A Midnight Masquerade — IC

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Re: A Midnight Masquerade IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

Jacques finds himself taken with surprise as they enter the small quarters, the man within introducing himself as the Bishop. Speaking to the Bishop himself? News traveled to the top quite quickly it seems.

After Évrard finishes his piece, Jacques chimes in. "Aye. Marcel was mangled in a way I've never seen. He looked more like he'd undergone an autopsy than been murdered." Perhaps I'd met our murderer is a surgeon I'd met through a Society function?

With the story far from over, Jacques continues. "We followed the trail further until we came across the murderer, standing over Marcella's dying body with a peculiar knife. As I had told Father Noel, I had shared a dance with the murderer earlier in the evening, and he was certain we'd met. I, however, have no recollection. Nonetheless, he made his escape thanks to his strange conjuration of smoke."

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Re: A Midnight Masquerade IC

Post by ratwizard »

Renault nods along, intently listening to the other men recant the night's events. "And there was the business with the serpent..." he adds, his voice a rasping tone.

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Re: A Midnight Masquerade IC

Post by Fialova »

The bishop listens with great interest as the group of you speak, and the others in the room remain silent as they listen on as well. His face shows a mixture of astonishment and concern as you tell your tale of the evening's events.

"You say there was a serpent. Father Noel here has told me the same thing, but I find it hard to wrap my head around. Is it truly so large that it burst through the wall separating the ballroom from the kitchen?" he asks. The tone of his voice shows more fear than skepticism at the claims, and he looks to you intently for the next response.

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Re: A Midnight Masquerade IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

"Aye, I've never seen a beast that large. It was like those legends of sea serpents, living beneath the waves. Except it was in the ballroom and seemed to be made of molten stone and fire," Jacques explains, quite aware of just how crazy the observation sounds yet knowing his eyes to be true.

"Even stranger, the victims of its fiery blasts rose once more as specters of some sort, intent on attacking the living." Though is this really strange when vampires exist? Who's to say?

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Re: A Midnight Masquerade IC

Post by ratwizard »

"Bishop, this was something out of an ancient tale," Renault says, his eyes wide in fear. "The scriptures, the teachings, the doctrine... Have you heard anything akin to such an otherworldly evil in your studies?" Because I have surely not.

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Re: A Midnight Masquerade IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

"The man did seem like he'd likely be well-read, based upon his demeanor at least," Jacques recounts his time spent speaking with the eventual-murderer. "Though odd rituals and forbidden tomes hardly strike me as refined literature."

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Re: A Midnight Masquerade IC

Post by Fialova »

The bishop's eyes widen as the creature is described. "By the goddess, that is terrible," he says to himself midway through the description, as he continues to listen on. Once finished he turns to Renault, saying, "No, I've heard of nothing of the sort. This all sounds so... fantastical."

Before he can continue, Corinne steps forward. "Pardon the interruption your holiness," she says to the man, before turning to the others. "I have heard of such things before. Well, not specifically serpents, but... creatures... made of fire and brimstone. They are said to be the conjurations of dangerous heretics who revere some sort of false god."

She furrows her brow and steps a few paces towards a window, before turning back. "Truth be told I'd always assumed the intel to be a hoax or exaggerated. But now I have seen it in person."

"Ah, you were at the Ball as well?" Father Noel asks, raising an eyebrow at the woman's words.

"Yes. An extra precaution should your ruse fail to result in the would-be assassin's capture. I wonder what his role was in all of this," she says, trailing off as she once more looks towards the window.

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Re: A Midnight Masquerade IC

Post by Namelessjake »

The apostles are everywhere it seems. Hector was a fool t be so rash, Évrard thinks, raising an eyebrow as Corinne reveals she was in attendance at the ball.

"It would make strategic sense to have a back up plan or a distraction if you planned on assassinating a Bishop in such a public place," Évrard's says in reply to Corinne as a matter of fact, wanting to avoid telling any outright lies in the presence of an Apostle who no doubt has experience in detecting them.

