A Tale of Two Orphans — IC

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A Tale of Two Orphans — IC

Post by Fialova »

The wind blows softly through the air, a nice cool breeze on a nice warm day. The sun shines brightly and there is nary a cloud in the sky - all in all, it is a good day. At least it would be, had the invasion not happened.

The town of Greywood bustles with activity, a busy place of late. This humble logging town, normally peaceful and quiet, now finds itself filled to the brim with refugees and the injured. Homes and inns have been filled for over a week now, and yet more people still come, with no place else to go - this is the nearest place to retreat, and just making it this far with nothing is hard enough. The streets are no longer quiet, instead the wails and moans of wounded soldiers and civilians fill the air, children cry for food, and there is just so much shouting. Orders, conversations, trade deals - the only way to converse at all from a distance is to shout now.

The roads are crowded with serfs and the homeless, some of them always this way and some recently so. Many a noble has been reduced to nothing by the invasion. However, through the crowd marches a young nobleman clearly still with his lot in life intact. He walks with purpose to a position as close to central as he can find between the huddled masses. Behind him he is accompanied by armed guards, so he must be important. He finally reaches the spot he was headed for and, after his guards move some of the huddle masses aside, he steps up on a crate and begins to speak.
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Re: Tulrissian Unification IC

Post by Namelessjake »

“People of Greywood!” Drake belowed to the villagers and refugees wandering past him. No one seemed to notice so he cleared his throat and tried again still with no response. He nodded to one of his men who had come with him to deliver the speech and the soldier raised a horn to his lips sounding it once, long and hard. The warhorn’s cry seemed to make everyone in the square stop it their tracks, turning to see what the commotion was all about. Having gained their attention, Drake cleared his throat once more and began his carefully prepared speech.

“People of Greywood! I am Drake Aerden the Lord of Spearpoint. Right now the Tulrissian lands, from which many of you hail, are being ravaged by an empire that has decided to take what it wants from us. These Imardanian Dogs want to take our land from us, our homes, and bend us to their will. Many of your countrymen have already laid down their lives in defense of our homeland, serf and nobleman alike. My own Father rode from our lands to repel these foreign invaders, he will not return, but I will not let his sacrifice be in vain, nor that of any of the men that rode with him or with other lords to their deaths against our foe. Tulrisse has always been a divided land, but it is time for us to put our petty differences against, forget old bloodfeuds and rivalries. The Imardin Empire threatens the very way of our existence and we need to show them that while we may not be a united nation, we are still united, united as a people, in blood, in steel, in fire. We will drive them back into the sea. We will smash their armies on the very plains they seek to claim as their own. Me and my men ride to join or countrymen along the coast. Who among you will join us? Who among you values our way of life? We leave at dawn tomorrow and I hope, for the sake of our land and families, that some of you will be beside us.”
Drake paused triumphantly, proud of his speech and realising he had barely stopped for air through out it. His pride began to falter some what as the crowd, which had gathered, seemed to barely respond, some of the people already dispersing and going back to their business.

“Umm... Take your time to decide obviously. We leave at dawn.” He reiterated, somewhat disheartened. Lingering a moment longer on the crate, hoping for some one to come forward.
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Re: Tulrissian Unification IC

Post by ratwizard »

Valcus Torinn had arrived in Greywood three days prior, after the fall of Castle Halstos and Twinriver Village. During the invasion of the keep, he had sustained a few moderate injuries, which seemed to have gotten worse since he was forced to retreat to safer territories. Just outside Red Bridge, his horse eventually succumbed to an arrow wound that it had received fleeing from the castle, and Valc was forced to move forward on foot, snagging a ride on a couple of traveling merchants' carts.

He stands now in the bustling market district of Greywood, a few bandages covering a wound or two of his, his hair disheveled and his face marked with grime and dust from the lack of amenities in his few days there. He had just been speaking with a group of the local soldiers about rumors of what the Lord of Greywood's plan was for the inevitable approach of the Imardian troops on the move eastward. His conversation was interrupted as Lord Aerden stood atop the crate to speak.

Listening to the Lord of Spearpoint's speech, Valc unquestionably shifts his way through the crowd as the man calls for any volunteers. Many of the townspeople had dismissed the Lord's speech and the roar of the densely populated district had returned, but Valc reaches the crate the man stood on and takes a short bow before him.

"Lord Aerden, if I may." He brings his head up from his bow and nods to the guards flanking the man before continuing. "Valcus Torinn, of Castle Halstos. My Lord has fallen and I am of the few left who once served his honor. I would happily volunteer myself for your sortie if it meant that I would free Castle Halstos and her people from the iron grip of these bloodletters. My blade is yours."
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Re: Tulrissian Unification IC

Post by Namelessjake »

Drake was just about to step down from the crate when Valcus bowed before him. He looked injured and battle weary, most likely from some where along the coast, but he was clearly well armed and had an air of nobility about him, something Drake had developed a knack for seeing during his time in his Father's court. He would likely be worth quite a few regular levy men, once fighting fit at least. As he rose from his bow and introduced himself, Drake nodded in acknowledgement.

"Spoken like a true man of honour Valcus" He replied, mostly just relieved someone had come forward. Hoping he could encourage more people to volunteer Drake raised his voice slightly.
"It is good to see that the land is not empty of men who would rather die than suffer under our foreign invader." Drake glanced around the quickly vanishing crowd hoping to see at least a few more people prepared to join him.
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Re: Tulrissian Unification IC

Post by kalis5 »

A man with a bearing of a tasteless murderer walks through the crowded streets toward the young lord, his hood raised over his head, his face unknowable as he approaches. The crowd parts slightly, almost as if they fear him, his footsteps silent as he gets closer and closer. When he stands before the lord he pounds his fist to his chest once in honorable greeting, barely bowing, as if the action wasn't truly worth his time. A voice comes from the darkness in his hood, cold, emotionless.

"If you're fighting Imardin. I'm in."

With that he straightens and moves behind the lord to fall in line, not waiting for a reply.
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Re: Tulrissian Unification IC

Post by PureZaros »

Embla stood in the rapidly dispersing crowd mulling over what the man on the crate had said, her beast lounging idly beside her. There may be a potential playmate for Fluffy if I join this...

Making up her mind, Embla begins walking towards the small group. On the way a street urchin darts out from the crowd, making an attempt at her coin purse, but Fluffy lashes out with his tentacles. Catching the urchin by the waist mid-sprint, Fluffy quickly silences his meal with a bite. Not bothering to turn around, Embla chides her companion.

"Now now, Fluffy. That's the last one for today."

Reaching the group, Embla leans against another nearby crate. Fluffy stops short behind her and flops on the ground, still munching his prize.

"We gonna go or what? Fluffy needs some entertainment."
Last edited by PureZaros on Sat Feb 15, 2014 10:09 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Tulrissian Unification IC

Post by Namelessjake »

The next man seemed to have something about him but Drake couldn't quite place it. He was certainly someone who seemed like they had the potential to make for a powerful ally and Drake gave another nod of acknowledgement. The next person surprised Drake even more. She had with her some kind of dog like creature, the likes of which he had never seen, which had just attacked and was in the process of devouring one of the pickpockets running around the market square the group were standing in. Taken aback Drake struggled for words.
"Wha... What... What was that? We're not in the business of killing our own people, even if they are criminals." Drake said, wary of the beast which sat by its owner's leg casually gnawing on an arm. He slide his hand to the pommel of his sword, ready to draw it should the beast turn on the party. However the thought that the beast could be useful in their battles to come did cross his mind.
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Re: Tulrissian Unification IC

Post by PureZaros »

"Our own people?" Embla looked surprised by the comment. Turning to her beast, she caught sight of the arm dangling from it's mouth.

