Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by kalis5 »

Redros watches as the mother and child step out of the cellar. The child does not have much chance on her own, and if they do not deal with both the tavernkeepers wife and the man below, the risk of staying in this place will rise.
"If there is nothing more that we can think of that needs to be done, we should start moving. The sooner we can find weapons and medicine the safer this place will be. If we can save the mans life, that's another sword arm we could use."
He looks at the young man for a moment and thinks. It's too dangerous to be in such a large group, they would draw far too much attention.
"Perhaps we should seperate into two search parties when we leave? Half of the volunteers will head for the guard station along with our dear guard friend? Then the rest of us can search for medicine. Food can wait until tomorrow when we've better settled in. After all, it will be useless if we cannot defend it or treat our wounded. A final meal is a nice thought, but it hardly replaces bandages and sutures. I know you do not trust me, sir, but we are in your establishment, and you know the surrounding area better than I. Where would be the best place to find medicine for the man below?"
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by ratwizard »

"Splitting up might not be the best idea for us," Cassia interjects. "After all, we're hardly armed. All it takes is a group of those things and we could be in trouble."

The tavern-keeper stares at Redros for a moment, his face a facade, before answering. "There's an alchemical and health clinic about a street away, to the north. Look for a sign with a mortar and pestle on it. If it hasn't been destroyed or looted already, you might find some supplies there to help that man."
Basement: Burtin, the injured man; Marcus.

Tavern Lobby: The mother and her daughter, Matilda, the younger woman, Liviana, Athena, Cassia, Redros, the tavern-owner, Isdren, and the drunk.

Adjacent Rooftop: Elene.
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by Fialova »

"I won't," Marcus replies to the dying man, a bit sympathetic to his plight yet knowing that he is likely gone already. "But if you cannot stand or be moved then I suppose you will have to stay down here. I will see to it that the others check up on you, but we need to find you some medicine if you are going to survive the night." With this he returns to the tavern, just in time to hear Redros' speech.

"I am going to have to side with Cassia here, woodsman. I may have combat experience, but no arms or armor means I am barely better off in a fight than any civilian. And what of everyone else? With the exception of Cassia they are civilians. Seeing what those creatures did to this city should be proof enough that we are nothing in small numbers, we should stick together as much as possible until we at least know what we are up against."
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by PureZaros »

Bit too far for my liking, Elene thinks, peering across the gap. Wonder what the other ways are like?
She goes to the other three sides of the roof, checking the conditions at them before returning to the center. 'course, with how long I'm takin', that light is long gone by now.
Perception check for conditions on the east side: 13
Perception check for conditions on the west side: 22
Perception check for conditions on the north side: 19
Last edited by PureZaros on Sun Oct 12, 2014 11:32 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by kalis5 »

Redros shakes his head and motion to their weapons.
"Even more the reason for moving in smaller groups. We are not properly armed for a prolonged conflict, and the sound of battle may simply bring more of them to the battle. We are poorly armed and armored, have no idea of the foe we are up against, and need a variety of supplies. Now is not the time for heroics, now is the time for subtlety. Do you think you can move a large group through the city quietly? How many will be able to scale the rooftops or blend with the shadows when danger arises?"

He motions to the creatures outside, pointing at how the seem to stumble this way and that.
"Look at their movements. Do these seem like intelligent creatures? Their movements are slow, unstable. They are strong in a group, but a swift target will be able to outrun them, we proved that when we ran to the tavern, did we not? Grouping up and trying to force our way through the streets is simply not an option, and it will be less so when we are carrying supplies. That is why I propose we use the time we have wisely. We cannot simply pick one over the other. We will face wounds of our own in time, and preferably only our own. The man downstairs is the perfect example of why we need both medicine and arms, we cannot ignore one over the other, we need both, and we need them both tonight, not tomorrow. The apothecary is a street over. I propose I take the young girl above and we move across the rooftops to the apothecaries. From there we will slip in, grab the medicine, and slip out. I am used to unsteady footing, unlike either of you I'll bet. I could leave now and be back before you leave perhaps. But we can't sit here arguing which is the safest, there is no safe option. The sooner we all realize that safety is never guaranteed, the sooner we can start working to make it so. We can live through this, but only if we work smartly, and make every second possible count."