"If this conjuration was the work of heretics then we could be looking at the beginning of something much more dangerous than a spate of murders," he says turning the conversation back towards the serpent.

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Re: A Midnight Masquerade IC

Post by ratwizard »

Dangerous heretics? A false god? Renault questions himself, unsettled at the thought. And she was there the whole time... I wonder if she could have helped more to survive.

"We can't be entirely sure the events were connected," Renault adds. "There were many motives being followed at the ball... a lot of high profile figures were there from all over the land, and the sea. The competence of the disappearing murderer seemed on a whole new plane from that fool who was arrested."

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Re: A Midnight Masquerade IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

"I'm one to agree with Renault here," Jacques speaks up, still processing the news of heretics summoning hellish creatures. "This would-be assassin hardly seems capable of something so... grand. If he were, he'd not have been caught." He shakes his head, adding, "I've no doubt it was the work of the man who murdered Marcel, and attempted the same on Marcella."

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Re: A Midnight Masquerade IC

Post by Fialova »

"You may be right," Corinne responds, turning back to face the group. "We cannot rule it out at this stage, but I agree that it seems unlikely someone so thoroughly unprepared would be working in tandem with someone clearly so much more competent. Except, perhaps, as an unwitting distraction. Regardless, this bears further investigation." She turns to face the bishop, who nods in agreement.

"Yes," the man stammers, still seeming a bit in shock from all the new information coming his way. "Yes, we definitely need to investigate this. Discretely. Whoever is behind the events of the evening, be if this masked fellow, the attempted assassin, or someone we have yet to encounter, they are clearly not lacking in means or information."

"I agree," Corinne responds. "This is the sort of thing we should be handling, not a standard watch team. However, I fear in the time it takes me to gather the proper team and resources from Aerlynn the trail will be too cold to follow," she continues, her brow furrowed at her last words.

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Re: A Midnight Masquerade IC

Post by ratwizard »

Without hesitation, Renault takes a slight step forward. "I volunteer," he says. "I was there, same as you, Madame. I may not be trained in the ways that you may be, but surely I can serve some purpose."

I MUST serve some purpose, Renault commands himself. If not, then why was I there? Why am I here?

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Re: A Midnight Masquerade IC

Post by Namelessjake »

Évrard looks to Renault as he steps forward. "Me too" Évrard says a moment later after a brief pause to think. "Both the clergy and the navy serve the Goddess. If this really is the work of heretics, we have an obligation to put a stop to it," he says truely meaning what he said but not without ulterior motives. And hopefully I can limit the Swords exposure to this investigation.

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Re: A Midnight Masquerade IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

"I'll help as well," Jacques says plainly as the other two men volunteer their services to the investigation. "Perhaps getting closer to the truth will help jog my memory regarding the murderer's identity." He sighs, still disappointed in himself for his memory's lapse of vital information. "And I should imagine my web of connections should prove useful."

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Re: A Midnight Masquerade IC

Post by Fialova »

"Truly?" Corinne asks, her face showing a mixture of surprise and confusion. "You saw what happened there and are willing to pursue this even still?"

"I have fought alongside them against those... things," Father Noel butts in. "They may not be on the same level as the Apostolic Order's members, but they are certainly not so helpless as many of the other attendees of the Masquerade were."

"We do not ask this of you," the Bishop chimes in. "But if you volunteer freely we could certainly use help with this matter. At least until Corinne is able to return with her team." He turns to face the woman, whose face becomes more serious again. She nods, adding, "I suppose we have no better options. I thank you for the willingness to aid in this investigation, you are doing all of your countrymen a great service in helping to track down this killer."

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Re: A Midnight Masquerade IC

Post by Namelessjake »

"It's nothing any true follower of the Goddess wouldn't do," Évrard replies, giving Corinne a firm nod. "I can mobilise my crew should the need arise, although I imagine two hundred seamen wouldn't make for the most inconspicuous investigation. They're trained for battle not detective work."