"What? No! Fluffy! Bad kitty!" Wresting the severed limb from it's grasp, Embla shook a finger at the now timid looking creature. "How many times do I have to tell you. No humans!"

Turning back to Drake, she looked somewhat apologetic. "Fluffy is supposed to protect me from potential threats. Normally humans aren't dumb enough to try attacking someone with, well..." Embla gestures at the panther-meets-tentacle-monster with the arm in hand. Fluffy's eyes follow its arc closely. "I thought it was just a stray dog he'd caught. Unfortunately I haven't quite gotten all his training to stick yet."

Suddenly realizing she was still holding the urchin's arm, Embla shifted awkwardly. Scratching her head, she looked at the bloody stump not entirely sure what to do with it. Finally, she proffers it towards Drake.

"So, uh... You do need a hand, right?"
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Re: Tulrissian Unification IC

Post by Namelessjake »

"Hmmm well not that one specifically." Drake replied, declining the dismembered arm.

"But I suppose the more the merrier. You might have to revise that no human rule though. War brings out looters and bandits like the rats from a burning house. Our main enemy is distinctly human too." He said, while keeping his hand resting on his sword. He didn't trust this addition one bit, although it did seem that they could prove useful.

By now the majority of the crowd had gone back their daily business however a few people still lingered, eyeing the group. Drake turned to size a few of them up hoping there were still a few more people in Greywood willing to join their cause.
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Re: Tulrissian Unification IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

Caelen looks down nervously, pondering, and totally oblivious to the ravenous creature and its murder. Should I approach him? I'm not sure. Would he want an elf following him around? Perhaps he'd like a servant to do daily chores for his followers. I suppose, with Virem lost, what else am I to do?

Caelen bites his lip and trudges toward the group, still conflicted on whether or not to go through with this. Looking up, he realized he was before the lord and his party.

He bows before the man. "Uh, greetings, m'lord. I'm Caelen from Virem. Perhaps you would like a servant to tend to your party? You see, my, uh, m-my lord was killed by the Imardinians, and I've no place to go."

He looks around, hoping for something to distract the lord from this embarrassment.

"I'm quite skilled with the longbow, if that may help you in any way."

He's not going to want me around. Why would he? I'm a dirty peasant to him.
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Re: Tulrissian Unification IC

Post by ratwizard »

Valc eyes the hooded figure with interest. The man clearly had his reasons but seemed in no rush to divulge them. He makes eye contact with him and nods sharply.

As the woman draws forth, Valcus notices the pickpocket bowl into her. He almost shouts in surprise as he witnesses the beast snap at the young man and begin to devour him. Immediately, his hand drifts to his scabbard, unsheathing a few inches of his bastard sword. Valc notices that Drake too seems quite cautious toward the strange beast, and the knight raises his own concern.

"Consider this a warning, stranger. You must keep your beast in check here. I will not permit actions like that to happen in front of me without consequences."

He stares at the woman for a moment, with a fierce look in his eye. As the elf approaches, he slams his blade back into his scabbard and turns away from her toward the newcomer.

"A bowman would be a decent addition to any troop." He nods to the lithe, young elf. "I'm unsure of what you heard from me, but my Lord was slain as well. They will pay for their wrongdoings, Caelen. We will make sure of that."
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Re: Tulrissian Unification IC

Post by Namelessjake »

"Agreed." Said Drake. "I've seen longbows fell many heavily armoured foes. An archer will be much more useful than a servant Caelen. Most of Spearpoint's servants traded their tools for swords and spears and rode with my Father. You're more than welcome with us."

Looking up Drake saw that the crowd had finally dissipated completely. Looks like this is it then. He thought, mulling over the possibilities of their next actions. After a few seconds of thought he turned to the rather odd looking group he had managed to assemble.

"Well I was hoping I'd inspire enough men to be able to ride straight to Darden's Hold to try and lift the siege there but unfortunately it doesn't look like we'll be able to do that with just us. I have about 15 of the men my Father left, with me, most camped outside the city. I'm proposing that we seek alliances and more recruits in other towns. I spoke to Lord Lorkan of Greywood earlier and he wasn't willing to lend me his support unless I can find other allies. I'll send most of my men off to scout and talk to the more minor lords of the smaller villages while I think we should travel to Garland. It's still fairly small so hopefully we can win Lord Jont over easily. It should be easier to convince others to join us when we already have allies." He paused for a few seconds to let the plan sink in. "Any objections?"
Last edited by Namelessjake on Sun Feb 16, 2014 6:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Tulrissian Unification IC

Post by kalis5 »

When the armored warrior gets a peak under Rorin's hood, he quickly pulls it down further, bringing up his face mask so the warlord can't see much save his nose. Beyond that he remains silent, wondering to himself if this was the best idea, such a small group and not that much clout with the other lords to even consider themselves really useful. He'll just have to wait and see though. As usual.
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Re: Tulrissian Unification IC

Post by ratwizard »

"Fine by me, Lord Aerden. I suggest seeking out the alliance of Violet Keep's Lord Tullis after we've met in Garland. The mountain warriors are a rugged and hearty folk, capable of helping us beat back the Imardian scum that plagues our homeland." He grunts. "Have you an encampment to stay tonight? I've spent two dirty nights laying out on the gravel with the other refugees and it has taken its toll on my wounds."

Valc has been trying his best to ignore the festering cut on his shield arm, but he gives it away when he adjusts his shield and winces in pain.

"Excuse me. I brought only what I could carry when I retreated from Castle Halstos, and I've ran out of bandaging."
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Re: Tulrissian Unification IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

I can't believe they'd like me to come along! Don't make a fool of yourself, Caelen. This is all we have left.

Caelen looks at Drake and smiles slightly. "Thank you, m'lord. I promise I will serve you faithfully."

He turns to Valc. "And thank you for also giving me a chance. They cannot get away with this."

Looking back at Drake, Caelen nods and grins. "Yes, m'lord. That plan sounds excellent."
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Re: Tulrissian Unification IC

Post by Fialova »

With a group - albeit a small one - formed, Drake and his new companions prepare to head out. Everyone is given a few hours to take care of any business they should still have in Greywood, and to gather their belongings. They are given instructions to meet up with the Lord of Spearpoint at the southern exit of town when they are ready, and then they can make their way towards the city of Garland.

Once they are all assembled, Lord Aerden gives the orders and they start to move out. They do not make it far down the road before the group notices that there is another person with them, one who has yet to introduce herself and does not react to the glances that the others occasionally give her. Some of the men might have even noticed that her clothing is of Serran origin, and that she carries a pair of eastern swords on her back. Some of the other men might be more inclined just to notice that her clothing leaves a lot of uncovered skin. Either way, she is a stranger among the group and it is only a matter of time before someone speaks up.
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Re: Tulrissian Unification IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

Caelen follows behind Drake, trotting in pace with his party. Out of the corner of his eye, he spots a strange-looking woman walking with the group. She looked as though she was from the harsh deserts that he crossed years ago.

