Tales from the Tjordek Ring — Main OOC

One-shot fights, PVP, or test builds are all welcome in our semi-canonical gladiatorial arena. Fight for your life!
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Tales from the Tjordek Ring — Main OOC

Post by ratwizard »


Tales from the Tjordek Ring


It is the 86th year of the 6th Era, Serranak. For centuries, the world-renowned sand pits of the Tjordek Ring have boasted some of the most powerful, unparalleled fighters from all across the land. The spilling of fresh blood, the rush of victory, and the raucous, deafening cheer from the stands above is enough to bring both volunteer and visitor to the Ring to play a part in a savage, and yet widely beloved communal experience. Those with enough money, time, or both often make a decennial (or even yearly) pilgrimage to witness the unprecedented matches that are hosted every single day of the week in the Ring.

Whether a slave of a local dominus or a brave volunteer, those taking part in the Ring’s spectacular arena matches have paved for the way for a massive industry, feeding a river of gold between owner and slaver, mercenary and gambler. Some seek glory, some seek coin, some seek freedom, and some simply seek blood, though all fight with the same fury and zeal that gives the Ring its fiery reputation.

The Tjordek Ring is host to more than just man-on-man arena matches, however. Extravagant events such as dozen-man deathmatches, beast fights, group skirmishes, and many more one-off scenarios have all seen the light of day in the massive fighting pit. Each day, several matches are put on at the Ring, and spectators can watch and bet and drink and eat for several hours of grueling, gritty combat.

Indelible tales are born in the pits — but for every victor left standing, breathing, and partaking in their newfound glory, another soul’s story ends. Every stroke of the blade, every loose of an arrow, every swing of a fist could spell the end of your life — or the beginning of your new one. Will you make your name in the bloody pit of the Tjordek Ring and forge a tale that is written in annals and sung in drinking halls? Or will you be just another gruesome corpse dragged from the sands to a mass grave with the others? The gong has sounded. The match has begun.

Setting and Lore

Along the northern coast of the region of Serranak lies Tjordek, a bustling, temperate port city. Tjordek wasn’t always the center of attention for blood, guts, and glory, despite what many tourists think in modernity. Once an off-shoot of a Kurnish colony, the city attracted denizens from across the land and sea because of its accessible location as a trade hub that connected Forelle, Kurnhuelde, and Serra.

With a reputation of being a breeding ground for quality ship labor or mercenary groups always looking to make easy coin, Tjordek became somewhat of a melting pot where one could easily find the manpower necessary for any a task. It wasn’t until the early 5th Era that a group of investors from Kurnhuelde, Razak, Imardin, Serra, and Tjordek itself banded together to initiate construction of the Tjordek Ring. It was imagined to be the largest gladiatorial and events stadium that the known world had ever seen, a feat that has not been surpassed to this day.

The Ring’s renown exploded almost overnight, driving mass tourism and investment into the area and causing a pronounced, long-lasting boom for the city itself. The town grew rapidly, with ships and caravans bringing in not just traders but also laborers, fighters, gamblers, and sightseers every month. Today, the Tjordek Ring has become not just a local landmark but a world-renowned one as well. There isn’t an arable spot of land within five miles of the city that isn’t put to use feeding the constant bustle of the crowded, active Tjordek.

Character Creation Information

You are a fighter of the Tjordek Ring. The possibilities regarding your origin are near-limitless, and your reasons for being here are as well. Most combatants would typically fit one of two profiles: self-starters who are confident in their prowess and have come to the Tjordek Ring to create a name for themselves, while others may have been enslaved in Kurnhuelde, Serran, Serranak or beyond, and are forced to fight for a dominus — whether simply for their life, or possibly even for their freedom.

Volunteer fighters would likely come from all corners of the realm. Many cultures value strength, glory, and fortune, and even more peaceful cultures could be the reason a particular fighter left them in search of a gladiator’s life. A few example hooks of a self-starter might include: a Tulrissian man-at-arms seeking the tourney of a lifetime; an exiled warrior with nothing more to lose; a cultist seeking to sacrifice as many souls to their deity as possible; a celebrity warrior from another region hoping to legitimize their claims to the true top spot; a grizzled old fighter looking for a noble end to their tale; a pauper who has expended every other option to put bread on the table; or a lonely wanderer who finds solace in the challenge, limelight, and regimented lifestyle.

Similarly, the Ring’s enslaved combatants also have a wide range to choose from regarding their background story. Slavery is especially common for those living in Serra and Serranak, and Cru’un. Slavers run rampant along the Beredin Steppe and south of the Ghrystbehn, snatching up travelers, villagers, and others too few or too weak to stop them. Possible examples of backstories could be: a defeated soldier who was beaten, captured, and sold; a traveling merchant or vagrant who was set upon while on the roads, a simple villager living in a remote location prone to raider and slaver assaults, or even a captured member of the Unfettered, forced to participate in the system they sword to upheave.

