art among the elves born in this new land. She is a little put off by her shyness, though, and hopes she would be more open to her.

Alierin: While she values strength in general, it seems to Sisera that Alierin's unwillingness to show any weakness is itself a weakness of character, and thinks the woman is too stubborn. She does not hate Alierin, though she also does not particularly enjoy her company either, initially.

Tesni: Sisera is close friends with Tesni. She admires the woman's leadership and willingness to help others, despite lacking in physical strength. She currently homes to eventually establish a romantic relationship with her friend, though has not yet worked up the courage to discuss the matter.

Erevan: Sisera respects Erevan's honor, and unwillingness to cheat the law to get ahead. She appeciates his woodworking abilities, which remind her of the various craftsmen of her tribe back home. She does, however, find the man a bit plain.
Character Sheet
Character Name, level 1
Elven Adventurer (Warrior/Expert)
Background: Nomad
Background Effects
Gain Ride-0

Growth: [1d6]=4 = +2 mental, raising Wis to 12
Growth: [1d6]=3 = +2 physical, raising Str to 14 and Con to 12
Learning: [1d8]=2 = gain Connect-0
Class Effects
Adventurer (Warrior + Expert)
Gain higher attack bonus growth, though less than full warrior
Gain 1 additional skill point at each level increase, though the extra point may only be used to gain/improve non-combat skills, or raise an attribute
Gain 1 free warrior focus and 1 free expert focus at creation, in additional to normal focus picks

Str 14 (+1), Dex 14 (+1), Con 12 (+0), Int 10 (+0), Wis 13 (+0), Cha 9 (+0)

Str 13, Dex 8, Con 11, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 9
Use free 14 to change Dex to 14

HP: 24 AC: 11
Physical: 12 Evasion: 12 Mental: 13 Luck: 13
Base Attack Bonus: +2


Unique Gift - Aura of Fear
You have a menacing aura about you, one that has a tendency to make those who don't know you feel uneasy. When making a Convince check to scare or intimidate someone, roll 3d6 and take the best two results.

In combat, when you hit an opponent with a ranged or melee attack, you may make an on-turn action to force the target of that attack to make a Morale check. This ability can be used for free once per scene, with each subsequent use adding 1 point of System Strain. While usable multiple times per scene, this ability may not target the same opponent more than once in that scene.
Caustic Soul Style-2
Gain Shoot as a bonus skill. While PC archers normally never accidentally hit allies when shooting into melee, your ranged attacks are actually physically intangible to your allies, and can pass through them as if they weren’t there. When you make a ranged attack, nominate an ally who is within melee range of your target as an Instant action. The target suffers Shock as if it had been melee attacked by that ally, assuming it would be susceptible to the ally’s Shock damage.

If you hit the target with a ranged attack boosted by level 1 of this Focus, either you or your ally may choose to gain one System Strain and heal 2d6 damage plus the target’s level or hit dice. A given subject can heal only once per scene this way.
Master Tracker-1
Gain Survive as a bonus skill. You can follow any trail created within the past day in a city or past week in the wilderness, detecting even the minutest traces of passage and ignoring the obfuscations of weather or water. You can identify numbers of creatures from trail sign and their general physical shape and condition.
Gain Ride as a bonus skill. Your steeds all count as Morale 12 in battle, use your AC if it’s higher than theirs, and can travel 50% further in a day than normal for their kind. You can intuitively communicate with riding beasts, gaining as much information from it as its intellect can convey.

READIED ITEMS (Capacity: X/7)

STOWED ITEMS (Capacity: X/14)

ITEMS AT BASE (small home)

X Credits

Level 2
Roll HP: [2d6+4]=3+4=7

Improve Attack Bonus: +1 -> +2

Improve Saving Throws: Physical: 14 Evasion: 14 Mental: 15 Luck: 15 -> Physical: 13 Evasion: 13 Mental: 14 Luck: 15

Gain Skill Points: +4, 1 only for non-combat skills. Spend 2 to gain Shoot-1, spend 1 to gain Stab-0, spend 1 to gain Notice-0

Choose Focus: Caustic Soul Style-2
Level 3
Roll HP: [3d6+6]=18+6=24

Improve Saving Throws: Physical: 13 Evasion: 13 Mental: 14 Luck: 15 -> Physical: 12 Evasion: 12 Mental: 13 Luck: 15

Gain Skill Points: +4, 1 only for non-combat skills. Spend 3 to gain Shoot-2, spend 1 to boost Wis to 13

Combat Block Format
Name in Character Color

Gender Human Class 1
Languages: Mandate

Speed: X meters


Attack Bonuses:
Weapon: Attack Roll, Damage Roll
Unarmed: Attack Roll, Damage Roll

Ammunition Loaded:
Weapon: X/X

Active Effects: none

Important Features:
Feature: Description
4e Archive
Character Sheet
Sisera, level 2
Sisera, level 3
Human, Warlord
Archer Warlord Optional Choice: Archer Warlord
Warlord: Combat Leader
Commanding Presence: Skirmishing Presence
Human Power Selection: Bonus At-Will Power
Background: Occupation - Thug (+2 to Athletics)
Theme: Hordelands Nomad

Str 18, Con 12, Dex 10, Int 16, Wis 8, Cha 14.

Str 16, Con 12, Dex 10, Int 16, Wis 8, Cha 14.

AC: 17 Fort: 19 Reflex: 15 Will: 15
HP: 34 Surges: 8 Surge Value: 8

Perception +5, Endurance +6, Intimidate +8, Nature +7, Athletics +11

Acrobatics +2, Arcana +4, Bluff +3, Diplomacy +3, Dungeoneering, Heal, History +4, Insight, Religion +4, Stealth, Streetwise +3, Thievery

Human: Harrowing Swarm Student
Feat User Choice: Master at Arms
Level 1: Desert Moon Student
Level 2: Superior Fortitude

Bonus At-Will Power: Viper's Strike
Warlord at-will 1: Paint the Bulls-Eye
Warlord at-will 1: Direct the Strike
Warlord encounter 1: Vengeance is Mine
Warlord daily 1: Lead the Attack
Warlord utility 2: Steppe-Horse Spirit
Warlord encounter 3: Race the Arrow

Longbow, Scimitar, Hide Armor, 50.25 gp

Combat Block

Female Human Warlord 3
Languages: Elven, Kurnish
Age: 22 (looks 17ish)
Height: 6' 6"
Weight: 172 lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +2
Passive Perception: 15
Passive Insight: 10
Senses: Normal Vision

AC: 17
Fort: 19
Reflex: 15
Will: 15
HP: 34/34
Bloodied: 12
Surge Value: 8
Surges left: 8/8
Action Points: 1

MBA (Scimitar): +7 vs AC, 1d8+4 damage
RBA (Longbow): +7 vs AC, 1d10+4 damage

3 ongoing damage

Vulnerabilities: none

Saves: none

Active Effects:
ALL READ: Allies within 10 squares who can see/hear me get +2 power bonus to init always. Allies who spend and AP can shift 3 squares for free before or after their attack.


Viper's Strike*
Direct the Strike
Paint the Bulls-Eye*

Second Wind [_]
Inspiring Word [_][_]
Vengeance is Mine [_]
Steppe-Horse Spirit [_]
Race the Arrow [_]

Lead the Attack [_]

* These powers have extra effects from feats, not listed in the normal power section

Consumables: none

Important Features:
Class Features
Archer Warlord: Strength for RBA instead of Dexterity, + some proficiencies

Combat Leaders: allies who can see/hear me within 10 squares gain +2 power bonus to init

Skirmishing Presence: allies can shift 3 squares for free when using AP before or after attack

Theme Features
Level 1 Feature: Free mounted combat feat

Mounted Combat: Gain access to special powers of mounts if they have them. Don't suffer normal penalties to mount attacks while riding. Mounted creature can make any Athletics, Acrobatics, Endurance, or Stealth checks using my skill values instead of their own.

* Harrowing Swarm Student: When used with any bow or crossbow, my Paint the Bulls-Eye has the rattling keyword, causing enemies hit by it to take -2 to attacks until the end of my next turn unless they are immune to fear effects.

Master at Arms: Can sheathe one weapon and draw another with the same minor action.

* Desert Moon Student: When attacking an unbloodied enemy with a high-crit heavy blade (my scimitar), my Viper's Strike lets me shift 2 squares for free on a hit

Superior Fortitude: resist 3 ongoing damage
Posts: 10
Registered for: 6 years 2 months

Re: The Firstborn OOC

Post by TheZoar »

Erevan, The Carpenter
Erevan, The Carpenter
Ten-Minute Background
Background and Concept Elements
Childhood) Being a child of a carpenter, Erevan quickly followed after his father and took up the knife. His father Hariyun and mother Gallih were always kind to him but also expected much more of him than his three younger sisters, Arlayna, Naevys, and Bellaluna. This being the case Erevan was working by a very young age of 10. Although at this age he mostly carved little forest creatures mostly in his off-time so that he was not taking away from the family.

Teenage years) When Erevan came of age(At the ripe o'l age of 16) he left the family so that it would be easier for them to take care of themselves without having to worry about his mouth to feed as well. He sends money home when he can to help. He makes his money by selling his carvings, mostly little creatures such as wolves or birds. He does not make much with them but it is enough for him.

Now) Now Erevan has become rather skilled with the knife, carving creatures almost to perfection. Since recently obtaining a means of magic he has improved his carvings many fold, by adding carefully placed burn marks or cleaning certain areas more than normally possible. Although he truly hopes that with this newfound magic he will be able to carve out a bigger piece of this world for himself and his family.

How Erevan obtained his magic) Until a few months ago Erevan had only his Carpentry skills to count on to make a better life for himself and his family. But that all change on a day much like all the other days. Erevan had gone to his favorite small pawn shop to see what kind of special woods he could find to make some hopefully "fancy" looking creations. This was his only way to find anything different than the everyday wood scraps laying around the outskirts of the city or what washed up on the shore. This particular day while he was looking he found a cylindrical piece of wood about the size of a dagger. It was colored with deep browns and even hints of white and great twirling around the edges. Immediately imagining all the different things he could make out of this fine piece of wood Erevan went straight to the counter and bought the piece to take it home.

As he left the shop a man approached him right outside the door to the shop and said "Hello! My good friend take good care of that piece of wood there, for it is very special and deserves to be adored by many." Erevan was rather confused, but as he went to say something the man continued "Well I haven't the time to discuss with you the many secrets it holds but know this , it holds something magical" He said with a wink and a big smile. Again Erevan began to speak when the man suddenly looked both ways and as there was no one around his body exploded into little shards and vanished from sight. In shock Erevan wrapped the piece of wood and slowly made his way home. Over the next few days he sat and contemplated what this all meant. Both fear and excitement battled in his mind, "What if this gives me power? What if this kills me? How does this work? What should I do, do I take it to someone?" After all of these thoughts he decided to do some research and went to a local book shop to buy a book on wands. He read through the book in a matter of hours furiously as if to understand faster. He finally decided to make it into a wand because of the magic nature that this man had claimed it possessed. He took his time and poured everything he had into carving the wand. Hardly sleeping or eating for several days.

When he finished it he stepped back to admire his work. The whole thing was roughly 1 foot in length split into two sides that molded together in the middle in a very elegant way. The handle was carved into the same mass of shards that the man had turned into when he vanished. The front half Look as if fire was licking up the wand from the point to the mid section. Very much pleased with it he picked the wand up in his right hand and examined it closer, grasping it firmly he swung it slightly in front of him. Immediately his hand felt as if it was on fire. Letting go of the wand he held his hand and examined the spot of his palm that felt the pain. To his surprise there was a brand of the wand which he has just created seared into his palm. The brand was about 3 inches long and stretched from the bottom left part of his palm to the base of his pointer finger. As he was examining this he realized that he never heard the wand hit the floor. As he looked up he almost fell over in surprise as where he had let go of the wand now a small fiery figure held the wand with both arms and said " You know, if you spend so much time making something so perfect you shouldn't just drop it on the ground." The small and soft female voice rang in his head in a way that was not just through his ears. He heard it in his mind. This Flaming little spirit creature explained to Erevan that her name was Moon. She also told him how through the carving of this beautiful wand and the brand on his hand he had bonded her to himself and that now together they could harness magic and control it.