He lightly taps Drake on the shoulder. "Excuse me, m'lord, but there appears to be a stranger among us."
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Re: Tulrissian Unification IC

Post by ratwizard »

At the Spearpoint encampment outside the walls of Greywood, Valc is able to wash himself and redress his wounds, immensely raising his spirits. He thanks Lord Aerden for letting the knight stay at the camp. He gets a good night's rest, not having to worry about keeping one eye open for any roaming thieves in the night.

Valcus wakes before dawn, gathering his supplies and equipment before setting off with the group. They hadn't made it far before Valc notices the strangely dressed woman in their entourage. He recalls seeing a similarly dressed nobleman in the courts of Castle Halstos during his time as a pageboy and assumes that she was from the eastern deserts of Serran.

He places his hand on his hilt and calls out to her, not in a hostile tone, but not a friendly one either. "You there! I don't remember seeing your face among those who volunteered under Lord Aerden yesterday. State your business."
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Re: Tulrissian Unification IC

Post by Fialova »

The woman glances at Valcus for a moment without stopping, seemingly unfazed by his guarded posture. "That is because you didn't," she replies nonchalantly. She continues to walk as if there is nothing out of the ordinary.

(OOC: If the group is still moving then Zara has not changed her pace at all, if they have stopped then she would have walked past them and then turned to wait for them to continue moving.)
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Re: Tulrissian Unification IC

Post by Namelessjake »

Drake slowed to a stop, letting the woman walk past him before she stopped and turned to face the party. She was clearly a Tulrissian although she was garbed in Serran clothes, something he found rather odd. However the revealing nature of the clothes showed that she was clearly an attractive woman.
"Who are you Stranger?" He asked with a hint of aggression in his voice. "You're welcome to join us if that's why you're here, but why are you only just doing so?" He finished, his hand once again darting to the hilt of his longsword hanging from his hip, more out of habit than anything else, the woman shouldn't pose a threat to a party even as small as theirs.
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Re: Tulrissian Unification IC

Post by Fialova »

The next man to speak is more diplomatic than the first, and with the party stopped in its tracks the woman feels obliged to humor them at least a little. "I am Zara. I am coming along to make sure you don't get killed by the night creatures, and to make sure you stay dead if I fail. Do you need to know more?" She looks expectantly, and somewhat impatiently, between Drake and Valcus, anticipating many more questions to come, either now or down the line.
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Re: Tulrissian Unification IC

Post by kalis5 »

When the party stops, Rorin moves ahead a little bit, ignoring them before realizing that he has to wait. Despite the woman introducing herself, he certainly won't. In his mind, these people are just a means to an end. Tools to use, like everything else. What kind of tools remain to be seen certainly, but from the looks of things most are blunt objects in nature, with only a few shining out among them. He hopes he's wrong, or else this will be a short trip for certain.
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Re: Tulrissian Unification IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

Caelen looks at the woman, bewildered. "W-what do you mean stay dead? Aren't the dead just that? Dead?"

He stands confused, trying to contemplate what Zara had meant. He had heard about the undead from stories, but he'd always just assume that's all they were: stories. Curious to know more, Caelen looks wide-eyed at the woman, hoping she shares her knowledge.
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Re: Tulrissian Unification IC

Post by Fialova »

Zara is momentarily surprised by the elf's comment, but after looking him over it quickly becomes apparent that he is likely poor and not well-traveled. "Were that only true, elf boy. If tended to properly then yes, the dead are just dead. If not, there is a risk of them rising again at night to plague the living." She can see the fear in his eyes as she explains, a bit jealous of his ignorance, and yet a bit annoyed as well.

"You really aren't prepared at all for your grandiose plan if you don't even know of the night creatures," she continues, now addressing the party as a whole. "Honestly, you are lucky I came along or it is certain that within a fortnight you would all just be corpses surrounding a burnt out campfire."

She folds her arms in front of her and looks back at the others, hoping that this would be enough to satisfy their curiosity for now, though not really expecting it to be. At least they are cautious, they have that going for them.
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Re: Tulrissian Unification IC

Post by Namelessjake »

Drake pondered the woman's appearance for a moment or two. "Very well Zara. You can join us on our journey." He said, deciding that she would clearly make for a useful companion. "We should push on." He continued. "Greywood is still on the horizon and every minute we waste the Imardanians make more progress." Drake began to walk forward once again, passing Zara. He had originally ridden to Greywood but he had given his horse to one of the men he had sent out on tasks, he would have liked the party to travel by horse back but the war had driven the prices of horses up far beyond what anyone could afford. Hopefully we may be able to acquire horses from a Lord we convince to ally with us. He mused as the party trudged South East along the road.
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Re: Tulrissian Unification IC

Post by PureZaros »

Embla was at a loss. On one hand, her new-found companions didn't seem to like that Fluffy had eaten a human. On the other hand, she now had a somewhat nasty smelling appendage and no good place to put it.

Suddenly Embla was forced to stop short, nearly running into the stationary Caelen. Windmilling slightly, she narrowly avoided hitting the elf with the festering arm. "Whoa! Warn me next time we stop!"

Finally noticing the newcomer, Embla took in the conversation. After Drake had finished and moved on, she trotted over to the revealingly-clad woman, Fluffy following close behind. Gesturing towards the exposed belly with her arm in arm, Fluffy's eyes still following it closely, looking inquisitive. "Zara, right? Gotta hand it to you, if you fight undead with that kind of protection I'm surprised you're not one of them right now."
Last edited by PureZaros on Sun Feb 16, 2014 9:10 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Tulrissian Unification IC

Post by Fialova »

Zara smirks at Embla's obvious pun. Amusing. She looks at the hand for a moment, not changing her position, then back up at the woman. "If you know what you are doing, they won't ever touch you. They aren't very smart."
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Re: Tulrissian Unification IC

Post by PureZaros »

"I would still go for something a little less revealing." Embla responded, dropping the arm to her side. Fluffy tentatively came up behind her and took his snack from her grasp. Turning to her pet, Embla knelt down and began scratching behind his ears.

"Oh all right, you can have it. I was getting sick of carrying the thing anyway. Just promise me no more humans unless I say so. Okay?" Fluffy looked up from munching, giving a slight rumbling sound from the back of his throat. Standing and turning to begin walking again, Embla stretched for a moment. Well, I'll call that a yes.

Noticing that the group had begun to move on without her she quickly adjusted the staff on her back, jogging to catch up. Fluffy plodding contentedly behind.
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Re: Tulrissian Unification IC

Post by ratwizard »

TheWalrus42 wrote:The next man to speak is more diplomatic than the first, and with the party stopped in its tracks the woman feels obliged to humor them at least a little. "I am Zara. I am coming along to make sure you don't get killed by the night creatures, and to make sure you stay dead if I fail. Do you need to know more?" She looks expectantly, and somewhat impatiently, between Drake and Valcus, anticipating many more questions to come, either now or down the line.
Valcus shakes his head, not intending to incite Zara's annoyance any further. "My apologies if I came off as tense. It has been a difficult week for myself. For all of us." His gaze drifts off from her eyes as he shows a very solemn face, thinking of his Lord and of his people being captured, killed, or enslaved. Pulling his mind away from his grim thoughts, he turns back to face her. "Your talents and skills are most welcome among our group, Zara, and we would be glad to have an extra pair of eyes to watch for threats - human or otherwise." He offers a wan smile.

