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Post by Scratcherclaw »

Aeron listens along intently, grinning slightly as he thinks back to all the tales of the Great Hunts he's heard time and time again, somehow never losing their luster even after the fifth time hearing the same one. Almost a shame the last of the great beasts have been hunted down.

He hmms as Kenver's words pass through his pointed ears, crossing his arms as he ponders. He nods to Alierin. "Aye, who knows if they're even still down there, or if they ever were? But there's gotta be more than a few forgotten relics to make it worth our while though. And maybe we do actually come across the fangs..."

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Post by Fialova »

"Cat big as boat?" Sisera asks, as wide as Kenver explains the hunt from the past. "Like from home. Animal here still like that?" There is a slight hint of worry in her voice as she ponders this new information. So this land has the gods after all. And the orcs managed to kill them? Maybe they are not as weak as they look.
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Post by ratwizard »

"I don't know if they were actually as long as a boat," Kenver admits with a toothy grin and a shrug. "It might be an allegory. I'm sure we all know the Kurnish and their tendencies to boast. However, there is proof that creatures not unlike those of our homeland did live on this land — at least, a long while ago. I suppose if we find the Fangs, we'd have a story to tell ourselves. Plus, the Clan would sure lose their minds."

The young bard turns to the rest of you. "Anyways, thanks for hearing me out. Just something to think about, since you seem to be in the business for odd jobs."
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Post by Scratcherclaw »

Aeron smirks for a moment, enjoying the idea of putting the Clan down a peg or two by retrieving one of their lost artifacts. The looks on their faces would be incredible. The elf nods to Kenver. "Aye, we can talk about it more tomorrow. But I'm sure we've all earned some rest after today."

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Post by Namelessjake »

"It's probably worth a look, especially if we don't have anything else lined up," Alierin adds. She stiffles a yawn and stretches out her arms as Aeron's words remind her how late it now is. Yes we should head home. Hopefully we won't have many more late nights working for the clan..."
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Post by ratwizard »

The walk back to the hovels is mostly quiet. After a brief goodbye, you soon find yourself back at home.
The door squeaks as you open it and you find your mother seated at a chair, sipping a tea of some kind. The smell of incense perfumes the house and the stresses of the day seem to shed like a coat.

"You're back," she says with a smile. "Did you find more people to help today? Your father's still out. Said he has some Tribunal work to finish up."
As you step inside, there is a quiet darkness to your home that surprises you. Gerirl doesn't usually work late, and if he does, he usually lets you know. Instead, you find your mother in her bed — though still awake. She seems to be humming to herself, which she stops as she notices your approach.

"Ali," she says with a weak smile. "I'm happy you're here. How was your day?"
You are surprised to find Imris not only awake, but in loudly chatting with Tesni. The two of them break into a smile as you arrive. "Sisi!" the young girl shouts, rushing across the room to hug you.

"Welcome back," Tesni says, stepping over and putting a hand on Imris. "You seem to have had quite the long day."

"Fighting wild beasts and helping all the elves!" Imris cheers. Tesni nods, amused, but puts a finger to her lips in an attempt for the girl to lower her voice.
Late one night you venture over to Taenis' hovel. It is only a few homes away, a matter of steps. Despite his best attempts to convince you he has nothing else to teach you, there are still questions that burn in your mind on a daily basis. And with answers so close-by, tonight is not unique.

He smiles and invites you inside, same as he always does. Vela, his wife, boils you some tea, and you get down to the questions at hand. It isn't long before the question becomes a discussion, which becomes an entire lesson — one that Taenis has clearly tried to end a few times, but is drawn back in by your rampant curiosity.

After about an hour, the door creaks and Cymril steps inside. She looks tired but alert. "Hey, Vaughn," the young woman greets you with a curious smile. "I thought Father was all out of lessons to teach. Or are you teaching him nowadays?" She breaks into a cheeky smile to which Taenis lets out a single chuckle.
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Post by Namelessjake »

As she arrives home Alierin smiles, seeing her mother in relatively good health.

