Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by ratwizard »

The tavern-owner comes back down the stairs from the upper levels, holding a sack of things. "Alright. I brought a hammer, a handful of nails, and a bit rope. Just be careful, alright? Don't put any holes through the wall or break any windows or you'll work your sorry hide off til it's fixed again. Once this all blows over, that is."
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by kalis5 »

Redros looks over the tables and shakes his head. Even with weapons, this barricade would not hold without some form of ranged weaponry. At this point it will only serve to delay the undead and give those in the basement time to run to the roof.
"We still need to decide what takes importance in our search however. Are weapons or food more important? Will medicine even help against these things? We must consider our actions carefully here. We can only carry so much, and what we bring back could end or save a life, depending on the item."
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

Liviana scowls at Marcus' suggestion, not fond of the way it initially sounded. "Of course I have enough on underneath, you pig. But I'd rather not give you the pleasure of seeing what's underneath." I'm a decent lady, not some whore, she thinks to herself, not wanting to undress in front of the men and children in the room unless she truly has to.
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by PureZaros »

"Well, you gonna make it easier for us to run, then. We just gotta outrun you and your fancy dress." Elene mutters, still peeking out of the window. She notices the de-armed creature stumble slightly as it moves around outside. "It'd be pretty easy to knock 'em off if they could get up, y'know. They don't seem to walk too good."
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by Namelessjake »

"I'm not taking mine off either," Athena says joining in on the conversation, also not fond of the idea of stripping down to run across the rooftops. "There's a knack to running in a dress though. If it does come down to your moonlight marathon, I'll keep up," She adds, mostly directing her last comment at Elene. At least the girl in the blue dress has some class.
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

Liviana is intrigued by Athena's remark, interested in said knack. Wishing to know more, she whispers to the woman, "What exactly is this knack? Is it something I could do?" With curiosity in her eyes, she patiently awaits enlightenment in the ways of dress-running.

"Oh, by the way, I never got your name," she adds.
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by Namelessjake »

"Probably, it's not too hard really," Athena says looking Liviana up and down. "I'm Athena," she adds at the girl's whispered inquiry, not worried about anyone in the group knowing her name. Right now, I doubt most of us will remember each other's names.
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

"Athena... That's a pretty name. I'm Liviana," she says, smiling brightly. Realizing her initial question wasn't answered by the woman, she adds, "Anyways, this knack? How is it done? Sorry if I seem pushy, but this could mean my life. I don't know about you, but I'd rather not be ripped apart by those creatures out there because I can't run in this thing." With this, she ruffles her dress, clearly somewhat flustered.
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by Namelessjake »

"Thank you," Athena says brushing a lock of hair behind her ear and smiling at Liviana. "Just make sure you pick up as much of your dress as possible and run on the tips of your toes," she adds, thinking of the best way to describe what she was talking about.
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by Fialova »

"Weapons are more important in the immediate future, I think," Marcus replies to the hunter. "We can't really go out to find food - or anything, for that matter - without some means of defending ourselves against these things."

Turning back to Liviana, "Call me what you like, but is your dignity really worth your life? As the girl said, in that thing you are an easy target. Running in it may be possible, but it is still not ideal - eventually you will be slowed down. It is made for strutting, not fleeing. But do as you like, I won't weep for you when they catch you."

Finally, turning to the tavern owner, he continues. "Thanks for the tools, old man, but there is an issue. Going outside won't be very safe, check out the window if you want to see for yourself. Let us into the attic, so we can move to other buildings from the roof."
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by ratwizard »

Cassia snorts to herself, a bystander to the back-and-forth between Marcus and Liviana. "Dresses were never really my thing. Maybe that is for the better," she jests.

The tavern-owner turns red at Marcus' urging. He instinctively snaps his hand up, clutching the key around his chest with a tight grip. "You'll not set foot in the attic!" he cries out. "Quiet! You'll give away our position!" Cassia whispers, daggers in her voice.

The man continues, his tone an angry but quieter tone. "There is a ladder from the second floor to the roof," he spits out. "But the attic, no. Not needed for you. Off-limits!"
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

With growing anger towards Marcus, Liviana says, "Um, excuse me, but do you know who I am? Liviana. Arvina. And I'm not liking your attitude towards me." With razor-like eyes, she stares sharply at Marcus, her eyes appearing crimson in the dim light. "I will be fine," she stammers. What I wouldn't give to be on my way to Imardin right now.... instead of here, she thinks, walking away from the man.