This was the day that Erevan decided to become more than just a carpenter, and that he finally had a way to truly become something special and save his family from poverty.
1) Get his family out of poverty.

2) Once his family is taken care of, exploration.
3) For me, I don't really care except that i want to flesh him out.
1) Chosen by some powerful fire entity that grants him his magic. He does not know why though. No cost has been asked although he expects one, but does not mind as long as he can take care of him family.

2) His Parents greatly appreciate the money that Erevan sends home but greatly wish he did not have to worry about them. but feel as if they cannot tell him for that might hurt him in some way.
People Tied to Character
1) Father- Through all of his time spent with his father working and learning Erevan has grown a deep respect and love for his father. He feels as though the only way to truly make his father happy is to get the family out of poverty. Of course the father could care less about that as long as he can keep his family.

2) The mysterious man that possible gave him the wand. Erevan knows basically nothing of this man. Could he be a friend or foe? Will he show himself again someday? Only time will tell.

3)Moon- Even though Erevan only met her a few months ago he feels as though they have been friends since birth. Surely it has something to do with the branding. Regardless they treat each other as equals and work together to learn more about magic as they both grow stronger it seems with each passing day.
Memories, Mannerisms, and Quirks
1) Carves things when bored.

2) Does not like dust on his clothes. Since he obtained magic he constantly cast prestidigitation secretly to clean himself.

3) Talks to himself often, because of his long hours alone carving. Sometimes it appears as though he is talking to himself when he is actually talking to Moon(His Gen Servant).

4)Erevan is a kind man. He takes much pride in his wood carving and his ability to survive in a way that does not break the law. While he is not against bending the rules when needed he certainly wont do it unless there is a reason to.
Driven by his desire to help his family and others in need he will rarely take from the poor. While those born with money will have to be careful or they may end up on his bad side if he feels they have never nor try, to work hard for anything.
Background - Family/Class/Profession/Institutions
Family: Father is a carpenter and mother watches over his three younger sisters.

Class: Poor, lives separate from family so they can keep food on the table.

Profession: Carpenter/Wood Carver.

Institutions: none?
Drives - Primary/Secondary/Tertiary
Primary: Wants to make a lot of money to get his family out of poverty.

Secondary: Wants to grow in power to help others.

No staff,no sword.(Reference for the profile picture)
Erevan wears cloth clothing. Not rags but also not nice. His cloak stands out more so than anything else because of its bright red color. His wand is intricately carved from a very beautiful branch of maple. It has an array of different feathers and wings carved into the handle, while the other side spirals into nothingness. Moon's body does not burn things unless she wishes them too, If you look very carefully sometimes you might catch a glimpse of her in the folds of Erevan's cloak.

Living on the bay his whole life Erevan has grown accustom to the moisture in the air as well as the flow of people that come and go. He has learned a knack for reading people, because of this he looks over everyone he meets to try and understand them, he does not do it in a rude way though.

Deep brown scraggly hair and a thin beard cover his face, his ears poke out from his hair quite profusely, while also sticking straight out almost rather than up. As a child he was made fun of for this but at this point he does not care. Muscular but rather short, standing only 6'2" tall.He is muscular from his constant carpentry work, along with his non extravagant lifestyle leading to him not having much extra fat. He has a thin wooden spike that rests in between his ear and hair on the right side(toothpick). He is a kind and patient man. His backpack is covered with his carvings, he takes some twine and ties it around a piece of the figures and hangs them form the bag. They are tied in a way that does not make noise as he walks though, he got fed up with that after the first day. Now they are spread out enough that they never touch one another.
Equipped Items Format

Code: Select all

Main Hand: Small Carved wand
Offhand:   Carving Knife
Body:      Cloth armor

Head:      Hood from red cloak
Neck:      ---
Arms:      ---
Hands:     ---
Waist:     ---
Feet:      ---
Symbol:    ---
Ki Focus:  ---
Ring:      ---
Ring:      ---
Tattoo:    ---

Boon:      ---
Character Sheet
Erevan, level 1
Eladrin, Sha'ir
Eladrin Subrace: Shard Swarm

Str 9, Con 16, Dex 14, Int 18, Wis 12, Cha 12.

Str 9, Con 16, Dex 12, Int 16, Wis 12, Cha 12.

AC: 16 Fort: 13 Reflex: 14 Will: 14
HP: 26 Surges: 9 Surge Value: 6

Arcana +11, History +9, Diplomacy +6, Religion +9

Acrobatics +2, Bluff +1, Dungeoneering +1, Endurance +3, Heal +1, Insight +1, Intimidate +1, Nature +1, Perception +1, Stealth +2, Streetwise +1, Thievery +2, Athletics -1

Feat User Choice: Armor Proficiency: Leather
Level 1: Twist the Arcane Fabric

Sha'ir at-will 1: Erupting Flare
Sha'ir at-will 1: Witch Bolt
Sha'ir Cantrips: Light
Sha'ir Cantrips: Mage Hand
Sha'ir Cantrips: Whispering Wind
Sha'ir Cantrips: Prestidigitation
Sha'ir encounter 1: Leaden Transmutation
Sha'ir daily 1: Phantom Chasm

Carving Knife, Unique Wand Implement, Backpack (empty), Bedroll, Hempen Rope (50 ft.), Belt Pouch (empty), Leather Armor, Flask of Hard Liquor
Combat Block Format
Erevan, The Carpenter

Male, Eladrin, Sha'ir, 1
Languages: Kurnish, Elven
Age: 27
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 185 lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +2
Passive Perception: 11
Passive Insight: 11
Senses: Low-light Vision

AC: 14
Fort: 13
Reflex: 14
Will: 14
HP: 26/26
Bloodied: 13
Surge Value: 6
Surges left: 9/Day
Action Points: __

MBA: 1d4 -1 damage VS AC
RBA: 1d4 +2 damage VS AC



+5 Racial Bonus against Charm effects

Active Effects:


Sha'ir at-will 1: Erupting Flare[_]
Sha'ir at-will 1: Witch Bolt[_]
Sha'ir Cantrips: Light[_]
Sha'ir Cantrips: Mage Hand[_]
Sha'ir Cantrips: Prestidigitation[_]
Item At-Will

Encounter [_]
Sha'ir Cantrips: Whispering Wind[_]
Sha'ir encounter 1: Leaden Transmutation[_]
Argent rain[_]
Fey Step[_]
Shard Swarm[_]

Item Encounter [_]

Daily [_]
Sha'ir daily 1: Phantom Chasm[_]
Item Daily [_]



Important Features:
--- +2 bonus to arcana checks
--- Can make an Arcana check as a minor action, rather than a standard action, to sense the presence of magic.

Item Feature: Explanation of feature.None.
Last edited by TheZoar on Fri Aug 03, 2018 1:02 pm, edited 6 times in total.
Posts: 5
Registered for: 6 years 1 month

Re: The Firstborn OOC

Post by Vaylen »

Vaylen, The Thief
Vaylen, The Thief
Ten-Minute Background Response Format
Background and Concept Elements
Childhood) Vaylen’s childhood years were pretty normal, he helped around in his fathers’ shop, he played with his dog Soros and hung out with his dad's friends who lived in the alleyways. Then, his mom got sick, bye the second year of the mysterious illness she was dead. Vyken had tried everything, but his all wasn’t enough. The day she died was actually not that grim, it had been expected to happen since the fourteenth month of the illness, it was only a matter of time. That day Vyken took Vaylen outside and explained that without Sanarhi the shop did not have enough people, Vaylen would have to help out. Vyken explained that most of the stuff in the shop is stolen and that the stuff in the back is both stolen and outlawed weapons, potions, etc. Vaylen would have to start stealing.

Teenage years) Most of the start of Vaylen’s teenage years were learning how to steal and cheat. Eventually, Vaylen became the master of the con, he and his dad had all kinds of “acts” that they did in order to solicit money from old women or just distract them long enough to lift their valuables. Vaylen, however good at stealing and conning people found that he did not find much enjoyment in it, at first it was thrilling, the adrenalin pumping through his veins as heed lift that ring from that burly dude but wore off a long time ago. Now stealing was just a thing he and his father and his father’s buddies did. Vaylen had started to become more risk-taking and sporadic, he didn’t like stealing but if he had to do it then he might as well have fun, and if he got caught then maybe he could start over.

Now) One bright and sunny day there was an interesting little cart that caught Vaylen's eye, it probably didn’t have much to offer in terms of loot but he could toy with the owner. As he walked into the main entrance he spotted a young shorter elf with a short scruffy beard.
"Hi." Vaylen said extremely enthusiastically, "My names Dirk, yours?"
"Erevan" he replied. "How may I help you? Looking for some figures?"
"Eh, just looking around."
Suddenly Vaylen tilted his head to the side and said, “What’s that?” Pointing behind Erevan. Just as Erevan turns around Vaylen grabs a small owl carving and pockets it "HEY! I’m mean, uh, please don’t do that." a small voice said, it seemed to have no origin. "Who said that?" Just then Erevan cocked his head as if he was being talked to. The jigs up Vaylen thought, time to run...
Later Erevan caught him but did not beat up or report Vaylen as he thought he would, instead Erevan asked for his carving back and then had Vaylen treat him to lunch. Shortly after they became friends and Erevan encouraged Vaylen to stop stealing for his father, Vaylen explained his situation to Erevan but Erevan still insisted that Vaylen should just tell his father that he wouldn’t steal for him anymore. Finally, Vaylen worked up the courage to tell his father and it went about as well as Vaylen expected.
Vyken yelled, “We are thieves, we steal, it is what we do, and you will never be more than that, a thief!” Vaylen stormed out of his fathers’ shop, ran to the house in the back, grabbed a few of his things and ran, never looking back.

Changeling Abilities
Valyen's mom always told Vaylen bedtime stories, and Vaylen never knew why, but his mom's favorite story was that of the "Men of Many Faces". It was a sort of cautionary tale, it started, "Long ago there was a group of extraordinary people, they couldn't fly, nor were they immensely strong, but they could assume many different identities. While they could not change their size to an extreme extent, they could mimic others faces, even that of some of the most exotic races. This made others uncomfortable and scared of the "Changers", most people could not tell when a "Changer" was posing as a friend or family member. One day a "Changer" named Jesoman went into town and posed himself as a local businessman who was very wealthy. Using this disguise he stole almost all of the man's money. This was the final straw for the locals. At midnight a large party of Elves stormed the "Changer's" camp and massacred them. Very few "Changers" escaped but those who did, vowed to never use their abilities."
It was not until about 3 years after his mom died that Vaylen understood why his mom kept telling him this story.
It was a bright day and Vaylen had got up early to practice a con that he and his dad were going to try. He was trying to imagine being a very poor boy, skinny and sick in desperate need of money for food. Suddenly he felt a tingling sensation and as he looked down he saw his skin getting paler, his arms getting skinnier, he ran over to a nearby puddle to see a sickly face staring back at him, just as he had imagined. He let out a blood curling scream that awoke his father. As he heard his fathers racket, throwing on clothes and grabbing a weapon by the loud sound of a sword unsheathing, Vaylen knew he needed to go back, if his father found out what he could do then there is no telling what he would make him do. Vaylen breathed a deep breath and then calmly reimagined himself as him. The tingling sensation came back to him and he watched as the strange face staring at him in the puddle began to look more familiar, by the time his dad had got out of the house he was looking like himself. Vyken ran over to Vaylen, "What happened? Are you ok?"
"Yes," Vaylen replied wearily, I just scared my self."
"Smh, got me all riled up for nothing." It was then that Vaylen fully understood why his mother kept telling him that story.
Changeling abilities origin
(Vaylen does not know about this.) A long long time ago in a land far far away there was an elven tribe by the name of Jendari. One new day the Jendari tribe sent out a party of about 35 people to go and scout for new hunting grounds as their current didn't have much left to offer. As the party was scouting a party member found what looked to be a circular ring of dirt about 100ft in diameter, in the middle, there was a stone statue of a snake. While the statue was only about 5 feet tall upon further inspection one party member saw there was a person depicted cowering next to the bottom of the statue, it was about 2 inches tall. By then the whole party was standing inside of the circle. One party member decided to touch the statue, as he did an ear piercing hissing sound emitted from the statue. Gasps and soon screaming came from the party members as they looked on themselves to see scales appearing on them.
"Quickly! We need to get to the shamen!"
A mad dash back to the tribes camp ensued, about an hour later the party arrived at the camp.
"READY YOUR ARROWS!" one tribe's man shouted
"No! It's us! The scouting party!"
"Get us the shaman!"
Hesitantly the shaman was brought to the party. The shaman remembered a story told to him about an ancient chameleon spirit that could help people shift into other forms. While it was risky it seemed like the only choice. The shaman gathered the party around him as he started a ritual. The best and fittest animals that the tribe had were brought to the shaman and he sacrificed them. Next, all the dyes that the tribe could get were brought to the shaman as he burned them with the sacrifices. The shaman the began to speak in a language like no one had ever heard, his eyes glazed over and the fire began to change colors. Suddenly spirit appeared, it was 50 feet in length and 35 feet tall. A giant chameleon. At this point, most party members had eyes of snakes and had lost their arms and legs. The shaman passed out from exhaustion and the party members eyes glazed over as well. Quickly the party members shifted into their normal selves and the tribe cheered, but the cheers soon died out. One party member shifted into a loin, another into an Orc. Frantically the shaman was shaken awake...
After 2 weeks of havoc, the shaman was only able to stabilize the curse slightly.
"I'm sorry, the gods and spirits are tricky and their magic is even more so. With time, patience and practice yall will be able to control it more but there is no way we can let yall stay. The curse is too unstable and therefore a threat to us all. After many generations of the curse being passed down, it became milder and more controllable. By the time Vaylen's mom was born the curse was stable enough for the "Changers" to integrate into society.
1. Prove to his father that he can be more than a thief
2. Become honorable
3. Repay everyone that he stole from
1) Is a "Changer"