He looks to the tavernkeeper for a moment.
"If you need more incentive, moving on my own over the slick rooftops is risky. Perhaps I will fall to my death. If so it will provide the distraction you need to move for your barracks."

Redros looks at those around him, thinking. He needs to provide the incentive they need to agree. They are too afraid to separate, thinking groups are the safest. Groups are just larger targets, they're mobs, hard to move, and harder to keep track of. Smaller groups will ensure survival, at least early on, and will make the least noise.
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by Fialova »

"I still don't see the point of splitting up when facing unknown dangers, but if you are so keen on risking your skin to split off then by all means, I won't stop you," Marcus says, a bit more serious than before. He turns to the others, ignoring the woodsman for the time being. "However, the rest of us should stick together. Safety in numbers is key, until we know our foe. That man may be proven correct eventually, but for now it is our safest bet. Now who intends to venture out with me?"
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by ratwizard »

"Marcus is right, you know," the Watchman says to Redros. "Now, you seem like a lone-wolf kind of guy, so if you're feeling confident about securing something useful by yourself, or with that girl -- where the hell has she gone, anyhow?-- then be my guest. Myself, well I will be sticking with the others."

The young boy looks at his mother and sister for a moment before speaking. "I'll stay here for now. My mum and sis need looking after. Maybe if you find something better for us to use out there, I'll come with you the next time, I guess." His mother looks on, relieved. The young girl runs to him and holds him around the waist. "Mommy said you were gonna leave us. I'm glad she was wrong."

"I'm not leaving sight of my tavern," the owner says, unsurprisingly. "Me neither. Gotta stick with where the ale's at, even until the last drop," says the drunk with a sly wink.

The young woman who took the remaining knife earlier speaks up. "I'll go with you. I suppose I should look for my rotten, useless boyfriend out there. Y'know, make sure he's not been eaten. And if he's now one of those things, well... I wanna be the one to put his cheating arse down."
To the west, you see the Gilded Mare, about a 5 or 6 feet jump across the rooves to make. To the east, another roof is about the same, but a few feet lower, belonging to a single-story building. To the north looks to be a taller building, but its roof is only about 4 or 5 feet away and a couple feet higher.
Basement: Burtin, the injured man.

Tavern Lobby: The mother and her daughter, Matilda, the younger woman, Marcus, Liviana, Athena, Cassia, Redros, the tavern-owner, Isdren, and the drunk.

Adjacent Rooftop: Elene.
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by Namelessjake »

"I'll come," Athena says after weighing up her options. It's either that or stay in here waiting to either run out of food or for the creatures outside to break in and overwhelm us. At least outside there should be room to avoid them.
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

Liviana rolls her eyes at Redros' suggestion to split up. That man talks too much... "Splitting up is a terrible idea. If you get surrounded by those things, you haven't a chance. In a group, though, you have others helping you. If you'd like, go ahead and go by yourself, Mister Independent, but as for me, no thank you. That being said, I will venture out as well. We could possibly run into my personal guard. I'm sure he could help arm us.
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by Fialova »

"If that is everyone then we should get moving," Marcus says, before walking to a window to peek outside between the boards. "Hopefully nothing is close enough to spot us as we leave."
Look outside for whatever is lurking.

Perception, if needed: 1 lol
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by ratwizard »

Cassia and the other woman step over toward the door, their blades in hand. The Watchman cracks her neck and sighs, readying herself. "Whenever you're ready, Marcus," she says.

"Be safe," the tavern-owner calls out to them. "Don't get yourself killed by those things. If it gets too hairy, head back." The young woman turns to him, a mocking grin on her face. "Pipe down, old man. We've got limber legs, unlike you. We'll make it out fine," she jests.
You catch a glimpse of one of the creatures several yards down the road. It is night, now, and visibility is very limited with the streets not lit well. The rain looks to be continuing down at a medium strength.
Basement: Burtin, the injured man.

Tavern Lobby: The mother and her daughter, Matilda, the younger woman, Marcus, Liviana, Athena, Cassia, Redros, the tavern-owner, Isdren, and the drunk.

