The War of Three Kings — OOC

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Plane Wings Sharp Like Katana
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The War of Three Kings — OOC

Post by Namelessjake »

Character Creation Rules

System: 4e
Level 7
Stats: 25pt buy.
Race: Any published, refluffed as human, elf, orc, or dwarf (or any combination of two e.g. half orc/elf, half dwarf/human, etc.). Half-races are generally infertile, so you can't get down into quarters of a race.
Class: Any published.
Feats: Choice of free expertise feat.
Themes: Allowed and encouraged.
Background: +2 to a skill or add a language.
Equipment: One free level 6, 7, and 8 magic items. Free basic shit items within reason (ask if you are unsure). 1800gp to spend on other magic items or to have on your person.
Skills: There are no class skill restrictions; any class can train any skill. You still must take the mandatory/bonus skills granted by your class as usual (e.g. Arcana for a wizard). In addition, every class starts with at least 4 trained (before accounting for race/theme/feats/etc.) regardless of what the builder says, and any that would otherwise have fewer gets more to make 4 as a base number.
Rituals: Component costs for all rituals are reduced to ¼ their normal values to encourage ritual use. Also, Raise Dead will not be allowed in this game – dead is dead, though we hope that doesn't have to be an issue.
Inherent Bonuses: No
Languages: We will not be using the standard 4e languages, but instead the ones listed below. Every character should know Tulrissian as the default language for this setting (as opposed to common), and should they gain additional languages (from race, theme, feat, etc.) then simply choose additional ones from the list of custom languages provided below.

Special Character Creation information

Some elements of this game's plot are vital to your character creation. Although the game will start before this moment, your characters will witness the suffering and horrors the war inflicts on the peasants of Fausta's Steppe and The Valley of the Twins. As a result of this you will form a group/order/whatever with the goal of protecting the innocent people who live in the war zone. As such this should make sense for your character and be something they would do.

Also you are able to create an extra companion character in this game, see the spoiler below.


Common - Common is a lingua franca in this world. Most people know at least some of the common tongue, and many speak it fluently, but it is not the primary language of any nation. People who only know Common are typically sailors, or other people who have spent most of their life traveling rather than in one place.

Tulrissian – The national language of Tulrisse, a primarily human agricultural-based kingdom.

(Modern) Serran – The primary language spoken by the small kingdoms of an expansive arid region known as the Serran Desert, which consist mostly of humans and orcs.

Old Serran - The language spoken in the old, now-collapsed Serran Kingdom. Very few people still speak it with any amount of regularity except for the priests and priestess of the Serran gods and the Tenants, who need to know it for many old texts.

Imardanian – The national language of the Imardin Thalassocracy, a naval nation bent on spreading its monotheistic religion to all of Voreld whether people want it or not. It is a very diverse nation, but humans still make up the majority.

Kurnish – The language of the orc tribes of Kurnhuelde, a region primarily consisting of snowy hills on the Kurn Peninsula.

Andorian – A language that developed in the Andorian peninsula after it was settled by the Andor dwarves and became a prominent location in Voreld. It was originally a strange mix of Dwarven and Tulrissian, but has since grown into a distinct language of its own.

Dwarven – The common language of the many dwarf kingdoms that occupy the mountains that run down the center of Voreld.

Elven – A catch-all term in Voreld for any of the many distinct dialects spoken by the elf natives of Quellam, a continent to the east.

Gleiosian - A language spoken primarily on Gleios and the surrounding smaller islands it influences.

Brennisian - A language that originated on the Isle of Brennis, but spread after the small nation conquered a large region of the archipelago. It has since become much less prevalent than it once was.

Ghian - A language originating on Ghia, and spreading with its culture to the smaller nearby islands.

Chathran - A language spoken primarily on Chathra and Cianthum

Okani - A language spoken by the people of Mai'okon and the surrounding small islands under its influence.

Vishan - An odd language that evolved from from both Ghian and Chathran, spoken on the islands of Visha

Companion Character

As there will be fewer players in this game than normal, you have the option of creating a companion character to your main character. They could be anyone from your squire, to your best friend, the only requirement is they to fought in the Battle of Parth.

You will be able to control them in battle and RP with them, although I may RP them from time to time if required to move to plot forward for example.

They should be level 7 and built using one of the 4 companion npc classes. They don't need a full ten minute background, just a short background spoiler and personality spoiler should be enough.

Setting and Lore

It is the 343th year of the 5th era. Markus Lorkan II, the Tulrissian King, is dead and childless, his only son drowning in a shipwreck two years earlier in the Sundered Sea. Seeing opportunity, three different men have been proclaimed King and rallied other Lords to their cause. King Jorran Lorkan III, the brother of Markus II and the rightful heir has taken his brother's throne in the capital, Kingsport. To the North, King Ademar Fulsen I has been proclaimed and crowned by the High Priest of the Pantheon in the Temple of the Five in Holdfast. As the eldest nephew of the old King he has some rightful claim to the throne however his bid mostly relies on the support of the Northern Lords. And in the South King Marsten Torinn II has risen up, wanting to claim back the Tulrissian throne for its founders, House Torinn.

After two months of war, the fighting was mostly contained to small raids between neighbouring fiefs declared for different Kings while larger armies were rallied and assembled. King Jorran's main army was located on the edge of Fausta's Steppe close to Parth, while the Lord of The Spear marched North with an army to join him. King Ademar's forces prepared to cross the Laissen at Oak Crossing, whilst an army of Volgmen also marched North. King Marsten meanwhile attacked Red Bridge as soon as possible to try and prevent the Plainsmen and Malvernese from joining the Lorkans. While he failed to stop them crossing of the Red River, he did take the town and the Grovemen also had a small army in Escham, effectively boxing in Fausta's Steppe with opposing armies on all sides.

Two weeks later the three armies clashed at the same time outside of Parth. The Battle of Parth was a bloodbath as the appearance of a third army caused chaos, and cut off escape routes on all sides. You are a skilled knight sworn to one of the Kings or one of the Lords supporting them. You fought in the Battle of Parth but were wounded and knocked unconscious in the chaos.



Temporary Political Map


Map With House Sigils


Important NPCs

The Three Kings
King Jorran Lorkan III
-The Brother of the old king, ruling out of Kingsport. He is old and power hungry, however by law the throne is his.
-The regions of Tulrisse declared for him are; The Valley of the Twins, Fausta’s Steppe, The Blackmoors, Malverne, The Spear, The Iron Plains, and the colonies of Newport and Torinnford.
-Sigil: A rampant black Stallion on brown

King Ademar Fulsen I
-The old King’s oldest nephew, from his wife’s side of the family, the Lord of Peloth, and the Count of Deki. Crowned by the high priest of the pantheon in Holdfast and supported by most of the Northern Lords. He is young but intelligent and known for his cunning and wit.
-The regions of Tulrisse declared for him are; Deki, Volberg, The Fatherlands, Gribsen’s Bluff, and Trelheim.
-Sigil: A purple passant griffin on blue.

King Marsten Torinn II
-Current head of the Torinn dynasty, Lord of Darden's Hold, and count of The Hollow. Skilled martially and a proponent of tradition, he is a harsh but just ruler.
-The regions of Tulrisse declared for him are; The Hollow, The Sickle, Sorrow’s Grasp, Garland, and Oakengrove.
-Sigil: A white hammer and sword crossed over an black circle on orange.

The Great Lords of Tulrisse
Lord Corbray of Holdfast, Count of The Fatherlands
-Sigil: Five golden stars above two brown mountains on white.

Lord Solrane of Garland, Count of Garland,
-Sigil: A sun with stag antlers on green.

Lord Cumberland of Menora, Count of Malverne
-Sigil: Crossed sword and staff over a golden tower, on vertically split blue and white.

Lord Von Trahl of The Violet Keep, Count of Volberg
-Sigil: A blue falcon on three vertical stripes of grey, dark to light.

Lord Harlaw of Virem, Count of The Sickle
-Sigil: Quarterly, first and fourth, green, a sickle or, second and third, orange, a bushel of wheat.

Lord Lorkan of Greywood, Count of The Iron Plains.
-Sigil: A black stallion on orange, courant rather than his cousin's rampant stallion.

Lord Aleshire of Red Bridge, Count of Fausta's Steppe.
-Sigil: A silver tankard on a red wave and blue sky.

Lord Marcel Marcheford of Spearpoint Castle, Count of The Spear
-Marcel is a renowned spearman and cavalry commander, and currently serves King Jorran II as General and one of his chief military advisors. He is a cunning, just man who believes the pretender kings should be put to the sword for treason, and for thrusting the nation into this civil war.
-Sigil: Crossed spears on a red and black background split vertically.

Lord Rautrel of Oak Crossing, Count of Trelheim
-Sigil: A tree on a red field with a yellow sky.

Lord Malton of Erlfeld Count of Gribsen's Bluff
-Sigil: A rampant golden goat on a purple shield on a field of black.

Lord Phillip Rothman, Count of The Blackmoors
-Phillip is one of the youngest of Tulrisse's counts, having taken the helm only a few years earlier after his father died in battle against marauding bandits. He has a decent head on his shoulders, but still a lot to learn about rulership. His uncle and marshal, Siegfried, serves additionally as his chief advisor.
-Sigil: A golden key on red and green split diagonally.

Lord Ghedon of Eranor, Count of Sorrow's Grasp
-Sigil: A teal merman holding a trident on diagonal blue and white.

Lady Astia Siewald of Bantham ,Countess of Oakengrove
-Astia has always had a natural knack for magic, and was sent to be tutored on it in Menora as a child. There she displayed prodigious talent, and over time developed a natural affinity for abilities relating to the cold and ice. While rarely useful to her during her current reign as Countess, it is something that serves as large deterrent for anyone thinking of invading her lands.
-Sigil: A spruce tree on green below a burgundy triangle.

The Minor Lords of Tulrisse
Lord Ostwald of Duscher (The Valley of the Twins)
-Sigil: Two black unicorn heads on a blue shield on black and white split vertically.

Lord Brask of Kalford (The Valley of the Twins)
-Sigil: A red hand on orange.

Lord Nyne of Marrutis (The Valley of the Twins)
-Sigil: A red wave on a brown field, a white trout above, a white book below.

Lord Wolt of Hawkedon (Deki)
-Sigil: A field of black hawks in flight on brown.

Lord Galwin of Elmwood (Deki)
-Sigil: A tree top left in a white square on purple.

Lord Redwald of Stonebrook (The Hollow)
-Sigil: A red eagle on blue with a white vertical stripe.

Lord Ansel of Gaffinval (The Hollow)
-Sigil: A silver feather on purple.

Lord de Leon of Gaynhold (The Hollow)
-Sigil: A golden lion atop a hill, on an orange field with a grey sky.

Lord Elas Montrance of Meagate (The Hollow)
-Sigil: A hammer and anvil on red.

Lord Arvoy of Yarington (The Hollow)
-Sigil: White and red split diagonally with two inverted anchors.

Lord Tarbour of Murlow (The Hollow)
-Sigil: A castle on a hill on a field of red, orange, blue and green quartered diagonally.

Lord Horner of Peringval (The Hollow)
-Sigil: Three red horns entwined on purple

Lord Kithram of Balkram (The Hollow)
-Sigil: A grey helmet on a blue field with a red vertical stripe.

Lord Tarner of Rede (The Fatherlands)
-Sigil: A green boar on white.

Lord Tuttle of Ledale (The Fatherlands)
-Sigil: Trees on a brown field, flanking a white star with a yellow sky.

Lord Norram of Jekton (The Fatherlands)
-Sigil: Two yellow towers on black.

Lord Jont of Trohf (Garland)
-Sigil: A silver goblet on green.

Lord Walter Wellesly of Valstrid (Garland)
-Sigil: Two gold crossed Ws on black.

Lord Stowell of Grellis (Garland)
-Sigil: Three arrows on green and purple split diagonally.

Lord Newald of Balenth (Garland)
-Sigil: Three red apples on a brown circle on a field of green.

Lord Daryn of Tursella (Garland)
-Sigil: Brown acorn on red and green quartered.

Lord Fialova of Ruthrop (Malverne)
-Sigil: A golden tower above a field of violets on white.

Lord Stane of Dalinym (Malverne)
-Sigil: A sword surrounded by orange flames on a field of white.

Lord Prestare of Ultharen (Malverne)
-Sigil:A white book on blue and yellow split vertically, topped by red.

Lord Elsere of Tanon (Malverne)
-Sigil: A red lantern on green topped with purple.

Lord Talworth of Gettis (Volberg)
-Sigil: A black field with a red diagonal stripe, topped by a brown rabbit on a white stripe.

Lord Foxworth of Darrenor (Volberg)
-Sigil: A field of golden foxes on dark blue with a red square top left.

Lord Ancrow of Mulreath (Volberg)
-Sigil: A crow on a blue shield on white.

Lord Burkhart of Denton (Volberg)
-Sigil: Four bats on blue with a golden vertical stripe.

Lord Pryce of Farreson (Volberg)
-Sigil: Two golden lions on blue.

Lord Froswane of Bursvale (Volberg)
-Sigil: Two black crows on grey and light blue, split vertically.

Lord Medwin of Vrannitch (Volberg)
-Sigil: A blue castle on grey.

Lord Dulmen of Sodul (The Sickle)
-Sigil: Two downward pointing swords, on dark purple and light purple.

Lord Clawton of Scrathrope (The Sickle)
-Sigil: A yellow claw on a brown square top left on white.

Lord Harlaw of Harstow (The Sickle)
-Sigil: Three bushels of wheat on orange.

Lord Lurch of Waltham (The Sickle)
-Sigil: A field on shells on blue.

Lord Janwik of Medahn (The Sickle)
-Sigil: Ship on a white shield, on orange.

Lord Calrik of Skyhelm (The Iron Plains)
-Sigil: A sword on a spiral of black and yellow.

Lord Vagnes of Fullidan (The Iron Plains)
-Sigil: A rampant white lion with a sword on quartered red and blue.

Lord Ramsford of Broelid (The Iron Plains)
-Sigil: A rampant white ram on gold.

Lord Ronwil of Dunreath (The Iron Plains)
-Sigil: Two silver pikes above a red wave, on blue and green.

Lord Colwn of Sulthren Point (The Iron Plains)
-Sigil: Three bows above a red wave stripe on a green background.

Lord Longwood of Bannigmore (The Iron Plains)
-Sigil: A tree on a peach circle on a purple field.

Lord Becke of Gadzure (Fausta's Steppe)
-Sigil: A black flail on a white shield on pink/red.

Lord Alden of Gresham (Fausta's Steppe)
-Sigil: A blue stag's head on white.

Lord Karlach of Parth (Fausta's Steppe)
-Sigil: A brown barrel on light blue with a horizontal white stripe.

Lord Harcey of Harcey's Keep (Fausta's Steppe)
-Sigil: A white tower over quartered brown and blue.

Lord Fellhomn of Sommorhall (The Spear)
-Sigil: Two wings on inverted blue and red split vertically

Lord Kirnlow of Fallkirk (The Spear)
-Sigil: A golden squirrel on black with a red horizontal line.

Lord Marwane of Salbris (The Spear)
-Sigil: A red mermaid on blue topped by black.

Lord Hoyne of Karlia (The Spear)
-Sigil: Crossed black keys on red.

Lord Gaunt of Brindal (The Spear)
-Sigil: A white gauntlet flanked by golden axes and a black and red field split diagonally.

Lord Caine of Cainehall (Trelheim)
-Sigil: Three red rampant stallions on yellow.

Lord Sarhul of Baselt (Trelheim)
-Sigil: A rampant red lion on green with a diagonal orange stripe.

Lord Ryall of Vemannis (Trelheim)
-Sigil: Yellow deer on a blue shield on green with a red diagonal stripe.

Lord Farstone of Falkenlief (Gribsen's Bluff)
-Sigil: A black lance on a purple stripe on black.

Lord Dulmen of Nordul (The Blackmoors)
-Sigil: Two upward pointing swords, on dark purple and light purple.

Lord Rikeson of Harkenfell (TheBlackmoors)
-Sigil: A rampant black bear on pink.

Lord Edervane of Velam (Sorrow's Grasp)
-Sigil: Three white dragons on white red and blue.

Lord Hawte of Morrham (Sorrow's Grasp)
-Sigil: Three white crabs on a stripe of blue above yellow and green split vertically.

Lord Hartham Mosse of Escham (Oakengrove)
-Sigil: A wolf's head on a white circle on blue.

Lord Thornwood of Boringham (Oakengrove)
-Sigil: A winged tree on a peach field.

Notable Knights
Ser Janis Kithram, Commandant of the Hollowguard

Ser Levanne Vagnes, Chief Recruiter of the Hollowguard

Ser Galdrant, The Rhino
-Galdrant is a famed knight, who was often the favored combatant in many tournaments. He is also a captain in the Hollowguard, currently sworn to King Marsten II of the Hollow. He tends to keep to himself, and is often seen walking alone in the night.

Ser Siegfried Rothman, Marshal of The Blackmoors
-Siegfried is the uncle of the current ruler of the Blackmoors, Phillip Rothman. He has commanded the armies of the Blackmoors since early on in the rule of the previous ruler, his elder brother Heinrich. As such, he is one of the most experienced generals living in Tulrisse.
-An incredibly smart man, Siegfried believes his nephew is foolish to support King Jorran III, believing that the king's nephew, Ademar, will ultimately take over the nation. However, he loyally serves his own nephew anyway, having no ambitions to claim Blackstead for himself.

Ser Nadine Torinn
-Nadine is King Marsten's younger sister of 4 years. As is common among Torinn women, she took up the sword and became a knight, loyally serving the previous king to his death. When Jorran III took the throne and the other two kings pressed their claims to it, she was appalled that her brother was among them. While she understands his frustration at their not being a Torrin on the throne, she is unwilling to support his claim and continues to serve Jorran III. She hopes that if they were to confront one another on the field of battle, that she could convince him to give up the fight rather than needing to slay her own brother.