2)finds a certain pleasure in stealing even though he finds it disgusting

3) (Changeling ablities origin)
People Tied to Character
1) Sanarhi (mother)

2) Vyken (father)

3)Erevan (new friend)
Memories, Mannerisms, and Quirks
1) Quiet

2) Has the urge to steal even though he doesn’t enjoy it
Background - Family/Class/Profession/Institutions
Family: Father is a thief that runs a pawn shop, mother helped with the shop until she died.

Class: Poor, lives on the streets after he denounced his father

Profession: Former thief, current unemployed
Drives - Primary/Secondary/Tertiary
Primary: Primary: Hatred for his father

Secondary: A want to fit into society.
Equipped Items Format

Code: Select all

Main Hand: Shortsword
Offhand:  Dagger
Body:      Cloth Armor

Head:      ---
Neck:      ---
Arms:      ---
Hands:     ---
Waist:     ---
Feet:      ---
Symbol:    ---
Ki Focus:  ---
Ring:      ---
Ring:      ---
Tattoo:    ---

Boon:      ---
Combat Block

Gender: Male
Class Theif
Level 1
Languages: Kurnish, Elven, Common
Age: 24
Height: 6' 2''
Weight: 175 lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +4
Passive Perception: 9
Passive Insight: 11
Senses: Normal Vision

AC: 14
Fort: 12
Reflex: 16
Will: 14
HP: 26/26
Surge Value: 6
Surges left: 8/8
Action Points:1

MBA: Mele basic attack, Dagger: 1d4+6
MBA: Mele basic attack, Shortsword: 1d6+6
RBA: Ranged basic attack, Dagger: 1d4+6


Active Effects:


Item At-Will

Encounter [_]
Item Encounter [_]

Daily [_]
Item Daily [_]


Important Features:
Feature: Shapechanger
You are a shapechanger; you can alter your appearance. As such, you are subject to effects and conditions that affect shapechangers.

First Strike
At the start of an encounter, you have combat advantage against any creatures that have not yet acted in that encounter.

Backstab is a thief subclass feature which grants the backstab power.

Rogue's TrickEdit
A character with the Rogue's Trick class feature chooses two of the following utility powers at level 1, and can use them at will. Additional Rogue's Trick powers can be gained at higher levels.

Weapon Finesse
When a character with the Weapon Finesse class feature makes a melee basic attack, he can use Dexterity instead of Strength for the attack roll and the damage roll. In addition, he gains a +2 bonus to damage rolls of weapon attacks using light blades, hand crossbows, shortbows, and slings.[HotFL:175] At 9th level, the bonus to damage rolls increases to +3.[HotFL:184] At the 15th level, the bonus to damage rolls increases to +4.[HotFL:1
Item Feature: N/A

Character Sheet
Vaylen, level 1
Changeling, Thief
Becomer: Stealth Bonus
Background: Brokenstone Vale - Hunted Lycanthropes (+2 to Stealth)

Str 14, Con 14, Dex 18, Int 10, Wis 9, Cha 16.

Str 14, Con 14, Dex 16, Int 10, Wis 9, Cha 14.

AC: 14 Fort: 12 Reflex: 16 Will: 14
HP: 26 Surges: 8 Surge Value: 6

Stealth +13, Thievery +9, Bluff +10, Intimidate +8, Streetwise +8, Athletics +7

Acrobatics +4, Arcana, Diplomacy +3, Dungeoneering -1, Endurance +2, Heal -1, History, Insight +1, Nature -1, Perception -1, Religion

Feat User Choice: Becomer
Level 1: Light Blade Expertise

Thief utility 1: Sneak's Trick
Thief utility 1: Ambush Trick

Dagger (3), Bedroll, Backpack (empty), Candle (11), Grappling Hook, Hempen Rope (50 ft.), Torch, Broy (3), Flask (empty), Common Meal, Leather Armor, Short sword
Last edited by Vaylen on Fri Aug 03, 2018 1:40 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: The Firstborn OOC

Post by Zaranius »

Kiariim, the Sky Slayer
Kiariim, the Sky Slayer

Character Sheet
Kiariim, level 1
Wilden, Ranger
Build: Archer Ranger
Fighting Style: Archer Fighting Style
Ranger: Prime Shot
Hardy Form: Hardy Form Reflex

Str 13, Con 14, Dex 16, Int 10, Wis 17, Cha 9.

Str 13, Con 14, Dex 16, Int 10, Wis 15, Cha 9.

AC: 13 Fort: 13 Reflex: 15 Will: 13
HP: 26 Surges: 8 Surge Value: 6

Insight +8, Stealth +10, Perception +8, Athletics +6, Acrobatics +8

Arcana, Bluff -1, Diplomacy -1, Dungeoneering +3, Endurance +2, Heal +3, History, Intimidate -1, Nature +5, Religion, Streetwise -1, Thievery +3

Feat User Choice: Weapon Proficiency (Greatbow)
Level 1: Implement Expertise (Bow)

Ranger at-will 1: Twin Strike
Ranger at-will 1: Nimble Strike
Ranger encounter 1: Off-Hand Strike
Ranger daily 1: Sure Shot

Equipped Items

Code: Select all

Main Hand: Great Bow
Offhand:   ---
Body:      Hide Armor

Head:      ---
Neck:      ---
Arms:      ---
Hands:     ---
Waist:     Belt Pouch
Feet:      Foot Pads
Symbol:    ---
Ki Focus:  ---
Ring:      ---
Ring:      ---
Tattoo:    ---

Boon:      ---
All Items
Dagger (2), Bedroll, Belt Pouch (empty), Waterskin, Torch, Flint and Steel, Greatbow, Hide Armor, Footpads

Kiariim is incredibly kind and avoids conflict at almost any cost. She loves the idea of humor, but does really grasp it, and often laughs at inappropriate times, assuming that someone is jesting. She has trouble understanding sarcasm and communication that is indirect, in general. She will question direction that she does not fully understand.

She has an overwhelming desire to please those around her, and thus she tends to be very agreeable to the choices of those in her company.

She is quick to become upset by unfortunate occurrences.

Kiariim is very short for an elf, at only 5'11" She is extremely fit and learn. Kiariim has long platinum blond hair that she often wears down. When in combat or hunting she keeps her hair in a ponytail or in a bun. For clothes, she tends to dress in her attire brought from Quellam. While it stands out among the natives of Groznid, it works for her as she spends most of her time hunting outside the city.

Kiariim generally tries to give off a friendly and kind appearance but her eyes tend to show a lot of sadness and grief. It is evident that something is constantly on her mind.

Combat Block Format

Female, Wilden Ranger 1
Languages: Elven, Kurnish
Age: 30 (Looks 24)
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 155 lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +3
Passive Perception: 18
Passive Insight: 18
Senses: Low-light Vision

AC: 13
Fort: 13
Reflex: 15
Will: 13
HP: 26/26
Bloodied: 13
Surge Value: 6
Surges left: 8/8
Action Points: 1

RBA (Greatbow): include attack and damage rolls here (e.g. +5 vs AC, 1d6+2 damage)
MBA (Dagger): include attack and damage rolls here (e.g. +5 vs AC, 1d6+2 damage)



List all passive bonuses to saving throws here. If none, then just write "None."

Active Effects:


Hunter's Quarry
Nimble Strike
Twin Strike

Second Wind[_]
Voyage of the Ancients[_]
Wrath of the Destroyer[_]
Pursuit of the Hunter[_]

Sure Shot [_]



Important Features:
Feature: Explanation of feature. These should be any passive effects that are more than a flat increase to attack, defense, hp, or a skill (such as being able to use perception for initiative rolls), any effect that are triggered by certain other effects (such as an attack boost vs bloodied foes), and so on. If it is relevant info that is not directly represented elsewhere in the combat block or in your character sheet, it needs to go here.

Item Feature: Explanation of feature. These should be any effects listed as 'Property' on a magic item, as well as any specific traits of the item itself (such as Brutal and other effects on certain weapons, special effects from superior implements, etc.). Again, if it is relevant it needs to be listed.

Ten-Minute Background Response Format
Background and Concept Elements
Early Life: Kiariim was born in the western region of the central plains of Quellam. Her tribe lived humbly, though they rarely had any trouble with day-to- day life. Growing up she became very proficient with a bow. With the constant fear of the Harpies that would invade their camps, it was nothing short of necessary to have such skills. Kiariim, was a particularly good shot, her father, Tybis, being the most notable hunter the tribe. She spent most of her time attempting to imitate him in every way. She idolized her father, for he had raised her alone, her mother having died during childbirth. Fortunately she still had some female role models in her early adolescence, as her tribe was of decent population.

Disaster (Age 12): Kiariim's life changed dramatically, for the worse, when calamity struck her settlement. As many Elves were more than wary of, on Quellam, Kiariim's tribe was no stranger to raids by harpies, however this one incident was no ordinary strike. A Sky God appeared in the skies above their territory along with a multitude of harpies. The convoy of beasts devastated everything she knew and loved, with only a small number of the tribe surviving. Some members were carried off by harpies, and many bodies were left unrecognizable. No body was found bearing any resemblance to Kiariim's father, and Tybis had ridden to combat the force, immediately. There was no questioning whether he had survived. Life seemed impossible.

Rage and Determination: Following the collapse of their former life, the remaining members of the tribe fell into disarray. Some members were terribly injured (most of which died soon after), many became manic, some wandering away from the group never to be seen, but most found themselves driven by a newfound hatred for the harpies. A flame burned within the tribe, having been stripped of their former complacence. They began honing their skills for a new purpose, to hunt the beasts that had stolen so much. Kiariim, from even such a young age, followed her fathers footsteps and demonstrated strong resolve in hunting the harpies. The tribe adapted to a nomadic style of life, constantly observing and developing ways to combat small groups of, or in individual harpies.