Taking a few deep breaths, Liviana calms herself. Turning back towards Marcus, she adds, "Look, I'm sorry, but you didn't exactly catch me on a good day with how things have been going. I've been through a lot in such little time, so I'm not as bright and happy as usual. Now then, this isn't the time for hostility or else we'll all end up dead."
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by PureZaros »

"Well excuse me, princess," Elene whispers, recognizing the surname as royalty. "But I'll still be laughin' when you trip and get ate."

Still immensely curious about what the innkeeper wanted to keep away from the group, she slipped away from the curtain, motioning for the other boy to take charge of keeping watch. I wonder what he's hiding in that attic of his? Maybe I'll go sneak a peek.

Quietly walking to the stairs, Elene turns towards the others. "I'm gonna check the roof, see what kinda tricks we can get up to," she says quietly, before darting to the second floor.
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by ratwizard »

"I'll show ye' the way. Wouldn't want anyone to get lost on the way up and into places they're not supposed to be," the tavern-owner says, condescendingly. He leads the way up the stairs, taking his time as Elene impatiently waits behind him. He leads her down a corridor past several doors, the Gilded Mare being quite a large inn and tavern, before passing a staircase, coming to a ladder at the end of the corridor. "The ladder's here. The hatch at the top locks from the inside and is pretty damned sturdy. I had her custom-built after some bastard thieves got in here a decade back or so." He eyes her suspiciously. "Although I doubt you'd know anything about that sort of thing," he says, darkly jesting.

Back in the tavern's lobby, Cassia's brow raises at the princess's self-introduction and the woman speaks up. "Forgive me, princess, for I did not recognize your face. I am Cassia, a guard-captain of the Watchmen," she says, formally, before bowing. "Although I'm hardly any sort of Watchman without my gear," she mentions, her face crestfallen. "I cannot vouch for the All-Seeing Eye, here, but I will ensure your safety, so long as you allow me to."
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by PureZaros »

Elene begrudgingly follows the innkeeper to the end of the hallway, inconspicuously noting the staircase to what she could only assume was the attic. Damn, I hoped he'd be the stupid kind of innkeep. This just got harder.

Climbing the ladder nimbly, she looks down at the innkeeper as he voices his comment about thieves. "Mam always told me to keep my head on straight. I wouldn't be here now if I wasn't a good girl. She'd 'a killed me," Elene said, smiling slightly. To be fair, she did try that once.

As she reaches the top of the ladder, Elene pushes the hatch up just enough to peek through. Looking out onto the roof through the small opening, she scans quickly for any threats.
Bluff check to convince the innkeep that I am not a crook: 18

Perception check to spot threat on the roof or on nearby roofs: 21
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by ratwizard »

The tavern-owner seems to lighten up a tad bit, but whether this is him playing along or whether you have him truly convinced, you're unsure.
The tavern-keeper snorts, this time not in a derisive way. "I know the way of the streets," he admits. "My family lived on them for years when I was a boy. I'm old, not stupid," he says with another chuckle.

He watches as she peeks her head out. "Don't get yourself dead, kid," he warns.

As Elene peeks out from under the slightly-raised hatch, she can see that the weather has given away to a light drizzle that is beginning to pick up. Small drops of rain patter like little feet on the shingles of the inn. Scanning around, she doesn't immediately see any threats, but her view of the full roof is obscured, the Gilded Mare having an angular roof design.
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

Liviana glares coldly at Elene, whispering "Gosse sale." I'll bet that little street urchin doesn't know a word of Imardanian, she thinks, smiling devilishly.

Turning to Cassia, she smiles brightly. "Oh, it's not your fault, Captain. I rarely tread outside the palace grounds, except if I'm headed abroad, like tonight, for example. I'm supposed to be sailing to Imardin right now. But thank you for your commitment to your service, even in such chaotic times. If we make it out of this, I'll make sure you're duly rewarded. And don't worry. I won't make your job too hard." With this, she giggles, clearly in a much better mood than moments before.
Imardanian Translation
Dirty brat
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by ratwizard »

Cassia snickers at the princess's foreign insult. "Ah, je vois que vous êtes un homme haut-parleur de la langue," she says in reply to Liviana, a grin on her face. "I was born in Ellisport. A beautiful place Imardin is, but not as exotic or free-spirited as your kingdom or the rest of Forelle."