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Re: A Midnight Masquerade IC

Post by ratwizard »

"I will help as best as I can," Father Renault says, nodding respectfully to Corinne at her words of thankfulness. "The only thing that scares me more than what we have witnessed tonight is the thought of it happening again."

He frowns for a moment, remembering his original task. "Though I will need an hour or so. I must report to my direct superior," the man admits. "He will want to know that I'm safe, and that I will not be returning to my duties at the church for an indeterminate length of time."

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Re: A Midnight Masquerade IC

Post by Fialova »

"You will have more than an hour," the Bishop responds. "It is the middle of the night, you should all head home after this meeting concludes and get some rest. Time is important, but you will be no use to the investigation if not well-rested and at your best."

"Yes," Corinne responds. "Besides, the water brigade was still battling the inferno at the Dupuis Estate last I heard. It would not be safe to investigate further until the fire is out, and daylight will surely help as well."

"You sent the water brigade there?" Noel asks, looking concerned. "With those creatures?"

Corinne nods, but adds, "Yes, but we did send a contingent of the city guard's elite as protection. Given that the lot of you were able to fend off those creatures relatively successfully I imagine the guard should be sufficient to contain whatever comes their way."

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Re: A Midnight Masquerade IC

Post by ratwizard »

"Rest," Renault repeats, the word sounding foreign to him at this point. "Has the serpent been sighted? No guard is prepared for such a thing."

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Re: A Midnight Masquerade IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

"Thank you, Your Holiness," Jacques replies as he instructs them to return to their homes. "I do imagine Adrienne and mother are quite worried," he says to Renault in particular.

With the night's events finally drawing to a close, the dying Marcella shoots back to his mind. "Have you sent any to safeguard Marcella? I would hate for the murderer to attempt to finish the job. Assuming he knows her whereabouts, at least."

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Re: A Midnight Masquerade IC

Post by Namelessjake »

Hopefully Alica got home safely, Évrard thinks as returning home for the night is mentioned.

"We can only hope so," Évrard says regarding the city guard fending off the creatures.

"It is unlikely the Dupuis twins were random targets, the masked man could try to finish what he started," the captain says, agreeing with Jacques.

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Re: A Midnight Masquerade IC

Post by Fialova »

Corinne frowns at Renaults question. "No, there'd been no further reports of the creature once you all left. Those there now are not even convinced that those claiming to have seen such a thing were not merely hallucinating."

"That is alarming," Noel responds. "You mean to say the creature simply vanished? Or perhaps it went underground somewhere. Maybe that is how it got into the building unseen in the first place..."

"We don't yet know, but there is not much we can do to find out until the fire is contained and the building - or rubble - deemed safe to explore." Turning to Jacques, she adds, "and as for the Dupuis woman, we did not know where you'd taken her initially, but I sent for a guard contingent to head to the hospital I found you at as soon as I got back here. They should be on their way now if not there already."

"The goddess protect that poor woman," the bishop says, hanging his head a bit as he folds his hands in prayer. "She has now last the last of her family and it seems her home as well. The last thing she has is her life. I pray you let her keep it."

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Re: A Midnight Masquerade IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

Jacques sighs with relief as the Apostle mentions sending guards to Marcella's side. "One thing that confuses me," Jacques speaks up as the conversation turns towards Marcella. "Is why them? Why target two of the most renowned philanthropists, beloved by all? What did he have against them? Or is it just a means to his end?"

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Re: A Midnight Masquerade IC

Post by Namelessjake »

"Either they have a personal motive against the twins or it was simply due to the high profile of the Masquerade," Évrard suggests in reply to Jacques, running his thumb and forefinger across his chin and he thinks. "That's the sort of question we'll have to find the answers to tomorrow," he adds, becoming keen to get home as he stifles a yawn, the lateness of the hour and the exhaustion of the night's events catching up with him.