Ser Jonas Cumberland
-The 6th son of the Count of Malverne and one of Wes' best friends. The two have known each other since they were tykes, as Wes' father is the Count's steward and close friend. Being so far in line for the county's throne, Jonas decided to make glory for himself by becoming a knight as well. He can be wild and eccentric quite often, but knows when it's time to be more serious. He has a good grasp on magic, like many of those who reside in Menora.

Other Important People
Holger, Captain of the Westwood Raiders
-The Westwood Raiders are a mercenary group based out of the Forest Deki, who sell their services all around the world. They are currently employed by King Ademar, both for their prowess and to keep a group so familiar with his homeland from fighting against him.
-Holger is ambitious and ruthless, and has on occasion been known to change sides if the other side pays enough for such treachery. However, he only does so when he knows he can get away with it, he's not a dumb man jumping at the highest bidder, but a smart one who carefully analyzes each job for better opportunities.

Olivia Valenti, The Crimson Lady
-Olivia is an infamous women across Tulrisse, commonly known as The Crimson Lady. She had originally began as a spy out of Peloth, though she transformed herself into an assassin when she discovered the thrill of a kill. She is often employed by various noble families across the kingdom to take care of rivals, whether political or personal. Although few know her face, they know she dons a red dress while disposing of her target.

Rosalie Becke
-Rosalie is the only daughter of the Lord Becke of Gadzure, and has attracted a large amount of suitors due to this. Not one for romance and settling down, she usually keeps to herself and wanders the countryside. Perhaps one day she'll marry, but not while she's still young.

Percival Ulesby
-Known to most as Percy, he is a spy formerly under the Lord of Peloth, base of Tulrissian espionage operations. When the war broke out he was one of the few to abandon his liege and side with King Lorkan in Kingsport. He and Adrian have a long-standing rivalry.

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Plane Wings Sharp Like Katana
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Re: The War of Three Kings OOC

Post by Namelessjake »

Welcome to Benevolent Outlaw Band Management Simulator

For the most part, not very much happens during a war. There is a lot of sitting around doing nothing involved. Now you have established your group, the game will move forward in “turns”.

Each “turn” will represent around 2-3 weeks time with the significant events of those weeks being played out ingame. At the start of each “turn” you will be able to choose what to focus on over the next couple of weeks, involving skill challenges, as well as interact with any notable members of the group at your base of operations, some of who will be able to provide various services to the party if certain conditions are met.

They are several mechanics you will need to balance or improve to better protect the people of the Steppe and the Valley; the number of members of the group (this will be limited by your base of operations) and their skill levels, morale, and the cost of keeping everyone fed and armed versus your finances.

People will naturally seek to join you if they value your cause and your reputation is good, however you can also choose to focus on recruitment for a “turn”, spending more time in the villages of the countryside.

Peasants however are not very good fighters and will need to be trained up into a formidable fighting force capable of taking on elements of the Kings’ armies. There is a troop tree they will advance through with experience, although you can also choose to focus on training during a “turn”. You can pick between focusing on Melee, Ranged, or Mounted troops, although mounted troops will require horses.

Each member will require an upkeep of gold each “turn” based on their level on the troop tree, representing their needs for food, weapons and armour etc. At the start of a turn you can bank any gold/supplies with the group to pay future upkeep. You can choose to reduce the level of upkeep paid if money is tight at the expense of morale, or vice versa. Morale will affect, among other things, the ease of recruitment and the likelihood of your men fleeing in battle.

For a “turn” you can also focus on gathering information, spending time in the taverns of the Steppe and on scouting missions, learning information about the movements of the 3 Kings’ armies and other potential quests. Alternatively you can focus on building up a spy network in a region, the size of this network will make future information gathering yield more and better information.

If all players agree, a special “turn” can be spent visiting one of the major cities in the region. This will allow you to access shops and other things you may not have access to while leading the outlaw life. However it may not always be easy to gain entry to the cities as your reputation increases.

A focus for a “turn” will not be the only thing you do for those weeks. You will patrol the countryside and can work on any quests you might have. These will be the parts that play out ingame.

Available Foci

Train Foot
Train Ranged
Train Mounted
Gather Information
Build Spy Network
Visit City

Troop Types & Tree

Recruit - Peasants straight from their farm, no training, shouldn’t really be fighting (minion) (1,3,5)
Militia - Peasants with basic training, armed with a spear (3,5,7)

Footman - More heavily armoured militia (5, 7, 10)
Veteran Footman - More armour than footman (7, 10, 12)
Halberdier - Uses heavy Halberdier (10, 12, 15)

Swordsman - Trained to fight with a sword and shield (7, 10, 12)
Veteran Swordsman - More heavily armed Swordsman (10, 12, 15)

Horseman - trained to fight while mounted (7, 10, 12)
Veteran Horseman - heavier armour, spear and sword (10, 12, 15)
Cavalry - Heavy cavalry (15, 20, 25)

Archer - Shortbow (5, 7, 10)
Longbowman - Longbow (7, 10, 12)
Marksman - Greatbow (10, 12, 15)

PCs and Companions (10)

Upkeep (low, normal, high)

Troop Tree


Recruit > Militia > Footman > Swordsman > Veteran Swordsman
Recruit > Militia > Archer > Longbowman > Marksman
Recruit > Militia > Footman > Veteran Footman > Halberdier
Recruit > Militia > Footman > Horseman > Veteran Horseman > Cavalry

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Plane Wings Sharp Like Katana
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Re: The War of Three Kings OOC

Post by Namelessjake »

Fausta's Shield

Base of Operations: The Cavern of Whispers
Supplies: 1,780 gp
Morale: High
Number of Members: 22
Current Upkeep: 132 gp (Normal)

Base Location


Supplies Extended

At Base:
Wolf Pelt x2
Fox Pelt x2
Boar Pelt x1
Assorted Carpenter's Tools
Chain 10 ft
Hempen Rope 50ft x2
Lantern x2
6 Pints of Oil
Candles x12
Soap x2
Tackle Box
Cups x6
Bastard Sword
Longsword x2
Heavy Shield x5
War Horn
10 trail rations
Basic Alchemy Supplies and Books
Raven Tens

Aftershock Broadsword +2
Dwarven Full Plate +2
Parry Gauntlets (heroic tier)
Chainmail x 5
Longsword x 5
Heavy Shield x5
Crossbow x 2
Hide Armour x2

Alchemy Gear
Boduik Khegrotir's Alchemical Codex
A Study of the Flora and Fauna of Voreld And Their Properties by Arel Araran
The Alchemist's Handbook by Nils Harwhent
Alchemist Supplies:
— Calcinator
— Alembic
— Vials
— Mortar & Pestle
— Stirring Rods
— Tongs

With Party:

Current Roster

PCs/Companions - 9
Recruit - 9
Militia - 1
Footman - 0
Archer - 0
Veteran Footman - 0
Swordsman - 1
Horseman - 0
Longbowman - 0
Halberdier - 0
Veteran Swordsman - 0
Veteran Horseman - 0
Marksman - 0
Cavalry - 0

Support - 2

Current Companions

Ser Rarden - +2 to train Foot checks
Owin - +1 to train Ranged checks


Spy Network Level - Fausta's Steppe: lvl 2
Spy Network Level - Valley of the Twins: lvl 0

Reputations and Renown

Lorkan Forces: Hostile, Obscure.
Fulsen Forces: Unknown
Torinn Forces: Hostile, Obscure.
Peasants of the Steppe: Friendly, Recognised.
Peasants of the Valley: Unknown

Current Quests

Ostwald Raiding Party

  • Investigate the raiding party lead by Ser Harik Ostwald

  • Investigate the village of Caelfall

The Pyromancer - Minor Quest - can be attempted on the same turn as another quest

  • Travel to the nearby village of Merton to investigate reports of a man looking for Wes

Completed Quests

Alchemy for Beginners

  • Gather White Stalk Reeds

  • Gather Knettle Sage and Olina petals

  • Find/buy equipment

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Plane Wings Sharp Like Katana
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Re: The War of Three Kings OOC

Post by Namelessjake »

Notable Group Members

Ser Rardan

A peasant who was knighted a couple of decades ago during the Wyre Rebellion. He joined the group after they defeated the Red Whispers together.




An Elven alchemist from Menora. He had been kidnapped by the Red Whispers and held against his will to produce potions for them. He joined Fausta's Shield after the Red Whispers were defeated and he was freed.



Farryns Alchemy Stores

Available Potions

Potion of Cure Light Wounds 80 gp
Potion of Resistance 160 gp
Potion of Water Walking 160 gp
Potion of Clarity 200 gp
Potion of Elven Fleetness 200 gp
Potion of Friendship 200 gp
Potion of Healing 200 gp
Potion of Spectral Form 200 gp
Potion of Spirit 200 gp

Produces: 3 per turn

Alchemy Tools and Supplies
Boduik Khegrotir's Alchemical Codex
A Study of the Flora and Fauna of Voreld And Their Properties by Arel Araran
The Alchemist's Handbook by Nils Harwhent
Alchemist Supplies:
— Calcinator
— Alembic
— Vials
— Mortar & Pestle
— Stirring Rods
— Tongs


A peasant and talented archer from the same village as Ser Rarden. He joined the group along with the old knight and a couple of other peasants as some of its first recruits.



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Re: The War of Three Kings OOC

Post by Fialova »

Adrian d'Arcangeli, the Wind Dancer



Unlike virtually every other combatant in Tulrisse Adrian eschew armor entirely, relying instead on superior reflexes and skill maneuvering to avoid harm. He keeps a single, medium-length curved sword to use in combat - a dao to the Tulrissians, but a standard sword among parts of his homeland. Around his neck he keeps a sacred symbol of the Gleiosian pantheon's chief deity, Krymos. On his left hand he wears the signet ring of his family, which is much less important in Tulrisse than at home, though he wears it nonetheless.

Physically, Adrian appears fairly unremarkable (attire notwithstanding). He is medium height, medium build, hardly the pinnacle of strength and masculinity in a nation so steeped in strife and hardship, full to the brim with large, hardened men of war. His appearance belies his abilities, though, which he often uses to his own advantage.


Adrian is a bit arrogant, and his actions occasionally come across as brash to outsiders. His being a foreigner does little to help with this. He was raised as the heir to a respected House in Gleios, a position he only recently gave up in favor of traveling the world.

Ever seeking to make a name for himself, he tends to put himself in harm's way if it will increase his personal glory and renown. "What good is a rank given to me by a man who had it given to him, and so on down the line? A man should be judged by deed, not birthright." Or so goes his general mindset.

Though sure of himself in combat and personal ambition, Adrian is less certain of himself when it comes to relationships (romantic or otherwise). The loss of his betrothed so early in his life - a woman he cared for deeply, despite the match being an arrange one - left him scarred when it comes to love, and he finds it difficult to connect with most people on an emotional level as a result.

Ten-Minute Background
Background and Concept Elements

Early Life: Adrian is the first son of Ajax d'Arcangeli, Magistrate of the region of Pelicium and, directly, ruler of its seat of power Pelicius. The family had been in power for generations by the time the baby Adrian was born, and was stable in their power.

As only a baby he was betrothed to another of his dynasty, his second cousin Philomena, daughter to Diodoros d'Arcangeli, ruler of Vuros. The two were born only months apart, and their marriage would unite two occasionally-feuding branches of the family into a solid power base with a united Pelicium.

Childhood Innocence: When old enough to actually grasp their relationship, the two were raised side by side in Pelicius, Philomena's father leaving his daughter in the care of his cousin and court. They were close friends throughout childhood and, though they always knew they'd one day be husband and wife, they played and fought like any other children growing up together.

Their bond only strengthened throughout the years, and as adolescence rolled around they began to really think of one another as lovers more than friends. Puppy love, like is common among young teenagers, grow stronger as they grew more mature. In time they were inseparable, and their relationship was well known and well received by the Pelicians populace. Their rule would be a new age of peace for the often bickering island.

Tragedy Strikes: At age 16, shortly after coming of age, yet before the two were ever officially wed, Philomena succumbed to illness and passed away. She'd taken ill only weeks prior, showing symptoms consistent with a local outbreak of disease that took many others around the city, though mostly peasants.

Adrian was completely devastated by her death, retreating to his private chambers for days on end without eating. The public mourned the loss of their beloved future co-ruler, who was known and respected more for her kind disposition than her status as Adrian's future wife.

A Life Not Worth Living: Months passed, with Adrian remaining depressed and cooped up, though he did eventually return to eating regular meals and occasionally venturing out into public. His time in solitude changed him, as he reflected on his life. He did not feel he'd ever love anyone the way he loved Philomena, and if he was doomed to a life of loneliness he desired to gain happiness by other means. Happiness, he realized, that would not come from the stagnant, peaceful life as magistrate of an island.

Out of the blue, nearly a year after his beloved's passing, Adrian renounced his claim to Pelicium and, bringing only some essentials and his most sentimental possessions, boarded a ship headed south. He did not care where it was going, so long as it was to a life with meaning, a life away from Gleois.

The Distant Wanderer: The ship that Adrian boarded stopped in many ports, and he made friends with some of the crew during the trip. Being out of his hometown quickly cured his depression. He did not forget Philomena or what she meant to him, but being away from everything that her love had stood for gave him a new perspective on life, and what it could be. He no longer felt that his life was over, but that it was beginning anew. Where once he'd had everything planned out for him, before he was even born, he was no in direct control of his fate, and he planned to make the best of it.

As son of a major Magistrate, he'd had some of the best tutors in swordsmanship and the various other martial arts practiced in his home kingdom. These were always seen as simply exercise to the young man up until his trip, where he'd have to use his skills in earnest for the first time. He showed his prowess first when helping to defend against pirates seeking to raid the ship he'd joined. A few other raids were successfully staved off with his help (due to his help, were you to ask him), and by the time the ship arrived at its final destination in Kingsport he'd already made somewhat of a name for himself.

The Wind Dancer: Much to his dismay, the crew of the ship took to calling him Wind Dancer, after seeing the rapid-yet-fluid style of swordplay he practiced. Adrian disliked the nickname due to the status of the Lord of the Wind being an antagonistic force in the Gleiosian pantheon, yet eventually gave up protesting and the nickname stuck.

In Kingsport, with no money to his name, he took advantage of the small amount of fame he'd garnered, as well as his exotic appearance and attire, to make some meager coin as a street performer for the locals. It is doing this that he made his first major connection outside of his home, that of the young and upcoming spy Percival Ulesby, known by most as Percy.

An Unusual Proposal: Percy thought Adrian's skills were impressive, but saw in him more promise than as just a combatant. An exotic foreigner who can draw a crowd, traveling the country without his motives being questioned, would make a perfect spy. He offered to pay Adrian a stipend, as well as cover his traveling expenses, should he make his way throughout the kingdom and serve as an informant on various persons of interest.

Adrian saw the opportunity for what it was, a way to gain an in in a new place. And though he frowned on the methods, he couldn't argue with the results; not only would he be able to live more comfortably than he had been as a measly street performer, but he'd get even more exposure among the people as a master of the sword. He took the job, and so made his way throughout the land, meeting people and showing off his talents will reluctantly gathering intel in the process.

The Birth of a Rivalry: However, as time progressed and his fame grew, so too did his income from other means. During his travels he'd sell his services to traders in need of protection from outlaws and local wildlife, only improving his reputation even more in the process. These traders would spread tales of his deeds, making it so crowds would eagerly await his arrival in towns. Before he'd even made it to a quarter of the kingdom he'd already grown past his need for Percy's coin, and so he stopped his gathering of intel.

Percy initially found the lack of information to be simple delay in courier service, or slowed travel. In time, though, he realized that his informant had stopped informing him, and the man was furious. Using some of his connections among the spy network he sent men to silent the 'insolent' outsider, but the never made back to Kingsport, having been slain by their quarry. This added insult to injury, as Adrian proved too skilled for men Percy deemed his superiors. He knew he'd not be able to kill Adrian so easily, but could tarnish his reputation instead.

Rumors began to spread of the Wind Dancer as an outlaw himself, a man who steals from the traders he claims to protect, and replaces them with friends who spread the lies of his good deeds to lure more prey into hiring him. Some buy it, some don't, but it is enough to hurt his fame and once again Adrian finds himself in a foreign land with little money to sustain himself.

A Chance Encounter: After a few years of wandering the countryside, as both a minor celebrity and accused criminal, Adrian chances upon another of the kingdom's spies, a woman by the name of Chloë Fialova. She'd heard all the tales about him, but meeting him and person - as well as her personal knowledge of Percy - led her to the correct assumption, that Adrian was no outlaw. The traveler offered to serve her in whatever manner she needed if she'd help to clear his name, an offer she happily accepted.

It took a few months, but in time Percy's treachery was revealed and Adrian's status as outlaw faded from public opinion. In exchange, Adrian served as protector to Chloë in her travels for a time. While she traveled to perform her typical duties as a spy, he'd use his down time to once again perform for the public. Their mutually-beneficial partnership slowly blossomed from one of friendship to something more, though not anything close to what Adrian had had with Philomena.

A Crisis of Succession: When the war broke out, Chloë was bound to serve her liege Ademar Fulsen. Not wanting to part with his new lover, Adrian offered the young King his services as well, an offer that was accepted when it was made known that he was the famed Wind Dancer of the northern isles. Adrian would join along with many other fighters, proving his mettle in battle the same as he did against outlaws.


1) Achieve everlasting fame and glory, becoming a named remembered throughout history.

2) Continue to travel the world, once the war is over. Perhaps settle down with someone as well.

3) I'd like for Adrian to survive so that we don't fuck up the timeline.


1) Though he openly hides his vindictive desires, a large part of why Adrian decided to swear fealty with King Fulsen is for the chance to slay his rival Percy.

2) Philomena did not die of any sort of disease, nor did any of the others in town for that matter. They all died of a poison administered by Adrian's younger brother, Eugenios, who had always envied his older sibling's perfect life and status as heir. He is currently on the verge of taking over Pelicium, having recently administered the same poison to more peasants (to look like a disease) as well as his father.