"It was a long one," she replies, kicking off her boots and removing her daggers and jacket, hanging them on the back of a wooden chair as she makes her way over to her mother's bedside. "Where's Gerirl? He didn't mention he was working late tonight," she asks realising her brother is no where to be seen.
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Post by ratwizard »

"Ger's working late, like you," she says. "He picked up another shift, he said. Never known him to be an overachiever, but... maybe he's worried about our livelihood." Your mother pauses, sighing. "Or just mine." She offers you a sad smile.

"But enough about us." She eyes the daggers you've set aside. "What sort of work have you been finding? You're... staying safe, right?"
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Post by Namelessjake »

About time he stepped up, Alierin thinks, taking a seat next to her mother. She begins braiding her mother's hair, as she used to do for Alierin when she was a child. "I can handle myself," she says in reply to her mother's second question. "And just odd jobs along with Aeron and a few others. Nothing too dangerous," she explains hoping to reassure her.
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Post by Scratcherclaw »

Aeron lets out a sigh of relief as he steps inside his home, the familiarity of the squeaky door somehow managing to put him at ease before the pleasant incense lulls him into contentedness. Nice to know that some things never change. He returns his mother's smile, happy to see her again after the full day he'd had.

He plops down in a chair near her, yawning slightly. "We did, aye," the elf says. "A Serranborn orator. Dad would've liked to hear him speak. He said some inspiring things." He elects to omit the details about being accosted by orc thugs, knowing his mother's tendency to worry.
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Post by BartNL »

Taken unaware by Cymril's entrance, Vaughn replies:"Good to see you Cymril. I've come to some new conclusions tonight, and that's given me some new things to think about. You shouldn't underestimate your father's wisdom. It will still take me many years before I could even want to compare my skill and knowledge to his."
Vaughn get's up and begins packing his notes.
"Thanks you for the lesson Taenis, and thank you for the great tea Vela. It's getting late. I'll be heading home."
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Post by Fialova »

Sisera steps into the room, and is surprised - though pleasantly so - to be immediately rushed by Imris. "Hello Immy," she says with a smile, finally returning to her native tongue after a long day of struggling with Kurnish. She returns the girl's hug tightly, before letting her go and patting her hair. 

"Nothing so exciting, it was a much calmer day than most," She continues, chuckling at the girl's words. She steps into the room and makes her way to a chair next to Tesni, motioning for Imris to join on her lap. Once she does, she combs her hair while she continues to speak.

"We protected a wise man today. He was from the south, from a desert land, and he spoke of peace and unity between all people - elf, orc, human, and those of different lands. I think you would like him," she continues, turning to Tesni with her last words. "And I think he would like you. Perhaps you could meet with him sometime," she continues, giving the other woman a warm smile.
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Post by ratwizard »

"A Serranborn orator?" your mother repeats, wearing a concerned frown. "Sounds like a tough job. Dangerous, too. I can't imagine some of the Kurnish enjoyed the things he had to say. Was there... trouble?"
"I know you can," your mother says, the pride evident even in her withered voice. "That doesn't mean I can't still worry about you."

A humored look grows in her eyes. "And Aeron, you said? That surprises me. I thought you two parted ways for good."
"A wise man, indeed," Tesni says, a smile growing on her face. "Well done. That is a message that desperately needs to be heard. What's his name?"

"Tesni said you're making a lot of new friends," Imris interrupts. "Can I meet them? What are their names? Do you ride horses together?"
Taenis laughs heartily, giving you a firm nod of approval as you make for the door.

"Wait up," Cymril says, following you outside into the dim street, lit only by moonlight this late. "Are you, uh, looking for any work? Aeron's put a group together to do some... mercenary work, I guess you'd call it. We've made some coin and a little bit of name for ourselves." She cocks her head to the side, studying you. "None of us have studied the arcane before, though, so we're missing out on anything up that alley."

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Post by Fialova »

As she opens her mouth to speak, Sisera is interrupted, but turns to face Imris with a smile. "No horses yet, little one, but hopefully soon. I yearn to feel the wind in my hair again, it has been so long now.