Sorrow (Age 15): While the tribe had found a purpose, many were changed forever by the Sky God's visit. The trauma weighed heavily on many members and caused them to develop different qualities. Kiariim, was often accompanied by her closest childhood friend, Razei. Razei had been a gentle soul in their younger years and constantly tried, to no avail, to compete with Kiariim's skills. A sort of envy enveloped his life, as Kiariim developed her skills rapidly, though he also nourished a deep passion to be with her. Razei always traveled alongside Kiariim and was her closest confidant, and a source of comfort in her moments of uncertainty. Three years had passed, following this new life style when Kiariim found herself facing new horror. Razei had never shown her any ill-will, however he was one such elf who had exhibited signs of mania as a result of his trauma. One night, staying in the same tent as Kiariim, he experienced an episode of mania, as he lay awake from insomnia. He turned to the sleeping girl and aggressively forced himself on her, having bound her wrists and gagging her to keep her quiet. Promptly following his actions, he fled in terror of the repercussions.

Recovery: Following her assault, Kiariim attempted to return to her normal routine. She was devastated by the incident, however and this proved incredibly difficult. Suffering from PTSD, she could not hunt as effectively, and found out soon after that she had become pregnant. Her life spiraled into a depression and she constantly questioned her will to live. Months later, at the age of 16, she successfully gave birth to a boy, whom she named Tybis after her father. Tybis' birth gave Kiariim a newfound hope and she began to slowly regain some semblance of her past life.

Following in his Footsteps (age 21): As the elders of the tribe helped care for Tybis, Kiariim was able to continue pursuing harpies with the hunters. Quickly re-honing her skills, Kiariim began to lead the raids, and became the tribes most prominent hunter. She took pride in her position, reminiscing on the days she spent training with her father, as a child.

A Turn for the Worse (age 28): The tribe's life began to look up, more and more, and a sense of complacence fell over Kiariim's people again. Their group was growing more and more, and their nomadic life style became slightly more grounded. The group still traveled, though less frequently, and less members participated in hunting harpies. Kiariim now traveled with an elite group of hunters, Tybis (who she had trained herself) included, hunting often for survival of the tribe, but still tracking harpies as well. During one of their hunts, the group encountered a lone harpy, and pursued it. Within minutes several harpies had appeared, reminiscent of the dreadful day 17 years prior. The group immediately fled, Kiariim instructed her following that they would lead the harpies from the settlement, however their was disagreement between the riders. Kiariim veered away from the rest of the tribe's location, while the other riders headed back to camp. Terrified by what might happen, Kiariim tried to hold the attention of the harpies to keep them from following her riders. She shot arrows toward the harpies but they ignored her, focusing on the larger mass of riders headed toward her tribe. Kiariim led her child to a location far enough away to be safe from the harpies attention and rushed to the aid of her tribe. Upon reaching the camp she discovered horror kin to the Sky God's devastation. She sat for a while in sorrow and grieved, then returned to her son. Not a life had been spared, that she could find.

Salvation: After a couple weeks spending riding the lands, desperately avoiding harpies and any other danger, Kiariim and Tybis encountered Tesni's following. They learned of her calling to go west and chose to travel with them out of desperation. Kiariim was pleased to meet Sisera, another native to the plains and aided her and the other in traveling West. As she remained in the company of Tesni an the others, she began to enjoy their company. She and Tybis found security in their presence, the remained ever wary of Quellam's dangers.

The Seas: Upon reaching the coast, and discovering the construction of large ships, Kiariim and Tybis joined the others to sail west. Though uncertain still of Tesni's visions, She could not justify staying any longer on a land that had caused her such horror. Kiariim's bonds and trust continued to grow with the group as they sailed West.

Groznid Bay: Arriving in a new land was a struggle. Kiariim and Tybis were uncertain of their choices, shocked by the differences of this new land. Over time it became evident that she would need currency to support her child and Kiariim found herself in the employment of butchers, hunting for them to gain supplies. Occasionally she allows Tybis to join her to hone his skills and help bring in larger hauls.
1) Kiariim is working to create an organization of hunters, that might sell their services to the local community, and hopefully create a better source of income. She would like to base outside of the city, as her life inside Groznid is uncomfortable.

2) I would like for Kiariim to encounter either Razei or her father somehow. (Razei could be sane, or have gone further down the drain and be a combat encounter? Just ideas)
1) That Tybis was born of the rape of her former closest friend. Kiariim is incredibly insecure this incident, and only those who found her bound know the truth of what happened to her.Y

2) Young Tybis knows what happened to his mother, though she is not aware if his knowledge. Tybis bears a deep hatred for his father, and hopes to someday find him and end his life.
People Tied to Character
1) Tybis, her father who disappeared on the night of the Sky God's attack. He was a man of strong resolve and hearty laughter. He could talk your ear off for hours if you let him

2) Razei, her former friend, who raped her and is the father of her child. Razei was a soft-hearted boy prior to the attack, but the loss of his entire family and tribe caused him to change over time. Though he still remained kind internally, he often suffered from manic episodes, where he experienced uncharacteristic behaviors, occasionally resulting in aggression.

3) Tybis, her son who was born of one the many sorrowful events that have shrouded her life. Tybis inherited both his mother's and grandfather's strong resolve and quick judgement. He is extremely skilled with a bow, having been trained by his mother. He is quite jovial and likes play pranks on Kiariim.
Memories, Mannerisms, and Quirks
1) From all of her hunts and traumatic experiences, Kiariim is very reactive to the environment around her. She is constantly observing her surroundings.

2) Kiariim is a people pleaser, she desperately longs for healthy relationships, and therefore tends to cater to others opinions and desires.

3) Having grown up in a very serious climate, with little positivity in the air, Kiariim is slow to pick up on humor and often misinterprets sarcasm and casual conversation, in an attempt to pick up on it.
Background - Family/Class/Profession/Institutions
Family: Nomads of the Western Plains (entirely deceased to her knowledge) and her son Tybis.

Class: Lower class

Profession: Hunter - Kiariim works as a hunter for butchers in Groznid bay. She is paid very poorly to go out and hunt beasts for their shops.

Institutions: Tesni's following - Though she is not a devout believer, Kiariim strongly trusts Tesni and the others in the group.
Drives - Primary/Secondary/Tertiary
Primary: To live without any struggles and provide

Secondary: Survival - Having spent most of her life in sorrow, with little memory of peaceful times, Kiariim has always lived to survive. She has firm resolve and works aggressively to make certain that she endures whatever is thrown at her.

Tertiary: To form lasting bonds and friendships with others that she can trust will bring her life no further grief.
Goals - Short-Term/Medium-Term/Long-Term
Short-Term: Make ends meet and provide for her son Tybis.

Medium-Term: Find Razei, however she is uncertain of what will come of this encounter.

Long-Term: Futile as it seems, Kiariim clings to the thought of her father's survival, and prays to some day find him again.
Crew Relations

Last edited by Zaranius on Wed Feb 06, 2019 1:50 pm, edited 6 times in total.
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Re: The Firstborn OOC

Post by FinalTemplar »

Nytholis, Sword of Quellam
Nytholis, Sword of Quellam

Combat Block
Nytholis (#8000FF)

Male Eladrin Bladesinger 3 (Reskinned Elf)
Languages: Kurnish, Elvish
Age: 22
Height: 6'5
Weight: 190 lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +4
Passive Perception: 18
Passive Insight: 11
Senses: Low-light Vision

AC: 20
Fort: 12
Reflex: 16
Will: 14
HP: 34/34
Bloodied: 17
Surge Value: 8
Surges left: 7/7
Action Points: 0

MBA: Longsword - +11 vs AC, 1d8+8 damage
RBA: Magic Missile - 2+5 (Intelligence Modifier) Force Damage. Special: Add the implement's enhancement bonus to the damage of this attack. This attack can also be used as an RBA.



+5 vs Charm

Active Effects:


At-Will -
Shadow Sever
Dancing Fire
Unseen Hand
Mage Hand
Agile Recovery
Focused Discipline
Magic Missile
Item At-Will -

Encounter [_] -
Ray of Enfeeblement [_]
Burning Hands [_]
Fey Step [_]
Item Encounter [_] -
Daily [_] -
Expeditious Retreat
Ray of Enfeeblement
Item Daily [_] -

Important Features
Power Details
At-Will Powers
Shadow Sever - Trigger - During my turn, after I hit an enemy with a Melee Basic Attack using a one-handed weapon with my off-hand free. Effect: Dexterity (+3) necrotic damage, and the target falls prone if it is the same size or smaller than the target of the triggering attack. Add +2 damage at level 11 and 21. Special: Can only use one bladespell per triggering attack.
Dancing Fire - Trigger - During my turn, after I hit an enemy with a Melee Basic Attack using a one-handed weapon with my off-hand free. Effect: Dexterity (+3) Fire damage, and target grants CA until the EONT. Add +2 damage at level 11 and 21. Special: Can only use one bladespell per triggering attack.
Unseen Hand - Trigger - During my turn, after I hit an enemy with a Melee Basic Attack using a one-handed weapon with my off-hand free. Effect: Dexterity (+3) Force damage, and slide target up to 3 squares. Add +2 damage at Level 11 and 21. Special: Can only use one bladespell per triggering attack.
Magic Missile - Standard Action - Ranged 20 - One Creature - Effect: 2+5 (Intelligence) Force damage. Special: Add implement's enhancement bonus to this spell's damage. In addition, it can be used as an RBA.
Focused Discipline - Minor Action - Effect: Enter the Focused Discipline stance. Until it ends, gain a bonus until the SONT. Offense: Gain +1 power bonus to MBA rolls. Defense: On a MBA hit, grant an adjacent ally +1 to defenses until SONT. Tactics: On a MBA hit, shift 1 square as a free action.
Mage Hand - Minor Action - Ranged 5 - Effect: Conjure a spectral floating hand in an unoccupied square within range. Hand lasts until EONT or until I use the spell again. If I am holding an object when I use this power, the hand can move the object into a pack/pouch/sheath/similar container and simultaneously move any one object carried or worn anywhere on my body into my hand. While the hand persists, I can take the following actions. Minor Action: The hand picks up or manipulates an object weighing 20 lbs or less. Can only hold one object at a time. Move Action: It moves up to 5 squares in any direction, carrying the object it holds. Free Action: Hand drops the object it's holding. Sustain Minor: It lasts until the EONT.
Light - Minor Action - Ranged 5 - Target One Obj/Square - Effect: Target sheds bright light until EOE or until I use this power again. The light fills the target's space and all squares within 4 squares of it. Putting out the light is a free action.
Prestidigitation - Standard Action - Ranged 2 - Effect: Use this cantrip to accomplish one of the effects given below: Change the color of items in 1 cubic foot; create a harmless sensory effect, such as a shower of sparks, a puff of wind, faint music, or a strong odor;Clean or soil items in 1 cubic foot. Instantly light (or snuff out) one candle, torch, or small campfire;Chill, warm, or flavor up to 1 pound of nonliving material for up to 1 hour; Make a small mark or symbol appear on a surface for up to 1 hour;Produce out of nothingness a small item or image that exists until the EONT;Make a small, handheld item invisible until EONT. Special: Can have as many as 3 effects active at any one time. Nothing I create with this cantrip can deal damage, serve as a weapon or tool, or hinder another creature's actions. This cantrip cannot duplicate any other power.
Agile Recovery - Minor Action - Stand up.
Bull Rush Attack - Strength (+1) vs Fortitude - On a hit, push the target one square and then shift 1 into the space it left.
Grab Attack - Strength (+1) vs Reflex - Must have a hand free. Hit - Grab target until end of next turn. End grab as a free action. Sustain Minor: Grab persists until end of next turn.
Opportunity Attack - MBA (+11) vs AC - Trigger: An enemy I can see either leaves a square adjacent to me or uses a ranged/AoE power while adjacent to me. Effect: Make a MBA against the target.
Encounter Powers
Second Wind - Standard Action - Effect: Spend a healing surge and gain a +2 bonus to all defenses until the SONT.
Fey Step - Standard Action - Move Action - Effect: Teleport up to 5 squares.
Bladesong - Minor Action - Requirement: I must be wielding a melee weapon in one hand and no weapon or shield in the other hand. the power's effect ends if I stop fulfilling this requirement. Effect: Until the end of my next turn, I gain a +2 power bonus to attack rolls and all defenses and a +5 power bonus to damage rolls.
Daily Powers
Expeditious Retreat - Move Action - Effect: Shift up to twice my speed.
Ray of Enfeeblement - Standard Action - Ranged 10 - Intelligence (+7) vs Fortitude; Hit: 1d10+Intelligence (+5) Necrotic damage, and target is WEAKENED until EONT. Miss: Half damage.
Burning Hands - Standard Action - Range: Close blast 5 - Intelligence (+7) vs Reflex - Hit: 2d6+Intelligence (+5) fire damage; Miss: Half damage.
Race Features
Trance - Meditate aware for 4 hours instead of sleep when extended resting.
Eladrin Will - +1 to Will; +5 to saving throws against charm.
Fey Step - Gain the Fey Step power.
Fey Origin - I have the Fey origin.
Eladrin Weapon Proficiency - Proficiency with Longsword.
Eladrin Education - Training in any one additional skill.
Level 1 Purple Dragon Feature - Gain the Focused Discipline power.
Class Features
Guarded Flourish - Ranged and Area Attacks don't provoke when wielding a one-handed weapon. +2 to AC in light armor with no weapon or shield in off hand.
Longsword [Blade Magic] - You can use a longsword as if it were a wand.
Bladesinger's Spellbook - Gain Bladesinger's Spellbook.
Arcane Strike - After using a Bladesinger Daily Attack Power, I may make an MBA as a minor action.