People Tied to Adrian
Ajax dArcangeli

Adrian's father and Magistrate of the island of Pelcium, as well as ruler of its capital Pelicius. He was a good, father to Adrian. Unbeknownst to his eldest son, he is currently sickly and on the verge of death.

Eugenios dArcangeli

Adrian's younger brother, who envious his older brother for being the perfect child in their father's eyes. Despite it directly benefiting him, he found Adrian's renunciation of his status to be incredibly insulting.

Diodoros dArgangeli

Ajax's cousin, and father to Philomena. He rules the city of Vuros on Pelicium. Like Adrian, he has not been the same since his daughter died.

Philomena dArcangeli (deceased)


Adrian's second cousin, ex-betrothed, and love of his life. She died at 16, emotionally devastating Adrian and setting him on his current path in life.

Percival Ulesby


known to most as Percy, he is a spy formerly under the Lord of Peloth, base of Tulrissian espionage operations. When the war broke out he was one of the few to abandon his liege and side with King Lorkan in Kingsport. He and Adrian have a long-standing rivalry.

Chloë Fialova

Adrian's current lover and traveling companion. She is a spy serving King Fulsen, and a master of cunning and charm. (See companion NPC entry below.)

Memories, Mannerisms, and Quirks

1) Adrian's fondest memories remain his time playing with his siblings and Philomena as a child, the sight of the cherry trees of the palace grounds all around them, the petals scattering in the wind when in bloom. Though happy with his current life, he cannot help but to miss what all he lost.

2) Adrian tends to come off as arrogant and, occasionally, brash. His rising so quickly after giving up everything he had has left him incredibly confident in his own abilities, and it shows.

3) Adrian is meticulous in many details of his life, a perfectionist through and through. The trait is a great boon to his combat prowess, but can be a bit of a hindrance when applied to more mundane things.

Background - Family/Class/Profession/Institutions

Family: d'Arcangeli, the ruling house of Pelicium in Gleios, as well as some smaller holdings throughout the kingdom. He keeps his name despite renouncing his claim to his father's titles and position.

Class: Unlanded knight (formerly, Gleiosian nobility). Adrian's service to King Fulsen, and incredibly prowess in battle, has earned him a knighthood. This is notable, as not many outsiders are knighted in Tulrisse.

Profession: Swordsman, both performance and combat. Adrian regularly alternates between using his skill for show and for practical purposes. He currently serves in King Fulsen's army, but has no plans to remain tied to the crown in the long run.

Institutions: Knight in service to King Fulsen. Various contacts among the Peloth spy network. Familial relations, and renounced claim, to Magistrate of Pelicium.

Drives - Primary/Secondary/Tertiary

Primary: First and foremost, ever since throwing his old life away, Adrian desires excitement. He seeks to travel the world, seeing new things and meeting new people, all while doing things he enjoys in the process. The last thing he wants is to be tied down again, stuck living the life someone else wants from him.

Secondary: While traveling, and partially as a means to an end, Adrian desires to improve his personal glory. He revels in the awe he inspires among the masses, and every battle one strokes his ego and desire for greater standing among the people.

Tertiary: Though he doubts it even possible, Adrian does one day hope to find someone he can love as deeply as he loved Philomena. He currently has Chloë, but that is far from the same.

Goals - Short-Term/Medium-Term/Long-Term

Short-Term: Take Fausta's Steppe for King Fulsen.

Medium-Term: Win the war for King Fulsen, gaining more glory in the process.

Long-Term: Leave Tulrisse to see new lands.

NPC Wishlist
Lord Marcel Marcheford, Count of the Spear


Marcel is a renowned spearman and cavalry commander, and currently serves King Jorran II as General and one of his chief military advisors. He is a cunning, just man who believes the pretender kings should be put to the sword for treason, and for thrusting the nation into this civil war.

Holger, Captain of the Westwood Raiders


The Westwood Raiders are a mercenary group based out of the Forest Deki, who sell their services all around the world. They are currently employed by King Ademar, both for their prowess and to keep a group so familiar with his homeland from fighting against him.

Holger is ambitious and ruthless, and has on occasion been known to change sides if the other side pays enough for such treachery. However, he only does so when he knows he can get away with it, he's not a dumb man jumping at the highest bidder, but a smart one who carefully analyzes each job for better opportunities.

Lady Astia Siewald, Countess of the Oakengrove


Astia has always had a natural knack for magic, and was sent to be tutored on it in Menora as a child. There she displayed prodigious talent, and over time developed a natural affinity for abilities relating to the cold and ice. While rarely useful to her during her current reign as Countess, it is something that serves as large deterrent for anyone thinking of invading her lands.

Ser Galdrant, the Rhino


Galdrant is a famed knight, who was often the favored combatant in many tournaments. He is also a captain in the Hollowguard, currently sworn to King Marsten II of the Hollow. He tends to keep to himself, and is often seen walking alone in the night.

Mona Albright, Priestess of Inara


Mona is the daughter to Baron in Grisben's Bluff, and was sent at an early age to become a priestess at the Temple to Inara in Blackstead. She ventured out to travel the country, fighting night creatures as most priestess do, once her study was completed. During an ill-advised venture into the Great Swamp she was wounded by one such creature, a wound which proved more grave than most. Instead of an infection, she found her arm slowly being corrupted by whatever evil magics are at play with the night creatures. Her superiors believe it only a matter of time before the corruption takes over and she is lost, though Mona continues doing her duties in the meantime.

Though both regions she considers home have taken sides in the war - different ones, at that - she remains neutral. Battling the scourge of undead is more important than a civil war to the girl.

Ser Siegfried Rothman, Marshal of the Blackmoors


Siegfried is the uncle of the current ruler of the Blackmoors, Phillip Rothman. He has commanded the armies of the Blackmoors since early on in the rule of the previous ruler, his elder brother Heinrich. As such, he is one of the most experienced generals living in Tulrisse.

An incredibly smart man, Siegfried believes his nephew is foolish to support King Jorran III, believing that the king's nephew, Ademar, will ultimately take over the nation. However, he loyally serves his own nephew anyway, having no ambitions to claim Blackstead for himself.

Lord Phillip Rothman, Count of the Blackmoors


Phillip is one of the youngest of Tulrisse's counts, having taken the helm only a few years earlier after his father died in battle against marauding bandits. He has a decent head on his shoulders, but still a lot to learn about rulership. His uncle and marshal, Siegfried, serves additionally as his chief advisor.

Ser Nadine Torinn, Knight of the Realm
[SHOW] ... -513342363

Nadine is King Marsten's younger sister of 4 years. As is common among Torinn women, she took up the sword and became a knight, loyally serving the previous king to his death. When Jorran III took the throne and the other two kings pressed their claims to it, she was appalled that her brother was among them. While she understands his frustration at their not being a Torrin on the throne, she is unwilling to support his claim and continues to serve Jorran III. She hopes that if they were to confront one another on the field of battle, that she could convince him to give up the fight rather than needing to slay her own brother.

Item Wishlist

Lv10 Body - Cloth Armor of the Charging Wind +2
Lv12 Body - Robe of Eyes +3

Lv13 Weapon - Vanguard Bastard Sword +3

Lv12 Head - Charger's Headdress (paragon tier)
Lv16 Head - Horned Helm (paragon tier)

Lv7 Neck - Badge of the Berserker +2
Lv12 Neck - Badge of the Berserker +3

Lv6 Hands - Breaching Gauntlets (Heroic tier)
Lv10 Hands - Strikebacks (heroic tier)

Lv12 Ring - Lesser Ring of Feather Fall
Lv13 Ring - Ring of Giants (paragon tier)
Lv14 Ring - Ring of Feather Fall (paragon tier)

Lv7 Waist - Rope of Slave Fighting (heroic tier)
Lv8 Waist - Belt of Vim (heroic tier)
Lv10 Waist - Diamond Cincture (heroic tier)

Lv7 Feet - Boots of the Fencing Master (heroic tier)
Lv10 Feet - Boots of the Mighty Charge (heroic tier)

Lv7 Tattoo - Long Battle Tattoo (heroic tier)
Lv9 Tattoo - Backlash Tattoo (heroic tier)

Lv9 Wondrous - Elven Chain Shirt

Lv2 Boon - Iron Hand Anvil Breaker
Lv3 Boon - Five Stars Arrow Deflection
Lv4 Boon - Southern Star Ring the Bell
Lv6 Boon - Dragon Claw Life-Thief Strike
Lv7 Boon - Davros Elden's Defensive Step (heroic tier)
Lv7 Boon - Nimble Hunter Pounce
Lv8 Boon - Northern Fist Paralyzing Point
Lv12 Boon - Iron Hand Unbreakable Form
Lv13 Boon - Five Stars Five Strikes

Bolded/italicized entries are most preferred

Character Sheet

Adrian d'Arcangeli, level 7
Githzerai, Avenger|Swordmage
Hybrid Avenger: Hybrid Avenger Fortitude
Swordmage Aegis (Hybrid): Aegis of Ensnarement
Hybrid Talent: Swordmage Warding
Versatile Expertise: Versatile Expertise (Heavy Blade)
Versatile Expertise: Versatile Expertise (Light Blade)
Background: Blademaster (+2 to Acrobatics)
Theme: Iron Wolf Warrior

Str 10, Con 10, Dex 10, Int 21, Wis 19, Cha 8.

Str 10, Con 10, Dex 10, Int 18, Wis 16, Cha 8.

AC: 27 Fort: 15 Reflex: 20 Will: 19
HP: 60 Surges: 7 Surge Value: 15

Insight +13, Religion +14, Acrobatics +14, Nature +15

Arcana +8, Bluff +2, Diplomacy +2, Dungeoneering +7, Endurance +3, Heal +7, History +8, Intimidate +2, Perception +11, Stealth +3, Streetwise +2, Thievery +3, Athletics +5

Feat User Choice: Versatile Expertise
Level 1: Hybrid Talent
Level 2: Hybrid Talent 2
Level 4: Power of Skill
Level 6: Githzerai Blade Master

Hybrid at-will 1: Overwhelming Strike
Hybrid at-will 1: Sword Burst
Hybrid encounter 1: Sword of Sigils
Hybrid daily 1: Aspect of Might
Hybrid utility 2: Enduring Spirit
Hybrid encounter 3: Fury's Advance
Hybrid daily 5: Dimensional Thunder
Hybrid utility 6: Armathor's Step
Hybrid encounter 7: Wolf's Bound


Equipped Items

Code: Select all

Main Hand: Vanguard Bastard sword +2
Offhand:   ---
Body:      Robe of Eyes Cloth Armor (Basic Clothing) +2

Head:      Horned Helm (heroic tier)
Neck:      Badge of the Berserker +1
Arms:      Rhythm Blade Wrist Razors +1
Hands:     ---
Waist:     ---
Feet:      Acrobat Boots (heroic tier)
Symbol:    Holy Symbol of Krymos, The Creator
Ki Focus:  ---
Ring:      House d'Arcangeli Signet Ring (Arcane Signet Ring)
Ring:      ---
Tattoo:    ---

Boon:      ---

* Bedroll

  • Bottle of Wine (2)
  • Candle (5)
  • Flint and Steel
  • Footpads
  • Hunter's Kit
  • Map case
  • Sack (empty) (2)
  • Tent
  • Torch
  • Trail Rations (12)
  • Waterskin (2)
  • Writing case
  • Rag (2)
Belt Pouch

* Bell and whistle

* Identification Papers with Portrait

* Travel Papers

* Coinpurse of 582gp

Hidden Item Compartment

* Dagger

All Items

Vanguard Bastard sword +2, Badge of the Berserker +1, Robe of Eyes Cloth Armor (Basic Clothing) +2, Acrobat Boots (heroic tier), Rhythm Blade Wrist Razors +1, Horned Helm (heroic tier), Arcane Signet Ring, Backpack (empty), Bedroll, Bell and whistle, Belt Pouch (empty), Bottle of Wine (2), Candle (5), Flint and Steel, Footpads, Hidden item compartment, Dagger, Holy Symbol, Hunter's Kit, Identification Papers with Portrait, Map case, Sack (2), Tent, Torch, Trail Rations (10), Travel Papers, Waterskin (2), Writing case

Combat Block

Adrian d'Arcangeli

Male Githzerai Avenger|Swordmage 7
Languages: Gleiosian, Tulrissian
Age: 22
Height: 5' 9"
Weight: 180 lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +5
Passive Perception: 21
Passive Insight: 23
Senses: Normal Vision

AC: 27
Fort: 15
Reflex: 20
Will: 19
HP: 60/60
Bloodied: 30
Surge Value: 15
Surges left: 7/7
Action Points: 1

Current Oath of Enmity Target: none

MBA (Overwhelming Strike): +13 vs AC, 1d10+8 damage (+1d8+1d6 damage on charge). On hit, I shift one square and slide the target into the space I vacated (either portion is optional)
RBA: +3 vs AC (+7 with dagger), 1d4 damage

Resistances: none

Vulnerabilities: none

+2 vs daze, dominate, stun

Active Effects:
+2d8 damage on crit
On charge, +1d8+1d6 damage and don't provoke OAs
I cannot be blinded


Overwhelming Strike
Sword Burst
Acrobat Boots (heroic tier)

Second Wind []
Iron Wolf Charge []
Iron Mind []
Oath of Enmity []*
Aegis of Ensnarement []**
Sword of Sigils []
Enduring Spirit []
Fury's Advance []
Armathor's Step []
Wolf's Bound []

Aspect of Might []
Dimensional Thunder []
Vanguard Bastard Sword +2 [_]

  • Recharges when Oath dies
    ** Recharges when target dies or the mark is superseded

Consumables: none

Important Features:

Class Features
Hybrid: various weird rules for being hybrid, see PHB3 for a full breakdown.

Oath of Enmity (Hybrid): works as normal, except that it only applies to avenger powers.

Armor of Faith: When wearing cloth armor or no armor, and not using a shield, I gain +3 AC.

Swordbond: Weird RP shit, I can meditate to bond a blade to me and can then call that blade to my hand from up to 10 squares away as a standard action. See Forgotten Realm Player's Guide for full breakdown of shit I will never use.

Swordmage Aegis (Hybrid): Can only use aegis once per encounter, but I regain use of it the target dies or the mark is superseded.

Swordmage Warding: While conscious and wielding a light blade or heavy blade, I get a bonus to AC. +1 AC by default, +3 if wielding a one-handed blade in main hand and the other hand is free.

Racial Features
Danger Sense: +2 to initiative

Defended Mind: +2 to saving throws against effects that daze, dominate, or stun

Iron Mind: gain Iron Mind power

Shifting Fortunes: can shift 3 squares as a free action when using Second Wind

Theme Features
Level 1 Iron Wolf Warrior Feature: gain Iron Wolf Charge power

Level 5 Iron Wolf Warrior Feature: +2 to nature and perception checks

Versatile Expertise: +1 to attacks with heavy blades and light blades

Hybrid Talent: gain Swordmage Warding class feature

Hybrid Talent 2: gain Armor of Faith class feature

Power of Skill: +1 to trained skill checks, can use Overwhelming Strike as a basic attack

Githzerai Blade Master: gain proficiency with all military heavy blades, bastard swords, and fullblades. +2 damage with these weapons.

Item Features

Vanguard Bastard Sword +2: +2d8 damage on crit, +1d8 damage on charge, gain item daily power

Badge of the Berserker +1: don't provoke OAs while charging

Robe of Eyes Cloth Armor (Basic Clothing) +2: cannot be blinded, +2 to perception

Acrobat Boots (heroic tier): +1 to acrobatics, gain item at-will power

Rhythm Blade Wrist Razors +1: +1 AC & Reflex

Horned Helm (heroic tier): +1d6 damage on charge

Companion NPC

Chloë Fialova, the Charming Spy



Chloë is cunning and pragmatic, a lover of intrigue and deception. She prides herself on her good looks, and puts a large amount of effort into her appearance and attire. Sometimes all it takes is a glance to get information out of someone naive enough to think she will show them the time of day if they do.

As the youngest of many siblings of one of the most notable families in Malverne, and in fact the old ruling dynasty, she has always felt a sense of purpose in her life to rise in status. Her older siblings all came into the world with greater advantages than her, and while she desires no ill of them, she wishes to show that even without their status she can still hold her own in the world.


Chloë is a master of guile and court intrigue. As the youngest of the many children of Emeline Fialova, Matron of House Fialova, she has been surrounded by it by birth, and the scheming of her family and their rivals directly shaped the young woman's personality. However, as the youngest she's never had great ambitions of her own, knowing that her position in her family will always be at the bottom. Instead, she decided to dedicate herself to king and country, serving the late king Marcus II from the nation's espionage headquarters in Peloth.

When war broke out and her liege, Ademar Fulsen, declared himself king, she stuck with him as most of the spies did. While not being the closest in lineage to the late king, they all trusted his leadership and would do all in their power to see his claim recognized.

Through chance encounter in the Northlands, Chloë met Adrian d'Arcangeli. The foreigner struck her as odd at first, but as the two became acquainted she saw in him a strong, noble figure, and the two fell in love. They currently travel together, watching out for one another as they both serve in Ademar's army.

Character Sheet

Chloë Fialova, level 7
Hamadryad, Controller

Str 8, Con 12, Dex 10, Int 19, Wis 19, Cha 12.

Str 8, Con 12, Dex 10, Int 16, Wis 16, Cha 12.