"By the way, we haven't fully introduced ourselves to each other. My name is Valcus. However, I know there are some here who are yet unnamed." He turns away from Zara, mostly looking to the hooded figure who had yet to say much of anything and the strange woman with the beast he felt uncomfortable around, but also generally addressing the others. "We will be traveling through rough territory, and we need to be able to trust each other, something that isn't possible if we don't even know each other's names. I suggest we at least know the names of the people we will be sleeping next to for the next few weeks on these dangerous roads." He looks around expectantly.
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Re: Tulrissian Unification IC

Post by Namelessjake »

"Well for Zara's benefit, I am the Lord of Spearpoint, Drake Aerden." Drake said in agreement with Valc's suggestion that names should be exchanged. A couple of their companions had barely said a word and Valc was right about needing to trust the people they would be travelling with. "My Father was killed in the invasion and we're travelling to Garland seeking allies. AS has already been said, you're more than welcome to join us." He added, remembering no one had actually mentioned their quest to Zara, unless she had been hiding in the crowd the day before.
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Re: Tulrissian Unification IC

Post by PureZaros »

"Oh, hav... I haven't... I never said my name? Do I have to? It could get me in a bit of trouble in some places..." Embla looked slightly uneasy at the thought of revealing the information. She normally kept to herself, especially in populated areas, only telling necessary information.

Pausing to think ahead a little, she decided to throw caution to the wind. "Ah, what the heck. That happened way up north. I'm Embla." Looking around the group for a second, she continued. "Never had a surname, so that's all I can give you..."
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Re: Tulrissian Unification IC

Post by Fialova »

To Valc
"Oh, rough terrain is really the least of your worries. Like I said, the night creatures are what you should be focusing on. The war will only add to their numbers I fear, which is why I felt I should follow you."

Zara eyes the man. Tall, strong, probably a good sword. Probably dumb. They will likely come for him first, and he looks just fool enough to take them head-on. This will be interesting.

"Oh, and you can save your apologies. You are not the first person to threaten me on sight, you know. Inara is not well understood by simple farmers."

(OOC: This is the first actual mention of Inara, just for those not paying a ton of attention, so any response to her mention of it should keep that in mind. I have no idea how much or little any of your characters are meant to know of the Tulrissian pantheon.)
To Drake
"I know who you are, Lord Aerden; I saw your speech, I just did not see the need to introduce myself. I had many bodies to tend to that afternoon."

Zara looks Drake over inquisitively, as she has done with the others who were kind enough to actually introduce themselves. A young lord. Hopefully he does not turn out to be as arrogant as most of them tend to be.

She turns her attention towards the only other female presence. Everything about Embla sets off red flags in her mind, from the strange murderous creature at her side to the air of magical energy surrounding her. I will have to keep my eye on this one.
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Re: Tulrissian Unification IC

Post by ratwizard »

Valc isn't sure what Zara's thoughts are as she examines him, or what she meant by referencing the Tulrissian goddess of death, but he assumes it can't be too positive. Strange woman, he thinks. He wasn't sure about her loyalty, but he was glad to have her aboard, especially in the midst of the new threat of the undead. "Tell me more about these night creatures. I've heard only myths and tales. Do they have weaknesses? Strengths we should know about? And how do you ensure that fallen bodies stay 'dead?'" He was curious to learn about the strange risen creatures, even in spite of probably looking ignorant to the woman. Pride can lead to an untimely end, especially in times like these, he thinks. No use not learning all I can from her.
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Re: Tulrissian Unification IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

PureZaros wrote:"Oh, hav... I haven't... I never said my name? Do I have to? It could get me in a bit of trouble in some places..." Embla looked slightly uneasy at the thought of revealing the information. She normally kept to herself, especially in populated areas, only telling necessary information.

Pausing to think ahead a little, she decided to throw caution to the wind. "Ah, what the heck. That happened way up north. I'm Embla." Looking around the group for a second, she continued. "Never had a surname, so that's all I can give you..."
Caelen, curious as always, looks at Embla with questioning eyes. "W-what happened up north? And why could it get you in trouble? ...i-if you don't mind my asking, Emblem. I, I mean Embla. Embla, not Emblem. Why would I say Emblem?" He giggles nervously and looks away, fearful that she will release her beast on him for having said her name wrong. "Oh, I-I'm Caelen, by the way, if you didn't know already."

That woman is terrifying! Don't look her in the eyes, Caelen. She may turn you to stone. And don't provoke her, or you may end up in that peculiar creature's gullet.
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Re: Tulrissian Unification IC

Post by PureZaros »

Scratcherclaw wrote:Caelen, curious as always, looks at Embla with questioning eyes. "W-what happened up north? And why could it get you in trouble? ...i-if you don't mind my asking, Emblem. I, I mean Embla. Embla, not Emblem. Why would I say Emblem?" He giggles nervously and looks away, fearful that she will release her beast on him for having said her name wrong. "Oh, I-I'm Caelen, by the way, if you didn't know already."
Turning to look at the obviously nervous elf, Embla flashed a toothy grin hoping to calm the poor thing. "Let's just say that Fluffy wasn't always as well trained as he is now, Caelen."

TheWalrus42 wrote:"Oh, and you can save your apologies. You are not the first person to threaten me on sight, you know. Inara is not well understood by simple farmers."
Turning her attention to Zara, Embla pondered what the woman had just said. Now where have I heard that name before... Inara...
Religion check to see what I know about Inara: 16(1d20) = 16 +12 = 28
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Re: Tulrissian Unification IC

Post by Namelessjake »

Ah a Priestess of Death. Thought Drake. She's probably more skilled with embalming tools than those scimitars, at least she might perhaps know how to bind wounds, not completely useless.
GROMkill wrote:"Tell me more about these night creatures. I've heard only myths and tales. Do they have weaknesses? Strengths we should know about? And how do you ensure that fallen bodies stay 'dead?'"
"I'm sure cold hard steel will be a weakness of theirs." Drake said, pulling his long sword slightly out of its sheathe, the metal glinting in the morning sunlight. "I've yet to meet anything I couldn't handle with my long sword. I don't see why the dead would be any exception." He finished, firmly sliding his sword back down into the sheathe.
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Re: Tulrissian Unification IC

Post by Fialova »

Zara watches as the elf servant cowers in fear and cannot help but to be entertained by the sight, though she contains her amusement lest he become even more uncomfortable. That one has bitten off more than he can chew for sure.

"You would think that," she says, turning to Drake, "but you would be wrong. Steel will hinder them, and maybe even fell them temporarily. But given time, they will only rise again."