Adjacent Rooftop: Elene.
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by Fialova »

"They are definitely still out there," Marcus says, after looking outside. "I only spotted one a few yards off, but it is quite dark and rainy so there are like others I couldn't see as well. Everyone tread carefully and keep quiet."

With this he motions for Cassia to help him move the tables that are blocking the doorway just enough that the group can slip out. "You, boy," he says to Isdren. "After we leave, you make sure this barricade gets put back in place. Get the old man and the drunk to help, or anyone else who can."
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by ratwizard »

The tables are moved out of the way as quietly as possible, and Isdren nods his head to Marcus, ready to do his duty. "Please be careful," he says in a low voice. The double-doors to the Gilded Mare are now accessible.
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by PureZaros »

Maybe I can get a better look around from up there, Elene thinks, looking to the northern roof. Debating for a moment, she eventually throws caution to the wind in favor of a better position. She runs down the sloped roof and vaults off into the air, sailing out over the gap.
Running long jump: 10/5 = 2 squares

Acrobatics check to land on the northern roof: 18
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by ratwizard »

You land mostly on the roof, with your quick reflexes allowing you to grasp your way up to a stable position. A soggy shingle slips from the roof, and while you recover easily, it falls to the alley below with a stiff smack.
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by Fialova »

With the tables pushed aside, Marcus approaches the door. He grabs his listening cone off of his belt, glad that he didn't leave it at home before coming to the tavern, and places it against the door to listen for any signs of creatures nearby. "Remember, quiet," he says to the others.
Perception to hear anything outside: 19
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by ratwizard »

You hear the patter of the rain on the cobblestones outside, and nothing else.
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by Fialova »

Hearing naught but the rain, Marcus finally decides to push the door open, slowly and quietly. Once it is open just enough for people to get out he exits the tavern, slowly and quietly once more, and quickly looks around to make sure it is safe. He keeps his only weapon - his dagger - at the ready.
Stealth check, if needed: 7
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by ratwizard »

The double door cracks open with a quiet creak, and you can see out into the plaza in front of the Gilded Mare. There are a few bodies strewn about the intersection, unmoving, probably victims. The cobblestone road is slick with rain, and the few carts in the crossroads are damp with water, most of them toppled over and looted in the struggle.

There are a few of the creatures in the plaza, several yards away, but they have not noticed your movements, as the door is seemingly masked by the rain. They look disgusting -- mostly humanoid-shaped but with various states of decay or damage to their flesh. Their eyes glow a dim green through the dark corner.
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by kalis5 »

Redros watches them open the door and shakes his head. He keeps his voice down as he moves to follow.
"If splitting up is such a bad idea, I may as well follow... They will need a good set of eyes to find these weapons, and extra hands to carry them."

He crouches down next to Marcus as he opens the door. He watches the movements of the beasts, trying to examine how they shift in place. He listens to the rain, waiting quietly. If he can figure out their movements, he might be able to lead the group safely past them.
Perception Check to find the best path to avoid detection: 7(1d20) +9 = 16
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by ratwizard »

Cassia smirks as she sees the man give up and fall in behind her and Marcus. She steps out just behind him.
The few strange creatures before you don't seem to have a predictable pattern. Two of them stand in one place, with one of them slowly ambling and changing direction mindlessly. Crouching before the threshold of the Mare, you cannot see the whole plaza but from what you can tell, staying as far from them as possible is advisable. The thought of edging along the wall of the Gilded Mare comes to mind.
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by Fialova »

With the coast relatively clear, Marcus places a single finger over his lips to signal for the others to stay silent. He then waves them forward, motioning for them to follow. As they begin to come, he begins to creep north down the road, towards the alchemical shop mentioned by the tavern owner. Hopefully these people can hold their own in a fight. We are going to get attacked at some point, I just know it.
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by kalis5 »

Redros watches Marcus' path and waits, giving him a few feet of clearance before he tries to follow. Unlike the man in front of him, he's used to being quiet, his feet making nearly no sound against the wet cobblestone, hidden by the rain. He uses the darkness and shadows to his advantage as best he can, hoping these creatures do not see through other ways.
Stealth Check: 15(1d20) +8 = 23
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by Namelessjake »