AC: 20 Fort: 20 Reflex: 20 Will: 20
HP: 46 Surges: 7 Surge Value: 11

Heal +12, Arcana +12

Acrobatics +3, Bluff +4, Diplomacy +6, Dungeoneering +7, Endurance +4, History +7, Insight +7, Intimidate +4, Nature +9, Perception +7, Religion +7, Stealth +3, Streetwise +4, Thievery +3, Athletics +2


Level 01 Basic Ranged Attack: Sun Strike
Level 01 Controller At-Will Power: Beguiling Strands
Level 01 Controller Encounter Power: Thunder of Judgment
Level 02 Controller Utility Power: Shield
Level 07 Controller Encounter Power: Tide of the First Storm (replaces Thunder of Judgment)

Cloth Armor (Basic Clothing), Dagger

Combat Block

Chloë Fialova

Female Hamadryad Controller 7
Languages: Tulrissian, Dwarven
Age: 24
Height: 5' 7"
Weight: 142 lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +3
Passive Perception: 17
Passive Insight: 17
Senses: Low-Light Vision

AC: 20
Fort: 20
Reflex: 20
Will: 20
HP: 46/46
Bloodied: 23
Surge Value: 11
Surges left: 7/7
Action Points: 1

MBA (Dagger): +14 vs AC, 1d4+2 damage
RBA (Dagger): range 5/10, +14 vs AC, 1d4+3 damage
RBA (Sun Strike): range 10, +11 vs AC, 1d8+7 radiant damage and can slide the target 1 square


  • +5 to endurance vs starvation, thirst, or suffocation, and survive twice the normal time if forced to make such checks.

Vulnerabilities: none


  • +2 against daze, dominate, stun

Active Effects:

  • ignore difficult terrain that is part of tree, underbrush, or other forest growth
  • meditate for 4 hours instead of sleep for 6 for extended rest, fully aware of surroundings while doing so.


Sun Strike
Beguiling Strands

Second Wind []
Hamadryad Aspects []
Controller's Extension []
Shield []
Tide of the First Storm [_]

Consumables: none

Important Features:

Class Features
Controller Features: weird, special rules for being a NPC companion class. See DMG2 for full breakdown.

Racial Features
Fey Origin: origin counts as fey for effects that relate to creature origin

Forest Walk (Hamadryad): ignore difficult terrain that is part of tree, underbrush, or other forest growth

Oaken Vitality: +5 to endurance vs starvation, thirst, or suffocation, and survive twice the normal time if forced to make such checks. Meditate for 4 hours instead of sleep for 6 for extended rest, fully aware of surroundings while doing so.

Tree Mind: +2 to saving throws against daze, dominate, stun.

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Re: The War of Three Kings OOC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

Wes Tarkin, the Spell-wielding Sword-swinger


Ten-Minute Background
Background and Concept Elements

Personality: Being from nobility, Wes sometimes feels entitled to some of the better things in life, but his time as a knight has helped him control this, at least some. He is quite confident in himself and his abilities, though not to the point of arrogance, at least he hopes not. With a metaphorical fire burning in his heart, he's always determined to succeed in life. Annoyed by people sometimes dismissing magic as childish and weak, Wes is pushed further to prove people wrong. With a love of excitement, he's eager to rush into whatever life gives him. This shows itself in his disregard for caution and planning. His ambition may sometimes lead to trouble, but he's managed to stay alive through it all.

Appearance: With his mother being from Serran, Wes has taken many of the telltale traits of someone from the region. The most recognizable of these features are his bronzed skin —more fitting in Crescent Bluff than Menora— and his jet-black hair. Many of his facial features fit those of a Serran-born as well. He peers through his chestnut brown eyes, taking in the world around him. Standing at 5'11", the man is relatively tall, but not so much compared to some of the other hearty Tulrissian men.

Origins of a Half-Blood: Years before Wes' birth, Tenant Eva Pavia of the Great Library in Serran traveled through the mountains to Menora, seeking to learn more about the arcane firsthand. Here, she met Otto Tarkin, a young nobleman of the city. Through increased interaction with one another, the two became close friends, and eventually lovers. Despite parental protesting (Otto was to marry a rather gluttonous noblewoman from Tanon), Otto proposed to Eva and the two eventually married. Wanting to start a family, the couple began having children. Three children later, Wes was born.

Early Life: Wes' childhood was a good one, coming from nobility in the city. He enjoyed the run of a man, and eventually the run of the Tower once he was old enough. As his father served as steward for Lord Cumberland, Wes was able to spend much of his time there. He even grew to be friends with one of the Lord's many children, Jonas, as the two were incredibly close in age. It was also at this young age that Wes began first showing signs of his magic abilities, often causing mischief around the tower, both on purpose and accident. Knowing fully well the potential dangers of uncontrolled magic, his father quickly employed a tutor. With proper training and teaching, Wes was able to get a better grasp on his powers, all the while learning new uses for them as well.

The Marvels of Menora: As his understanding of magic grew, so did his understanding of the incredible magics ever-present in Menora, and he began to utilize and study these in order to further his own knowledge. Once he was competent enough, his parents enrolled him at the Academy of the Arcane, the regions top learning institution, and one of the world's most esteemed institutions of magic. Here he would learn much more than a tutor could ever teach him. Although he found standard schooling to be dull, his parents pushed him through it. After all, magic left uncontrolled would lead to chaos. "Just look at that Milo boy," his parents would always say. Not wanting to be a hated troublemaker, or homeless for that matter, the boy powered through.

A Little Sword With That Spell: Now in his teens, Wes continued to excel with his magic, though he was beginning to grow bored of the humdrum of simply learning and practicing the same old spells every day. He yearned for more, though he did not know what exactly he wanted. This mystery was solved for him when he encountered one of the Lord's elite knights utilizing both spell and sword. Intrigued, Wes had a new ambition, and with his father's blessing, he was granted a tutor in the art of swordplay. His strength and cunning proved useful, as he quickly worked to master his new talent. Ever eager to become a knight himself once old enough, Wes became a squire for a Ser Todd. Under his guidance, Wes learned all he could about combat, tactics, duty, and morality. Upon his 18th birthday, he was knighted by Lord Cumberland.

Duty Calls: Now officially a Knight of Menora, Wes was obligated to begin his service to his city, and his county. At least that's what he had hoped would happen. For the most part in the first few weeks, unfortunately, Wes remained at the training grounds, honing the skills he was already confident in. Growing restless, he tried his best to make the most of things. This usually showed itself when he often snuck out of the barracks in the midst of the night to go to the taverns, or swim in the river. Many of times, he was caught and reprimanded, though this didn't stop him. Eventually, duty called, and he was ordered to do patrols.

The Malvernese Patrols: Although some hated the idea of being forced to just walk around in the wilderness in search of trouble that wasn't happening, Wes didn't mind it. It gave him a chance to experience places he hadn't ever seen, even in his own county. From the towns dotting rivers to the tranquil paths through the Senshenk, Wes loved traveling around. On these patrols, he even met a number of new friends, including his close friend Isadora. Although sometimes danger did arise, Wes was quick to act and remedied these situations with skill and speed. The patrols were a good experience for him, overall, allowing him to finally see more of the world, having lived in Menora his entire life.

An Arcane Knight: After roughly a year of service to the Lord, his finesse and prestige allowed for his promotion into the elite rankings of the regions knights: the Arcane Knights. Although any plain knight in the city usually utilized magic in combat, these were a select group with expertise in it that others simply could not compete with. Honored by the promotion, Wes graciously accepted and now wears his title with pride. He is especially proud, given that it's uncommon for someone so young to be elevated to such a prestigious rank. With it, he serves his county well and strives to protect his people and his land.

War Never Changes: At the outbreak of the war, Wes was sworn into the service of King Lorkan, due to Lord Cumberland's loyalties. Although not directly loyal to any of the title claimants, Wes owes his allegiance to his Lord first and foremost. He does agree, however, that the title is rightfully King Lorkan's, at least by law. Although eager to finally see more of the world, Wes was also slightly scared. His real combat experience prior had mostly been against petty thieves, bandits, or animals. Though he let his confidence in himself outshine his fear, and has been successful in the skirmishes so far.


1) Wes wants to help take back the kingdom for the rightful heir King Lorkan.

2) I'd like for Wes to see the harsh realities of the world, which he's rarely gotten a glimpse of from Menora or paid notice to during the beginnings of the war.


1) Wes was actually meant to kill his friend Isadora, but he decided against it upon actually meeting her. He, however, lied to his commanding officer about it, claiming that he did in fact kill the women.

2) Isadora is secretly the witch Senshenk, under the guise of an innocent, independent witch just studying magic.

People Tied to Wes

1) Jonas Cumberland is the 6th son of the Count of Malverne and is one of Wes' best friends. The two have known each other since they were tykes, as Wes' father is the Count's steward and close friend. Being so far in line for the county's throne, Jonas decided to make glory for himself by becoming a knight as well. He can be wild and eccentric quite often, but knows when it's time to be more serious. He has a good grasp on magic, like many of those who reside in Menora. Wes would never let it be known, but he's had a crush on Jonas for years.



2) Isadora Mundelein is a close friend of Wes and a practitioner of witchcraft. She lives in a lone homestead a ways outside the city, stating that she was forced to leave it when townspeople turned on her. From here, she studies her magic as well as alchemy, striving to learn as much as she can about the hidden yet dark forces in the world. Wes met her when he was out on patrol, and she was in need of assistance. Sworn to service, Wes helped her, and after some conversation, they became friends. Before the war, Wes would visit her occasionally and they'd catch up. As Wes knows her, she has a strong connection with the forest and strives to protect it, usually by scaring off would-be ruiners of the land. In actuality, she is the witch Senshenk, a secret she has kept to avoid her persecution and/or hunting. She keeps up the guise of her host's former self: an innocent girl toying with dangerous powers out of curiosity and the pursuit of knowledge.



3) Milo is the local troublemaker around Menora. Most people use their magical abilities for good reasons that either positively benefit people or have neutral effects. Milo, on the other hand, uses his magic to create chaos around the city. Wes has had more than a few bad experiences with Milo (including a mishap of pyromancy), and loathes the kid. Milo hates just about everyone in town and loves to make the lives of Menorans miserable. Most people want him gone or dead, and that just makes him act worse.



Memories, Mannerisms, and Quirks

1) Although quite surprising for someone who's half-Serran, Wes doesn't like sand. It's coarse and rough and irritating, and it gets everywhere.

2) Wes distinctly remembers the first time he was allowed into the Tower of Menora, and he especially remembers the spectacular view of the whole county upon reaching the top. It was a clear, sunny day, so miles upon miles were visible. Even now, he still marvels at the sight.

3) Although he has a grasp of many elements with his magic, his favorite is fire. He finds is fascinating how something that provides such comfort and warm can also be used for destruction and agony.

Background - Family/Class/Profession/Institutions

Family: Wes is a member of the Tarkin family, a noble family within Menora. His father is Otto Tarkin and his mother is Serran-born Eva Tarkin. He has two brothers and four sisters, and he is the fourth oldest child.

Class: Wes comes from nobility, with the Tarkin family possessing this status since even before the Imardanian invasion in the 3rd era.

Profession: He is a battlemage, meaning he utilizes both martial prowess, with a sword, and arcane mastery.

Institutions: Wes is an Arcane Knight of Menora, serving the Count Cumberland, Lord of Menora..

Drives - Primary/Secondary/Tertiary

Primary: Allegiance: Wes has a sworn allegiance to the Count of Malverne and seeks to honor that allegiance with his loyalty.

Secondary: Adventure: Finally being able to venture far from Menora and Malverne itself, Wes wants to take advantage of the opportunity for fun and adventure. As such, he'll try to seek out the excitement that fills the world.

Tertiary: Friendship: Being away from his friends and family at home, Wes wants to make more of them to make his experiences a little less lonely. As such, he'll do what he can to form friendships.

Goals - Short-Term/Medium-Term/Long-Term

Short-Term: Wes wants win the Battle of Parth for his side.

Medium-Term: Wes wants to help win the war for the rightful King Lorkan.

Long-Term: Wes eventually wants to tour the institutions of arcane (or academic) importance around the world to improve his own abilities.



Olivia Valenti


Olivia is an infamous women across Tulrisse, commonly known as The Crimson Lady. She had originally began as a spy out of Peloth, though she transformed herself into an assassin when she discovered the thrill of a kill. She is often employed by various noble families across the kingdom to take care of rivals, whether political or personal. Although few know her face, they know she dons a red dress while disposing of her target.

Gabriel, the Human Bird


Gabriel is an act in the ever-famous Magnificent Mutar's Traveling Circus, portraying himself as a bird for the entertainment for others. Gabriel was a poor man in Serran, and left to seek his fortune in Tulrisse. He made no such fortune, and joined the circus instead. He's been touring with the troupe around Tulrisse since.

Rosalie Becke


Rosalie is the only daughter of the Lord Becke of Gadzure, and has attracted a large amount of suitors due to this. Not one for romance and settling down, she usually keeps to herself and wanders the countryside. Perhaps one day she'll marry, but not while she's still young.

Josephine Kuhn


Josephine is a powerful sorceress with a mastery in illusion and manipulation magic. While most masterful magicians in Tulrisse come out of Menora, or at least study there, Josephine comes from Kingsport. Although she is only minor nobility, she has used her magic to gain more political sway in the city. Most attempt to avoid her, lest they promise away precious coin while entranced.

Magic Items
Boots of the Fencing Master (heroic tier) - Level 7 (Feet)
Gauntlets of Blood (heroic tier) - Level 4 (Hands)
Cloak of Translocation +2 - Level 9 (Neck)
Elven Chain Shirt (heroic tier) - Level 9 (Wondrous Item)
Circlet of Indomitability (heroic tier) - Level 8 (Head)
Belt of Vim (heroic tier) - Level 8 (Waist)

Character Sheet

Wes Tarkin, level 7
Genasi, Swordmage
Swordmage Aegis: Aegis of Shielding
Elemental Manifestation: Cindersoul
Background: Society - Noble (+2 to Diplomacy)
Theme: Guardian

Str 13, Con 18, Dex 10, Int 20, Wis 10, Cha 8.

Str 12, Con 15, Dex 10, Int 18, Wis 10, Cha 8.

AC: 27 Fort: 20 Reflex: 21 Will: 17
HP: 69 Surges: 12 Surge Value: 17

Arcana +13, Perception +10, Diplomacy +9, History +13

Acrobatics +2, Bluff +2, Dungeoneering +3, Endurance +8, Heal +3, Insight +5, Intimidate +2, Nature +5, Religion +8, Stealth +2, Streetwise +2, Thievery +2, Athletics +3

Level 1: Weapon Proficiency (Bastard Sword)
Level 2: Mark of Warding
Level 4: Armor Proficiency: Hide
Level 6: Intelligent Blademaster
Feat User Choice: War Wizard's Expertise

Swordmage at-will 1: Frigid Blade
Swordmage at-will 1: Sword Burst
Swordmage encounter 1: Sword of Sigils
Swordmage daily 1: Dimensional Thunder
Swordmage utility 2: Arcane Mutterings
Swordmage encounter 3: Dimensional Vortex
Swordmage daily 5: Swordmage Shielding Fire
Swordmage utility 6: Armathor's Step
Swordmage encounter 7: Echoes of Sword Magic


Equipped Items

Code: Select all

Main Hand: Rubicant Blade Bastard Sword +2
Offhand:   ---
Body:      Hide Armor of Resistance +2

Head:      ---
Neck:      Amulet of Protection +2
Arms:      Rhythm Blade Wrist Razors +1
Hands:     Gauntlets of Arcane Might (heroic tier)
Waist:     ---
Feet:      ---
Symbol:    ---
Ki Focus:  ---
Ring:      ---
Ring:      ---
Tattoo:    ---

Boon:      ---

* Bedroll

  • Bottle of Wine (3)
  • Cold-weather clothing
  • Doctrinal book
  • Fine Clothing
  • Footpads
  • Tent
  • Trail Rations (10)
  • Waterskin
  • Writing case
Belt Pouch

* Identification Papers with Portrait

* Travel Papers

* Woundstitch Powder (heroic tier)

* Coinpurse of 80 gold

All Items

Hide Armor of Resistance +2, Rubicant Blade Bastard Sword +2, Rhythm Blade Wrist Razors +1, Amulet of Protection +2, Gauntlets of Arcane Might (heroic tier), Backpack (empty), Bedroll, Belt Pouch (empty), Cold-weather clothing, Identification Papers with Portrait, Tent, Trail Rations (10), Waterskin, Doctrinal book, Fine Clothing, Footpads, Travel Papers, Writing case, Bottle of Wine (3), Woundstitch Powder (heroic tier), Coinpurse of 80 gold

Combat Block

Wes Tarkin

Male Genasi Swordmage 7
Languages: Tulrissian, Serran
Age: 19
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 155 lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +3
Passive Perception: 20
Passive Insight: 15
Senses: Normal Vision

AC: 27
Fort: 20
Reflex: 21
Will: 17
HP: 69/69
Bloodied: 34
Surge Value: 17
Surges left: 12/12
Action Points: 1

MBA: +14 vs AC, 1d10+7 damage
RBA: +3 vs AC, 1d4 damage

Fire 5; Cold 5

Vulnerabilities: None

Saves: None

Active Effects: None


Aegis of Shielding
Frigid Blade
Sword Burst
Woundstitch Powder (heroic tier)

Second Wind []
Guardian's Counter []
Sword of Sigils []
Dimensional Vortex []
Firedeath []
Echoes of Sword Magic []
Arcane Mutterings []
Armathor's Step []

Dimensional Thunder []
Swordmage Shielding Fire []
Rubicant Blade Rapier +2 [_]



Important Features:

Swordbond: By spending 1 hour of meditation with a chosen light or heavy blade, you forge a special bond with the weapon. As a standard action, you can call your bonded weapon to your hand from up to 10 squares away.

Swordmage Warding: While wielding either a light blade or a heavy blade, you maintain a magical field around you that provides a +1 bonus to AC, or a +3 bonus if you are wielding a blade in one hand and have your other hand free.

Elemental Origin: You are considered an elemental creature for the purpose of effects that relate to creature origin.

Cindersoul: You gain a +1 racial bonus to Fortitude and resist 5 fire.

Guardian: You gain a +2 power bonus to Insight and Perception checks.