Eladrin Soldier - +2 to damage with longswords and spears; proficiency with all spears.
Heavy Blade Expertise - +1/+2/+3 (by tier) to weapon attacks with heavy blades; +2 to defenses against OAs when wielding heavy blade.
Alertness - Cannot be surprised; +2 to Perception.

Character Sheet
Nytholis, level 3
Eladrin, Bladesinger
Blade Magic: Longsword [Blade Magic]
Eladrin Subrace: Standard Eladrin Racial Traits
Background: Blademaster (+2 to Acrobatics)

Str 8, Con 12, Dex 17, Int 20, Wis 10, Cha 10.

Str 8, Con 12, Dex 15, Int 18, Wis 10, Cha 10.

AC: 20 Fort: 12 Reflex: 16 Will: 14
HP: 34 Surges: 7 Surge Value: 8

Acrobatics +11, Arcana +13, History +13, Perception +8, Intimidate +6

Bluff +1, Diplomacy +1, Dungeoneering +1, Endurance +2, Heal +1, Insight +1, Nature +1, Religion +6, Stealth +4, Streetwise +1, Thievery +4, Athletics

Feat User Choice: Heavy Blade Expertise
Level 1: Eladrin Soldier
Level 2: Alertness

Bladesinger at-will 1: Unseen Hand
Bladesinger at-will 1: Dancing Fire
Bladesinger at-will 1: Shadow Sever
Bladesinger Cantrips: Mage Hand
Bladesinger Cantrips: Light
Bladesinger Cantrips: Prestidigitation
Bladesinger encounter 1: Ray of Enfeeblement
Bladesinger encounter 1: Burning Hands
Bladesinger utility 2: Agile Recovery
Bladesinger utility 2: Expeditious Retreat

Longsword, Leather Armor, Bedroll, Backpack (empty), Waterskin, Torch (9), Trail Rations (10), Ten-foot pole, Coin Purse (0g)

Equipped Items

Code: Select all

Main Hand: Longsword
Offhand:   ---
Body:      Leather Armor

Head:      ---
Neck:      ---
Arms:      ---
Hands:     ---
Waist:     ---
Feet:      ---
Symbol:    ---
Ki Focus:  ---
Ring:      ---
Ring:      ---
Tattoo:    ---

Boon:      ---

10 Minute Background
Background and Concept Elements:
1) Appearance Nytholis is tall and lean (compared to a human) standing 6'5 and weighing 190 pounds. He dresses in a way that makes him feel more "high class" even though he's living in near poverty, spending every dime he had on clothes that looked nicer than average. He's very tan from all the time he's spent out in the sun though if given long enough to average out he'll become very pale. His eyes are a vibrant blue and his hair is incredibly long, going down to about the middle of his back. His hair color is dark, almost black, and straight.

2) Personality Incredibly obnoxious millennial type. The sort of guy who would walk into a conversation just to add "Ugh, you guys just don't even understand. Quellam Elves would deal with this so much better than you are..." And scoff. He's also the sort of guy to try way too hard to impress the ladies, and gets turned down every time. Can definitely come off as rude and impulsive, whether or not he intends to be.

3) Early Life Raised by his mother and father who immigrated during the first wave, Nytholis spent much of the start of his life being reminded over and over again how weak and pathetic he was for not being born on Quellam, how he and the other weaklings born in Groznid would never understand what it was like to be a real elf. At the age of ten his latent magical abilities began to emerge, and his mother (being somewhat magical herself just due to exposure to Quellam) immediately took him to the Elders to request he be taught how to hone in his powers and control them.

4) Teenage Years Over the next few years Gavamunne taught him how to hone his powers, turning him into an effective and dangerous tool. He, along with his childhood friend spent much of their time roaming the back-alleys and side streets of Groznid, becoming very familiar with their layout and the peoples of the underside of Groznid, even though he had no respect for most of them. His best-friend and him got in trouble regularly, skipping curfews and making small disturbances, though rarely if ever entering the "big-crimes" territory, just minor disputes and the like.

5) Recent Years Nytholis happened to be hanging out near the docks the day that Tesni arrived, speaking to Aerith when he was distracted by the beauty that was Sisera as she walked by. He wanted nothing but to speak with them, even for a moment, but could not bring himself to. Thusly, he spent the next few months following them around like a lost puppy dog, though staying just far enough away to not catch her attention, constantly telling Aerith about how amazing she was. Some time passed and he heard a rumor that Sisera and her group caught wind of a job. "Job means money, they might need help," was Nytholis' justification for just showing up, and thus he did, meeting them at the place they were going to.
1) Be forced to decide between personal pride and his friends.
2) Realize the truth that Quellam isn't all that hot and he's been for the most part lied to his whole life to keep him down and make him feel worthless.
1) Secretly thinks he's not good enough, but has to hide it below the surface as he's too proud to say otherwise.
2) Quellam isn't nearly as great as he thinks it is.
People tied to Character
1) Elf-Dad - Cornaith - Very distant, and emotionally abusive to his only child. Around others he will act calm and even empathetic, though it's usually just a facade. Doesn't speak to Nytholis often.
2) Elf-Mom - Alynnah - Very loving, though she went along with her husband of trying to instill the morals of Quellam in Nytholis. She spends a lot of time with Nytholis when he's at home, though that's becoming less and less in recent years.
3) Elder Gavamunne - Trainer - Typical elderly trainer, though he's very strong due to being from Quellam. He also knows of magic, and teaches Nytholis how to mold and shape himself to enhance his magic. He's wise and smart, due to having the experience of age. He's also incredibly perverted.
4) Best Friend - Aerith - Female Elf, Fighter-Type - Tall and strong like the Quellam Elves of old. Her parents fully abandoned her (dead?), so she spent her time learning the sword. Due to her parents being dead, she never really let herself get close to anyone except Nytholis. Their closeness has convinced others that they are most certainly dating, but they're not.
5) Rival/Antagonist - Domnall - Male Elf - Tall, Thin, and Strong. - Though initially on good terms with Nytholis due to them having similar ideals, they eventually split because of those same ideals. He asked Nytholis once to help him kick the shit out of some "pathetic Groznid Elves" to which Nytholis told him no, as even though he doesn't like them as much, he still has morals.
Memories, Mannerisms, Quirks
1) Memories: Getting into an argument with his father about how Aerith was worth his time and friendship, even though she's not from Quellam.
2) Quirks: Has a nervous tick when he's cornered in an argument, will stumble over his words.
3) Mannerisms: Stuffy dick, elitist prick.
Family: Both parents, raised at home. No other siblings.
Class: Lower Class
Profession: Mostly dock work, some days it was grunt work (loading boxes onto or off of boats), other days he was used for his magical abilities, even as weak as they were.
Institution: Taught basic life skills by his parents, was taught magical prowess by Gavamunne.
1) Primary: To make Quellam great again.
2) Secondary: To find true love.
3) Tertiary: To prove to himself and everyone else that he's good enough.
1) Short-term: Survive
2) Short-term: Make Sisera fall in love with him
3) Medium-term: Escape poverty
4) Long-term: To see Quellam, even if only briefly.
Last edited by FinalTemplar on Sun Nov 27, 2022 9:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Firstborn OOC

Post by Datura »

Here's the start of a new character for this game. I still need to finalize the character sheet and combat block, plus add a few more details to his personality/backstory/etc.


eladrin small size.jpg

Kenver is friendly to everyone. He is a bit of an exhibitionist and loves performing.

He collects songs and stories and tales and lore from everyone, both to preserve what's best from the Old Country and to learn more about this place he calls home. To some extent, he feels like an outside observer, fascinated by everyone's tales but not feeling like they are about him. He especially loves secret lore, things that aren't common knowledge.

He is very ambitious but hides most of that from others. He may bend the rules but he does have standards, things he won't do.

He takes things as they come, adapting to circumstances as necessary.

He sometimes rebels against his parents since they're so hopelessly Old Country, but he loves them and will do a lot for them. He just won't always tell them how he, say, earns/finds/acquires some of the money, supplies, etc. he gives to them. He figures they don't want to know, not really.

He carries a longsword and longbow, but isn't all that skilled with either one. He acquired the weapons from his parents' tavern, when they were left behind by guests who never returned for them. He's pretty bad with the sword but at least average with the bow. He also carries a dagger and a sling, both hidden, in case he is disarmed or in an area where he can't easily carry larger weapons . (This might change -- I haven't finalized his character sheet)

Kenver is slightly short for an elf at 6'4", but his wiry build means that he looks taller than he is. He has wavy blonde hair and green eyes. He is 23.

He dresses in a way that accentuates his build and draws attention, fashionable in a performer look-at-me sort of way.

He carries a couple of instruments ready to hand. I'm not sure what they are, but I think it's something like a tin whistle (which could double as his wand), a small stringed instrument such as a lap harp or ukulele, and maybe some kind of small percussion instrument (tambourine? finger cymbals? bones? gourd rattle? dunno -- it might double as an orb). He can play a lot of different instruments, some better than others.

Mannerisms and quirks
He often moves his fingers in patterns as if practicing a new song. Sometimes he actually does idly play one of the instruments he carries around with him. Or he whistles or sings under his breath.

He tosses his hair to keep it out of his eyes. (He would not dream of cutting it since it's part of his "look"). He's also prone to dramatic arm and hand gestures.

Ten-Minute Background
Background and Concept Elements
Kenver is a virtue-of-cunning eladrin (sun elf) bard, reskinned as an elf.

He was born on one of the ships of the Crossing. There is some confusion about his birth and his parents, but what is certain is that his mother is gone, and he was adopted by Miena and Rouljon, who opened a public house (inn, tavern, restaurant, etc.) shortly after they settled in Groznid Bay.

He grew up in The Spirits' Rest, doing whatever was necessary to keep it running. When there was time, he supplemented the family income by picking up odd jobs on the docks and elsewhere in town, including at other inns/taverns.

He listens to the things people say, and has become fascinated by stories, songs, legends, lore, secrets, etc., of all of the races in Groznid Bay.

He heard a couple of sailors playing music while on shore leave, and pestered them until they showed him the basics and taught him a few sea shanties. He goes to visit them whenever their ship docks in Groznid Bay. Between that and the performers that came through his parents' inn, he's had a smattering of formal music education, supplemented by a lot of practice and a lot of watching/listening to other performers, from all cultures.

He now performs in The Spirits' Rest, in other places around town, and also does some street busking. He basks in the energy of performing in front of a live audience -- he loves the way his music affects others and also loves the energy he gets from his listeners. He also continues to work on the docks, as a messenger, in various shops and merchant's booths, at local taverns (mostly at his parent's tavern), etc., to supplement his income. He's not particularly strong but he is a hard worker nonetheless.

Since he is smart and honest and hard-working/reliable and can read/write/figure, he's been able to find work. He's learned whatever he can, in any subject, from various shopkeepers and other people he's worked with and for. He knows a lot of people and who they are and what they can do.