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Re: A Midnight Masquerade IC

Post by ratwizard »

It wasn't a hallucination... Was it? Renault questions himself, still unsure what it was he saw in that mansion.

He dares not theorize about the motives of the madman. We have neither the clues nor the context to place ourselves in the mind of that scheming miscreant. But soon, perhaps we will.

"Unless there are other concerns, Your Holiness, Madame," the Father says, nodding to each of them in kind. "I shall heed your suggestion and get some rest. It seems that we have quite the task at hand for us tomorrow."

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Re: A Midnight Masquerade IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

"Indeed," Jacques utters, rubbing his own tired eyes. "Speculating won't do us much good now anyways." Looking to the door, he asks, "Are we to meet here in the morning then?"

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Re: A Midnight Masquerade IC

Post by Fialova »

"No, I think not," Father Noel responds, shaking his head at Jacques' question. "We do not want to draw attention to this investigation any more than absolutely necessary, this is too public of a place."

"I agree," Corinne responds. "Once rested, you should all pay a visit to Marcella at St. Arvin's. No one will be suspicious of you three visiting her there, given you were the ones who brought her in the first place." Turning to Noel she continues, saying, "I can arrange for a hospital staff member to pass them a note about where to meet you before I make way for Aerlynn."

"Oh?" the man asks, raising an eyebrow towards the woman. "You'd have me go as well?"

"Of course," the woman responds. "You have a problem with that?"

"No, of course not. I was just surprised, my post is typically at the Bishop's side to guard him against harm," the man continues, turning to face his charge.

"True, but I know you better than them, and even though one is navy and another is clergy it'd not do to have three strangers conducting and operation of this level of importance without guidance or aid from the Church," the woman responds, looking towards the Bishop now for approval. "Do you not agree, your holiness?"

The man looks up, having finished his prayer. "Yes, that is all very true," the man says. "And besides, these creatures you saw... these pose a threat to the entire city, myself included, if they are truly as dangerous as you say. Rooting out their source is merely an extension of your duties in protecting me, wouldn't you say?" the man says with a smirk.

"You are right," Noel responds with a gentle smile. "Very well, I will await your orders in the morning about where to meet. Though I shall have to find something to wear other than these robes," he adds.


Feel free to continue RPing this conversation if you like. Otherwise, your PCs are free to head out and return to their homes (or wherever else). You can RP as much or as little as you want leading up til the following morning, where I will move things forward to your meeting at the hospital.

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Re: A Midnight Masquerade IC

Post by ratwizard »

"St. Arvin's," Renault repeats. "Say ten." He turns to Father Noel. "It's reassuring to know you'll be with us on this investigation, Father. You were there, you saw everything. And you did not break. That shows you're as capable as any us three — if not more."

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Re: A Midnight Masquerade IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

"I shall see you then. Goodnight and Goddess keep you," Jacques manages through a yawn. He makes his way toward the door but stops, turning towards Renault. "I'll tell Adrienne and mother how you fare. Take care on your walk home." He performs a courteous bow, particularly toward the Bishop, and makes his exit.

His walk home in uneventful but long, the fatigue of the night taking its toll on him. So much for bringing a delightful treat home. I suppose I'll have to visit them. He shakes his head and sighs, making a detour towards the home the cultists resided in. His stop his brief, even more so than usual as he doesn't notice Dominique present. Hunger thoroughly sated, he finally returns home.

Stepping into the foyer, Jacques finds his home particularly quiet with the servants presumably asleep. He steps into the parlor, immediately noticing his mother slumbering in her chaise lounge, a Mauve Avenger book still in her clutches. "Sleep well, mother," he whispers, covering her with a blanket. As he looks up once more, he spots a figure lurking in the doorway: Adrienne. She rushes forward, still dressed as she was the night earlier, but her makeup terribly tear-smudged.