Mark of Warding: Whenever one of your powers grants a bonus to a defense, increase that bonus by 1. Whenever you mark an enemy, that enemy takes a -3 penalty to attack rolls for attacks that don't target you instead of the normal -2 penalty.

Intelligent Blademaster: You can use your Intelligence modifier instead of your Strength modifier when making a basic attack with a melee weapon.

War Wizard's Expertise You gain a +1 bonus per tier to the attack rolls of arcane powers and basic attacks that you make with a light or heavy blade. Your attack rolls take a -5 penalty against your allies.

Hide Armor of Resistance +2: You gain a resist 5 cold.

Rubicant Blade Bastard Sword: When a power allows you to teleport, you can add 1 square to that distance. While this weapon is bonded to you with the swordmage Swordbond class feature, any other creature takes a -2 penalty to attack rolls with this weapon.

Rhythm Blade Wrist Razors +1: Your shield bonus to AC and Reflex increases by 1.

Gauntlets of Arcane Might (heroic tier): When you hit an enemy marked by you with an arcane attack power, you gain 2 temporary hit points.

Companion NPC

Kassidy "Kass" Tommick, the Arcane Avenger



Kass is Wes' first cousin on his father's side. The daughter of Jeoffrey Tommick and Eleanora Tarkin, she was also of nobility within Menora, although the Tommick family is not as prestigious as the Tarkins. As with many in Menora, she has shown magical abilities from an early age, and has worked to hone them. Although she loves her city, she also grew bored of being at home. She decided to join Malverne's military, seeing the war as her opportunity to see the world. It was more than she bargained for, though she's not about to let a little bloodshed ruin her dreams.


Kass is quite a bit more cautious than her cousin, preferring to take things slower if possible. Unfortunately that's not always possible in warfare, so she can grow nervous in stressful situations. She, however, tries to remain headstrong and power through. When in doubt, she fiddles with her necklace, a magical trinket she found in a curious shop in the market.

Combat Block

Kass Tommick

Female Elf Striker 7
Languages: Tulrissian, Common
Age: 20
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 135 lbs.

Speed: 7
Initiative: +8
Passive Perception: 23
Passive Insight: 16
Senses: Low-light Vision

AC: 22
Fort: 20
Reflex: 20
Will: 20
HP: 54/54
Bloodied: 27
Surge Value: 13
Surges left: 7/7
Action Points: 1

MBA: +14 vs AC, 1d8+3 damage
RBA: +11 vs AC, 1d4+8 damage

Resistances: None

Vulnerabilities: None

Saves: None

Active Effects: None


Striker's Damage
Piercing Strike

Second Wind []
Low Slash []

Assassin's Bane [_]



Important Features:

Companion Bonus: You gain tiered attack and damage bonuses.

Elven Weapon Proficiency: You gain proficiency with the longbow and the shortbow.

Fey Origin: You are considered a fey creature for the purpose of effects that relate to creature origin.

Wild Step: You ignore difficult terrain when you shift.

Sense Threat: You can use Perception (13) when you roll for initiative. Allies within 10 squares of you who have a lower initiative gain a +2 bonus to initiative.

Group Awareness: You grant non-elf allies within 5 squares of you a +1 racial bonus to Perception checks.

Last edited by Scratcherclaw on Sun Feb 14, 2016 10:53 pm, edited 24 times in total.
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Re: The War of Three Kings OOC

Post by ratwizard »

Introducing Brannik the Bull, Renowned Hollowguard



Ten-Minute Background
Background and Concept Elements

1) Brannik of Bal -- Born into minor Ballian nobility, Brannik was given proper education, training, and care from a young age. He along with his brothers and sisters were required by their parents to be well-rounded individuals. Brannik's parents held high expectations for all of their children, and during his young years he trained and studied hard, excelling in his efforts. He was very close with one of his brothers, Kallem, rivaling each other.

2) The Ballian Militia -- When the time came for young Brannik to commit to his mandatory two year service in the Ballian Militia, he excitedly joined up and was placed higher than many peers during the placement phases. At twenty years of age, he was positioned in a combat-ready partol route on some of the fringes of mining networks. The cave dwelling creatures had long plagued the dwarves and Brannik was intent to keep his people safe. He was apprehensive about the possibility of any threats, but knew that his training and skill would prevail.

3) Patrols in Holes -- Brannik made a few close friends within his militia corps, especially from the long and often boring hours he spent traversing the caves on patrol. One friend in particular, Maris, would often accompany him and discuss art, nature, and politics with him. They grew close and often humored ideas of starting a business together after the militia corps years.

4) Danger in the Caves -- During his fourth year, having stayed on another two year term after being promoted, the caves of Bal were particularly unsafe. He had been called to emergency combat situations a handful of times before and at this point felt confident in facing the usual cave spiders or other beings that found themselves into the shafts. However, one night Brannik was called to an emergency when an explosive creature had caused a cave-in. Upon arriving, he found that Maris was one of the victims. They searched for the bodies for days but abandoned after the cave-in threatened to grow, and the dwarves sealed that section off.

5) Menora's Magic Mysteries -- Distraught and looking for a change of pace, Brannik finished up his term in the militia and moved out of Bal into Menora. Here, he used some of his family's contacts and a bit of gold he had saved to look into studying the arcane. He had read about it and knew some of the dwarves in Bal possessed abilities that impressed him. Surrounded by the presence of magic, he spent a few years doing mercenary work around the city to pay for his studies at one of the universities there. The dwarf found a penchant toward the power in nature and the wild -- something about the raw and untapped potential of life felt right to him. Using his powers around Menora, he was able to make a name for himself as somewhat of a vigilante mercenary force.

6) Follow the Hollowguard -- During his late twenties, a recruiter for the Hollowguard heard stories of Brannik the Bull while visiting Menora. Levanne approached him and spoke of the order, to which he was impressed. Brannik had only heard rumors of the Hollowguard, but knew some of the greats that had supposedly been a part of it. Interested, Brannik agreed to a task for Levanne that would prove his excellence. Easily, he was able to track down a missing artifact from Menora's temple that was stolen, handing over the thieves to the guards.

7) The Good Fight -- Moving to the Hollow after being accepted to the Hollowguard, Brannik was able to prove himself quite useful as a new recruit. He was surprised when everybody around him was as good, if not better, a fighter than him and the dwarf felt challenged. Through the first few years, he was able to stick out the red herrings, the grunt work, and the annoyance of seniority enough that he made progress within the organization. Within another decade, Brannik became one of the head figures of the Hollowguard's rosters. The Bull, he was called, and many across the land knew of his fame.

8) War of Three Kings (Or, the Not Good Fight) -- Upon the onset of the War of Three Kings, Janis, the leader of the Hollowguard at the time, accepted an offer from Lord Torinn to fight under his banner. Surprised but not giving up a chance to prove himself, Brannik took on a new recruit as per Levanne's request named Gemma.


1) Brannik wants to better himself and be known to the history books for his heroism and bravery.

2) I want Brannik to be challenged and have his morality questioned by tough decisions.


1) Brannik feels some guilt toward his family, having left the kingdoms to pursue his accomplishments in Tulrisse. He wishes his father could see otherwise, and he knows his brother Kallem resents him now.

2) The Hollowguard was actually sold out to Lord Torinn with the intention of it becoming an elite portion of the Hollow's standing army. Janis agreed to a large some of gold as well as an eventual renovation to the massive hall.

People Tied to Brannik

1) Levanne -- A long-time recruiter for the Hollowguard, Levanne is a Hollow-native. She has liked Brannik from the time they met, and throughout time they have become close friends. Levanne is very important to the HG's logistics, but is quite a competent fighter, contrary to rumors within the organization.

2) Gemma -- A newcomer to the Hollowguard who has been thrust into fighting under the acting Lord, Gemma is as eager to prove herself as Brannik. She reminds him of himself, and he appreciates her resolve. She is a bit rash at times, but the dwarf knows she has potential.

3) Janis -- The pragmatic leader of the Hollowguard. He was never the best combatant during his glory days, but is extremely famous for his strategic mind. Brannik is deferential to Janis but has never felt as comfortable with the man as Levanne or the others seem.

4) Kallem -- Brannik's younger brother, a well-trained warrior with the axe and shield. He resents Brannik's decision to engage himself with the politics of the Tulrissians. He is passionate, quick-witted, but vengeful.

Memories, Mannerisms, and Quirks

1) Brannik has difficulty holding his thoughts and will freely speak his mind on things. This has gotten him into trouble with superiors at times, but it has also done him good.

2) As a dwarf, Brannik is often the butt of jokes or stares from the native Tulrissians, especially this far from Bal. He has dealt with it for years with little actual trouble apart from one incident that included a bar patron being thrown out bloodied and beaten.

3) Brannik has a good sense of humor and is generally pretty friendly. He loves being on the road, the subterranea being something that amazes him every day with something new. He enjoys both nature and cities alike.

Background - Family/Class/Profession/Institutions

Family: The Luhoum Clan, minor nobility in Bal. A half dozen siblings.

Class: Upper class, having been privileged in enough fortune to have an education, private military training, and arcane knowledge.

Profession: Private and now public military forces.

Institutions: Previously, the Ballian Militia Corps, the Menoran Institute, and now the Hollowguard.

Drives - Primary/Secondary/Tertiary

Primary: Self-success -- Brannik always looks for ways to better himself, whether it is gaining knowledge, prowess, or standing.

Secondary: Morality -- Brannik seeks to make life better for himself and others.

Tertiary: History -- Going down the history books is nice both for himself and his family. It's the least he could do for leaving.

Goals - Short-Term/Medium-Term/Long-Term

Short-Term: Ensure Gemma stays alive and gains experience in the skirmishes

Medium-Term: Prove to be a good mentor and possibly gain status for himself

Long-Term: Be on the winning side of the war. History favors the victor

Character Sheet

Brannik Luhoum, level 7
Mul, Warden
Guardian Might: Earthstrength
Born of Two Races: Born of Two Races (Dwarf)
Background: Geography - Forest (+2 to Perception)

Str 20, Con 20, Dex 10, Int 10, Wis 11, Cha 8.

Str 17, Con 17, Dex 10, Int 10, Wis 11, Cha 8.

AC: 23 Fort: 20 Reflex: 14 Will: 15
HP: 79 Surges: 15 Surge Value: 19

Nature +8, Perception +10, Streetwise +11, Intimidate +11

Acrobatics +3, Arcana +3, Bluff +2, Diplomacy +2, Dungeoneering +3, Endurance +9, Heal +3, History +3, Insight +3, Religion +3, Stealth +2, Thievery +2, Athletics +7

Level 1: Dwarven Weapon Training
Level 2: Crippling Crush
Level 4: World Serpent's Grasp
Level 6: Vicious Advantage
Feat User Choice: Two-Handed Weapon Expertise

Warden at-will 1: Weight of Earth
Warden at-will 1: Thorn Strike
Warden encounter 1: Roots of Stone
Warden daily 1: Form of Winter's Herald
Warden utility 2: Nature Sense
Warden encounter 3: Rough Strike
Warden daily 5: Boiling Cloud
Warden utility 6: Wilding Strength
Warden encounter 7: Mountain Hammer

Backpack (empty), Bedroll, Flint and Steel, Hempen Rope (50 ft.), Journeybread (3), Lantern, Oil (1 pint) (2), Sack (2), Shovel, Tent, Torch (3), Subtle Mordenkrad +2, Acrobat Boots (heroic tier), Screaming Hide Armor +2, Stalwart Belt (heroic tier), Cloak of the Walking Wounded +1, Elixir of Invisibility (heroic tier)

20 gp *

Equipped Items
Belt Pouch
Hidden Item Compartment
All Items
Combat Block
Companion NPC

Gemma Turadin ... 1437091415

Character Sheet

Gemma Turadin, level 7
Dragonborn, Leader
Dragonborn Subrace: Standard Dragonborn Racial Traits
Dragonborn Racial Power: Dragonfear

Str 20, Con 11, Dex 8, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 20.

Str 17, Con 11, Dex 8, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 17.

AC: 22 Fort: 20 Reflex: 20 Will: 20
HP: 53 Surges: 7 Surge Value: 13

Intimidate +15, Bluff +13

Acrobatics +1, Arcana +3, Diplomacy +8, Dungeoneering +3, Endurance +2, Heal +3, History +5, Insight +3, Nature +3, Perception +3, Religion +3, Stealth +1, Streetwise +8, Thievery +1, Athletics +7


Level 01 Leader At-Will Power: Intuitive Strike
Level 01 Leader Encounter Power: Hammer and Anvil
Level 02 Leader Utility Power: Motivated Recovery
Level 03 Leader Encounter Power: Flattening Charge (replaces Hammer and Anvil)
Level 06 Leader Utility Power: Stand Tough (replaces Motivated Recovery)
Level 07 Leader Encounter Power: Sacrificial Lure (replaces Flattening Charge)

Spear, Hide Armor, Light Shield

NPC Wishlist
Janis Kithram, Commandant of the Hollowguard
Levanne Vagnes, Recruiting Chief of the Hollowguard
Brannik Luhoum -- Combat Block

Brannik Luhoum

Male Mul Warden 7
Languages: Dwarven, Tulrissian
Age: 38
Height: 5'2"
Weight: 180 lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +3
Passive Perception: 20
Passive Insight: 13
Senses: Normal Vision

AC: 23
Fort: 20
Reflex: 14
Will: 15
HP: 79/79
Bloodied: 39
Surge Value: 19
Surges left: 15/15
Action Points: 1

MBA: 1d20+13 vs. AC, 2d6+9.
RBA: 1d20+3 vs. AC, 1d4.




Active Effects:


Warden's Fury
Warden's Grasp
Thorn Strike
Weight of Earth
Acrobat Boots

Second Wind[]
Takedown Strike[]
Incredible Toughness[]
Roots of Stone[]
Rough Strike[]
Mountain Hammer[]
Screaming Armor +2 [_]

Form of Winter's Herald[]
Nature Sense []
Boiling Cloud []
Wildling Strength []


Elixir of Invisibility

Important Features:

Crippling Crush: Immobilizing or slowing an enemy does an extra 5 damage.

World Serpent's Grasp: When hitting a slowed or immobilized target with an attack, you can knock it prone.

Vicious Advantage: You gain CA against immobilized or slowed targets.

Two-Handed Weapon Expertise: Charging grants +1 to damage rolls.

Tireless: Sleeping 6 hours in a 3-day period gains the benefit of an extended rest.

Subtle Mordenkrad +2: +2 item bonus to damage rolls with this weapon against enemies granting CA.

Stalwart Belt: +5 THP when critting.

Cloak of the Walking Wounded: When using Second Wind while bloodied, you can expend two healing surges.

Equipped Items Format

Code: Select all

Main Hand: Subtle Mordenkrad +2
Offhand:   (n/a)
Body:      Screaming Hide Armor +2

Head:      ---
Neck:      Cloak of the Walking Wounded +1
Arms:      ---
Hands:     ---
Waist:     Stalwart Belt
Feet:      Acrobat Boots
Symbol:    ---
Ki Focus:  ---
Ring:      ---
Ring:      ---
Tattoo:    ---

Boon:      ---
Gemma Turadin -- Combat Block

Gemma Turadin

Female Dragonborn Leader 7
Languages: Common, Tulrissian
Age: 27
Height: 5'5"
Weight: 140 lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +2
Passive Perception: 13
Passive Insight: 13
Senses: Normal Vision

AC: 22
Fort: 20
Reflex: 20
Will: 20
HP: 53/53
Bloodied: 26
Surge Value: 13
Surges left: 7/7
Action Points: 1

MBA: 1d20+13 vs. AC, 1d8+8 damage.
RBA: 1d20+11 vs. AC, 1d4+2 damage.




Active Effects:


Intuitive Strike

Second Wind []
Dragonfear []
Sacrificial Lure []
Healing Word [] [_]

Stand Tough[_]



Important Features:

Dragonborn Fury: Gain +1 racial bonus to attack when bloodied.

User avatar
Omae Wa Mou Shindeiru
Posts: 1911
Registered for: 6 years 6 months

Re: The War of Three Kings OOC

Post by FinalTemplar »

Siegfried Drakonhardt, the Draconic Defender (#800000)
[sblock=10 Minute Background][sblock2=Background and Concept Elements]1) Appearance: Siegfried is tall and lanky, very pale skinned to match his lengthy silver hair. Rarely is he ever seen without his heavy dragon-inspired plate armor (pictured above) but when he is, his royal clothing is very fine, and makes him appear much more important than he actually is, using lots of black and purple throughout the set.

2) Personality: Overconfident and eager to make a name for himself. He has an innate need to protect the weak and pass judgment on the unlawful.

3) Early life: Born to a lord and lady of a faltering town, he was seen as the heir who would fix all of the issues and bring prosperity back to them. These expectations from birth both put a heavy weight on young Siegfried's shoulders but also gave him an overconfidence to think that he would do it. He was the chosen one who would make their home important again. Around the age of eight, Siegfried's mother passed away, leaving his father to raise him. This meant his father was almost never around as he dealt with the problems to running a town.

2) Young Teens: After Siegfried's mother passed away, his father became very cold and distant; at least that's how it seemed from his perspective. Siegfried was forced to raise himself, as even though they were nobility in some respects, they were very poor and almost middle class in comparison to the proper kingdoms and royalties. This caused Siegfried a great amount of anguish and angst growing up, causing him to have a severe hate and disgust for outsiders. He requested formal martial training, and being the lord's son they found someone close to the royal family who was able to train him in the ancient techniques passed down by the dragon knights from ages ago.

4) Young Adulthood: Eventually, Siegfried knew that he could stay there no longer. His home in the mountains was dead, and had been dead for several decades. Their food sources were drying up, their family was disheveled and falling apart, and the weather took more and more people on a daily basis. Siegfried stole away in the dead of night, packing his backpack with the bare necessities and taking the armor and weapon that had been built by his family over the last hundred or so years and left with them. He would get more use out of them than his family would. And with that he set out on a quest across the countryside, moving from town to town, acting as a roaming vigilante.