Athena lifts her dress up slightly and begins to follow Marcus and Redros, who had already started making their way out onto the street. She moves quickly but lightly, her footsteps inaudible over the sound of the rain as it hammers down onto the cobbled streets of Vizidel. Let's hope these creatures aren't particularly observant. All it could take is one loud person.
Stealth Check: 15(1d20) +10 = 25
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by PureZaros »

Scrambling for purchase, Elene panickedly pulls herself over the lip of the roof, sending bits of the shingle flying over the edge to fall to the street below. Too close, too close. She peeks over the edge of the roof, looking down into the dank alley. Splat goes the boss, bet Dollface'd like that... she thinks, before sadly looking away. Wonder if she's still alive.

Moving around the roof, Elene peers down into the darkened streets before looking around her more immediate surroundings for a hatch like what the Gilded Mare has. 'bout time I get down from here, else I really will splat.
Perception to spot things and such: 15
Last edited by PureZaros on Wed Oct 22, 2014 8:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by ratwizard »

From inside the tavern, the owner calls to the princess. "Best if you stay in here, with us, Princess. Wouldn't want to be the one blamed if you went out and got yerself gibbed by those freaky bastards." She nods her head, and Isdren closes the door behind the last one out, wishing them goodbye with a silent wave.

As Marcus, Cassia, Athena, and Redros step out into the streets, the young woman follows suit, her feet quiet on the cobblestones. The strange, almost lazy creatures don't seem to notice the movement, but a patch of gravel crunches under the All-seeing Eye's step, and a collective wince goes around the group. One of the creatures turns at the noise, but you can see that it is missing an eye; only one glowing pinprick of light pierces through the rain that is coming down steadily. The sickly humanoid figure doesn't seem to see the lot of you, and it turns again, its gait slow and lumbering again in queer directions.
From the top of this taller roof, you find a hatch built into the roof that seems to open from the inside, similar to that of the Gilded Mare. Looking north, your visiblity is heavily limited by the weather, but you are able to see a smoldering building up the main road (the one the Mare is on). The building is mostly a ruin now, steaming from a previous fire you assume that the rain has put out recently. The allies immediately surrounding the building look to be clear of the creature, save for the one where a shingle fell. A lone figure has approached it, idly inspecting it, its glowing eyes cutting through the night.
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by Fialova »

Marcus feels a sudden chill down the back of his neck as the crunch occurs beneath his feet, but heaves an internal sigh of relief as it turns out that his misstep causes them no harm. It's a good thing they aren't very observant, he thinks, as he continues to make his way down the road, further from the creatures and the tavern and towards the apothecary. He tries to see through the dark and the rain to watch for the creatures and to make sure the group is headed the right way, all the while trying to soften his steps as much as possible.
Perception, to watch for zombies: 5

Stealth, to stay quiet: 9

Streetwise, to make sure they are going the right direction: 12
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by kalis5 »

The rain is starting to annoy Redros as he creeps along, keeping close to the ground. What's more annoying is the man next to him who seems to be unable to watch his feet as he crunches along. He is very thankful that the creatures surrounding them seem to be poor in their perception. He's not willing to test how much right this moment however. He looks to the guardswoman, knowing she knows these streets much better than he. He motions with his head for her to take the lead with him, thinking four eyes are better than the three they currently have at the front.
Perception to keep party from harm: 2(1d20) +9 = 11
Stealth Check: 2(1d20) +9 = 11
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by Namelessjake »

Athena rolls her eyes at the sound of the crunch of gravel. And there's the loud person. She still breathes a sigh of relief as the creature fails to see them. She tries to watch the ground for more gravel as she continues following the others down the street.
Stealth Check: 4(1d20) +10 = 14
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by PureZaros »

Lesse what we can get done with this thing, Elene thinks to herself. She carefully tries to slip her dagger between the hatch and the roof, experimentally wriggling it around in an attempt to trip the locking mechanism.
Thievery to get the hatch open: 12
Screw you too, roller.
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by ratwizard »

The rain covers your movements, despite Marcus' loud steps. Cassia easily moves over the patterned terrain, the other young woman trailing behind. As you edge away from the crossroads, slipping along the edges of the road, along the buildings, you notice a small group of the night-creatures in the more narrow road north.