He has ambitions of becoming rich and famous and respectable someday, so is often on the lookout for opportunities to get ahead in life.

He learned to fight since it wasn't a wonderful part of town and also occasionally had to act as a bouncer. He prefers charm to violence when possible. He considers Groznid Bay his home.

He grew up with the others, more or less -- not only did he work for his adopted parents, he also did odd chores along the docks and in the markets, and started performing in all kinds of places as soon as he knew a few chords and a few songs. So he'd know, at least on sight, most of the other elves in the district.

1. make money and thus rise in the world

2. become an admired/famous/wealthy performer

3. achieve respectability and high status in Groznid Bay even though he's not an orc.

4. get better at music and the way it ties into his arcane abilities

5. get more and better instruments

6. learn more songs, stories, lore, secrets, rituals, etc., especially if they help with his other goals

7. make sure his parents are so comfortably well off that they never need to worry about money in their old age

1. Kenver knows a big secret about (someone who is high up in Groznid Bay). I don't know what the secret is, but he overheard or witnessed something either at the inn or when he was out and about one day. This person does not know that Kenver knows. Kenver doesn't know how big the secret is, either. He doesn't know exactly who he saw/heard doing the Bad Thing or what the implications are for what he witnessed.

2. Kenver doesn't know this, nor do his parents, but his mother is still alive. She's living under an assumed name to avoid being targeted by her enemy. He threw her overboard after Kenver was born. She made it to shore but thinks it's safest if her enemy assumes she's dead. I don't know if this enemy is Kenver's father, or if his father is another elf who might well still be in the Old Country.

3. Kenver doesn't know this, but there might be some secret associated with the sword he carries.

People Tied to Character
1. Minea, his adoptive mother, and Roujoln his adoptive father. They took him in as a baby and have raised him. He considers them to be his parents in all ways. They run a tavern/inn, which was founded almost immediately after the Crossing (the migration event). Its name is The Spirits' Rest. I do not know if he has any siblings.

2. Ezo (Kurnish male orc) and Taomaya Himihita (Okani female human), a couple of old sailors from one of the ships that travels the area. They're his informal music teachers and they tell him some great stories. Plus he loves them now for their own sake, since they've been kind to him since he was young. He gets them good rates when they stay at The Spirits' Rest. He shares his latest music with them and often small gifts he thinks they would enjoy. He'll run errands for them and do small favors if they ask. The ship is mostly legit but does some occasional smuggling.

3. Milena Kaso, a female Serran merchant who sells musical instruments. Kenver sometimes works at her booth/store, or helps her make musical instruments in a workshop, and/or buys things from her, often imported things from other areas. I don't know if there's a written way to record music (i.e. sheet music) or if Kenver knows how to read music, but if so, then Kenver is involved with it both as a buyer and as an arranger/composer/scribe. The merchant has ties to some larger organization that Kenver knows nothing about. Perhaps she is a spy from the Serran Empire?

4. Brignav, a male orc and Kurnish dock racketeer. Perhaps a gang leader (in the sense of organized crime) who controls the docks and thus the potential employment opportunities. Kenver is not in a gang, but has to negotiate with them (i.e. get permission and give them protection money) so he can work on the docks and in other parts of the city the gang controls without getting beaten up or murdered.

5. He would know his parents' other employees, though not too many of them are long-term employees. One or two of them can officially be People Tied to Character, and of course they have their own interesting backgrounds and secrets.

6. He would know many of the other people in the hospitality business, both elves and non-elves. He would also know other people in town if he's worked for them or with them.

Memories, Mannerisms, and Quirks
He often moves his fingers in patterns as if practicing a new song. Sometimes he actually does idly play one of the instruments he carries around with him. Or he whistles or sings under his breath.

He tosses his hair to keep it out of his eyes. (He would not dream of cutting it since it's part of his "look"). He's also prone to dramatic arm and hand gestures.

He likes knowing secrets, though he has enough sense to not let others know everything he knows. He knows the usual fate of blackmailers or of people who end up arrested by the authorities (or equivalent) to be interrogated. He uses his knowledge indirectly, by knowing who might be the best person to approach and the best approach to take when he wants something (such as a job). Knowledge is power, after all.

He remembers seeing one of the richest, most powerful people in Groznid Bay when he was a child. The person (no doubt an orc) was obviously very high-status in the way he looked and behaved. He had a retinue of people around him who were also high-status -- clean, richly dressed, well armed, and carrying themselves with a casual arrogance that spoke of rarely being afraid or hungry. He wants that for himself -- security, status, comfort, respect, and all the other things he believes that high status and wealth can bring him.

He has seen terrible things in the elf district -- over-crowding when refugees arrive, the growing gangs and general bad people who prey on those who are defenseless, epidemics and hunger which are the lot of the poor, occasional pogroms/riots when some of the orcs decide to go after them. It angers him that being poor and low-status means that you are everyone's prey, no matter the race/species of the predator. He'd like to see elves have more opportunities and better conditions. But mostly he will work hard to rise above his beginnings so that *he* is no longer poor nor low status.

He has memories of meeting a lot of interesting people at his parents' inn/tavern, mostly elves but some non-elves. He's also seen and heard a lot of interesting things at the docks and elsewhere in town. He listens, and therefore has some knowledge of the wider world as well as ideas for how to improve it.

He is able to understand other languages through a ritual (Comprehend Languages) and thus sometimes understands WAY more than anyone realizes. Or he sometimes acts as an interpreter, mostly for guests at the Spirits' Rest but sometimes elsewhere in the city.

Background - Family/Class/Profession/Institutions
1. Family. He is a foundling. His bio-mother was a stowaway on board the boat from the Old Country. She was discovered when she went into labor. After the baby was born, she disappeared and is presumed to be dead. He was adopted by Minea and Roujoln. They give various contradictory and vague answers/stories when they talk about his birth and how his bio-mother died. I do not know much about Minea's and Roujoln's family, nor what the extended family thinks about the adopted boy.

2. Class. Lower-class, in the elf slum district. His parents are in the hospitality business, in an establishment that is respectable but not at all fancy, catering mostly to elves.

3. Profession. Musician and general labor. He knows a lot about running a bar/restaurant/inn. He has done a lot of work on the docks. He often acts as a messenger or as a shop/merchant's assistant.

4. Institutions. The Spirits' Rest, his parents' business.

Drives - Primary/Secondary/Tertiary
primary: achieve wealth and fame

secondary: achieve respectability and status in Groznid Bay

tertiary: learn enough about both the orc and elf cultures to make up for not knowing much about his own history, and also because he appreciates both cultures

Goals - Short-Term/Medium-Term/Long-Term
More or less in order from shorter to longer term:

1. support his parents and their business, through his labor, his performances, and whatever else he can contribute (money, supplies, influence, etc.)

2. find out more about his parentage, though he doesn't care THAT much -- he can start his OWN dynasty/clan

3. become a famous performer, wealthy and admired

4. own a big house in the best neighborhood in town and become wealthy and honored, possibly with a title, and with a place on the council and/or becoming the ruler or mayor. Not just the elf council, but rather, the council or ruling organization for Groznid Bay or the entire Kurnhuelde region. It's basically the despised-ethnic immigrant rags-to-riches story/ambition.

Ties to Other Characters
1. Aeon. Kenver has more or less known Aeon for years -- he was working on the docks when Aeon and Madoc had some of their adventures. Now that Aeon is grown and has become a courier for the council, Kenver runs across him sometimes when he (Kenver) is a (mere) messenger. Kenver also sees Aeon in the taverns sometimes, and became more acquainted with him while Aeon was dating Alierin. In general, Kenver is very aware of Aeon as an up-and-coming elf with big ambitions and perhaps the ability to achieve them. Kenver respects Aeon and thinks he might be a good person to ally with, to emulate, to follow, etc., so that Kenver can achieve his own goals for respectability and prestige in Groznid. He's willing to follow Aeon into adventure.

2. Alierin and her brother Gerirl. Kenver got to know Gerirl because they both work at the docks. He met Alierin as Gerirl's little baby sister. He knows Alierin somewhat since she has been a barmaid at taverns where he's either worked or performed or both. He's heard the rumors that she's turned thief, but doesn't know if they're true. He feels protective of her since she's his friend's little sister, not yet realizing how very capable she is now that she has grown up. No doubt he'll soon realize his mistake, but the old instincts will take a bit longer to wear off.

Character Sheet
Still in flux, with plenty of things subject to change. In particular, he still needs a background benefit. Kenver is an eladrin sun elf bard, virtue of cunning, taking mostly implement powers.

Kenver, level 3
Eladrin (Sun Elf), Bard
Sun Elf option: Wizard Implement Proficiency instead of Eladrin Weapon Proficiency
Bardic Virtue: Virtue of Cunning

Background: +2 history

Theme: Iliyanbruen Guardian

Str 8, Con 14, Dex 12 Int 18, Wis 12, Cha 18.

Str 8, Con 14, Dex 12, Int 16, Wis 12, Cha 16.

AC: 17 Fort: 13 Reflex: 16 Will: 17
HP: 36 Surges: 9 Surge Value: 9

Arcana +12, History +14, Insight +7, Perception +7, Religion +10, Thievery +7 (+9 with thieves' tools)

Acrobatics +6, Athletics +4, Bluff +9, Diplomacy +9, Dungeoneering +6, Endurance +7, Heal +5, Intimidate +9, Nature +6, Stealth +6, Streetwise +9

Class Feat: Ritual Caster
Feat User Choice: Battle Song Expertise
Level 1: Advantage of Cunning
Level 2: Bard of All Trades


Bard Feature: Majestic Word (twice per encounter)
Bard Feature: Words of Friendshop
Bard Feature: Song of Rest (during short rests)
Eladrin Feature: Fey Step

Bard at-will 1: Staggering Note
Bard at-will 1: Vicious Mockery
Bard encounter 1: Blunder
Bard daily 1: Stirring Shout
Bard utility 2: Moment of Escape
Bard encounter 3: Echoing Weapon


Comprehend Language
Traveler's Chant

leather armor, longsword, longbow, arrows, sling, sling bullets, dagger, musical instrument(s), wand (or other implement, TBA), ritual book, backpack or other way to store/haul gear, bedroll, flask or waterskin, flint and steel, thieves' tools, and other basic gear

Combat Block
Still in flux

Kenver (color #FFA62F)

Male Sun Elf Eladrin Bard 3
Languages: Kurnish, Elven
Age: 23
Height: 6'4"
Weight: 160 lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +2
Passive Perception: 17
Passive Insight: 17
Senses: Low-Light Vision

AC: 17
Fort: 13
Reflex: 16
Will: 17
HP: 36/36
Bloodied: 18
Surge Value: 9
Surges left: 9/9
Action Points: 1

MBA: Longsword +4 vs AC, 1d8-1 damage
MBA: Dagger +4 vs AC, 1d4-1 damage
RBA: Longbow (20/40) +5 vs AC, 1d10+1 damage
RBA: Sling (10/20) +5 vs AC, 1d6+1 damage
RBA: Dagger (5/10) +6 vs AC, 1d4+1 damage



+5 racial bonus to saving throws against charm effects.

Active Effects:


Staggering Note
Vicious Mockery

Fey Step [_]
Words of Friendship [_]
Majestic Words [_] [_]
Blunder [_]
Moment of Escape [_]
Echoing Weapon [_]


Stirring Shout [_]



Important Features:
Song of Rest: When you play an instrument or sing during a short rest, you and each ally who can hear you are affected by your Song of Rest. When an affected character spends healing surges at the end of the rest, that character regains additional hit points equal to your Charisma modifier with each healing surge. A character can be affected by only one Song of Rest at a time.

Virtue of Cunning: Once per round, when an enemy attack misses an ally within a number of squares of you equal to 5 + your Intelligence modifier, you can slide that ally 1 square as a free action.

Advantage of Cunning: When you slide an ally with your Virtue of Cunning, you can also slide an enemy that was adjacent to that ally into the space the ally vacated.

Ritual: Traveler's Chant

Ritual: Comprehend Language

Thieves' tools: Thieves' tools grant a +2 bonus to Thievery checks to open a lock or to disable a trap.