Now addressing both young noblemen, she continues; "The night creatures are the corrupted corpses of those who have ceased to live. Some dark force I know not what causes them to walk the earth, usually at night or in other places with little to no light source. Any body not properly offered to Inara or burned risks this horrible fate, and then I have to dispose of it. It is not pretty."
PZ: Inara is the goddess of death in the pantheon most commonly accepted by the people of Tulrisse. Many fear her as an evil goddess who causes death and is thus the cause of many atrocities and plagues and other similar things. You and other more learned people, however, know that Inara is a very neutral force in the world. She presides over the dead, rather than actively seeks to cause it, and far from controlling the undead that lurk in the dark (as some suspect), she despises the vile creatures. As a result, her followers - the Death Priestesses - are tasked, among other things, with actively seeking out and slaying these insults to their goddess. They are experts at this task, and are trained for years in various techniques to aid them, but are often just as misunderstood by the public as the one that they serve.

*You rolled pretty high, so if you have any other specific questions ask and I will tell you, 28 means you know pretty much as much as anyone else except an actual priestess would know about Inara.*
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Re: Tulrissian Unification IC

Post by ratwizard »

"Steel we've got enough of." Valcus pats his own scabbard. "We're not all followers of Inara like yourself, so we need a plan for the rest of us to be able to handle any corpses ourselves. Torches, then. We'll need a lot of them. We'd be smart to get some pitch in Garland to make our own while we're traveling the roads as well."

Valcus starts to plan forward. "We'll need to plan night-watch arrangements before nightfall. There are 6 of us, so 3 shifts of 2 watchers. Any volunteers for the first shift?"
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Re: Tulrissian Unification IC

Post by kalis5 »

Rorin raises his hand. He'll volunteer for the first watch.
"I'll take it."
He'll make sure that no one's getting close to the camp so long as they don't see him first. They never do though, so maybe he's just worrying himself.
"I'm Rorin by the way. If you were interested."
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Re: Tulrissian Unification IC

Post by ratwizard »

Valc nods to Rorin. There aren't many he could trust in this group yet, and he shuddered at the thought of Embla, Zara, or Rorin sharing watch duty together. Who knows what sketchy deal they may make while the others slept. He considered the possibly idea of waking up with a blade in his neck and his belongings and life stolen from him. "I'll be your watch partner for tonight, Rorin." He was curious of the man's past and perhaps during the long hours of the first shift he could pry into some of it.
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Re: Tulrissian Unification IC

Post by Namelessjake »

Drake was pleased when Valc and Rorin partnered up for the first watch. Valc he was beginning to trust but Rorin was making it far from easy to trust him. The man only having said a handle of words to the group. "Good, I'll take the second watch." Drake said, hoping that Caelen would remain quiet. Embla and Zara were still somewhat suspicious, although, in Embla's case, Fluffy seemed to be the one to worry about more so. "Care to join me Embla? He added just to make sure there'd be at least one person he could trust on each watch.
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Re: Tulrissian Unification IC

Post by PureZaros »

"Fine with me, but I gotta double check." Embla turns to look at Fluffy. "What do you think, dear? Second shift sound good?"

Fluffy looks up at Embla, tentacles gently weaving behind as he lopes along. A soft purr is the only answer that Embla gets. Turning back around, she shrugs. "Fluffy'd rather not interrupt his beauty sleep, but he'll be on call. Guess we're in."

Returning her attention to the road, Embla is almost immediately distracted by something else. Jogging over to the side, she grabs a fist sized stone, carrying it back to the group.

"Hey, you guys wanna see something cool? Watch this!" Turning to Fluffy, she waved the stone in his face. "See this? Fetch!" she cried, as she threw the stone away.

The stone hadn't gone five feet before it was smashed into the ground by Fluffy's tentacles, which had whipped into motion almost as soon as Embla had released her throw. Picking up the stone again she showed the many small puncture marks to Caelen, where Fluffy's tail spikes had made contact.

"Isn't he the cutest?"
Last edited by PureZaros on Mon Feb 17, 2014 9:08 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Tulrissian Unification IC

Post by Fialova »

Zara does not chime in when asked for watch shift volunteers, instead letting the others decide amongst themselves. She notices a trend as the noblemen both jump at the chance to pair up with the two most conspicuous members of the group. Clearly there are trust issues here.

For a moment she becomes distracted by Embla's show of her pet's abilities. It can hit rocks, how fascinating. She watches as the woman approaches the poor elf to show off the results, and can't help but to feel bad for him. This does not prevent her from also feeling amused.

With the first two watch shifts chosen, Zara turns her attention to Caelen, who looks as nervous as ever. "I guess that just leaves us, elf boy," she says in a flat tone with a distinct hint of malice.
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Re: Tulrissian Unification IC

Post by Scratcherclaw »

Of course that would happen... This would happen. Fantastic. Caelen glances at Zara, a hint of sadness in his eyes from being paired up with the woman who hasn't been fairly pleasant towards him. But there was nothing he could do about it. Everyone else had a watch partner, and he drew the short straw.

He smiles unconvincingly at Zara. "Sounds.... g-great." He manages to force out. Being completely alone in this world has left Caelen emotionally vulnerable, and it seemed like Zara is going to take advantage of that for her own amusement.

What have you gotten yourself into, Caelen? You should have just stayed at Greywood...
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Re: Tulrissian Unification IC

Post by Fialova »

With the night watch arrangements planned out, the party continues the day's trek. Things are quiet for most of the rest of the time, as no one yet knows anyone else well and the road is often rough.

The deeper into the woods they march, the dimmer the light gets and the more difficult the road becomes to traverse. Large roots can often be found occupying more space than they should on such a beaten path, and the odd sounds of the forest creatures can be heard all around. Despite all of the sounds, though, the party does not witness any wildlife - clearly the animals have learned by now not to stray too near where the humans traverse. At least that is the most reasonable explanation.

As night falls, the party moves off to the side of the road to setup camp. The forest is dense, so there is no actual clearing to be found, but each person is able to find a spot within the trees to make a small spot for themselves and a collapsed tree near the edge of the road makes for a perfect watch bench for whoever is on duty.
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Re: Tulrissian Unification IC

Post by Fialova »

The First Watch
As night falls, the others lay in their tents and bedrolls to rest up for the next day of walking through the thick woods. Valc looks forward to sharing the first watch-shift with Rorin, as the man is shrouded with mystery. Before long the Valcus hears the slight breathing of his sleeping companions, and he sits silently by the campfire with Rorin, neither of them choosing to speak.

He gazes out into the depths of the darkness, idly watching for any movement, small or otherwise. Twice he hears some small animal, maybe a rodent, sift its way through the underbrush. He even catches a glimpse of a pair of eyes staring his way, but a crackle of the wood in the pit and a falling of the log distinguishes it as a young deer.

After he has had time to settle in, he turns to Rorin and speaks. "A quiet night, hm?" He looks back to the fire and sets up another log in the pit. "It's surprisingly peaceful out here in the woods. I heard, when I was a kid, about night monsters and terrible sounds in the forest. I knew they were just tales, but I still thought of the forest as a nightmare. Turns out I was quite wrong."

* * *

Rorin sits just on the edge of darkness, his dark clothes leaving him as just a silhouette against the night. For a moment, he's glad that he wears such heavy clothing, being far enough that he just barely feels the fires warmth. It's cold, and he hopes that's enough to keep most animals away. As well as anything that might threaten them.

He doesn't look back when the young lord speaks to him, eyes staring at the darkness, avoiding the light of the fire. "You weren't wrong, there are some monsters. Just not the ones you've been taught to believe. Just look to Imardin and you'll find them. Me, I'm thankful for the darkness. It keeps some of the more dangerous predators at bay."