Her brow furrows for a moment, seemingly in thought. "I wonder how things go in my heart-country... if this is a widespread event, or specific to Vizidel," she ponders aloud.
Imardanian Translation
Ah, I see you are a fellow speaker of the tongue.
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by Namelessjake »

She's the Princess? It explains her manner and the dress I guess, Athena thinks as Liviana reveals who she is. She makes a mental note to try and befriend the girl, in case they survive, she could prove to be Athena's path to the nobility.

"Il semble y avoir plutôt beaucoup d'entre nous," she says as the conversation turns to Imardanian. Athena's Imardanian being slightly worse than that of Liviana and Cassia. She had learned the so called language of the courts mostly from a few of her more prestigious clients. She had found it useful when attending more exclusive events.
Imardanian Translation
"There appears to be rather a lot of us."
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by PureZaros »

Elene carefully lifts the hatch to it's most open position, swarming out onto the rooftop. Crawling to the peak of the roof, she took a good look around her, searching for anything else that could be on the rooftops around, as well as familiarizing herself with the roofscape.

Creeping back to the hole in the roof, she peers back down into the inn and quietly speaks to the innkeeper. "Y'know, you left, like, five people unattended down there. I'm gonna be up here a while lookin' for safe ways. What if they get to takin' apart your tables?"
Perception check to survey the area: 27
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by ratwizard »

From the roof, you can see the rest of the plaza through the dark of the night. The buildings are rather tight together in this district, limiting your full visibility, but you are able to see a couple buildings in each direction. The handful of creatures that you spied through the windowpane aren't the only ones in the plaza, but the rest are several tens of yards in different directions from the Gilded Mare, up the paths a bit. The cobblestone roads are slick with a few splotches and spatters of blood, but you don't see any bodies anywhere, at least dead ones.
"Damnit, you're right," the tavern-owner grumbles as he turns to head back down the corridor. "Come back soon, and lock that hatch behind you when you do," he advises. "And no funny business, or you'll wear your welcome to my tavern out. There ain't nothing for you anywhere up here." He walks down the corridor and back into the tavern lobby, just as Cassia replies to Athena. "Not bad," she surmises, appraising the woman's attempt at Imardanian. "But not great, either," she jests with a smirk.

"Damned kid," the tavern-owner interjects, the young boy looking at him worriedly. "Not you," the man says. "That rodent of a girl is up on the roof in the rain, if any of you care to go after her. I don't. Slipping and falling a couple stories to get mauled by those things isn't in the cards for me, tonight."
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by PureZaros »

Mentally cheering, Elene quietly descends the ladder as soon as the innkeeper returns to the others. Cautiously moving to the second staircase, she does her best to remain hidden and quiet. On the lookout for any kind of trap, she creeps her way up the staircase, sticking to the edges as much as possible to avoid causing the stairs to creak.
Stealth check: 26

Perception check to spot traps, if any: 11
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by ratwizard »

The boards creak slightly underneath you, but your cat-like figure allows you to make your way up the staircase slowly. Keeping an eye out, you don't notice anything out of the ordinary. The staircase leads up to a single wooden door. It has a thick, metal knob as well as what looks to be a place for a key above it.
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by Fialova »

"Yes, well, apology accepted princess," Marcus says with a smile, before Cassia reacts so enthusiastically. He had made it a point throughout his time in Vizidel to learn the names of all the movers and shakers, and Liviana's name is certainly one he recognizes well.

"You will be safe here so long as you don't do anything dumb, I won't throw myself in harm's way to protect you." He turns so he is facing both Athena and Liviana, before adding, "but I wouldn't want to see some horrible monsters tear apart you ladies either." Now turning to Cassia, "you may not have known it, but I was a soldier before I opened the All-Seeing Eye. It's how I lost my other eye, in fact. I am no master, but I know how to fight if it comes to that."