"Their names are Aeron, Alierin, and Cymril, though there are others who have come and gone as well. I hope you can meet them sometime, but maybe not so soon. The work we do is often dangerous, so would be best if they come here instead of you going to them. Perhaps one day we can meet together with all of our families,"
she responds. Turning to Tesni, she responds to her question as well.

"Sazario was the man's name. He seems to be unpopular among many of the locals, but I think there are several who listen to his words and agree. We even got to dine with some of them, they were very kind people. Their customs are confusing, but they seem to mean well, and it is good to know that we are not without supporters in this large, cramped place," she continues, her smile fading somewhat as she sighs.
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Post by Namelessjake »

"Well it's hard to truly part ways in this community. Everyone knows everyone," Alierin replies. "But anyway it's nothing like that. It's purely a business arrangement," she adds, laughing at how formal that makes it sound.
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Post by BartNL »

Vaughn looks surprised, and after after spending a minute or two thinking he replies eagerly:"If you want me, I'll join your group. Your dad mentioned some things earlier tonight about finding your own way that start to make sense now. When and where do we meet?"

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Post by Scratcherclaw »

"It wasn't too bad," Aeron says with a reassuring smile, recognizing his mother's look as the one he was hoping to avoid. "Not anything we couldn't handle. A group of hecklers, at most," he adds, deciding not to mention the threatening gang who confronted them later. "Tribune Galain was in the crowd too. The speech seemed to really resonate with him." He smiles, thinking back to the pleasant conversation he'd had with the man. More of the tribunes could stand to watch Sazario speak.
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Post by ratwizard »

"Galain? How curious," your mother says, a smile blooming starting from her eyes. "That does not surprise me. He is one of the more... optimistic voices on the council. Your father alternates between siding with him and avoiding him, depending on the day and the debate. Are you still running errands for them, by the way?"
"A business arrangement," your mother repeats, a look of amusement in her eyes. "You're sounding more and more like your brother each day. It is good that you can maintain that sort of relationship, though. That says a lot about you. Even if some days I bet you'd rather thump him across the head."

She stretches, yawning. "I've seen him around. He really seems to have grown up, hm? Not the same scrawny boy, following at his father's heels."
"I know Cymril!" Imris says, her eyes alight. "She taught me a song. It's really long so I forgot a lot of the words. Can I sing it for you?"

"Perhaps in the morning, my love. It is quite late,"
Tesni says gently, before turning back to you. "That is quite exciting, Sisera. What did you eat? Sharing a meal is the best way to find common ground. I'm proud of you for trying. This new land is our home, and we must learn to live among its people."
Cymril smiles. "Wow, wasn't sure that'd actually work. Um, Stout Hall — you know, that stale drinking house down by the Low Docks. Tomorrow morning. I can meet you here and we can go together, does that sound alright?"

She sighs, her eyes vacant for a moment as she peers down the street. "We can fill you in on everything once we get there. You don't have to decide now."

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Post by Namelessjake »

"Well I can't be having that now," Alierin replies with a laugh, as her mother mentions her sounding like her sibling. "I guess so," she replies as the conversation turns back to Aeron, realising she hadn't really put much thought into it before. Other than the mess we've found ourselves in with the clan, he has done well leading us, and the clan trouble wasn't his fault, she thinks, considering her mother's words.
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Post by Scratcherclaw »

"Aye, he is, isn't he," Aeron says with warm chuckle and a grin. "But I'd rather that than the grouches on the council." He pauses for a moment, hearing his mother's question and somewhat unsure of the answer himself. Would father miss me if I stopped? He hms slightly, crossing his arms. "I... don't know. If they have dire need, I could, but this group I've built. It feels like we can do more. Like I can do more with them."