The creatures haven't noticed you, but Cassia stops in her tracks and whispers just loud enough for the others to hear. "They'll see us if we go any further, I think. Marcus, are you familiar with any side passages around here?" she asks. "I'm not typically stationed in this side of town," she explains.
As you try to tinker with the gap where the hatch flushly meets with the roof, the hatch shifts a bit and your dagger gets stuck.
Basement: Burtin, the injured man.

Tavern Lobby: The mother and her daughter, Matilda, the tavern-owner, Isdren, Liviana, and the drunk.

Northern part of Crossroads: The younger woman, Marcus, Athena, Cassia, and Redros.

Adjacent Rooftop: Elene.
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by Fialova »

Marcus takes a look around to get his bearings and see if he knows this area in particular.
Streetwise, do I know shit?: 29
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by ratwizard »

You know of a side passage on the left, along the road to the west. You have been through here before, and you can probably find it again. It is through a small garden next to a large house.
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by Fialova »

"Yeah, this way," he whispers as he spots what he is looking for, a nice barely-known passage he has used many times in the past to escape his would-be captors on the rare occasions when someone actually spotted him in the act. He heads in its direction, motioning for the others to follow.
Stealth: 8
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by Namelessjake »

Athena nods in acknowledgement and follows Marcus towards the passageway.
Stealth Check: 8(1d20) +10 = 18
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by kalis5 »

Redros follows after Marcus, his footsteps silent in the rain, or at least as close as they can be. He knows all too well that the confines of the alley will act as a funnel for sound should one of them miss their step and cause a loud noise. Everything close by will be on them in a moment.
Stealth Check: 8(1d20) +8 = 16
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by ratwizard »

As the five of you slip your way into the alley, sheltered from vision of the terrible beings, you come across a figure lying up ahead in the gutter, about twenty yards or so. There is a little torchlight from the main street that makes its way into this dark passage, but you cannot make out any details of the creature at the mouth of it. It appears to be alive, but hardly moving.

"Is that a citizen?" Cassia asks quietly, her dagger defensively positioned in front of her. "Maybe it was," the other woman offers. "Be ready."
Basement: Burtin, the injured man.

Tavern Lobby: The mother and her daughter, Matilda, the tavern-owner, Isdren, Liviana, and the drunk.

The Alley: The younger woman, Marcus, Athena, Cassia, and Redros.

Adjacent Rooftop: Elene.
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by Namelessjake »

Athena eyes the figure suspiciously. "We should be cautious... It could be like the others," Athena whispers, drawing the knife she had taken from the tavern and spinning it around in her hand to hold it downwards.
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by PureZaros »


Elene curses under her breath as the dagger sticks between the hatch and the roof. She yanks on the short blade in an attempt to pull it free of the wood. Why did I think leaving my lockpicks was a good idea?
Strength to remove dagger: 5
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by Fialova »

"Yes, I agree with the others, Cassia," Marcus chimes in. "We already have an injured man to deal with, best to keep our distance for now." The man also keeps his dagger at the ready, not trusting anything in this town anymore.
Is there any way to go around the body or are there no side passages?
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by kalis5 »

Redros nods to the others at their assessment, looking about.
"This one will likely be fine if it is still human. However, I find it odd that none of the monsters about have attacked this man. They seem to be quite... Ravenous about the living. It doesn't matter, we don't have enough room in the tavern for it."
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by ratwizard »

The figure is sprawled out in the gutter of the narrow alley, not blocking your passage. However, you would have to step right next to it to pass.
The reclined figure makes a soft groan, unmoving. You aren't sure if the unknown creature has noticed you or not, but it is making no attempt to rise.
As you awkwardly yank the dagger from where it is jammed in between the gap in the roof and the hatch, the crack that spans most of the blade deepens with a sharp snapping noise. The majority of the brittle iron from the blade falls uselessly to the shingles, stopping to rest. All that remains is a jagged couple of inches jutting out from the leather-bound cross-hilt. The hatch looks to be unaffected.

(Your dagger's proficiency bonus is now +1 instead of +3.)
Basement: Burtin, the injured man.