* * *

Valc nods to the man's words. "I guess you're right." His mind slips back to a few days back, working through every possible could-have and should-have. Perhaps his lord would've lived if he had done things a different way. He knew thoughts like those were useless; they would eat up his hope and leave him weak inside. He sighs, disappointed. "You never said where you're from, Rorin."

* * *

There's a soft sigh from Rorin's sillhouette as he stares out. For a while there's silence, punctuated every few moments by Rorin throwing an acorn into a bush or two, followed shortly after by the sounds of an animal scampering off into the underbrush. "... I didn't, did I? Huh. Imagine that. It's like I didn't want people to know..."

* * *

Valc lightly snorts at the man's toneless sarcasm. "I get it. It's quite obvious there's much about yourself that you keep hidden. Even from first look at you back in Greywood, I could tell that. The way you dress, the way you keep to yourself. I see you sometimes, looking every which way, eyes darting about, searching. Calculating."

Valc pauses, selecting his words wisely. His intentions weren't to come off as rude or prying, simply curious. "I'm just interested, is all. What you did. Where you're from. Who you are. Simple things that I would gladly share about me, but you... You don't want us to know. Just - why? Are you a thief? An outlaw? Escaped prisoner? It's not like I have any authority anyhow. My lord was slain in front of me and I'm a hundred miles from my keep that is now under Imardinian command." His tone is bitter - not toward Rorin, but at his situation in general.

* * *

Rorin understands, at least somewhat, what Valc's going through. Probably better than he even knows really, or ever even could. He was in the same situation on pretty much the same day. Only difference was that he never had any real power, and there wasn't anything he could of done had he been there. Maybe that makes it worse, he can't really say. But for the moment, he'd best reply.

"My reasons are my own little lord. And I'd like them to stay my own. Just know that I won't betray you so long as you work to fight Imardin. They have much to answer for, whether at your blade or my dagger. Just don't try getting me to answer any questions and we'll get along nicely."

* * *

Valc grunts, disappointed as his lack of success in finding out more about the enigmatic Rorin. He throws a small pebble into the brush as well, pondering on the conversation. At least I know I can trust him, he thinks. That much I've learned. He looks up at the faintest outline of the moon above the thick canopy of the forest. "It's about time for the second watch. We're free to rest." He stands up to rouse the others, but pauses, both of the men facing away from each other. "Good to have you with us, Rorin." He steps away from the fire to wake Drake and Embla.

* * *

Rorin grunts as he moves back into the light of the fire, silently laying down in his spot. At least that's taken care of. Now for the rest of the party. He does wonder for just a moment if he was even being honest with himself, or if the lord does trust him. They don't really know him that well. But that's the way it has to be.
The Second Watch
After being roused by Valc, Drake took a moment to rub his eyes and stretch out, before making his way to the log. Taking a seat, while waiting for Embla to join him, he drew his sword and left it next to him lent against the log.

A few moments later Embla and Fluffy joined him. After a few minutes of silence, only broken by the occassional rustling of leaves or creak of a branch in the wind, Drake spoke. "You know, I didn't really expect to end up here. I was hoping I'd be able to get more than five people in Greywood to join me." He said with a hint of disappointment in his voice. "What made you come?" He asked Embla, not really expecting an overly straight answer.

* * *

Embla stood and stretched, taking her time to answer the question. Being cooped up in a tent all night wasn't exactly the best way to spend her time, but it was necessary to keep her condition a secret. Instead of returning to her seat on the log, Embla walked over to a nearby tree and leaned against it, facing down the road they had just come up.

"Well, the voices stopped whispering for a moment when I heard you speaking, that's one reason. The air around you had, and still has an odd quality about it, number two. Third, Fluffy seems to like you, or at least tolerate you. Most nobles he will try to eat within a day or two," she said.

* * *

Drake nodded in recognition. The answer wasn't exaclty what he expected but then Embla wasn't exactly predictable either. Althogh Drake was definitely glad at the mention of Fluffy seeming to like him. Having seen what the creature could do, Drake was glad to be on the good side of it.

"I suppose that puts me above the majority of Tulrisse's upper class." He laughed. "Where abouts are you from" He continued. "You're clearly Tulrissian."

* * *

Embla chuckled lightly. "I wouldn't be so sure about Tulrissian. I was reared by foster parents. I don't know where I come from," she said. "Even so, I suppose Tulrisse is the closest thing I have to a home country."

Pausing, Embla stood quietly for a moment, looking down at her hand. Flexing it, tiny shards of what looked like glass rose from her plam, circling slowly. She gazed at them for a few moments before waving the dust away.

"Of course, if you wanted to know about what village I come from, all I can say is it no longer exists. It never had a name to my knowledge, and it was destroyed the night I met my companion." Embla smiled softly, thinking back to the event.

Switching her attention back to the conversation at hand, she reciprocated the question. "So, Drake? What about yourself? Where do you hail from, and why are you on this... What should we call it? Journey? Endeavor? Quest? Shopping trip?"

* * *

"I see" Drake said, Embla's reply a bit more detailed than he'd anticipated but still as mysterious. "I was born in Spearpoint, the Aerden's have ruled than for generations. It's not the biggest castle in Tulrisse but it's enough to make me a Lord. I doubt I'd have seen much else of the country if not for travelling to and winning tournements at the other castles." He said, answering the first part of Embla's question. He paused a moment before continuing.

"I'd suppose you can call it whatever. It hasn't exactly gone to plan. I was hoping to get enough men in Greywood to head straight for the coast. My Father rode off, with most of the able bodied men in Spearpoint, to fight and die in the invasion, which I guess is why I'm here really."

* * *

"Mmm. Death. Though... I've always found it odd that people fear death so much. Really, people are suffering from a terminal illness anyway. Most of them call it life," Embla spoke, almost to herself. "I once had an encounter with a swamp savage where I taught him this truth."

Turning to sit, she crossed her legs and leaned on the fallen log, staff on lap and clothes rippling gently in the wind. Sitting quietly for a few minutes, Embla just soaks up the night sounds. "I love listening to the wind in the trees. It's such a calming melody," she sighs. "Maybe after this 'whatever' I can go back to my chasing the wind..."

* * *

"That's... an interesting way to look at it I suppose." Drake said, somewhat at a loss for words. Embla was certainly quite an enigma. The pair sat in silence for a while until Embla spoke once more. "You're chasing the wind?" Drake asked, Embla never seemed to give away much, but by now Drake was starting to feel any little piece of information would, at least hopefully, mean he could trust her more. "Does that involve Fluffy?" He asked, trying to pry deeper. Fluffy was certainly the unspoken mystery in the group.

* * *

Embla giggled at a sudden mental image she had of Fluffy being a tentacled puffball, blown about by the wind currents. That giggle slowly turned to a full blown laugh at the thought, and she just couldn't seem to get a handle on it. The laugh continued for a good minute, with Embla slowly sliding sideways on the log, eventually ending face up on the forest floor.

Finally managing to calm herself down, Embla continued to lie where she was. "Man it's comfy down here." Thinking on the question, she answered "I suppose it does, in a way. Probably not the way you're thinking, though."