Iliyanbruen character theme: When you use fey step, you can take one adjacent ally with you. That ally teleports to a square adjacent to your destination. 5th level: You gain a +2 power bonus to History checks and Nature checks. 10th level: You can use fey step as a minor action.
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Post by BartNL »


Appearance - Vaughn has long blond hair and green eyes. Even though Vaughn is still growing, he already stands at 6"7. As he is quite skinny it's clear he isn't fully adult yet. He proudly dresses in the way of his ancestors although it does make him stand out in Groznid Bay. Vaughn carries a loose-fitting robe like those worn by desert nomads so he can quickly make himself look less conspicuous.
Birth and Early Life - Vaughn was born on one of the ships heading to the mysterious new world. As such he has lived longer in these new lands than most of his peers. At a very young age Vaugn's gifts were discovered by Taenis, a long time family friend. Vaughn has been gifted with powerful shamanistic talents. He can 'feel' the call of the spirits of nature and his ancestors.
Youth - Being relatively well off Vaughn's youth was different to most elves. He never needed to beg or steal and could afford to spend most of his time studying instead. Vaugn spend most of his youth honing his shamanistic skills under the tutelage of Taenis and learning of the great history of his people from Taenis and his mother.
Recent Years - A year ago Taenis told Vaughn there is nothing left for him to teach Vaughn right now. The lessons he needs the learn, can only be learned the hard way. Since then Vaughn has been working really hard to improve the skills Taenis taught him. He doesn't know what the future holds, which scares him. Vaughn has a hard time setting realistic goals for himself. Things either work out to be much easier than thought and Vaughn is unsatisfied that he didn't do more or things are too hard and Vaughn feels stuck.
Last Week - Vaughn has heard that Cymril, Aeron and some others are taking up odd jobs. Vaughn wants to join so he can put his training in practise. He has been invited out to meet them at the Stout Hall.
Personality - Vaughn is insecure about a lot of things. On the social side he's never had an easy time getting along with his peers, so he is anxious about meeting new people. His abilities, while impressive for a boy his age, also put a lot of pressure on him. Any result less than perfect simply won't do.
1. Vaughn wants to hone his abilities on his first adventure and show what he is capable of. He wants to show the others what he's been studying for all his life and show both his magical prowess and his knowledge of the elvish people.
2. As Vaughn often has a hard time fitting in, he wants to earn the respect of his peers and make a friend.
3. I want Vaughn to become more involved in the bigger picture of the elves on Voreld. Who are the players, what's the game, and who's turn is it?

1. Vaughn is unsure if the Star Speaker is anything more than a person who's had one good vision. Vaughn sometimes has visions too, so having visions can't be that big a deal. He is however wise enough not to question Tesni in public.
2. Vaughn doesn't know that there are forces in Groznid trying to win him over for political gain. With his parents being influential figures in their own right, Vaughn would make a great asset to anyone's political agenda.

People Tied to Character
Arianwen - Vaughn's mother. Arianwen is a relatively wealthy elf. Her kin was responsible for building many of the boats that were used to migrate their people over. As such, she managed to take enough goods and belongings to buy a small home in Kurnhuelde with her.
Taenis - Taenis was Vaughn's mentor during his early youth. He considers him a second father. Taenis is a close friend to Arianwen and Daryn. They grew up together in Quellam.
Daryn - Vaughn's father. After receiving strange recurring visions of stars, Daryn decided to stay behind in Quellam to find out their meaning instead of accompanying his wife in the journey west. Over the years his visions grew clearer and he became convinced something or someone of great importance would travel to the continents western shores. Currently he is trying to find his way in this strange new society; mending his relation with his wife and son, (re-)claiming a role of importance amongst the elves to propagate the Star Speaker. Vaughn's has an unusual relationship with his father, due to only having met him a short time ago. Vaughn resents his father's absence on the one hand. On the other hand he has a lot of respect for his fathers choice to stay behind to help their people escape the continent.

Memories, Mannerisms and Quirks
As long as Vaughn can remember, he has had a recurring dream of stars flying shooting through the sky and disappearing in the sea to the west.
Vaughn stammers when he is angry.

Background - Family/Class/Profession/Institutions
Vaughn's family is relatively well off. With his mother having been able to bring enough goods with her to buy a small house. Vaughn's father has endeared himself to Tesni who has become somewhat of a religious figure in the eyes of many elves. Arianwen and Taenis have trained Vaughn so he can take up a position of leadership himself when he is old enough.

Drives - Primary/Secondary/Tertiary
Primary - Prove himself
Secondary - Become stronger and more knowledgeable
Tertiary - Make the elves a stronger people.

Goals - Short-Term/Medium-Term/Long-Term
Short - Earn his place in the group, and make friends.
Medium - Hone his powers and become even stronger
Long - Become a person of importance among the elves, and use the knowledge of the old world to guide them to a better future.

Crew Relations
Cymril: Vaughn has known Cymril his whole life as she's Taenis daughter. Vaughn and Cymril get along fine. Cymril is the closest thing Vaughn has to a sibling, and Vaughn trusts her with his life.
Aeron: Like Cymril, Vaughn has known Aeron since he was a young child. Vaughn looks up to Aeron.
Alierin: Vaughn doesn't really understand Alierin. He thinks there's a little too much Groznid in her. Vaughn thinks it important to show elves like her how to live a better life that honors the way of their ancestors.
Sisera: When Vaughn first learned of Sisera, he was a bit jealous for her having spend more time with his father than him. But when he learned what she and the Star Speaker went through, his jealousy made place for a deep sadness and empathy.

Character Sheet
====== Created Using Wizards of the Coast D&D Character Builder ======
Firstborn, level 3
Deva, Shaman
Companion Spirit: Stalker Spirit
Background: Birth - Omen (+2 to History)
Theme: Blackstaff Apprentice

Str 10, Con 10, Dex 10, Int 18, Wis 20, Cha 8.

Str 10, Con 10, Dex 10, Int 16, Wis 18, Cha 8.

AC: 17 Fort: 12 Reflex: 15 Will: 17
HP: 32 Surges: 7 Surge Value: 8

Nature +11, History +14, Religion +12, Perception +11, Arcana +10

Acrobatics +1, Bluff, Diplomacy, Dungeoneering +6, Endurance +1, Heal +6, Insight +6, Intimidate, Stealth +1, Streetwise, Thievery +1, Athletics +1

Level 1: Arcane Initiate
Level 2: Battle Intuition
Feat User Choice: Tome Expertise

Blackstaff Apprentice: Magic Missile
Arcane Initiate: Beguiling Strands
Shaman at-will 1: Claws of the Eagle
Shaman encounter 1: Ironbreaker Claws
Shaman daily 1: Spirit of the Healing Flood
Shaman utility 2: Engaging Pursuit
Shaman encounter 3: Infectious Spark

Leather Armor, Dagger, Tome Implement, Chalk and slate, Desert Clothing, Backpack (empty), Bedroll, Torch (2), Bell and whistle, Waterskin
====== Copy to Clipboard and Press the Import Button on the Summary Tab ======

Combat Block
Male Deva Shaman 3
Languages: Elven, Kurnish, Serran
Age: 19
Height: 6"7
Weight: 210 lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +8
Passive Perception: 21
Passive Insight: 16

AC: 17
Fort: 12
Reflex: 15
Will: 17
Astral Majesty: +1 to all defenses against bloodied creatures
HP: 32/32
Bloodied: 16
Surge Value: 8
Surges left: 7/7
Action Points: 1

MBA: +5 vs AC, 1d4+1 damage
RBA: Magic missile (no roll) 7 damage

6 Necrotic
6 Radiant

Vulnerabilities: None

Saves: None

Active Effects: None


Magic Missile
Stalker's Strike
Spirit's Fangs
Call Spirit companion
Claws of the Eagle


Second Wind [_]
Memory of a Thousand Lifetimes [_]
Magic Missile (minor action) [_]
Healing Spirit [_] [_]
Speak with Spirits [_]
Beguiling Strands[_]
Ironbreaker Claws [_]
Engaging Pursuit [_]
Infectious Spark [_]

Spirit of the Healing Flood [_]



Important Features:
Class Features
Stalker Spirit: Ally adjacent to spirit companion adds my intelligence modifier (+4) to damage rolls against bloodied enemies

Racial Features
Astral Majesty: +1 to all defenses against bloodied creatures

Tome Expertise: You gain a +1 feat bonus to implement attack rolls that you make with a tome. This bonus increases to +2 at 11th level and +3 at 21st level.
In addition, enemies adjacent to your conjurations or summoned creatures grant combat advantage. An enemy that is immune to fear is immune to this effect.

Arcane Initiate: You gain training in the Arcana skill.
Choose a 1st-level wizard at-will power. You can use that power once per encounter. (Beguiling Strands)
In addition, you can use wizard implements.

Character Creation
Ability scores: [3d6]=14[3d6]=12[3d6]=6[3d6]=12[3d6]=6[3d6]=11
Swap 6 for 14
Growth Table: [1d6]=5

Connect (0)
+4 Mental attribute (+4 wisdom)


Scholar: Know (0)
Growth: Connect (0)
Healer (partial mage): Heal (0)
Unique Foci: Pray (0)
Expert Foci (partial expert): Spirit Familiar
Level 1 Foci: Elves, Civilized (Know 1) Magic (0) Intelligence modifier +1, Constitution modifier -1
Free choice: Magic (1)

Level 2: 4sp
Level 2 Foci: Gifted Chirurgeon: Heal (1, 1 extra sp invested)
Improve skill: Heal (2) 2 sp
Improve skill: Pray (1) 2 sp

Level 3: 4sp
Improve skill: Know (2) 3 sp
New skill: Stealth (0)

Last edited by BartNL on Mon Feb 26, 2024 4:46 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by FinalTemplar »