She hugs him tightly as he comforts her. "Oh Adrienne, makeup like that won't attract any suitors," he says through a smirk. She manages a laugh through her tears, punching his arm as she wipes her eyes clear. Jacques spends the next moments explaining his delay, leaving out the details of the Apostle and Bishop. With his sister calmed down, he retires to his bedchambers and falls asleep mere moments after lying down.

~ ~ ~

Jacques reluctantly wakes up, his body stiff and sore from the prior night's events. The morning is largely uneventful, as he enjoys breakfast with his mother and sister. At one point, his mother (already two mimosas in) asked if the pair had fun last night. Yes, mother, the masquerade really brought the house down, he nearly says but bites his tongue. He soon after returns to his chambers, dressing for the day ahead, and makes his way toward the hospital.

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Re: A Midnight Masquerade IC

Post by Namelessjake »

"Ten it is," Évrard says in reply to Renault. "Until tomorrow," he says before following suit and stepping out after Jacques.

Stepping out onto the street he pauses for a moment, considering walking in the direction of the docks to spend the night in his cabin aboard the Fortuitous Encounter, what he tended to consider his true home. Eventually deciding against it he sets off towards the Desrochers family estate wanting to check Alicia got home unharmed.

After a not insignificant walk he arrives at the estate. He closes the door as quietly as possible trying not to stir the sleeping house, and makes his way upstairs using the dying light from the embers of the foyer fireplace and the streaks of moonlight filtering in through the large ornate windows. He takes care to skip the eighth and twelfth stairs on the main stair case, both of which had creaked loudly whenever stepped on for as long as he could remember.

Once upstairs, he makes his way towards his room, passing Alicia's door which is slightly ajar, the dim light of a candle creating a thin slither of light across the corridor. Opening the door slowly he sees her asleep in her bed, clutching Rene the Rabbit, her childhood stuffed toy of choice. It must be years since she's slept with him, although I can't say I blame her after tonight he thinks, quietly making his way over to her bedside where the candle flickers as it nears the bottom of the wick.

He takes off his masquerade mask - which had been hanging around his neck since he'd removed it when firing his pistol in the Dupuis estate gardens - and gently places it on the bedside table to let Alicia know he made it back ok if they miss each other in the morning, before he blows out the candle and quietly makes he way to his own room.

Once inside he undresses and climbs into bed. He closes his eyes and tries to fall asleep but his head races with thoughts of the murderer, the Swords of Elys, and the conjurations. After a few frustration minutes he gets up and grabs his pistol holster. He sits down at his desk and takes a weapon cleaning kit out from the top draw. He methodically cleans the weapon which, while unneeded having only fired a single shot, is therapeutic and after a few minutes before he returns to bed and manages to drift off quickly.

~ ~ ~

The next morning Évrard rises later than he normally would, typically being something of an early bird, although still with plenty of time to get to the hospital. He opts to dress in something a bit more inconspicuous that a navy uniform, picking a dark blue tunic and a black doublet trimmed with silver. However he still puts on both his sword and pistol belts, wanting to be prepared for anything and hoping with both being fairly ornate weapons people will assume he is wearing them out of fashion rather than practicality.

Walking past Alicia's room he see's she is still asleep, having always been a heavier sleeper than himself. He makes his way downstairs and has a servant fix him breakfast which he eats alone - Alicia currently being the only other family member at the Estate. His Parents' and his own duties meant a full house was a very rare occurrence in recent years. After breakfast he leaves the estate and makes his way towards the hospital on foot.

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Re: A Midnight Masquerade IC

Post by ratwizard »

"Goodnight and goodbye," Renault wishes the others, taking his leave as well.

Alone, the Father thinks, stepping quickly through the dark streets — though not to his home, as promised. No, there is one last stop.

A quarter hour later, Renault knocks thrice on an old oak door. After a moment, it opens and a tall man with a gaunt face and a thin, scraggly, and aged beard stands there. "Father Fippe," he greets him, bowing his head in deference. "I apologize for the late hour. May we speak for but a minute?"