* * *

Drake sighed slightly to himself as Embla fell about on the floor laughing for what appeared to be no reason. Unifying all of Tulrisse is more likely that finding out who Embla really is He mused to himself as he watched the girl slowly get her giggling fit under control.

Drake gave up on prying, and spent what remained of their watch maintaining his equipment, leaving Embla to her own devices. She was clearly content on her own world. As the time to swap over the watches once more grew near, Drake spoke once again. "Well I think that's just about it for us, we should wake Caelen and Zara and get some rest." He said before rousing the elf and the priestess from their sleep and heading over to his bedroll.

* * *

Embla rolled over, rising from her prone position on the forest floor. "All right, then." Walking over to her tent, she gave Fluffy a scratch behind the ears and slipped inside. Relaxing, she settled in for the wait until morning.
The Third Watch
Zara sits quietly next to Caelen when their shift begins. She can sense his fear, though is not entirely sure if that is his normal feeling or if it is her that he is afraid of. After some time passes, she grows tired of the quiet - not only of the two of them, but of the entire forest itself - so she decides to break the silence. "So what brings you all the way to Tulrisse, elf boy? The western forests too cold for your taste?"

* * *

Caelen jumps up a bit, slightly startled by the sudden breaking of the silence. Slightly nervous with having to converse with someone who is practically a stranger, especially one who refers to him as 'elf boy', Caelen grows uncomfortable and shuffles on the fallen log. Alright, Caelen, you can't stay quiet. Don't give her more to torment you with. "I- I" He stumbles. "I had to flee my village with my family," he finally mutters.

* * *

Ah, a refugee. His life just grows more depressing by the minute. The priestess sits quietly for a few more moments, partially to gather her thoughts and partially just to make him wait, before finally responding to the young elf. "That is unfortunate," she says rather bluntly. "But why Tulrisse?"

* * *

He sighs, now thinking of his past and the things he has lost. His mother. His father. His home. A tear begins to form beneath his eye, but he quickly wipes it away, attempting to avoid more future embarrassment. "There is no slavery in Tulrisse," he says simply, tensing up from memories of his friends being torn away from their homes by orc slavers.

* * *

"Ha!" she laughs, without thinking of the current context. No slavery in Tulrisse, how naive. She can see a distinct increase in Caelen's distress at this and, not wanting to seem entirely heartless, Zara quickly follows up. "Ahem," she composes herself, "that was not aimed at your sadness, forgive me." She had not the heart to tell him that while the term 'slavery' did not officially apply to anything in the west, there were certainly social classes low enough to be slaves in all but name. She suspected he belonged to this class. "So you were a slave then, elf boy?"

* * *

Caelen lets out a large sigh, but realizes that Zara is not as cruel as she seems. She has some heart, however minuscule. He mostly just wished he didn't have to speak of such traumatic events, but no doubt, she would question on with every answer. He faintly hoped she would say some brash joke so he would become upset and the silence would return, but it would probably not happen, so he had to reply. "No, b-but I lived in fear of being captured by the slavers."

* * *

"And with good reason, they are a vile bunch. Serran slaves make fine clothing though, don't you think?" She glances at him and then down at her clothes, hoping he will make the connection. She gives it a moment to sink in before she notices a distinct change in his composure. "I am kidding, of course. These were made by an artisan, I would never purchase from a slaver."

She glances up and down the road for a moment, realizing that for the past few moments she had not actually made any attempt to keep watch. Poor elf boy, perhaps this trip is a good thing for you after all. "I hear the orcs sometimes eat their elf slaves if they don't perform well enough. Count yourself lucky you managed to escape."

She stays silent for a moment more, before continuing her interrogation of the elf. If they are going to be sitting here together for hours, they might as well get to know one another. The quiet is nice when alone, but strange with company. "So why volunteer for this? What could drive a poor immigrant to love this land so much that he would fight to protect it? Imardin does not take slaves either, would you not rather they just claim this place for their own and you live under their laws?"

* * *

Caelen is stuck for a moment. He has never really thought about it himself. He had just acted. He remains silent, pondering. His eyes show confusion and a conflcit within himself, but finally, he realizes the answer that not even he had known when this journey began. "I- I guess because Tulrisse is my home. It's the place that took my mother and I in during our darkest hour, and I couldn't bear to see it crumble beneath Imardin."

Caelen glances at Zara for a brief moment, and for once, feels no fear at all. Granted it wouldn't last, but it was relieving.

* * *

Home. It is a funny concept to one who has not had a stable living environment for nearly 3 decades now. "That is fair, I suppose." She can see that Caelen doesn't seem quite as nervous as before. Perhaps in time he will actually become a decently-adjusted person. For his sake she hopes so, because she can forsee no shortage of dangerous and terrifying situations in their future.

"This is the sort of time that the night creatures love the most, you know," she continues, changing the topic entirely. He doesn't get off that easily. "The time before dawn is when they are the most hostile, because the sun burns them up. Though this forest is just dark enough that they can probably continue to roam it well into the day. In fact, I would bet there are parts dark enough for them to stay up for days at a time..." She trails off, again looking up and down the road for any signs of danger. She does not expect anything would be nearby given the remote setting, but caution is always a good idea, especially in an area with such limited visibility.

* * *

Upon hearing Zara turn the topic to something more eerie and ominous, Caelen's fear swiftly returns. He begins to nervously shake on the log, shifting his eyes about the landscape for the creatures he had only seen in nightmares. He turns to Zara, only to see a hideous, rotting creature that screeches in his face. Upon blinking, Zara has returned. Caelen, as unnerved as ever now, begins looking about more frantically, expecting something to happen.

Suddenly, a branch casually falls from the trees above and hits Caelen on the head. He flails his arms up and screams loudly enough that Zara's eardrums throb, but quiet enough to not wake his sleeping companions. Losing his balance from sitting atop the log, Caelen falls backwards onto the forest floor.

* * *

Zara gets a good long chuckle out of Caelen's sudden spike in fear. "Oh calm down, you will wake the others. There are no walking corpses near here, we would have heard the coming. As I said to one of those nobles earlier, they are not smart. They are not quiet either." She offers the boy a hand to help him back up onto the log. If he is perceptive enough, he might notice strange markings covering the backs of it and wrapping around her fingers. She does not hide them, but they are often a cause for minor alarm by the ignorant so she can't help but to expect that his nervousness will only increase. "Well, are you getting back up?"

* * *

Caelen grabs her hands and pulls himself up, brushing the twigs and leaves out of his hair with his other hand. Once back up, he can't help but keep staring at the unusual marks on her hands. As he is desperately failing in his attempt to hide his gaze at her hands, he comes out and asks. "Um, w-what are those?" He points to the markings on her hands, his own hand shaking from fear of what they may be.

* * *

"What, these?" she motions to her hand, feigning surprise at the question. "Oh, they are just curse markings. It is dangerous to touch them, but you don't need to worry so long as you don't stray too far from me. You are now bound to me and will feel sharp pains in your hand if you walk too far away - more the further you get, in fact. Better stay close." She says all of this with a straight face while looking him dead in the eyes, and no easy task it was. Most of her willpower was focused in playing it cool so that he would not see through the lie. Oh elf boy, what will you do now? Fall again, I suspect.