5) Recent Time: In the last five or so years, Siegfried has worked as both a vigilante and an adventurer, making a slight name for himself as the "Black Swordsman". Rarely if ever did he show his face, but his distinct and visually intimidating armor helped him to stand out.[/sblock2]
[sblock3=Goals]1) Bring peace to Tulrisse, even if it means being violent to do so.
2) Make his name mean something again and bring prosperity to his home. (Personal Goal)[/sblock3]
[sblock4=Secrets]1) Siegfried once murdered an innocent bystander instead of the criminal he was hunting. He would do anything to not let that secret get out.
2) Siegfried has a child out there, with some maiden he met while travelling. He has no knowledge of the child in any form.[/sblock4]
[sblock2=People Tied To Siegfried]1) Ser Lothric Drakonhardt - Father of Siegfried, going insane from running a town cut off from the rest of civilization and praying for the return of the dragon. After Siegfried's mother passed away, Lothric became very reclusive and focused only on his work leaving Siegfried to raise himself. This lead Siegfried to not liking his father very much and was part of the reason he ran away.
2) Lady Julia Drakonhardt - Miss Drakonhardt was born in their town, and was picked as a young adult to be Lothric's wife. She died at the age of 28. She was a very kind and passionate soul, and right up to the day she died wanted nothing more to spread love. Though Siegfried doesn't know her very well, he has a deep seated love for his mother, and cherishes the only memory he has of her very dearly.
3) Sara - Female Elf - Siegfried met her while travelling between towns. He doesn't think much of it, but she became pregnant from their encounter and later birthed his child. She still thinks fondly of him and speaks highly of him.
4) Daniel Redgrave - A rival swordsman who used strange and foreign techniques. Siegfried comes into regular combat with him, though they've never learned each others names. Daniel's appearance is very similar to Siegfried's, almost uncannily so. Medium-length silver hair, very pale, but much more evenly built. His armor is very blue, and has a much more demonic appearance to it.[/sblock2]
[sblock3=Memories, Mannerisms, Quirks]1) A brief glimpse from Siegfried's childhood brings him memories of his mother. She seemed kind and quaint, though nothing specific. It brings him happiness.
2) Siegfried is able to sleep almost anywhere, and as such typically sleeps in the forest while he's travelling, not worrying too much about finding places to sleep.
3) Siegfried's voice has a bit of a sharp harshness to it. (Think Germanic accent).[/sblock3]
[sblock4=Background - Family/Class/Profession/Institutions]Family: His father is still alive, mother died nearly a decade prior and he never had any siblings (As far as he knows).
Class: High Class
Profession: Adventurer/Vigilante
Institutions: N/a[/sblock4]
[sblock2=Drives - Primary/Secondary/Tertiary]1) His love for his mother. ("She would want me to do this!")
2) His pride in his family. ("I must bring glory to my family name.")
3) His need to get stronger. ("I need more power to bring justice to Tulrisse.")[/sblock2]
[sblock3=Goals - Short-Term/Medium-Term/Long-Term]1) Gain Power (Short-term, get stronger)
2) Find a suitable lady to make his wife for when he returns home. (Medium-term)
3) Make the name Drakonhardt mean something. (Long-term, try to establish his hometown as a real city and expand.)[/sblock3][/sblock]
[sblock=Character Sheet]Siegfried Drakonhardt, level 7
Dragonborn (Reskinned to Human), Blackguard
Dragonborn Subrace: Bozak Draconian
Select option: Dragonborn Fury
Select option: Bozak Instinctive Flight
Select option: Concussive Vengeance
Background: Early Life - Child Prodigy (+2 to Athletics)
Dark Sun Theme: Windlord

Str 21, Con 10, Dex 10, Int 10, Wis 8, Cha 19.

Str 18, Con 10, Dex 10, Int 10, Wis 8, Cha 16.

AC: 24 (26 w/ Shield) Fort: 20 Reflex: 15 Will: 19
HP: 61 Surges: 10 Surge Value: 15

Intimidate +16, Athletics +16, History +10, Endurance +7

Bluff +7, Diplomacy +7, Streetwise +7, Perception +4, Acrobatics +2, Arcana +3, Religion +3, Dungeoneering +2, Heal +2, Insight +2, Nature +2, Stealth +2, Thievery +2

Level 1: Weapon Proficiency (Fullblade)
Level 2: Draconian Wings
Level 4: Armor Proficiency: Full Plate
Level 6: Powerful Charge
Feat User Choice: Two-Handed Weapon Expertise

Blackguard daily 5: Frenzying Smite
Blackguard utility 6: Aspect of Domination

Vanguard Fullblade +2, Savage Full Plate +2, Horned Helm (heroic tier), Bracers of Mighty Striking (heroic tier), Boots of Adept Charging (heroic tier), Badge of the Berserker +1, Belt Pouch (empty) (2), Hempen Rope (50 ft.), Waterskin, Backpack (empty), Trail Rations (10), Horn, Lantern, Flint and Steel, Cloth Armor (Basic Clothing), Heavy Shield, Broadsword, Holy Symbol, Mirror, Ball bearings, Shovel, Bedroll, Fine Clothing, Oil (1 pint) (10), Caltrops, Crowbar, Listening Cone, Torch, Filter mask, and a pouch containing 1pp and 6gp.
[sblock2=Equipped Items]

Code: Select all

Main Hand: Vanguard Fullblade +2 (Two-hand)
Offhand:   ---
Body:      Savage Fullplate +2

Head:      Horned Helm (Heroic Tier)
Neck:      Badge of the Berserker +1
Arms:      Bracers of Mighty Striking (Heroic Tier)
Hands:     ---
Waist:     ---
Feet:      Boots of Adept Charging (Heroic Tier)
Symbol:    ---
Ki Focus:  ---
Ring:      ---
Ring:      ---
Tattoo:    ---

Boon:      ---

[sblock=Combat Block]Siegfried Drakonhardt

Male Dragonborn Blackguard 7
Languages: Common, Tulrissian
Age: 22
Height: 6'7"
Weight: 210 lbs.

Speed: 6 squares, fly 6 squares (alt. limit 2 squares)
Initiative: +3
Passive Perception: 14
Passive Insight: 12
Senses: Normal Vision

AC: 24 (26 w/ Shield)
Fort: 20
Reflex: 15
Will: 19
HP: 61/61
Bloodied: 30
Surge Value: 15
Surges left: 10/10
Action Points: 1

MBA: Vanguard Fullblade - +14 vs AC - 1d12+9 damage,
MBA: Broadsword - +10 vs AC - 1d10+7




Active Effects:


Bull Rush Attack
Grab Attack
Opportunity Attack
Vengeance Strike
Dominator's Strike

Item At-Will

Encounter []
Wind Fury Assault []
Dread Smite []
Vice's Reward []
Shroud of Shadow []
Second Wind []

Item Encounter [_]

Daily []
Concussive Vengeance []
Frenzying Smite []
Servant of Vice []
Aspect of Domination [_]

Item Daily []
Vanguard Fullblade []
Savage Full Plate [_]



[sblock2=Important Features:]Feature:
Race Features: Dagonborn; Bozak Draconian
Dragonborn Fury - When bloodied, gain a +1 racial bonus to attack rolls.
Bozak Instinctive Flight - Gain a flight speed of 6 squares (altitude limit 1). I cannot use this fly speed if I am carrying more than a normal load. Must land at the end of my turn. This replaces Draconic Heritage. (Modified by a feat).
Concussive Vengeance - Gain the Concussive Vengeance daily power.

Feats: Two-Handed Weapon Expertise - Gain +1 to hit with weapon attacks made with a two-handed melee weapon. In addition, gain +1 to damage made with charge attacks using a two-handed weapon. (+2 to both at 11th level, +3 at 21st level.)
Armor Proficiency (Full Plate) - Gain proficiency with Full Plate.
Weapon Proficiency (Fullblade) - Gain proficiency with the Fullblade.
Draconian Wings - Through a rigorous regimen of toughening exercises, I have improved my strength for the purposes of movement. I can ignore the speed penalty for wearing heavy armor, and my altitude limit for my Instinctive Flight increases to 2.
Powerful Charge - Gain +2 to damage and +2 bonus to bull rush attempts when I charge.

Item Feature:
Vanguard Fullblade - Minor Action (Daily) - Use this power when I make a charge attack, all allies within 10 squares gain +1 to attack and a bonus equal to my Charisma bonus (+4) to damage until SONT.
Passive: +1d8 damage on any successful Charge.
Savage Full Plate - Minor Action (Daily) - I shriek and my armor howls with me, pushing all adjacent enemies 1 square.
Passive: +2 to Intimidate Checks.
Horned Helm - Passive: My charge attacks deal +1d6 damage.
Bracers of Mighty Striking - Passive: On MBA hit, gain +2 item bonus to damage roll.
Boots of Adept Charging - After charging, can shift 1 square before turn ends.
Badge of the Berserker - When I charge, movement made as part of the attack doesn't provoke opportunity attacks.
Passive: +1 to Fortitude, Reflex, and Will saves.

[sblock3=Class Powers]Bull Rush Attack - Standard Action - STR vs FORT - Push target one square and then shift 1 square into the space it left.
Grab Attack - STR vs REF - Hit: Grab target until EONT. End grab as a free action. Minor Action on next turn to sustain.
Opportunity Attack - An enemy that you can see either leaves a square adjacent to me or uses a ranged or an area power while adjacent to me, I get to make a MBA against the target.
Vengeance Strike - Standard Action - 14 (STR) vs AC - Melee - One Target - Hit: 1[W] + Strength modifier (+5). I gain a power bonus to the damage roll equal to twice the number of enemies (max of +8) adjacent to me.
Dominator's Strike - Standard Action - 14 (STR) vs AC - Melee - One Target - Hit: 1[W] + Strength modifier (+5). I gain temporary hit points equal to my Charisma modifier (+4).
Wind Fury Assault - Standard Action - 14 (STR) vs AC - Melee - One Target - Effect: Fly up to my speed. At any point during this movement, I can make the following attack. Attack: STR vs AC. Hit: 1[W] + 5 (STR) damage and slide target 1 square.
Dread Smite - Free Action - Personal - Trigger: Target enemy with at-will weapon attack power. Effect: Target takes cold and necrotic damage equal to 4+4 (Charisma Modifier). If the triggering attack hits, target also takes ongoing 5 cold and necrotic damage (save ends). SPECIAL: May use twice per encounter, but only once per turn.
Shroud of Shadow - Minor Action - Gain partial Concealment until EONT. Gain 5 Temporary hit points. Improved Shroud of Shadow: Gain additional temporary hit points equal to 2+4 (Charisma modifier).
Vice's Reward - Minor Action - Gain 5 temporary hit points, and can make a saving throw. In addition, gain +2 power bonus to defenses until EONT.
Second Wind - Standard Action - Spend a healing surge and gain +2 bonus to all defenses until SONT. Windlord Level 5 Feature: Whenever I use my second wind, push each adjacent creature back 1 square.
Concussive Vengeance - Standard Action - Close burst 1 - Each creature in burst area - 2+STR vs Reflex - Hit: Targets take thunder damage equal to bloodied value and fall prone. Miss: Half Damage. Effect: I take damage equal to my bloodied value, and fall prone. This damage cannot be reduced. Special: If this effect is not willingly triggered for the day, this power automatically triggers when I die.
Frenzying Smite - Standard Action - Melee - One Target - Attack: 14 vs AC - Hit: 4[W]+5 (STR modifier) damage, and push target up to 2 squares. Then shift 3 squares to be adjacent to the target. Miss: Half damage. Effect: Grant CA to target until SONT.
Servant of Vice - Minor Action - Close burst 2 - Effect: Conjure a Small servant in an unoccupied square in the burst. This servant last until the end of the encounter. This servant occupies its square and can be attacked. Its defenses equal mine, and it is destroyed if hit by any attack. Creatures other than me grant CA while adjacent to the servant. Servant will listen to the following commands:
Move Action (Teleportation): Teleports up to 6 squares.
Minor Action: The servant attempts to answer a question I pose to it. DM determines the DC, and I roll 1d20+7+3 (Half of level). For every daily magic item power sacrificed by me or an ally within 5 squares of the servant, it gains a +5 bonus to the check. Can take this action a number of times per day equal to my Charisma modifier (+4).
Aspect of Domination - Minor Action - Personal - Effect: Until End of the Encounter, when I hit any enemy with an at-will attack, I also push that target up to a number of squares (+4) equal to my Charisma modifier.[/sblock3][/sblock2][/sblock]

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Omae Wa Mou Shindeiru
Posts: 1911
Registered for: 6 years 6 months

Re: The War of Three Kings OOC

Post by FinalTemplar »

Takehiko Sakurai, the Wandering Blade (#0040FF)

Note: For the image, his clothes are black, and the robes are a darker blue. For travel, he wears a low-hanging straw hat.



Combat Block

Takehiko Sakurai
Male Human Swordmage|Warlock Level 7
Languages: Jarangi, Tulrissian
Age: 28
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 165

Speed: 6
Initiative: 3
Passive Perception: 21
Passive Insight: 15
Senses: Low-light Vision

AC: 24
Fort: 18
Reflex: 19
Will: 17
HP: 62/62
Bloodied: 31
Surge Value: 15
Surges left: 11
Action Points: 1

MBA (Rubicant Blade Longsword +2): +8 vs AC, 1d8+5 Warlock's Curse - 1d6
RBA (unarmed): +2 vs AC, 1d4+1

Resist 10 Force

Vulnerabilities: none


  • +5 Racial bonus against charm effects

Active Effects:

Warlock's Curse
Sword Burst
Eldritch Strike

Second Wind
Guardian's Counter
Aegis of Assault
Blazing Pursuit
Fortune Binding
Evoker's Summoning
Armathor's Step

Blade of Judgment
Tyrannical Threat

Consumables: none

Power Descriptions

At Will Powers:
Warlock Curse - Minor Action - Once per turn, add damage on hit to the target (+1d6).
Sword Burst - Standard Action - Close Burst 1 - INT vs Reflex - +10 to hit | 1d6+4 Force Damage.
Eldritch Strike - Standard Action - One Creature - Constitution vs AC - Hit: 1[W]+Constitution Damage, and slide target 1 square. This ability can be used as an MBA. +14 to hit VS AC, 1d8+10 Damage. 1d8+1d6+10 Damage with Curse.
Encounter Powers:
Guardian's Counter - Immediate Interrupt - Close burst 2 - Trigger: An ally within 2 squares of me is hit by an attack and I am not included in the attack. Effect: The Ally and I shift 2 squares as a free action, swapping positions. I become the target of the triggering attack, in place of the ally. After the attack is resolved, I can make a basic attack against the attacker.
Fey Step - Move Action - Effect: Teleport up to 5 Squares. (Rubicant Blade increases this to 6 squares)
Blazing Pursuit - Standard Action - Int vs AC - 1d8+10 Fire damage.
Ethereal Stride - Move Action - Effect: Teleport 3 squares, gain a +2 bonus to all defenses until EONT. (Rubicant Blade increases the teleport to 4 Squares)
Fortune Binding - Standard Action - Ranged 10 - Con vs Fort - +10 vs Fort | 2d8+4 Psychic damage. I end one "Save End" effect I have and transfer it to the target until EONT.
Armathor's Step - Move Action - Teleport 5 squares. If I end this move adjacent to an enemy, I gain a +2 power bonus to the next attack roll I make against that enemy this turn. (Rubicant Blade increases this to 6 squares)
Evoker's Summoning - Standard Action - Close Burst 3 - (One Enemy in Burst) - Int vs Will - +10 vs Will, 2d6+4 Force damage and teleport the target to a square adjacent to me.
Daily Powers:
Blade of Judgment - Immediate Reaction - Int vs AC - Trigger: An ally within 5 squares of you is hit by an enemy you have marked. Effect: I teleport the target to a square adjacent to me and make the following attack. +13 vs AC, 2d8+10 damage, and the target will take 5 ongoing lightning damage (Save ends).
Tyrannical Threat - Standard Action - Close burst 3 - Con vs Will - +10 vs Will, Hit: 1d10+8 Psychic damage and place my Warlock's Curse on the target. Miss: Deal half damage and place my Warlock's Curse on the target. Effect: Until EOE, whenever a creature cursed by me attacks me, it takes psychic damage equal to my Int mod (+4).
Rubicant Dash - Move Action - I can teleport myself and up to two allies (within 5 squares of me) up to five squares.

Character Sheet

Takehiko Sakurai, level 7
Eladrin, Swordmage|Warlock
Swordmage Aegis (Hybrid): Aegis of Assault
Eldritch Pact (Hybrid): Infernal Pact (Hybrid)
Hybrid Warlock: Hybrid Warlock Will
Eldritch Strike: Eldritch Strike Constitution
Hybrid Talent: Swordmage Warding
Eladrin Subrace: Standard Eladrin Racial Traits
Background: Arcane Sentinel (+2 to Arcana)

Str 8, Con 19, Dex 10, Int 19, Wis 10, Cha 12.

Str 8, Con 18, Dex 10, Int 16, Wis 10, Cha 10.

AC: 17 Fort: 18 Reflex: 18 Will: 18
HP: 62 Surges: 11 Surge Value: 15

Endurance +12, Perception +11, History +14, Arcana +16

Acrobatics +3, Bluff +4, Diplomacy +4, Dungeoneering +3, Heal +3, Insight +5, Intimidate +4, Nature +3, Religion +7, Stealth +3, Streetwise +4, Thievery +3, Athletics +2

Level 1: Eladrin Soldier
Level 2: Eladrin Swordmage Advance
Level 4: Eldritch Blade
Level 6: Hybrid Talent
Feat User Choice: War Wizard's Expertise

Hybrid at-will 1: Sword Burst
Hybrid at-will 1: Eldritch Strike
Hybrid encounter 1: Blazing Pursuit
Hybrid daily 1: Blade of Judgment
Hybrid utility 2: Ethereal Stride
Hybrid encounter 3: Fortune Binding
Hybrid daily 5: Tyrannical Threat
Hybrid utility 6: Armathor's Step
Hybrid encounter 7: Evoker's Summoning

Rubicant Blade Longsword +2, Leather Armor of Escape +2, Iron Armbands of Power (heroic tier), Brooch of Shielding +1, Catstep Boots (heroic tier), Headband of Perception (heroic tier), Adventurer's Kit, Horn

Ten-Minute Background
Personality and Mannerisms

Takehiko is a quiet, soft-spoken man who attempts to treat the people around him with respect. He attempts to hide how he's truly feeling from everyone but is mostly holding out to find someone he feels like he can confide in.