Dessarius, the Dark Knight (Color = #8e44ad)
Ten-Minute Background
Background and Concept Elements
Appearance: Dessarius is tall and lanky, but physically he is incredibly strong. He has a scar across his chest from a duel he lost against another Elf while training. He is fair-skinned and has medium-length black hair which normally hangs loose, but he often ties it back while working so that it stays out of his face.
Personality: Dessarius is often, around others, serious and to-the-point. While not singularly focused, he likes to figure out solutions to problems. When around close friends and confidantes, Dessarius actually often loosens up and is able to have a laugh or two over a drink.
Early Life: Dessarius was born to Cadfael and Anwen a few years after their arrival in Groznid Bay. Cadfael had prophecized that his firstborn would be the next one to take up the mantle of the elves' king, and thus did everything he could while raising him to push Dessarius in that direction, teaching him what he believed to be the most important parts of diplomacy and leadership.
Ambitious Upbringing: This took up much of his childhood, with his father having very high hopes for him. It lead to Dess sneaking away as often as he could to spend time with Charon. Anwen encouraged this, pleased that her son at least had one friend, and found some time to teach him swordsmanship when Cadfael wasn't dominating his schedule.
Apprentice of Might and Magic: During his early-to-mid teens, Anwen introduced Dessarius to the blacksmith Idrial, who offered to train him with what she knew. This was also around the time that Cadfael introduced him to Gavamunne, who was hesitant to teach him as she was already teaching Nytholis at the time who seemed like a much more promising student but eventually relented.
The Dark Knight: A few months before Nytholis' arrest, Cadfael was starting to put pressure on the Tribunal to bargain with the orcs for resources to move out of Groznid Bay. When he was denied, Dessarius took it upon himself to start up the search for the elves' one true king, and with Charon at his side he vowed to either become the king himself, or find the lord or lady who was destined to be their rightful ruler.
1) Dessarius wants to find the time to make things official with Charon, he just struggles with time management and knows he can't give Charon enough attention.
2) I want Dessarius to have the personal growth necessary to either be able to lead the elves or act as an advisor to someone else that he feels is worthy.
1) Dessarius' family lineage traces back to a legend about an Elvish King who once ruled over a small handful of tribes on the north side of Quellam.
2) Dessarius' parent's marriage is failing, and in their attempts to artificially extend their marriage, they are attempting to have another child.
People Tied to Dessarius
Cadfael - 53 years old. Cadfael lived quite a long life on Quellam and strongly believed that his firstborn would be destined to be the rightful ruler of the elves. He was a diplomat, knowing that his wife was more of a warrior than he was.
Anwen- 48 years old, a tailor by trade. Back on Quellam, Anwen was considered quite a strong warrior, and she often found herself going out hunting to make sure both she and Cadfael had food. She later taught Dessarius in secret how to use a sword before he went on to become a blacksmith. After getting to Groznid Bay, she quickly accepted that life would require less conflict, and learned how to knit and sew instead, becoming a tailor to make money for her family. Recently Anwen has become pregnant with their fourth child, who she plans on naming Aurius.
Delwyn - Younger brother, 17 years old. Dessarius had quite a close relationship with Delwyn when he was younger, seeing as he felt like he had to protect him. Delwyn was never much of a fighter and pushed back against Dess teaching him how to, wanting to learn how to be a diplomat like their father. Eventually, after Seren was born, Delwyn accepted to learn how to at least defend himself for her sake, knowing that he would have to look out for her after Dessarius moved on.
Seren - Youngest sibling, 11 years old. Seren, being the youngest of Dessarius' siblings, saw the least of him growing up. She has magical potential, already showing some small amount of talent. 
Charon - 24 years old, Best friend, Elf Male, casual lover (they have yet to make things official, but Dessarius struggled to hit that level of trust with anyone else.) Charon met Dessarius when they were quite young, being close friends right from the off. The side effect of this is, coincidentally, Dessarius never really made other friends, and found it hard to connect with others. Charon is a mage who is learning partially through Dessarius, though often Dessarius brings him along to his lessons with Gavamunne so he can learn with him. He believes strongly in Dessarius' passion for finding a new leader for their people, but worries constantly that he will take things too far, as Nytholis did, and constantly attempts to act as an anchor to keep him down in reality instead of up in the clouds. To this extent, he trusts Dessarius immensely and will fight beside him, but will not commit full-on treason for him.
Idrial - 39 years old, journeyman blacksmith, elf female. Mentor to Dessarius. Dessarius met her when he was 15 years old, and very quickly petitioned to become her student as the ways of the forge incredibly interested him. Idrial, who had owed Anwen a favor, accepted and after a rough patch to start, quickly began to appreciate having an apprentice to pass on her knowledge to. As she slowly learned more advanced techniques, she continued to teach Dessarius the basics in the hopes that someday he could go off on his own and pass on her knowledge to others. Idrial is a very kind woman and opens her shop to anyone who needs it (and has been known even to offer a temporary room to elves and orcs who need a place to sleep for a night) but is more than capable of defending herself when things go south.
Memories, Mannerisms, and Quirks
Memory: Dessarius remembers strongly the first time Cadfael told him the legend of the King of the North. 
Mannerism: Dessarius tends to rub the back of his neck when he's thinking.
Quirk: Always wears a specific necklace which was a gift from Charon.
Background - Family/Class/Profession/Institutions
Family: Dessarius is the eldest of three children, born in Voreld to (Dad) and (Mom). Dessarius remembers a time before his younger brother was born when he received a lot of attention from his parents, but that shrunk a lot until he was left to do his own things. His parents are loving, but not really attentive to him.
Class: Dessarius is fairly well off, for an elf, but that's because he's been working as a blacksmith's apprentice for several years and earning money for himself. He still lives with his parents as well but spends most of his days either at the Smithy or at Charon's place.
Profession: Dessarius is an apprentice to the elven blacksmith named "Idrial". She has taught him nearly all she knows about her trade, and thinks that he may be ready to graduate to a journeyman blacksmith soon.
Institution: Dessarius is tied to the Elven Tribunal through his magical ability. He is being taught to hone his powers by one of the lesser members of the council.
Drives - Primary/Secondary/Tertiary
Primary - His love for Charon is his primary drive.
Secondary - Wanting to make money for himself and his family.
Tertiary - His love and respect for his fellow Elves.
Goals - Short-term/Medium-Term/Long-Term
Short-term - Save up gold so he can make a better life for himself and Charon.
Medium-term - Find the courage to ask Charon to be his boyfriend.
Long-term - Find the new elven King or Queen.
Crew Relations
Aeron - Dessarius knows Aeron with some casual familiarity. They have crossed paths a few times when Cadfael would bring him along to the Tribunal in the hopes that he would become as interested as he was. Aeron has also on a few occasions bought armor and weapons from Dessarius, where they've spoken briefly about Aeron's group and what they were doing. They have had small disagreements over time about how they both think the elves should be ruled, but Dessarius has been careful to not devolve into anger during their discussions. 
Combat Block
Dessarius (#8e44ad)
Male Dragonborn Blackguard 3 (Reskinned Elf)
Languages: Kurnish, Elvish
Age: 23
Height: 6'7
Weight: 190 lbs.

Speed: 5
Initiative: +2
Passive Perception: 16
Passive Insight: 11
Senses: Low-light Vision

AC: 21
Fort: 17
Reflex: 15
Will: 15
HP: 39/39
Bloodied: 19
Surge Value: 10
Surges left: 11/11
Action Points: 1

MBA: Bastard sword - +11 vs AC, 1d10+6 damage




Active Effects:


At-Will -
Vengeance Strike
Dominator’s Strike

Item At-Will -

Encounter [_] -
Sohei Flurry [_]
Dragonfear [_]
Dread Smite [_]
Shroud of Shadow [_]
Vice’s Reward [_]
Second Wind [_]
Item Encounter [_] -
Daily [_] -
Item Daily [_] -

Important Features
Power Details
At-Will Powers
Vengeance Strike - Standard - +11 vs AC - 1d10+6+(number of enemies adjacent*2, max of +8) to one target. 
Dominator’s Strike - Standard - +8 vs AC - 1d8+2 damage. Effect: Gain +5 Temp HP.
Dark Menace - Constant - (For personal reference only) When making a weapon attack vs an enemy granting me CA, I may add +3 (Cha mod) to the damage dealt.
Spirit of Vice - Free action - 1/round - When I have temp hp, I may choose to deal 3 (Cha Mod) damage to myself, in order to gain +3 (Cha mod) to my damage dealt on my next attack.
Encounter Powers
Second Wind - Standard Action - Effect: Spend a healing surge and gain a +2 bonus to all defenses until the SONT.
Sohei Flurry - Minor Action - Effect: +11 vs AC, 1d10+1 damage.
Dread Smite- Free Action - Trigger: I target an enemy with an at-will weapon attack power. Effect: The target takes cold and necrotic damage equal to 2+3 (Cha Mod). If the triggering attack hits, the target also takes ongoing 5 cold and necrotic (save ends).
Dragonfear - Minor Action - Close Burst 5 - Each enemy in burst - +9 vs Will - Target(s) take a -2 penalty to ATK rolls and grant CA until EONT.
Shroud of Shadow - Minor Action - Personal - Effect: I gain partial concealment until EONT. I also gain 5 THP.
Vice’s Reward - Minor Action - Personal - Effect: I gain 5 THP, and I can make a saving throw. In addition, I gain a +2 power bonus to all defenses until EONT.
Race Features
Dragonborn Fury - +1 to Hit while bloodied.
Draconic Heritage - Add Con mod to healing surge value.
Dragonfear - Gain the Dragonfear power.
Theme Features
Level 1 Sohei Feature - Gain the Sohei Flurry power.
Class Features
Dark Menace - Whenever I make a Weapon attack against an enemy granting CA to me, that enemy takes extra damage equal to my Cha mod (+5).
Dread Smite - I gain the Dread Smite power.
Shroud of Shadow - I gain the Shroud of Shadow power.
Spirit of Vice - I gain the Spirit of Vice free action.
Vengeance Strike - As my enemies press in upon me, my soul is filled with vengeance, and I use that strength to lash out.
Vice At-Will Power - I gain the Dominator’s Strike power.
Vice’s Reward -
Extra Dread Smite -
Weapon Proficiency (Bastard Sword) - Gain proficiency with the Bastard Sword.
Practiced Study - Can master and perform martial practices. Gain “Master Artisan”.
Devout Protector Expertise - Gain +1 feat bonus per tier to weapon attack rolls you make with any one-handed melee weapon and a +1 feat bonus per tier to holy symbol implement attacks. While you use a shield, your allies gain a +1 shield bonus to AC.
Character Sheet
Dessarius, level 3
Dragonborn, Blackguard
Dragonborn Subrace: Standard Dragonborn Racial Traits
Dragonborn Racial Power: Dragonfear
Background: Occupation - Military (+2 to Athletics)
Theme: Sohei

Str 20, Con 12, Dex 12, Int 8, Wis 10, Cha 16.

Str 18, Con 12, Dex 12, Int 8, Wis 10, Cha 14.

AC: 21 Fort: 17 Reflex: 15 Will: 15
HP: 39 Surges: 11 Surge Value: 10

Perception +6, Athletics +9, Diplomacy +9, Intimidate +11

Acrobatics -2, Arcana, Bluff +4, Dungeoneering +1, Endurance -2, Heal +1, History +2, Insight +1, Nature +1, Religion, Stealth -2, Streetwise +4, Thievery -2

Level 1: Weapon Proficiency (Bastard sword)
Level 2: Practiced Study
Feat User Choice: Devout Protector Expertise

Vengeance Strike, Dominator's Strike, Vice's Reward, Sohei Flurry, Dragonfear, Dread Smite, Shroud of Shadow, Second Wind
Plate Armor, Bastard sword, Backpack (empty), Heavy Shield, Artisan's Tools, Manacles, iron, Master Artisan, Waterskin, Hempen Rope (50 ft.), gold pouch (16gp)
Last edited by FinalTemplar on Sun Nov 19, 2023 10:19 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by KupoTheMagus »

Nevith Voss, Fiend Betrothed
Meet Nevith Voss, Fiend Betrothed!

Character Sheet
====== Created Using Wizards of the Coast D&D Character Builder ======
Nevith Voss, level 3
Tiefling, Psion
Discipline Focus: Shaper Focus
Background: Tiefling - Dark Secret (+2 to Arcana)

Str 10, Con 14, Dex 10, Int 18, Wis 10, Cha 18.

Str 10, Con 14, Dex 10, Int 16, Wis 10, Cha 16.

AC: 15 Fort: 13 Reflex: 15 Will: 17
HP: 34 Surges: 8 Surge Value: 8

Stealth +8, Perception +6, Endurance +8, Bluff +12

Acrobatics +1, Arcana +7, Diplomacy +5, Dungeoneering +1, Heal +1, History +5, Insight +1, Intimidate +5, Nature +1, Religion +5, Streetwise +5, Thievery +1, Athletics +1

Psion: Ritual Caster
Feat User Choice: Orb Expertise
Level 1: Imperious Majesty
Level 2: Discipline Adept

Psion at-will 1: Memory Hole
Psion at-will 1: Mind Thrust
Psion daily 1: Mental Trauma
Psion utility 2: Mind Shroud
Psion at-will 3: Betrayal

Ritual Book, Orb Implement, Cloth Armor (Basic Clothing), Dagger, Bedroll, Backpack (empty), Hempen Rope (50 ft.), Trail Rations (10)
Sending, Alarm
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Something's just about to break
I will try to find my place
in the Diary of Jane

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Post by ratwizard »


The OOC thread has been redesigned, with more detailed information to come. Thanks to Jake for inspiring the current design.

In addition, at the conclusion of the current game-day (nokve mystery and night sting op), we will be converting to Worlds Without Number. I estimate we will get there in the next few months, and most certainly within 2024, depending on posting pace.

Feel free to get a head-start on your new builds if you haven't already. The party will be level 3 in WWN. After rolling stats, assign them in whichever order you prefer, before choosing which stat is boosted to 14. If rolling for your Background (Growth / Learning) please remember each of the three outcomes must be rolled and assigned before moving on the the next one.

Everyone will get a free Unique Gift focus, as designed by us together, to ensure the full concept of your 4e builds are realized in WWN.

For gear, I will work on a GP to Silver piece conversion model, so ignore this for now.
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