Tavern Lobby: The mother and her daughter, Matilda, the tavern-owner, Isdren, Liviana, and the drunk.

The Alley: The younger woman, Marcus, Athena, Cassia, and Redros.

Adjacent Rooftop: Elene.
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by Fialova »

Not seeing any other way around the person - thing, whatever it is - Marcus decides to inch forward, dagger at the ready. He takes slow, careful steps, facing the being the entire way down the alleyway.
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by PureZaros »

Elene stares numbly at the fallen shard, unable to quite comprehend what had just happened. She picks up the broken blade, gingerly placing it against the fragment still in her hand, hoping for some miracle of chance to come by and mend the weapon. My... dagger?

Shaking off the initial shock, she carefully packs the blade into a pouch, hoping a chance to fix it arises soon. Looking back the way she came, still in some amount of shock from the breaking of her weapon, Elene decides to try to take a faster way back to the Gilded Mare. She sprints to the corner of the roof, flinging herself towards the nearest corner of the inn's roof. Halfway through the air she realizes just how silly of an idea this was. Shit! This is far!
Athletics to jump to the Gilded Mare: 23/5 = 4.6 squares of jumpy-jumps.
Acrobatics to land safely: 15
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

Liviana wanders around the inn, attempting to find something to do as she's painfully bored. I would be on my way to Imardin right now if it weren't for this. She begins to imagine the succulent food and exquisite dresses and dashing men. She begins to think of her love and personal guard Felix. I hope he's okay, she thinks.
Feel free to give me stuff to do or have people talk to me or something. :P
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by ratwizard »

As Marcus edges toward the dormant figure, it rolls over the slightest bit, revealing what looks to be an orcish male. He simply stares in your direction for a moment, looking terribly woozy. Cassia approaches behind Marcus, her eyes squinting in the dim lighting to get a better look at the man.

On top of the Gilded Mare, the young girl lands hard, her foot catching the edge of the eave. Pain surges up through your ankle, but it is minor and you stop for a moment to gather your breath. The cold rain has now made you soaked, and you shiver involuntarily.

In the lobby, Liviana stands idly while the survivors talk amongst themselves to pass the time. "I'm afraid it's a bit inappropriate seeing the circumstances we're in," Matilda says to you as she steps over. "But It's a pleasure to meet you. I've never met anyone from the Royal Family. Perhaps that's one good thing that's come out of this disaster," she notes, with a glum attempt at a smile, while issuing a graceful curtsy in your direction.
Basement: Burtin, the injured man.

Tavern Lobby: The mother and her daughter, Matilda, the tavern-owner, Isdren, Liviana, and the drunk.

The Alley: The younger woman, Marcus, Athena, Cassia, and Redros, orcish male.

Roof of the Gilded Mare: Elene.
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by Namelessjake »

"Is he dead or what?" Athena asks Marcus and Cassia, making sure to stay a safe distance from the body. "Can we keep moving?"
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

"Ah, the pleasure is all mine, Miss... Matilda was it? I'm glad that you're at least looking for positives in a time like this. Most people immediately would look at the worst of it in a crisis. Aurelia knows we need a little positive light right now." Liviana gives Matilda a similar smile in return. Recognizing the barmaid's accent as clearly Imardanian, Liviana asks, "So you're from Imardin, I assume? It's a gorgeous country. I was actually supposed to depart tonight for a ball in Imardin. So much for that."
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by PureZaros »

Elene grits her teeth as she lands, feeling her right foot slip underneath her. She had misjudged the jump just slightly, landing far too hard on the rough shingles and sending a jolt of pain up her right leg. Scrambling away from the edge, she rest for a moment, testing the injured leg to make sure that it still bears weight. It seems fine, though is a bit shaky. Bad idea, she mentally berates herself. Very, very bad idea.

Shivering in the rain, Elene makes her way back to the hatch in the roof of the inn, climbing down into the building and pulling the door shut above her.
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by Fialova »

"He does not appear to be dead, no," Marcus replies to Athena. "Not yet, at least. He could be in the process of turning into one of those things, though - he doesn't seem fully aware of his surroundings. We should just press on and keep our distance." He knows that the man can very likely hear everything being said, but Marcus doesn't care. One thing at a time.
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