With this he walks around the room, looking closely at every detail, every facet of the tavern. He ignores the women's conversation in a foreign tongue - Imardanian, likely, based on the sound of it - and keeps his attention on his surroundings. We will need to know this place like the backs of our hands if we are going to be holding out here for awhile.
Perception check to spot any oddities or unique features of the tavern, things that could potential become useful in combat or in trying to quickly escape: 13
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by kalis5 »

Redros raises his hand at the Innkeepers suggestion.
"From up there I could get a better view of the city. We may be able to map a route to one of the guards garrisons. Even if it is overrun, the weapons inside would be useful. I shall go."
He begins to climb the stairs towards the roof. In his mind he knows that young girl should not be left alone. Such a small thing with so many monsters around is asking for trouble already, but add the attic she's not supposed to go in and you have a recipe for trouble. Even if something useful is in there, it would not do to be kicked out.
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by PureZaros »

Creeping to the door, Elene quickly checks it over for traps, before pulling out her dagger. The tip is thin enough to fit into the lock, but it's difficult to maneuver with such a large tool. Damn. Wish I'd brought my lockpics.

Carefully twisting the dagger back and forth, she jiggles the mechanism a few times, hoping to quickly get inside.
Perception to check for traps on the door: 11
Thievery check to open the door if I spot no traps: 19
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by ratwizard »

You walk down the corridor, coming to the end of it where there is the ladder up to the roof, as well as a set of stairs, presumably to the attic. The hatch is wide open, and a few droplets of rain coast down, spattering the tavern's floor. You cannot see Elene from where you stand.
Tentatively stepping toward the door, you don't notice anything inherently dangerous or threatening about it. You struggle with the lock for a few moments, unable to get the dagger deep enough into the heavy lock without jamming it in brusquely. You stop for a moment as you hear steps coming from the corridor.
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by PureZaros »

Elene freezes as she hears the approaching footsteps. Crouching low to the ground, she peers down the stairs at the approaching person, hoping it isn't the innkeeper. What a great day to forget my lockpicks, she thinks bitterly.
Stealth check: 13
Perception check to see who is in the hall: 19
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by ratwizard »

Due to their being a turn in the staircase, you're unable to have a direct viewpoint to the bottom of the steps where the ladder is, but you stay low to the ground, trying not to make any movement or sound.
In response to Marcus, Cassia speaks up. "I've heard the stories. I wasn't doubting your prowess, only your willingness to bend over backwards for others," she admits, with an honest shrug.
The lobby contains a bar area, including the tables and chairs, some of which are propped up in a makeshift barrier at the entrance. The bar area has several metal flagons as well as a kitchen knife, among other miscellaneous utensils and kitchen items

In addition, there is a cooking area in one of the corners, with a large hearth and cooking pot, with a spit propped up against the wall, not in use. There is a bit of wood in the hearth, but having been doused during the retreat to the basement, only embers remain. However, there are a couple pieces of neatly-chopped logs, enough for a few hours of a smaller fire in the hearth.

You also find a few barrels pushed against the walls, likely casks of ale or wine, or possibly potatoes or the like. The ground is covered with a couple large rugs, and there are unlit chandeliers above you, which by personal experience are saved for very fine occasions. The wall sconces are typically lit during most evenings at the Gilded Mare.

The walls of the lower floor are riddled with a handful of medium-sized windows, with dark curtains pulled over them. There is only one entrance, and that is the set of double doors set diagonally into one of the corners.
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by kalis5 »

Redros climbs the ladder up to the top, looking out into the rain. He wants to make sure the young girl is there, and not getting herself into trouble with the Innkeeper. Despite the rain his eyes see true, piercing the darkness of the rain. If the girl is not up here, she will be in big trouble.
Perception Check of Surrounding area of rooftop: 17(1d20) +9 = 26
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by Fialova »

Marcus walks over to the barrels to inspect their contents. Hopefully at least some of this is food. He opens them one at a time to peek inside, just to get an inventory of what sorts of foodstuffs are left after everyone ransacked the basement.

Afterwards, he moves to the rugs, grabbing corners of them to test the weight. These might be useful for something. Once he has an idea of their density, he rolls them up and places them to the side of the room, against the walls.