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Post by BartNL »

"That works. I'll see you tomorrow then. Good night Cymrill."
Vaughn waves Cymrill goodbye as he leaves for home with a large smile on his face.
Tomorrow will be the first day of many. I will make my people proud.
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Post by Fialova »

"Yes, please do," Sisera responds to Imris, before nodding in agreement when Tesni mentions doing so in the morning. At the latter's question, thinks for a moment, racking her brain for an answer, but cannot seem to find one. "I... don't think we did. They ordered drinks for us, a custom I still don't fully understand. If there was food, it would have been small things that I didn't see." As she speaks, her stomach rumbles, and she looks down in mild embarrassment. Maybe I should have eaten something while we were there. They did say they were paying for us.
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Post by ratwizard »

"Then do it, and don't look back," your mother says in a determined tone. "Let your ambitions guide your hand. If you've outgrown Father's errands, there is no shame in that... there will always be another young lad to help. But there is only one of you. One Aeron. My Aeron." She places a hand on yours, her palm warm and soft as you remember. "I'm proud of you. I fear I don't say that enough, but I surely mean it."
Your mother is quiet for a moment, leaving you to ponder your thoughts in peace. Eventually, you hear a labored sigh and you look over. She is eyeing you with a careful, tender look. "Just promise me one thing, daughter, while you and your companions find work for coin. Be careful, and don't risk your life for it. We came to this land to give you a better future than the ones our great elders led. You understand? I know it may seem difficult, living like this," she says, waving a thin hand across the room at your meager dwelling. "But it is a good life, and a safe one. Safer, at least. And don't worry about me, either." She gives you a smile, though you can tell the words pain her to say.
"Oooh! What kind of drinks?" Imris asks. "Tea? Milk? Or that crummy stuff they drink that smells real bad? Like pee. Or something. I don't get that stuff."

Tesni's eyes crease in humor, though she holds in a laugh at Imris. "The Kurnish seem to revere sharing drinks, from what I have learned about them. The actual sharing of food may just be secondary, but I cannot be sure. Come, you must be hungry. There is still some soup and bread leftover that one of the mothers brought over. Can I prepare a serving for you?"
Cymril nods, waving you goodbye as she steps back toward her house. "You got it, Vaughn. See you tomorrow. Bright and early!"

You open the door to your own home, a dim hovel like most of the others. Inside, your father is still awake — mending a blanket with a needle and thread. He looks up at you and gives you a stiff smile as you enter. "Hey. You're out late," he says. "Studying next door again?"
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Post by Fialova »

Though Tesni is able to hold it in, Sisera can't help but to laugh as Imris excitedly lists out various drinks. "They were definitely of the last sort," she responds to the girl, smiling and patting her on the head as she does. "I don't get it either, but many seem to enjoy it despite the horrific smell and odd coloring. Maybe one day I will acquire a taste for it."

At Tesni's suggestion of food, she smiles and turns to the woman. "Thank you, I'd appreciate that," she says. Always looking out for others, even when they are foolish and forget to eat, she thinks, her admiration only ever growing for the woman with each day and each kinda deed she does for herself or others.
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Post by Namelessjake »

Good may be a stretch, Alierin thinks as she looks around their family hovel, although she holds her tongue. "I'll be careful. I promise," she says instead, gentling stroking her mother's hair and returning her smile. She stifles a yawn as she begins to grow tired, their long day weighing on her.
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Post by BartNL »

As Vaughn enters his home, dreaming of tomorrow he is spooked by his father.
"Ye-yes I was father." Vaughn pulls himself together and sits down next to his father.
"Cymril has asked me to help her and some others with a job tomorrow, I believe it'd be good to put my training into practice. Is mother still up? I want to tell her the news myself."
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Post by Scratcherclaw »

Aeron looks down for a moment, then at his mother's gaze, his eyes sheening with heartfelt tears. "Hearing that... it means more than I can say." His voice chokes up for a moment and he clears his throat, nodding slowing. "You're right. I'll stick to this course I'm charting and see where it leads me." He smiles warmly to his mother, feeling at ease and loved after a rough day. "And if I ever find myself lost, I've always got you and Father to guide me."

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Your mother nods, a pair of tears welling up in her eyes. She smiles and squeezes your hand. "Always. I will always be here to help. And Father too." She stands up, giving you a warm hug. "I suppose it's time to get some rest. I'm helping prepare meals tomorrow, for some of the village. You should get some rest, too."
Your mother smiles, a tired look on her face as you stroke her hair. "Thank you. That is all I ask." You sit with her in quiet peace for a long moment, before you realize she has fallen asleep.
"Yuck, not me."