~ ~ ~

The light of day pours through the cracks between the curtains, and Renault awakens with a groan. He lies in his familiar bed for a moment, his eyes transfixed upon the familiar patterns on the familiar roof of his familiar room in his familiar home. It was hard to think that, despite this morning feeling like every other morning he had had in the last three years, the events of the night had occurred. In fact, Renault almost brushed them off as a feverish nightmare.

But they had occurred. The clues were too significant to deny: the blood smeared on his coat, the tatters of his evening mask, the blackish scar of tainted resin on his dense wooden cane. And with that realization, came the expectation. He had volunteered for a task with the Apostles. The Apostles! And he had to be there in a quarter hour.

Goddess, bless my feet with swiftness, Renault prays frantically, grabbing his things and taking a brief, hurried moment to wipe down his heavy coat as best as possible — turning the blood from a slick to a splotch to just a smear. His wide-brim hat jammed on his messy hair and his cane in hand, the Father locks up and makes for an awkward half-jog to the hospital.

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Re: A Midnight Masquerade IC

Post by Fialova »

The day finds each of you feeling less rested than you might normally feel, the events of the last night taking both a mental and physical toll. However, as you make your way outside you are able to momentarily forget such things. It is a beautiful day out. The sun shines brightly, the street is busy with people and carriages moving about. There is a gentle, cool breeze that keeps the temperature perfectly mild, and the few clouds are around to block the sun's warm rays. Had you not witnessed the events unfold at the Masquerade you'd think it a perfect day for leisure.

You manage to make it to the hospital with no issues. The route is much easier to traverse in the daylight, and on your arrival you notice it being much busier than the night before. All of you arrive close to one another, and once inside there are a few staff walking about and talking to the various patients waiting to be seen. Noticing the group of you mingling together, one of the staff members approaches.

"Are you all here to be treated, or just visiting?" the man - a young man around Jacques' ages - asks. He looks at you with tired eyes and a look of curiosity, awaiting someone's response.

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Re: A Midnight Masquerade IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

"Visiting," Jacques mutters plainly to the man who greets them. "We brought Marcella Dupuis in last night. We came to see how her conditions fares," he adds, bracing himself for news of the worst. Goddess, I hope she made it through the night.

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Re: A Midnight Masquerade IC

Post by Fialova »

"Ah," the man says, his neutral expression shifting more to a frown. "She lives, but I am afraid she is not quite in a state to take visitors at this time." With the young man's response, some of the others in the waiting area begin to whisper to one another, likely in response to hearing news about a famed member of Ellisport high society being in the hospital.

"It is good you brought her in when you did," the man continues. "She likely would not have made it much longer in her condition. Are you friends of hers?" he asks, his look of curiosity now returning a little. As he speaks you notice more people beginning to pay attention, and the chatter continues to increase as well.

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Re: A Midnight Masquerade IC

Post by ratwizard »

"Living is enough," Renault says with a sigh of relief. "No, not exactly. Acquaintances, really, but I suppose we took it on ourselves to ensure her wellbeing." He pulls his wide-brimmed hat a bit lower, casting dark shadows along his face. How far has news spread of the events? the Father wonders, eyeing the onlookers.

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Re: A Midnight Masquerade IC

Post by Fialova »

"Well she was lucky to have you there," the man continues. "If you've nothing else, though, then I do need to get back to my duties," the man says, as he wanders off once more.

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Re: A Midnight Masquerade IC

Post by ratwizard »

"Not luck," Renault corrects the young man. "The Goddess' plan."

The Father turns toward his two companions and away from the craning necks and wandering eyes of the onlookers. "So long as she is safe, then there is nothing more to do than await our cue to meet Father Noel."

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Re: A Midnight Masquerade IC

Post by Namelessjake »

"Indeed," Évrard agrees. "It is good to know that we were able to disrupt this murderer's plans at least partially. We can't know how, but I imagine it puts our investigation at an advantage - or at least reduces our disadvantage."