Background and Concept Elements

Early Life - Born to the Jun of Deisan, Hyousuke, and his wife Naoko, most of Takehiko's early life was spent hearing about Akiro and the peoples there. He often expressed a great interest in the people there, being a curious child, wanting to know more about them. His father would try to stifle this and ask Takehiko to focus more on his training than the vagrants across the way. During this time, Takehiko also had to deal with his older brother being the favorite. Daisho got first priority on a lot of things, and Takehiko got shunned.
Later Life - The older Takehiko got, the more invested he became in the struggles of the peoples of Akiro. In private, he would speak up against his father, telling him that what they did was wrong. For this, he would be scolded constantly, though that only drove him to further believe he was right. His brother, too, who once sided with him now talked down to him.
The Wandering Swordsman - Finally having enough of the status quo, being a young man now, Takehiko gathered his things and took to the seas, hiring a sailor to get him anywhere other than home. For several years, Takehiko wandered the land of Tulrisse, not really having a home but being sort of a wandering vigilante, not staying long in any town but while he was there get would stand up for people who needed help. During this time he would become acquainted with the laws and peoples of this land, even coming to understand the language enough to speak with some fluency. During this time, Takehiko would meet Baldewin and decide it was best to stick together in order to achieve their goals.
The Wandering Blade -

  1. Hideki (First Year in Tulrisse (Age: 18-19))

The sun sat high in the sky as Takehiko departed the boat which carried him from his homeland to Tulrisse. He looked around himself and took in the sights and sounds. He once more thanked the captain that helped him sail across the sea as he walked out into Peloth, the furthest north port city past the great swamp.
The robed man, having not much more than his sword strapped to his waist and a small sack of coin on his belt walked into the town and cautiously walked around, barely knowing a word of Tulrissian but hoping to find a tavern or someone there who knew his language. Eventually, he got his wish, finding another from Ghia who helped lead him around the town. The two spoke with some trouble, due to Hideki being from Amkhara rather than Ya Jarang, but both were able to piece together what the other was saying.

“I’m curious, Takehiko, what brings you to Tulrisse? It’s not like it’s every day that one of us makes the trip from Ghia. Surely it’s not just to see the sights? Tulrisse is a land of turmoil and war. Not that there isn’t beauty, too, but there is much conflict.” Hideki said, looking briefly towards Takehiko as they walked.

“I’m here to find work and a place to settle, maybe. Though if that’s true, and there’s as much conflict as it seems, perhaps there will be an excess of work for a swordsman of my prowess.” Takehiko said as he looked around. “I ask for much, Hideki, but I pray you will give me a roof over my head and the ability to learn the local language, nothing more.” He continued.

Hideki seemed to consider this carefully, continuing to walk through the town with Takehiko. “I would not do this for just anyone, Takehiko. I will expect much in return, help around the house. To come with me when I hunt for food and to protect me and my family for the time you spend here.” He said, sighing. “If this you will do then I will teach you, this I promise.”

Takehiko nodded. “I promise, then, too. For as long as I am under your roof, my will and my sword are yours to use for protection.” He responded.

Time passes as Hideki slowly leads Takehiko out of the town to his small humble abode. Hideki’s family numbered five, including himself. Hideki and his wife Vereena bore three children; Erik, Aiko, and Tyrel, all three under the age of 13. Vereena was of Tulrisse herself before becoming married to Hideki, whose family came from Amkhara but only a couple of generations prior.

The first year of Takehiko’s stay in Tulrisse was spent with Hideki and his family just a little way outside Peloth. He helped with nearly anything that was asked of him. With Hideki’s permission, Takehiko even helped train the kids in swordsmanship and the history of Amkhara and Ya Jarang, with the help of Hideki to piece together parts he didn’t know from Amkhara’s side. True to his word, Hideki taught Takehiko how to speak Tulrissian and gave him a place to stay, and always made sure that he got to eat, too, since he helped get the raw meats for dinner. Hideki seemed to be rather smart, avoiding trouble where he could, and for a time Takehiko had thought he may not need to use his sword. This would end during the winter, when a man came to the home of Hideki, slamming his fist on the door early in the morning.
A rather short discussion would occur between the two, with the man outside gesturing to something or someone Takehiko couldn’t see, and Hideki seemed to be afraid. From a distance, Takehiko only caught brief words but figured it out to be some kind of debt collector. Hideki owed money, and couldn’t pay. Normally, Takehiko wouldn’t get involved in such things, it’s not his business, but if not for Hideki he would be on the street, possibly dead or worse by now. Slowly, Takehiko would rise from the table where Hideki’s family sat.

“Hide.” He said quickly to his family, not wanting them to see what he was sure would lead to violence, though he hoped would not. He would watch them run off as he grabbed his sheathed sword, approaching the door.

The man at the door glanced behind Hideki at the approaching swordsman, laughing. “You’ve got a friend, Hideki? And why have we not been introduced?” He smiled. “My name’s Adin. Have you got a name?”
“Takehiko.” He says, standing behind Hideki’s shoulder. “I’m gonna have to ask you to back away now.” He continues, seeing now that Adin has four thugs standing with him. Adin would laugh again at this.
“Sure, Takehiko, and how are you going to stop me?” he retorted, suddenly punching Hideki hard in the chest. “What will you do?”

Takehiko would emit a low grunt, firmly placing a hand on Hideki’s shoulder, guiding him back while moving forward, leading with his still-sheathed sword. “You can still walk away. I will not warn you again.” He says, giving a curt bow before placing a hand on the hilt of his sword.

The next few moments happened as but flashes before Hideki’s eye. Adin would begin a swing and would barely have time to bring his sword down before Takehiko could draw his sword and block the strike, parrying it aside and giving a quick return slash across his chest. Rather handily he would push Adin back, and anyone who could see would know that for every swing he was moving his blade in such a way it would never have hit, but still was chaotic and frightening in the melee. For someone such as Adin, who was used to bullying commoners with little in the way of fighting talent, he wasn’t used to someone who knew what they were doing with the blade and found himself being pushed back out to the road, slipping on a slight patch of ice and falling backward away from Takehiko.

The swordsman now stood in the middle of the five of them, looking down at Adin and barely paying heed to his four cronies. “You will leave, now, and not come back. You’d do well to listen to this.” He said and sheaths his sword, watching the blood begin oozing out of the slash he made in Adin’s leather armor. At this there was a moment of silence, Adin gathered his crew and sprinted off down the road, back toward Peloth.

Takehiko watches the five men leave before returning to Hideki. He walked back toward the house, his normally stoic look degrading to a look of remorse. “I didn’t want to draw my blade. I’m no murderer.” He sighed slowly and glanced back towards Peloth. “Things will not get easier for you with me here. Hopefully, they won’t come back for you, out of fear of me, but word of me will spread. I must leave.” He said.

There was no knowing if this was true, but Takehiko believed it firmly. No matter how much he enjoyed Hideki’s hospitality, he didn’t want to take a chance at risking his and his family’s lives with his continued existence there. Before the day’s end, Takehiko was on the road, gathering his few belongings, with some food and water that his family could afford to spare him.

  1. Meeting Baldewin (10 Years in Tulrisse (Age: 28)

Takehiko wandered into the town of Greywood once more, finding his way back to the tavern. It had been months since he last stayed here, but decided he would do so again while he searched for work. The hour was late, and the tavern was bright and full with life as Takehiko ate and drank. He enjoyed the warmth of the tavern but knew that his appearance would draw the eyes of many --- People looking for hired swords, people looking to prove themselves, and even more people who thought they could use him.

He found himself sitting alone that night. A few people approached him looking to hire, and he strongly considered it all but found his attention held by few. Now only one sat across from him. “Baldewin, you say?” Takehiko asked. “And what did you need me for?” He pressed further, honestly focusing more on his food than on the man who sat down across from him.

“I’m looking for someone. Here isn’t the place to talk names, that’s all you need to know right now. Traveling these parts isn't safe, we both know that. That’s why you ply your trade, right?” Baldewin replied with a grin. “That's all I ask. You will be compensated for your trouble, of course. Feel free to check with the other patrons to see if they have anything better to offer you.” Baldewin's eyes point out a few men that have been eyeing Takehiko tonight. The patrons divert their eyes when they realize they're being watched too.

He takes a deep breath, continuing to eat before looking out at the crowd of people. “Hm. I suppose you’re right.” Takehiko said. He watched as a few men entered the tavern. From the back corner he couldn’t quite make out their faces, or much of what they were wearing, but he merely shrugged and looked back at Baldewin. “I will travel with you for a while, maybe our goals can intertwine for a time.” He said. “That’s all I ask in return.”

The pair would sit and mull it over with a drink before eventually the group of men Takehiko saw from before approached the table. The one seeming to be the leader slammed his fist on the table. “Swordsman, you’ll be coming with me.” He said, looking down at him. “I hear you’re the best swordsman in all the land, and I can’t be having that. I challenge you to a fight.” He concluded, standing up straight again.

Takehiko sighed. In the nine years he’s been in Tulrisse, it never changes. Adin, Gregory, Naia, Deveril, all names put to faces that have blurred together over the years. “I’m not the best swordsman in all of Tulrisse, let alone all the land. Your opinion of me is much higher than it needs to be, I just want to drink.” Takehiko replied, attempting to take another sip, but barely managed to get it to his lips before the man handily smacked the cup away.
“My name is Alexander, and I challenge you!” The man shouted. A few of the nearby tavern patrons turn now, looking at the man calling himself Alexander.
He sighs and looks up finally. “I’m not again drawing my sword on another man unless I intend to kill him.” He relaxes in his seat, looking across the table at Baldewin who casually leans back in his chair. “Beat me, strike me, bring me to my knees even, you will get your wish.”

And so the man would start, swing after swing Alexander would find his blows connecting with Takehiko’s body, bruising and battering him. After some time Alexander would stop, standing up again and shaking his hands. “That’s that, then. So much for being the wandering swordsman, can’t even hold a blade to save his life!” He laughs, turning to his friends. “What a pathetic excuse for a man.” He says.

For a moment Takehiko merely laid there, feeling his strength slowly return. A surge of vitality rushes through him and he gets up to his feet. “I suppose it’s time, Baldewin.” He says, standing slowly but leaving his sword where it had sat.

“Bar fight!” Rang out from another patron, a dwarf could be seen hopping up on a table and downing his drink before hurling his cup at another patron. It wouldn’t take long before another, and another stood. Drunken bar patrons needed little of an excuse to start punching one another, and it wouldn’t be long before the entire bar erupted in chaos.

Alexander and Takehiko would then fight, and Baldewin would sneak away in the ensuing chaos, likely assuming that the wandering swordsman could hold his own if the rumors held true. In another corner of the bar, a fire began to spread, slowly engulfing the building. Takehiko chose not to draw his sword even though he knew he would eventually lose. Blow after blow, Alexander would push back Takehiko bit by bit, and he knew he’d have to do something. There was an explosion as the fire eventually hit the bar, exploding the alcohol that had been behind it. The further eruption of flames surprised the two of them, Takehiko knew how to take advantage of it, however, and took him to the ground.

“No more.” Takehiko would say. “It is done.” He finishes and looks around, the fire taking shape and continuing to engulf the tavern as patrons begin to rush out. “It is your choice if you choose to live on.” He grabs his things but finds himself dragging Alexander out to the street anyways and tosses him to safety before taking his leave. It was a few hours before he saw Baldewin again. “That fire. It wasn’t you, was it?” He asked the sorcerer.

Baldewin shrugged, unfazed by the events. Huh, look at this, some of those stories might hold true after all. He thought. “Too tasteless, my friend. There are better ways of getting desired results.” He said slowly. Only a few more words were spoken between them before Takehiko took to the road again, this time with Baldewin.

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  1. Menora (5 years in Tulrisse (24~ years old)

The sun was barely peeking up over the horizon as Takehiko walked up the road towards Menora, looking up at the gate and the tower itself. “This must be it, I guess.” He continued up the road, waving at the guard. “Good day,” He pauses before heading in. “I’ll be looking for the academy, do you know the way?” He asked the guard, feeling stupid. Of course, the guard knew.

The guard nodded, explaining the route he’d have to take. Takehiko thanks the guard and enters Menora proper. He looks around and takes in the sights and smells of the city. He was filled with an intense nervousness, deciding to take a stop to eat.

He let some time pass, trying to build up the courage to approach the academy. I don’t know why I’m so hesitant… he thinks to himself. I know they’ll find me at least interesting. Eventually, as the sun was high in the sky he finally made his way there. He approaches the large domed building connected to the tower and enters

He gives a rather formal and polite bow. “Takehiko Sakurai. I hail from the land of Ya-Jarang, my training is incomplete, and I come here to learn more. I wish to finish my training.” He stood slowly, looking at the person behind the desk.

The woman shook her head quickly as if coming out of a daze and trying to focus. “Yes, Takehiko Sakurai… You’re not currently enrolled here. There will be costs and such, and there will be papers to sign.” She gathered some forms. “You likely won’t be able to start today, but the sooner things are put in place, the sooner we can get you started.” She offers a warm smile, passing him a quill, some ink, and the papers. “There’s nothing too intrusive on there, just put down your name, where you’re from. Date of birth. That’s it.” She went back to her work, letting Takehiko get to signing the forms.

A few minutes pass in silence as Takehiko gets to work, putting down his information. “Alright, that’s it.” He said, handing the papers back. “What else is needed from me?” He asks, looking back at the woman behind the desk.

“Not a thing!” She smiled. “I’d make sure you have some money on hand, enrollment here is quite expensive. You might want to stick nearby Menora as well, it can be hard to attend classes regularly if you’re not here.”

With that, Takehiko takes his leave once more. He put himself to work, then, thinking about what jobs he could take on in the city. Eventually, he would find an office where he could fill out paperwork, taking an extended break from adventuring. Weeks pass with nothing of note happening, putting aside money to save up for classes.

He had been in the city for three months now, keeping his nose down and focusing on work. But he now approached the academy once more and paid for a week’s worth of beginner classes, knowing it had been long enough since his last classes he’d need to start again. Magical theory, magical history, even a bit of practical magic. He hungrily took in any knowledge he could, and though he never really enjoyed being at school, he took to his studies as best he could. During his studies, he met another female student there, Andrea, who he appreciated the company of.

They would often study together, which made the time pass quickly for him. One afternoon, wanting to show off for her, he asked to show her some of the magic he learned from home. When he was younger, he had done this dozens of times, but it had been ages since he had needed to use his magic practically.

“Really, it’s not hard,” He said, stretching and smirking at her. “But it’s well past what other new students are capable of, surely.” He took a stance and suddenly vanished. He disappeared for a few moments, before reappearing a short distance away, accidentally in the way of another student who was trying to walk by, causing them both to be knocked to the ground.

“Ow… what did you have to do that for?” the student said, wincing and rubbing his elbow which had smacked the ground. “Gods, you’ll make me late.” He said, standing and gathering his things, not letting Takehiko even respond.

Andrea laughed openly, watching the man walk away. “Surely, Takehiko, that’s not what you meant to do?” She laughed again. “I suppose you were right, in a way.”

This caused Takehiko to frown, standing slowly. He didn’t like to make a fool of himself. That can’t happen again… He thinks. “I just… We should get back to our homework, I guess.” He sat back down with her.

“Are you going to sign up for the tournament?” She asked. “The melee, this weekend. A bunch of knights is going to be there, it might be your chance to get noticed. If you think you’re as good as you say you are, at least.”

Truthfully, this had been the first he had heard of it. He considered the thought and shrugged. “Perhaps. It might be fun to test my mettle against other people of my skill.”

Later that evening he seeks out one of his instructors, an elf named Anlyth Torvaris.

“Sir, you’ve taken the most interest in my skills. Do you think I should join the melee this weekend? Is that even a smart idea, I suppose is the better question.” He asked, looking at his teacher. Torvaris would think about it for a while, reading over some of the homework he had been marking.

“I think it might be good for you to test your skills. If I were you, I would. Maybe you’ll be surprised at what you’re capable of.” He said in response. He shrugged and looked up at Takehiko. “Do you think you’re ready?” Takehiko wouldn’t respond right away. He didn’t know if he was ready, he didn’t like to think too highly of himself. Maybe this is what he needed.

“Yes, I am.” He nodded. “I’m going to sign up, and I’m going to give it my all.”

That weekend came quicker than he thought, Takehiko waited in the preparation area with other contestants, and he found himself meditating. Another of the contestants, someone who held himself like someone of nobility, though he seemed like no one special, approached Takehiko.

“I hear you’re my opponent. It’s a pleasure to meet you,” he said, holding out a hand. “My name’s Falric.” Takehiko would look up at his face, then down at his hand before grasping it firmly, and shaking it.

“Takehiko, a pleasure.” He said, standing slowly. “Is this your first time? I can’t say I’ve been in many tournaments.” He looked out at the rest of the crowd for a moment.

“No, I’ve been in my fair share,” Falric said. “It's been a long time since my last loss, too. Not to sour the night, but I can’t imagine you get to win.” Falric smiles. “But, fair is fair. I guess it could go either way.”

“I suppose I’ll see you in the ring then, Falric.”
“I suppose you will.” Falric says with a smile and a nod.