Tesni nods kindly, stepping over to the kitchen corner of the main room. A few minutes later, Imris heads to bed and you are treated to a warm bowl of soup. It is quite hearty, with barley, winter squash, and some sort of bone broth. It makes you wonder what bear might have tasted like.
"She went to bed an hour ago," he says with an empathetic frown. "But that is great news. What sort of job are they offering that would need use of your arcane talent? This doesn't sound like a delivery errand or hard labor." Your father looks at your curiously, pausing his mending for a moment.
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Post by Namelessjake »

Realising her mother has fallen asleep, Alierin smiles. It's good to see she still has better days. Hopefully the coin I'm earning will buy her more, she thinks as she gently strokes her mother's cheek before standing up to leave. She blows out the candle next to her mother's bedside and makes her way to her own bed. She stretches as she undresses, doffing her street clothes, the week's labours starting to catch up with her. She nurses an ache, no doubt picked up in one of their skirmishes, as she climbs into bed. The late hour combined with the long day mean she quickly drifts off to sleep, not to even be woken by the sound of Gerirl returning from his shift later in the night.
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Post by BartNL »

"Yes father. You are right" Vaughn thinks carefully about what to tell his father, but settles for the truth:
"Cymril called it mercenary work." Vaughn continues.
It's not like he has any right to criticise me on this.
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Post by Scratcherclaw »

Aeron struggles to find anymore words, emotions overwhelming his ability to speak. He simply smiles and nods for a moment, squeezing his mother tight as they embrace in a maternal hug. His worries seem to wash away, as they do with a mother's touch. "Aye," he manages, stifling a yawn. "We both have long days ahead, I'm sure." He starts stepping towards his room, pausing and looking back briefly. "See you in the morning, mother. Love you."

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Post by Fialova »

Sisera can't help but laugh at Imris' exclamation. "Maybe when you're older," she tells the girl, smiling to her as she returns to her soup. The warmth of it fills her up and makes her feel relaxed and at peace, a true feeling of belonging washing over her as she sits with the two people she cares for the most. 

"Thank you, it is delicious," she says to Tesni, after she swallows her first first few bites. "It is hard to beat a home-cooked meal, no matter how the orcs and their taverns try," she adds, smiling to the woman as well.
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Post by ratwizard »

Your mother nods as you look back. "I love you too, Aeron. Good night." She gives you a soft smile before turning in for the evening.
During the night, you wake, thirsty. As you fetch water, you notice Gerirl's bunk still lays empty — likely still on the job.
Tesni smiles, nodding at your words. "It is a great fortune that the spices and herbs survived our journeys to this land... We may have lost sight of our first home, but I pray that we will never forget the smells and tastes."
"Mercenary work," your father repeats carefully, almost measuring the words by saying them. He nods — slowly at first, and then firmly. "That brings honor to our household. Your skills are quite considerable, though I hope the need for them will be limited." He gives you a smile, pride beaming in his eyes. "Just be careful, son — understand? Though my time here has been short, I have quickly learned this city can crush both spirit and life. I won't let that happen to you. Not after all that we've survived thus far."
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Post by BartNL »

This is my city. You are not one to talk. Vaughn thinks to himself after hearing his fathers words.
"I will father. Goodnight." replies.

Vaughn heads to bed
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Post by Scratcherclaw »

Aeron lets out a hefty yawn, a wave of exhaustion closing in on him after the day's events. He sits down again, for just a moment, closing his eyes and savoring the soothing warmth of the home's fire. Close to fading, he's jolted back upright with a loud crackle of a log popping. He chuckles to himself, standing back up. The days when my biggest fears could be blamed on a piece of wood... He stretches his weary body again and retires to his room, slumber quickly taking hold as he's whisked to a land without trouble or worry.
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Post by Fialova »

As the warm meal fills her, the weight of the day finally begins to catch up to her, and she begins to yawn every so often. When the bowl is empty, she stands and yawns once more, before saying, "well, it seems like my body is done for the day. Goodnight," she says to Tesni, with a smile peeking through the otherwise tired look on her face, before she heads to bed to sleep the night away.
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Day 5

The morning breaks, bringing grey storm clouds and rain to the bay. Puddles of water line the tangle of narrow roads that snake their way through the elvish hovels. You head out for Stout Hall. Within minutes, your boots are wet and muddy.