Finally, he grabs the spit from near the fireplace, separating it into its individual parts. "We should hand these rods to the folk downstairs. They aren't weapons per se, but it's better than nothing." With that he hands the items off to the young boy, to deliver them to the refugees.
What's in the barrels? How heavy are the rugs?
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by ratwizard »

From the roof, you can see the rest of the plaza through the dark of the night. The buildings are rather tight together in this district, limiting your full visibility, but you are able to see up to about a building or so in each direction. You notice the handful of creatures that Elene spied through the windowpane. There is a bit of blood on the streets, but you don't see any bodies anywhere, at least dead ones. Elene is nowhere to be seen on the roof.
Whoever it was, you can hear that they've climbed the ladder and are on the roof, now.
You approach the few barrels in the room, two of them clearly containing some sort of liquid with how well-sealed they are. Prying open the lids carefully, you take a whiff and note the first to carry a heavy, purple wine that smells very sweet. The second looks to be a light ale -- it is translucent and a has light beige tint to it, you can tell despite the dimly lit room. The third and final barrel is easily opened to reveal what looks to be half-full of medium-sized russet potatoes.

You inspect the rugs. One looks to be about 4 by 6 feet and is pretty dense, at least an inch thick. The texture looks to be sort of bristly, not being the most comfortable, but you assume that it is mostly for looks. The second rug is actually a large bear skin, with the head intact and well-taxidermied. The rest of the floor is planked with rough wood.
The young boy takes the iron rods, his arms straining under the load, eager to impress. "Alright, mister," he says, obediently, before heading downstairs to the basement where he distributes them among the other survivors. Slowly but surely, they begin to inch their way up, with the mother and her daughter staying behind with the injured man to tend to him.
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by Fialova »

Once satisfied that he has gotten a good feel for the main floor, Marcus returns to the basement to look it over more carefully as well.
Perception check to spot any oddities or unique features of the tavern, things that could potential become useful in combat or in trying to quickly escape: 19
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by ratwizard »

"What do you want?" the mother asks, clutching at her daughter as Marcus comes down the stairs. The injured man sits silently, his eyes closed. His breathing is slow but steady. The little girl sits up for a moment to look straight at the man. "You're gonna save the nice man, right?" she asks, innocently. "My brother, Isdren, too. I know he'll go with you. Please, mister, don't let him die too like my papa."
The basement has a stone floor, with the walls a mix of vertical logs and brick. Against them are several shelves containing a few couple sacks of food, mostly apples and a bit of dried meat. There are a few casks with ale and wine tap, and rapping on them reveals them to be at least half-empty. The few creates down here were busted open, the contents mostly consumed tonight. The boards of the crates have been neatly stacked against the side of the wall by the mother, probably to keep her from going crazy.

In addition, there are a few large chests that contain some medium-quality cloth blankets and bedding, mostly dirty. There is also a spinning wheel and a small kit of thread and needles nearby, as well as a sudsy bucket with a few cleaning rags and a bit of rough soap.
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by Fialova »

"I'm not a doctor," Marcus says, a bit struck by the girl's plea. A child shouldn't have to be here for this. They should have killed her off, rather than make her suffer through such an ordeal. He sighs. "We are doing what we can, but unless we find one there isn't much anyone can do for him. Have you tried praying?"

As he talks, he gathers up the boards from the busted crates, taking as many as he can carry at once to bring up to the top. These will be a start, I guess. "I may not be able to do much for this man, but I can keep your brother safe, don't you worry about that, lass," he says, as he climbs back up the stairs with the wood.
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by kalis5 »

Redros sighs at the sight up above. Not only is the city densely packed and hard to maneuver in normally, but with the monsters on the floor, travel will be harder. And there's a missing urchin. He hopes he isn't right, but all the same he climbs down and heads for the attic. Once there he takes a look about to see if a certain little girl is trying to break in.
Perception Check to see or hear Elene: 16(1d20) +9 = 25
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by PureZaros »

Hearing the figure climb to the roof, Elene quickly spins back around and continues trying to pick the lock with her dagger. Come on, come on. I know this works, I've done it before.
Thievery check to pick door lock: 23
Stealth check: 13
Perception for some reason: 9
Fukin nat 1.

Kalis posted before I could get mine up. Also, meta.
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by Namelessjake »

"What's all the wood for?" Athena asks as Marcus appears at the top of the basement stairs.I hope he doesn't expect the Princess and I to be boarding up doors, she thinks."Surely a fire would just attract whatever is outside."
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by ratwizard »

"A bit," the girl answers Marcus. "I will try harder. And thank you," she says to him, a bit of relief written on her face.
As you make your way up the stairs, you round the corner and see the young girl huddled next to the attic door, concentrating on fiddling with what looks to be the lock. A soft click is heard. She hasn't noticed you yet.
You struggle with your dagger, blunting the tip a bit, but the lock mechanism finally clicks audibly.
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by kalis5 »