Takehiko waits in anticipation as the next few rounds go by until he and Falric are called out to the arena. He stands across from Falric, trying not to let the people cheering and booing in the stands bother him, but it did distract him a little bit. He then bows politely, as he always does.

The fight starts and they charge at each other, Takehiko tries and fails to get the upper hand using his magic, teleporting around Falric. Falric seems unfazed by this, however, and stands his ground. Their swords clashed for a time, brief exchanges being numbered by (to the untrained eye) countless sword swings. After each exchange, they would disengage, Falric was seemingly much less exhausted than Takehiko, who was having to expend most of his energy to keep up.

“Give up, Takehiko. You’re done.” He says, cockily. This infuriates Takehiko, causing him to jump back in, but he misjudges his swings just slightly, giving Falric the window he needed to gain the upper hand. At the end of this flurry of swings, Takehiko was sent flying back, wounded and bleeding from his chest, similar to how he had left Adin so long ago.

Finally, after a fight that felt like an eternity but was barely a minute, Takehiko conceded, giving the win to Falric.

Takehiko would retire to a medic to get himself bandaged up, mentally preparing himself for his next day of work.

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1) Takehiko wants to bring peace to Tulrisse.
2) I want Takehiko to come to peace with his family and make a family of his own.


1) He doesn't want people to know about where he comes from.
2) Daisho is on a quest to find Takehiko, to either bring him home or kill him if he refuses.

People Tied to Character

1) Hyousuke - Male, Human - Father, Jun of Deisan
2) Naoko - Female, Human - Mother
3) Daichi - Male, Human - Older Brother, next in line for the Jun
4) Hideki - Male, Human - A friend of Takehiko's, and the one who taught him Tulrissian during his first year in the country. His family comes from Amkhara.
5) Vereena - Female, Elf - Hideki's wife and native to Tulrisse.
6) Erik - Male, Half-Elf - Erik is the oldest son of Hideki and Vereena. He showed a particular affinity for swordplay during Takehiko's lessons. Takehiko hasn't seen him for nearly a decade.
7) Aiko - Female, Half-Elf - Aiko is the only daughter of Hideki and Vereena. She seemed particularly interested in the history between Amkhara and Ya-Jarang, but otherwise came off as pretty normal.
8) Tyrel - Male, Half-Elf - Tyrel was the youngest child of Hideki and Vereena. He was only 9 or so when Takehiko met him, and while he wasn't very good at swordplay he seemed very enthusiastic about learning.
9) Adin - Male, Human - Payment collector and local bully in Peloth. Often would go around to people who owed money looking to collect. He survived his encounter with Takehiko.
11) Alexander - Male, Elf - One of the many people who challenged Takehiko to a fight. Would have won if not for the tavern they had been in going up in flames. Takehiko saved him from the burning tavern, barely getting out by the skin of his teeth.
12) Andrea - Female, Human - Takehiko met Andrea during his time at Menora. Another student of the academy who he grew to have feelings for. He never told her this.
13) Anlyth Torvaris - Male, Elf - One of Takehiko's teachers at Menora who took interest in his abilities. Used him as a physical representation of the teachings in Ghia, and how they teach magic.
14) Ser Falric - Male, Human - The knight that beat Takehiko in a duel during his stay in Menora. He held no ill will towards Takehiko and even helped him to the medic after their fight, but is incredibly cocky about his prowess with the sword.
15) Baldewin - Takehiko met Baldewin at the Shady Rest inn, in the town of Greywood. Takehiko traveled with Baldewin after learning that he was looking for Wes Tarkin, who he knew from before he went to Menora.
16) Wes Tarkin - During Takehiko's travels, he was ambushed near Menora by a group of bandits. Thankfully, he was saved by a group of Arcane Knights, and Wes was among them. After learning where they had come from, and what they were, he went to Menora post-haste hoping to become a member of the Arc Knights, thinking that becoming one would be his best bet to protect the people of Tulrisse.

Memories, Mannerisms, and Quirks

1) Memory - Losing to his older brother while sparring.
2) Mannerism - Takehiko bows politely before every interaction, whether it is social interaction or combat. He will never, however, commit to a full formal bow for anyone he does not respect.
3) Quirk - Takehiko is stoic and appears to lack emotion, but will lay down his life for people he considers his friends.

Background - Family/Class/Profession/Institutions

1) Family - As far as Takehiko knows, his family is alive and well. He hasn't seen any of them however in several years and tries not to hear about news from back home. The thought of how the Ya-Jarang treats the Akiran people angers him still.
2) Class - He comes from what some would consider royalty, though he has chosen to abandon the life of royalty. However, a lot of the formalities he learned being the son of a Jun have stayed ingrained in him.
3) Profession - Takehiko considers himself a wandering vigilante, not really working anywhere but accepting payment graciously from those who offer it. He will accept payment to protect people/caravans/etc. temporarily.
4) Institution - An ex-Student of the Lions.

Drives - Primary/Secondary/Tertiary

1) Primary - Takehiko's primary motivation is to protect people.
2) Secondary - Takehiko strives to maintain his spiritual connection to Ghia, even though he abandoned his family. Often during periods of rest, he will meditate and try to connect with the Lion of Ghia.
3) Tertiary - Though he tries to hide it, Takehiko wants to make friends that he can travel with who have similar ideals and goals to him.

Last edited by FinalTemplar on Sun Mar 21, 2021 11:28 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: The War of Three Kings OOC

Post by BartNL »

Baldewin "Phoenix" Brandt, Rogue Pyromancer (#FFFF00)


Ten-Minute Background
Background and Concept Elements

Appearance: Baldewin is a handsome man in his early 30's. He's well dressed, especially for his current disposition.

Personality: Baldewin is a charming, well-spoken man. He thinks before he speaks, and tries to be the voice of reason when there's a need for one. It's as grandfather used to say: Fire needs control, or fire will burn you down.

Birth: As the eldest son of Conrad of the (in)famous Brandt family of pyromancers, Baldewin has a lot of weight on his shoulders. Baldewin's childhood was happy, although there was little time for play as he spend most of his time studying. Baldewin has two younger sisters.

Early Life: Baldewin's early life consisted mostly of studying the magic his family was known for. He spend his few off hours with his younger cousins who were also his fellow students. As a young teen his world changed drastically as his grandfather 'The Burning Baron' Dietrich Brandt of Pyre keep was executed for endangering the king. In a show of his mighty skills Dietrich, who was serving as a wizard member of the court at the time, set another member of the royal court on fire by accident. His family was heavily fined for the supposed misdeed of his grandfather, and they lost most of the wealth they had build up over the centuries and their lands, including the mighty keep in the Valley of the Twins that was their home.

Later Life: After the tragic loss of his grandfather and home his family moved the the far north of Gahlfas Isle where they build a large mansion near a small fishing village. Moving and building a new home there, also meant Baldewin couldn't study in Menora like most of his family before him. His father and uncles have been plotting their revenge since. Baldewin and his cousins training has expanded from wizardry into diplomacy, subterfuge and espionage since they were forced to move.

Recent times: Baldewin spend the last few years travelling between the Forelle islands, working to establish trade relations on behalf of his father. Four years ago, Baldewin was married to Larissa Tarkin a noblewoman from Menora. Altough Baldewin has married down, he is happy with how things turned out as there is no person in the world he loves as much as his wife and child.


1) Gather intelligence in the continent. Information is power, but in these hostile lands reliable contacts are hard to find. Wes Tarkin recently went missing, and Baldewin was tasked to find him. This task has the highest priority.

2) Create mayhem in Tulrisse. In order to exhaust the forces of the pretenders; the less means each side has the more valuable the Brandt's can be once they declare for a side.


1) Baldewin pretends he has gone rogue and chosen an adventurers life. Currently he goes by the moniker "Phoenix" or just Baldewin. He tells people he travelled to Tulrisse for adventure and to make a difference for the good. In truth, he maintains close contact with his father, whose orders he follows to the letter.

2) Baldewin has a pregnant wife, and an infant son. For their own safety he can't let anyone know about them.

People Tied to Baldewin

Conrad Brandt: Baldewin's father and current patriarch. Conrad is a talented pyromancer like his father before him, he is currenly the strongest member of the family although his youngest brother is very close in skill. Conrad had always been a stern man, which was important as he was the defacto ruler of their lands since a young age with his father Dietrich working at the royal court. He maintains a tight control over his family, especially since the families exile. Baldewin's mother Sophia and Conrad's wife died young in the childbirth of her youngest daughter. After Sophia's death, he has never been the same and he's since felt without purpose in life. That was until his father was murdered on the kings orders.
Conrad has spend the last 20 years planning his vengeance and return to prominence. The death of the king has not quenched his thirst for vengeance though.

Otto Brandt: Otto is a true family-man but his lack off magical skills make him somewhat of a black sheep. Fiercely loyal to Conrad and the family, the able-bodied Otto has proven how valuable he is to have around time and time again. Baldewin has a good relation with Otto, and as a kid he'd spend a lot of time with him, as his strict father was usually working. Otto would always find the time to listen to Baldewin.
Otto has four kids, three sons and a daughter.

Dietrich Brandt jr.: Baldewin's youngest uncle. After Dietrich sr.'s death, Dietrich jr. officially became the families teacher, and as such he became a mentor to Baldewin. Currently Dietrich jr. is a talented mage working under a false name for Lord Harlaw of Virem who has declared for King Marsten Torinn II.
Dietrich has two teen daughters.

Larissa Tarkin: Baldewin's loving wife and eldest sister of Wes. She was the second child and first daughter of House Tarkin, unlanded nobles in Menora. Since youth, she had an affinity for magic, but she neglected her studies at the Tower and instead preferred to let her abilities grow organically. Less powerful and refined than her siblings, but still competent. She prefers to use her skills for ease and quality of life rather than for combat. Somewhat of a pacifist. Love of pastries. She'd briefly opened a bakery in her early adulthood, but it mysteriously burned down. Incredibly family-oriented, humble, and resilient. Baldewin dotes on Larissa, and she makes him the happiest man in the world. Baldewin was very upset he had to leave his wife. But accomplishing his father's lifework is worth it.

Christopher Brandt. Baldewin's infant son. Baldewin loves his son very much.

Hilde Brandt: Otto's oldest child. Otto dotes on his only daughter even now as she has grown up and married to a mage from Ghia. Closest in age to Baldewin, he was very close to her when they were kids. Hilde always was a good student and has currently taken up teaching Dietrichs daughters in the art pyromancy.

Gunther Brandt: Otto's eldest son and Baldewin's closest friend. Gunther is currently working with a neighbouring village in order to strengthen relations. Gunther's been teaching the children Tulrissian and he is mentoring a gifted child in the arts of wizardry.

Johannes and Jacob Brandt: Otto's identical twin sons and youngest children. Always a mischievous pair, Johannes and Jacob are working as spies in Kingsport. They hide the fact there are in fact two of them. They aren't fully schooled pyromancers yet, but they've become very skilled in spells that aid them in subterfuge. Recently they've been using the alias Lukas.

Helena Brandt: Baldewin's oldest sister. A fiery young woman and 'matriarch'. She is married to a local chiefs son and works hard to maintain a good relation with the people of Gahlfas. Helena is perhaps the only member of the family with the proverbial balls to go against her father. Conrad is very proud of that, although he keeps those feelings hidden.

Christina Brandt: Baldewin's youngest sister. A kind girl in her early twenties. Christina is kindhearted, and she makes sure to take care of her father when he loses himself in his schemes. Christina and Baldewin are close.

Memories, Mannerisms, and Quirks

1) Baldewin clearly remembers the few times he visited his grandfather at the royal court as a child. He has fond memories of spending time with his grandfather, and of the banquets o the banquets.

2) Baldewin also remembers his father summoning him and his uncles, to tell them of his grandfathers fate. Baldewin can remember his father's words verbatim to this day. We are not extinguished yet. They've may have tried to douse us, but a single spark can set the world ablaze.

3) As a rule Baldewin makes sure to look his best. Looking the part was important as the Baron's grandson. Baldewin has doubled down on this to maintain appearances, if only for his family and the occasional trader. He get's uneasy when dirty as a result of this strict self-imposed way of life.

4) Baldewin is great with kids and loves to entertain them with magic tricks.

Background - Family/Class/Profession/Institutions

Family: The Brandt family is a minor noble family from Tulrisse.
Class: Minor Tulrissian nobility, recently unlanded and relocated to Gahlfas.
Profession: Pyromancer, undercover agent.
Institutions: Brandt family.

Drives - Primary/Secondary/Tertiary

Primary: Create a better world for his wife and kids. He wants them to have what he had as a child, and his fathers schemes while risky could get his family back to prominence.

Secondary: Vengeance. Baldewin is less extreme than his father, but Baldewin also wants the royal family to pay for what they've done.

Tertiary: Make friends. Friends and relations gained through war can last for generations.

Goals - Short-Term/Medium-Term/Long-Term

Short-Term: Find out what happened to Wes.
Medium-Term: Install a worthy king, who is willing to reward the Brandt family.
Long-Term: Return to prominence.

Party members

Takehiko Sakurai: Baldewin joined Takehiko after a chance encounter in a destroyed inn. Takehiko is a loyal companion, always ready to help those in need. Why he chooses to spend his days in a land far away from home without eye for material gain amazes Baldwin.
Brannik: Brannik is an old acquaintance of Conrad from his time as a student in Menora.
Wes Tarkin: Wes Tarkin is Baldewin's brother in law. Recently Wes went missing after the Battle of Parth. As Baldewin was on a mission near that area, he was tasked with finding Wes and reporting his fate to his family. Baldewin doesn't know Wes well personally, but Larissa has shared a lot of stories about him. Baldewin worries greatly about the safety of his brother in law, knowing that it would break Larissa's heart if anything bad happened to Wes.

Character Sheet

====== Created Using Wizards of the Coast D&D Character Builder ======
Baldewin Brandt, level 7
Human, Artificer|Wizard
Hybrid Artificer: Hybrid Artificer Will
Human Power Selection: Heroic Effort
Background: Penitent (+2 to Thievery)
Theme: Infernal Prince

Str 8, Con 14, Dex 13, Int 21, Wis 13, Cha 10.

Str 8, Con 13, Dex 13, Int 18, Wis 13, Cha 10.

AC: 20 Fort: 18 Reflex: 21 Will: 19
HP: 49 Surges: 8 Surge Value: 12

Arcana +15, Stealth +11, Thievery +13, History +15, Diplomacy +12, Bluff +12

Acrobatics +6, Dungeoneering +6, Endurance +7, Heal +6, Insight +6, Intimidate +5, Nature +6, Perception +6, Religion +10, Streetwise +5, Athletics +4

Human: Blade Initiate
Level 1: Superior Implement Training (Incendiary dagger)
Level 2: Enlarge Spell
Level 4: Arcane Trapsmith
Level 6: Improved Initiative
Feat User Choice: War Wizard's Expertise

Hybrid at-will 1: Magic Weapon
Hybrid at-will 1: Freezing Burst
Hybrid encounter 1: Skewering Spikes
Hybrid daily 1: Punishing Eye
Hybrid utility 2: Swift Mender
Hybrid encounter 3: Shocking Feedback
Hybrid daily 5: Fireball
Hybrid utility 6: Shield
Hybrid encounter 7: Fire Burst

Footpads, Flaming Incendiary dagger +1, Incendiary dagger of Long Range +2, Summoned Cloth Armor (Basic Clothing) +2, Choker of Eloquence +2, Ioun's Revelation (level 3), Backpack (empty), Bedroll, Disguise, Disguise Kit, Fine Clothing, Mirror, Thieves' Tools

====== Copy to Clipboard and Press the Import Button on the Summary Tab ======

Combat Block

Baldewin Brandt

Male Human Hybrid Artificer/Wizard level 7
Languages: Tulrissian, Imardanian
Age: 32
Height: 6"1
Weight: 160 lbs.

Speed: 6
Initiative: +8
Passive Perception: 16
Passive Insight: 16
Senses: Normal Vision

AC: 20
Fort: 18
Reflex: 21
Will: 19
HP: 49/49
Bloodied: 24
Surge Value: 12
Surges left: 8/8
Action Points: 1

MBA: +8 vs AC, 1d4+2 damage
RBA: +10 vs AC, 1d4+3 damage


Active Effects:


Magic weapon (artificer at-will)
Freezing Burst
Light (cantrip)
Mage Hand

Item At-Will
Summoned Cloth Armor +2
Flaming Incendiary Dagger +1

Encounter []
Whispering Wind []
Chameleon Mask []
Heroic Effort []
Hellfire Heart []
Healing Infusion []
Skewering Spikes []
Swift Mender []
Shocking Feedback []
Shield []
Fire Burst []
Second Wind []
Action Point []

Item Encounter []

Daily []
Punishing Eye []
Fire Ball []
Blade Initiate daily effect []

Item Daily []
Flaming Incendiary Dagger +1 []
Ioun's Revelation []
Choker of Eloquence []


Important Features:

Infernal Prince level 5: Once per encounter, when you roll a 5 or lower on a Bluff check or a Diplomacy check made against a humanoid of the natural origin, you can reroll the check. You must use the second result.

Enlarge Spell: Before using a wizard at-will or encounter attack power, you can choose to take a -2 penalty to each die of damage rolled with the power to increase the size of its blast or its burst by 1. You can’t use this feat on a power that doesn’t roll dice for damage.
Arcane Trapsmith: You can use your Intelligence modifier instead of your Dexterity modifier when making Thievery checks to disable traps or open locks. You gain a +4 feat bonus to Arcana checks related to traps or hazards.
War Wizard's Expertise:You gain a +1 feat bonus to the attack rolls of arcane powers and basic attacks that you make with a light blade or a heavy blade. This bonus increases to +2 at 11th level and +3 at 21st level.
Also, when you use an arcane attack power with a light blade or a heavy blade, your attack rolls take a –5 penalty against your allies.

Incendiary Dagger of Long Range +2: Do not take a penalty to attack rolls with long range attacks.
Footpads: +1 bonus to stealth checks to move quietly

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