Aeron, Sisera, Alierin
Your local haunt is busier than usual, with many souls seeking shelter from the elements as they share breakfast or ale together up and down the longtables. You note the typical smattering of orcish dockworkers or other laborers, with the odd pocket of elves mixed in. Serving staff bring out plates of food: steaming bread, eggs, porridge, even some fruit and greens. 

In a smaller table along the edge of the hall, the three of you sit together, waiting for Cymril.
You follow Cymril, noting her usual walking staff and an unusual bounce in her step. "I excited to work our first job together," she says, turning to face you as you walk along the perimeter of the Low Docks. "The pay we got on that last one? I'd never make that out on the farms or busking in the bar. Of course, that's not really why I'm out here, doing this. What about you? Excited to test your talents, or are you just itching to make some silver and finally get ahead?"
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Post by Namelessjake »

Alierin awakes to find the morning's rains making their way into their hovel through three separate holes. She curses the shoddy construction of the hovel as she hurries to position buckets and pots underneath the leaks, hoping to prevent the water causing their home to deteriorate any further. As she gets ready for the day, she grabs and hooded cloak which she wraps around herself. She checks in on her mother and looks to see if Gerirl made it home in the night, before pulling her hood up and stepping out into the rain.

Arriving at the Stout Hall she does her best to kick the mud off of her boots, before grabbing a table and ordering some breakfast, soon to be joined by Aeron and Sisera.

"It's not like Cymril to be the last one here," she muses as she takes a bite of bread. "What sort of work do you think we'll find today? Hopefully something indoors," she asks with a laugh.
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Post by Fialova »

Sisera finds the sight of the storm clouds oddly comforting, as they remind her of good days back home. Dark clouds meant respite from the sky gods and their flying servants, who took shelter in such weather. While the land gods still roamed, they were easier to hide from with the sound of the rain washing over the landscape. All in all, it means for Sisera, storms mean safety, and she can't help but smile as she makes her way to the tavern.

Once inside, she finds the others and takes a seat, enjoying the warmth of the indoors and the food they are brought. She tries to tune out the chatter of the locals as she focuses on her meal, finding the noise of the place annoying and distracting.

"Maybe busy," Sisera responds with a shrug, as Alierin comments on the woman's absence. "Hopefully warm indoors," she adds, at the comment on their work prospects.
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Post by Scratcherclaw »

Aeron grimaces as he steps into the rain, a chilled breeze making him shiver as his clothing quickly grows damp. He quickens his steps, eager to get to his familiar home away from home, already imagining the hearth roaring within. Let's hope this rain doesn't last all day. He frowns as his feet feel wet and cold, breaking into a light jog as he catches sight of the hall's exterior. A smile washes over him as he steps in and warmth embraces his shivering body.

Joining Aeron and Sisera at a table, he picks away at his meal, almost chuckling that he feels so rejuvenated by a loaf of hot bread and porridge. Between chews, he chimes in. "She'll be here, I'm sure. Maybe she had to help with a leak at home?" He takes another bite of bread, savoring his bodily warmth while it lasts. "We'll check the board when she gets here, and look for something inside."
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Post by BartNL »

Vaughn wakes up early full of excitement. After telling his mother Arianwen about the job offer, and after promising her he will be careful at least three times she packs him some food for lunch and Vaugn heads off with Cymril.

Vaughn follows Cymril, excited about what the day will bring.
"The first thing. Testing my skills. Some silver wouldn't hurt either though." Vaughn replies with a broad smile.
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Post by ratwizard »

Cymril returns your smile. "I'm sure they will pass whatever tests we might find. I wouldn't have asked you to come if I didn't think you were able to keep up."