Seeing that the little girl that was supposed to be on the roof had decided that the attic would be more important has just unlocked the door, he crosses his arms and taps his foot close by her. He wonders when she'll notice that he's spotted her. He clicks his tongue, condescendingly.
"Excuse me little one. But what do you think you are doing breaking into the attic of the man that has given us shelter? Do you want us thrown out on the street?"
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by PureZaros »

Startled by Redros's voice, Elene jumps back defensively. Damn! I dropped my guard. She momentarily contemplates attacking the man, but then realizes that she probably shouldn't get on the bad side of what could be the last remaining humans in the city.

Standing warily and sticking her knife back up her sleeve, Elene grabs the door's handle, slowly turning it. "When a guy don't want someone goin' somewhere that much, he must be hidin' somethin' important. I just wanted to see what he was hidin'. Wasn't gonna touch anything, swear. You can keep an eye on me if you like, but I'm gonna find out what's in here."

Opening the door, Elene quickly steps into the room. Turning back, she looks at the forester. "What he don't know wont hurt him, and the faster I do this, the less like he is to know."
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by Fialova »

"For boarding the windows," Marcus replies. "The door should be good for now, but glass isn't exactly going to keep those things out if they notice us in here. Could you start putting them up while I grab the rest?" With this he returns to the basement to grab more of the wood, slowly bringing it up in as many trips as it takes.
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by Namelessjake »

"I've never been too good with tools," Athena says, smiling at Marcus and twirling a lock of hair. Does he really expect me to do that? She thinks, not fond of the idea of manual labour, although not showing any sign of it on her face, a practiced smile hiding her true feelings.
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by Fialova »

"Well, it's never too late to learn," the man replies, without batting an eye. He continues to lug the planks upstairs, leaving them in an ever-growing pile near Athena and Liviana. "Make sure to do it quietly. Don't want one of those things to hear, after all."
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by ratwizard »

As Elene steps into the attic, a bit of candlelight finds its way into the first few feet of the room, dust particles skittering to and fro in a haze. A wheeze is heard and heavy footsteps approach from in front of her immediately.

Meanwhile, downstairs, Isdren helps Marcus carry the last load of salvaged boards up to the tavern's lobby. All in all, there is a pile of about a dozen or so boards of various lengths, averaging about two feet or so, all of them about six inches wide and an inch thick.
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by PureZaros »

Taking a few quick steps back, Elene barely manages to suppresses her sudden fear towards whatever the thing moving towards her is. Peering into the darkness, she attempts to discern the source. Hand on doorknob, ready to slam the door to, if need be, she calls out quietly. "Um. Hello? Who's there?"
Perception to see what's in the room: 15
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by ratwizard »

From the shadows, a figure lurches toward Elene, its arms outstretched in an attempt to grab at her. In the brief moment she is able to focus her eyes on it before she slams the door shut, it appeared to be female and almost human, except for the eyes, which were a terrible green color that had a slight glow to them.

The door slams shut and the an awful moaning can be heard from the other side of it. The heavy frame of the door shakes but stays firm as the creatures pounds on it from the attic-side in desperacy.

Those of you in the tavern lobby hear a door slam and some sort of commotion above, but it is distant and you're unable to discern what exactly it is from. "The roof? They may need help!" Cassia says, suddenly alert, before taking hasty steps to the stairs to investigate.
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by Fialova »

Marcus drops the boards and rushes to upstairs after Cassia. Those things better not have snuck in the hatch after one of those two, he thinks to himself. He keeps his dagger ready, in case he has to fight.
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by kalis5 »

Redros rushes to the girls side, checking the handle of the door.
"Girl, whatever you did to unlock this, you need to lock this door right now, one of those stray flails of its hands could open the door and we do not need this thing inside the tavern!"
He grabs hold of the handle and holds the door shut for her, waiting for her to start whatever it is she needs to do.
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Re: Death Incarnate: A Zombie Tale IC

Post by PureZaros »

"Damn! What is that thing?" Elene whispers, barely managing to suppress the urge to yell. She quickly pulls her dagger out and jams it into the lock, hoping to get the mechanism engaged again. Her panic brings tears to her eyes, imagining what could happen to her if that creature were to get out.
Thievery to relock door: 19
Build a man a fire and he will be warm for a day.
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