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Re: A Midnight Masquerade IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

Jacques feels immense relief as the man confirms that Marcella still lives, even if her condition remains poor. "All we can hope for now is that she recovers quickly, that she might aid in identifying her would-be murderer," he says matter-of-factly. With little else to do but wait, he glances around the hospital, awaiting the delivery of the note Corinne had apparently arranged.

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Re: A Midnight Masquerade IC

Post by Fialova »

Overhearing the conversation, another of the hospital staff approaches. She is an elven woman late in years, grey streak in her hair. "The goddess is good to protect such a wonderful young woman," she says as she reaches out and takes Renault by the hand. "And to send such caring souls to take care for her." She squeezes his hand gently, in a grandmotherly sort of way, giving the three if you a large and genuine smile as she does so.

"May she guide your path to a better tomorrow," she continues, before releasing Renault's hands and continuing along her way. Some of the other onlookers continue to chatter as this all occurs, but for now no one else approaches.


As the woman lets go of your hands you can feel that she has left in one of your palms a crumpled piece of parchment.

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Re: A Midnight Masquerade IC

Post by ratwizard »

"Thank you, madame," Renault says to the woman with a feigned smile that was unlike him. He grips the message tightly in his balled fist before casually sliding it into a pocket of his heavy coat.

After a brief moment, the Father turns inwardly toward his companions. "Contact has been made. We should depart," he suggests, moving for the doors.

Once outside and out of the way from the bustle, Renault reads the note with care.

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Re: A Midnight Masquerade IC

Post by Namelessjake »

"Thank you, Goddess be with you," Évrard replies to the woman with a smile as she turns to leave.

He gives Renault a nod and follows him out of the hospital. That was very subtle, whatever it was, he thinks as they make their way outside.

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Re: A Midnight Masquerade IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

"Thank you. Goddess guide us all," Jacques returns with a warm smile. As his brother mentioned their contact has been made, the vampire finds himself somewhat amazed. Those Apostles are good! I never would have suspected, which is of course the point.

With a quick nod, he says, "Aye. Wouldn't want to keep our friend waiting."

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Re: A Midnight Masquerade IC

Post by Fialova »


Opening the note, you find that it contains a short a simple message:

"22 Rue Tarfonne, knock thrice."

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Re: A Midnight Masquerade IC

Post by Namelessjake »

"What does it say?" Évrard asks Renault as he sees him pull out a piece of paper and read it, assuming that was the contact made by the Apostles.

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Re: A Midnight Masquerade IC

Post by ratwizard »

"It's an address," the Father whispers, reading it twice. "22 Rue Tarfonne. We're to knock thrice. I think I know where that is." He begins to walk in the general direction, racking his brain for any details.


Streetwise to see what I know about this area of the city: 17(1d20) +4 = 21

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Re: A Midnight Masquerade IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

"Lead the way, brother," Jacques remarks, gesturing forward. I should hope it's not a long walk. Goddess knows I'm still sore from last night.

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Re: A Midnight Masquerade IC

Post by Fialova »


You recall that Rue Tarfonne is parellel to Rue St. Guillaume, the street that the Dupuis estate is located on. Once more, you are pretty sure that it is on the side behind the estate, meaning the two share the alleyway you escaped down the night prior. While you do not know the exact position of address 22 on that street, it seems likely that it would provide access to the Dupuis Estate via its own back entrance.

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Re: A Midnight Masquerade IC

Post by ratwizard »

"Do you recall that lane behind the Dupuis Estate? The one that was flanked by other estates opposite us?" Renault asks the other two. "Well, 22 Rue Tarfonne is among those — though we should approach from its main entrance if we're to knock."

He continues to lead the others toward Rue Tarfonne.

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Re: A Midnight Masquerade IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

"Intentionally close to the estate, no doubt. Lead on," Jacques replies to his sibling, following closely behind as their make their way toward the address.

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