Just ahead you find the familiar sights of Stout Hall, a large alehouse that serves most of the local community on this side of the bay. As Cymril leads you inside, you find it busier than usual, with many souls seeking shelter from the elements as they share breakfast or ale together up and down the longtables. You note the typical smattering of orcish dockworkers or other laborers, with the odd pocket of elves mixed in. Serving staff bring out plates of food: steaming bread, eggs, porridge, even some fruit and greens. 

In a smaller table along the edge of the hall, you spot the familiar faces of Aeron, Alierin, and Sisera, and you approach together.

Cymril steps up to the table, followed closely by Vaughn. "I brought a newcomer," she says gleefully with a proud smile, shooing Aeron aside with a fan of her palm. "Slide over, cousin. You all know Vaughn, right? He's trained with my father for years."
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Post by Fialova »

Sisera looks to the newcomer, finding it difficult to place him at first. However, after some time she recalls who she is and she cannot help but to smile. "Child of Daryn," she says, giving him a polite nod. "Daryn is good man," she continues, before she takes another bite of her food. Hopefully he is as kind and devoted as his father is. If so, he will be a good addition to this group.
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Post by Scratcherclaw »

Aeron smiles as Cymril enters the hall. "See? I knew she'd be here soon," he says to his two companions before she approaches. Catching sight of Vaughn trailing his cousin, he raises an eyebrow. "Aye, good morning Cymril, Vaughn." He scoots over, giving room for the newcomers. "You have a knack for that, don't you?" he says towards his cousin with a cheeky smirk. Though I hope he's less trouble than some of the others we've had... He looks at Vaughn, trying to get a read on the man. "So you want to join us? What all has Cymril told you?"
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Post by Namelessjake »

Alierin gives Vaughn a small wave in greeting, as she continues eating. "What is this a job interview?" She asks Aeron giving him a playful nudge as he starts to ask Vaughn questions. I may not know him too well but if Cymril vouches for him I don't see any reason not to accept an extra pair of hands, she thinks.
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Post by BartNL »

A bit dishevelled by the remark about his father, Vaughn stammers: "Goodmorning. Yes, I am Darryn's child." And I suppose he is a decent man, if you say so. Vaughn sits down as Aeron makes room for him. "Cymrill told that you were looking for an extra pair of hands to help with work. I have been training in the arcane arts of our ancestors, and Cymril believes I can be of assistance.'
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Post by ratwizard »

"Yeah," Cymril adds, nodding emphatically. "I hope that's okay with you guys. I've seen him train with my father before. Aeron has too. He's really talented." She looks between Sisera and Alierin in particularly.
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Post by Namelessjake »

"Fine by me," Alierin replies to Cymril as she notices her gaze. She finishes the last of her food before pushing the bowl away slightly and leaning forward, resting her elbows where it had been.

"Speaking of work, we should probably check the postings again," shes says, glancing over in the board's direction checking to see if it looks more full than the previous day.
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Post by ratwizard »

Job Postings

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Local librarian in need of scribes, assistants, and clerks. Please inquire with Rala at the records office in Clan Heights.

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Are you searching for meaning in your life? Have you found your days dragging on? Ask and you shall receive.

Visit the Tapestry House. No — we don't sell tapestries. We sell new chances.

Code: Select all

Plucky souls in need of fame and good graces — help us save Groznid's annual fishing tournament from being canceled!
Seek out Tiz Teberi at Fisherman's Wharf in Movek Point. Experience with nokve preferred.
Sisera, Aeron, and Alierin
You also know two additional hooks:
  • Beamon was supposed to be setting you up with mildly lucrative work through his contacts at the docks. It might be worth checking in with him.
  • Kenver's tale of the Fangs of the Dorak may be peculiar, but who knows what sort of mysteries or treasure await throughout the sewers, caverns, and underbelly of Groznid?
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Post by Scratcherclaw »

Aeron frowns as he overlooks the job board, his eye briefly sparkling with curiosity as he once again reads the Tapestry House listing. Perhaps someday, but not today. He shrugs to himself and turns back towards his companions. "Few offerings today, and I'm unsure any of us are experienced fishers." He pauses, pondering a moment. "Didn't Beamon mention looking into work for us? That might be worth our time, at least more than any of these jobs."
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