* * *

Caelen looks at Zara for a moment, this time with questioning eyes. He may be scared and alone, but he was no fool. What does this woman take me for? I'll show her. "W-what? C-curse?" He feigned. "Then I guess I'll have to kill you to break the curse." He says, reaching for his longbow behind him. Instead, he grabs a pile of pebbles and throws them in Zara's face. "Nice try," he says, laughing.

* * *

I was wondering if he would ever lighten up. He would have never survived out her as a terrified little puppy. She wipes the pebbles off, a bit of a smirk on her face now. "At least now I know you aren't completely hopeless," she replies, not really meaning for it to sound as mean as it did. When they are gone she holds up one her hands and rotates it for a moment so the elf can get a better look at the symbols.

"I suppose you would like the truth, then," she says after he has had enough time to inspect more closely. She turns to face him, now back to her usual straight face. "These are holy symbols, all priestess are given them once they complete their training. For reasons I do not know, they make us more effective at slaying the night creatures than your standard warrior. There are some on my feet as well, though I am not as fond of kicks as some of my sisters."

* * *

Natural curiosity kicking in, Caelen looks at Zara with his standard yearning-for-more eyes. "W-what? H-how? What?" He doesn't know where to begin with his questions. "How were you given them? D-did it hurt? It helps you fight the undead? That's strange. I prefer going barefoot too." He babbles, not even pausing for a response. "Sh-should I stop talking now?" He says quietly, looking at the ground. "Sorry..." He adds.

* * *

"I am not sure how, I thought I already said this." She looks at him, a bit baffled by his sudden curiosity and mildly amused by his complete lack of social grace. "I don't actually remember what the individual symbols mean, I didn't pay much attention to those lessons." She reaches for one of her swords and quickly unsheathes it, then begins to rub the blade with her other hand, turning to face the sword now instead of Caelen. "I was much more interested in the combat lessons, you see."

She takes a moment to admire her weapon in silence. This one was a gift from a particularly grateful - and affluent - Serran merchant she rescued from the clutches of a creeper during her time in the desert. It was of extremely fine make, but she had not had much opportunity to use it since it came into her possession. Hopefully this journey would remedy that. After a moment, she turns back to Caelen again, still holding the blade in her hands. "And you are free to stop if you like, I am not making you speak. This would be much closer to your skin if I wanted to force you to."

* * *

He gulps and scoots further down the log, almost falling off of it... again. "I- I have a weapon too. My longbow." He picks it up to admire its beauty. "It was my father's," he says, staring at the chromatic bow. A small tear begins to form in the corner of his eye, but he doesn't wipe this one away. "My father taught me everything I know about the longbow... and I even saved his life with it. Not just his, my mother's too..." He sinks his head into his chest and covers his eyes with his hands.

"I- I just miss them so much," he finally says, tears rolling down his cheeks. "They were all I had..."

* * *

Zara watches as Caelen nearly ends up on the ground again. His emotional display confirms her suspicions that he has lead an incredibly unfortunate life thus far, and it begins to make more sense now why he would willingly aid in this almost-suicidal task. She can't help but feel a little sad for him, but it doesn't show.

"I barely remember my parents. I was one of many children, so I am sure they barely noticed when I left to join the priestesses. If they did, they never made any effort to show it," she says, again bluntly. "I do not miss them, the rural life was not for me. And I don't miss the damp cold either." She looks back down at her sword for a moment, then puts it away. Once more she glances up and down the road, the faintest hints of light now appearing through the trees, a sign that dawn was close. She gives Caelen a moment to collect himself, not wanting to be too callous with someone she has only just met. "It is almost morning now."

* * *

Caelen lifts his head up and wipes the tears from his eyes, his pale skin now barely a hint of pink. He holds up the bow once more, viewing the shimmering colors in what little light there was, and smiles."I love you, mother and father," he whispers. He dries the remaining tears from his face with his arm, making sure to remove the evidence of his breakdown. He stares off at the strands of light streaking through the trees and then glances at Zara.

"Zara? Thanks for being bearable this past night." He laughs and attempts to playfully shove her, but loses his balance, falling off the log again. He sits up on the forest floor, brushing the debris off, and smiles bashfully.

* * *

"You're...welcome?" What an odd thing to say. I suppose he expected me to eat his soul or something. Oh, the minds of simple folk. She can't help but to be amused at the elf's clumsiness getting the best of him yet again.

"You might want to practice your balance," she says, standing up and walking a few steps towards the road, giving it one last check. "The others will be up soon, I am going to pack my things now. A tent takes much longer to store than plain bedding. Think you can survive the rest of this watch on your own? I promise nothing is going to get you." She pauses a moment. "Well, at least nothing that is already dead."

* * *

"I've got it," he mumbles, hopping back on the log. As Zara walks away, Caelen watches the sun peek through the woods. He looks at his bow in the newfound light of day and quietly sings an elven tune his mother had taught him as a child. Even as others begin to wake, he continues to whisper the melody.

With the song sung, Caelen hops off the log, walking toward the group to pack up his belongings. All the while, he hums the tune again to himself.
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Re: Tulrissian Unification IC

Post by Fialova »

After an uneventful night - save for some interesting conversation - Zara heads back to the camp, followed shortly by Caelen. After packing her things, she heads around the camp and wakes the others one by one. She then goes back to sit on the watch log until the group is ready to head out for the day, watching the road for any last-minute threats that may rear their heads while quietly eating a small breakfast of bread and cheese. No night creatures, how odd. I do hope there is nothing in these woods that scare even them away.
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Re: Tulrissian Unification IC

Post by Namelessjake »

After being woken by Zara, Drake stretched out and went about putting away his bedroll and collecting his gear. He stamped out a few embers in what remained of their fire and slung his belongings over his back. The dew on the leaves glistened in the morning sun as dawn was breaking. The day is young. We should make good progress today. Thought Drake looking down the road as he went over and joined Zara, waiting for the others. His other companions soon followed and it wasn't long before the group was ready. "Let's head out." Drake said, turning to continue their journey to Garland. "We should be able to make good progress today."
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Re: Tulrissian Unification IC

Post by Fialova »

"Perhaps, but the forest only gets thicker up ahead. We should reach Garland today, but I doubt the sun will still be out." Zara waits for everyone else to be ready to leave before she leaves her log. When they do eventually move forward, she keeps towards the back; she knew she could trust herself to spot an ambush coming, but she did not what skills the others possessed yet, if any.
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Re: Tulrissian Unification IC

Post by ratwizard »

Valc awakes, feeling rested, if a little sore from his wounds. They seemed to be healing after getting proper attention from the Spearpoint encampment outside of Greywood. Despite the ache, his disposition is positive and he hastily consumes his breakfast of bread, pemmican, his canteen still quite full from filling it up the morning prior. As Lord Aerden calls the group to form up and continue their march, Valcus takes point alongside Drake.

While he does enjoy the beauty and tranquility of the forest, he is eager to get to Garland and see how Lord Aerden's plan will turn out. I only hope that Drake's nobility and my words can have sway with Garland's lord, he thinks. Besides, in Garland, they would be able to purchase some supplies that were out of stock in Greywood due to the droves of vagabonds like himself.

"Night shouldn't hassle us. We've got keen eyes and keener blades for any threat - human or otherwise - that should befall us."
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