Due to the Ring’s daily schedule of constant battles both big and small, there are a tremendous amount of fighters that come and go from its halls. While most of these comers are simply meat for the grinder, there is a large, rotating cast of ‘regulars’ that are housed and sponsored by the Ring’s leadership and participate in scheduled fights. While this is not necessarily a promise of surviving any fight a regular is part, the Overseers are known to typically call fights before loss of life, preserving the longevity of their house fighters. Fresh blood are rarely offered the same leniency, and most of these newcomers do not make it past their first heat.

A note on character levels and loadouts:

I have initially laid out three different character creation rulesets, opting for options at level 1 (fresh-faced fighters, slaves, etc.), level 5 (established fighters or sponsored regulars), and level 11 (local legends). Matches will be fought with all PCs or NPCs involved set to a similar power level, the exact level of which will be decided upon the in-world context of each match. For example, a large-scale deathmatch that weeds out a recent influx of newcomers would be a level 1 encounter. A smaller team-based brawl between two groups of three mercenaries each may be played at level 5. A high-ticket headlining event between a local legend and a visiting celebrity fighter would be at level 11. This allows for many types of builds to be played with, while also fitting the in-universe variety that would organically take place in the Ring over the course of a day.

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A Wan Smile
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Re: Tales from the Tjordek Ring OOC

Post by ratwizard »

Rough Layout of the Tjordek Ring (subject to change)

The Tjordek Ring

A massive ovoid shape about a hundred meters wide and just over a hundred meters long, the sand-filled pit of the Tjordek Ring is quite easily the largest gladiatorial or events arena in the known world. The walls that surround most of the pit are around twenty feet high, built with solid brick that features no scalable face. These walls lead up toward the stands of the stadium, above.

The Ring has but a single entrance for fighters, workers, and staff to enter and exit from, which is known as the Ring Gate. Opposite the Ring Gate, built into an outcropping at the top of the wall is the Overseer’s stand, from which announcements and commentary are made. There is a massive gong on this stand as well, which is rung to indicate the beginning of fights or to indicate that a fight has been called by the Overseer.

The Ring Gate

Two tons of solid wrought iron, the Ring Gate is a massive barrier that is raised and lowered by heavy chains and a pulley system. It is opened for fighters and staff to enter, and closed before a fight begins. While loud, dated, and overly intricate in its design, the Ring Gate is an untarnishable image that embodies the spirit of the Ring, and one that many have come to appreciate.

Fighters can reach the Ring Gate via a single, wide tunnel from the Underbelly. In this small, outside holding area viewable to the audience, it is widely seen as a malicious superstition (and plainly poor sportsmanship) for any trouble or ruckus to be started at the Ring Gate before entry. Words are typically exchanged here before the gate is opened, but any explicit violence is almost always saved for the Ring.

The Underbelly

Consisting of hollowed out tunnels, passages, and squat, dimly-lit rooms, the Underbelly is a large underground network that serves as the infrastructure for the Tjordek Ring. It is labyrinthine in nature and to many, considered haunted from all the lost souls who have died throughout the centuries. Because of the widespread rumors of odd sightings and sensations in some of the further reaching sections, the overwhelming use of the Underbelly is limited to a small section based around its center.

The Training Rooms

Littered throughout the Underbelly’s wide-ranging mess of tunnels are several training rooms that house armor, weapons, targets, and fencing areas. These rooms are used primarily by the sponsored regulars that also take up residence in the Tjordek Ring, but are sometimes used by newcomers looking to warm up before their first (and usually final) bout.

The Inner Chambers

While newcomers, be they slaves or free fighters, are limited to the long, uncomfortable sleeping halls, the long-term fighters are granted their own shared or individual quarters.

The Stands

Able to hold thousands of arena-goers, the stands are built in a stair-like pattern in an almost complete circle around the Ring itself. Food and drink is served in closed-off areas for more renowned guests.

The Outer Cloister

In a narrow, enclosed ring around the edge of the building, many vendors from the streets of Tjordek and from beyond take up the opportunity to sell food, drink, merchandise, and other curios from small stalls within.

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A Wan Smile
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Re: Tales from the Tjordek Ring OOC

Post by ratwizard »

The Roster of the Ring

guy 1

guy 2 lol

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Re: Tales from the Tjordek Ring OOC

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Reserved again

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Re: Tales from the Tjordek Ring OOC

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Reserved once more

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