BAMF – A Teleporters Guidebook

[quote="Zathris"]BAMF: A Guide to Teleportation

"No, you listen! There's a sound I want you to hear! And it's…"











No, this isn’t a guide about Neville Longbottom, this is a guide about teleporting.



Why would you want to teleport? Why wouldn’t you want to teleport, it’s only AWESOME.



In terms of your movement, teleporting is just worse than Fly as a movement mode, but better than other flight and everything else; bypass enemies without provoking, get on top of walls instantly, break or ignore immobilize/restrain effects, you can even change enemies mid-air if you’re willing to take the fall.



In terms of teleporting enemies, you can teleport them mid-air and make them fall for extra damage, you can drop them in pools of lava or into an ally’s damage zone.



With 422 powers, 72 feats, 339 items, 94 paragon paths, and 21 epic destinies, Teleporting is pretty much as well supported as the entire Fighter Class, in fact the only classes that lack Teleport powers are Barbarians and Warlords (Though you have to be an Eladrin Knight for the fighter teleport stances, and Rogues only have 1 power … )  I will NOT be rating things, point out good options? sure, but this is more of a glossary than anything else, and I'm sure this thread will be full enough of rules bickering, build examples, and stuff I missed™ that I want to avoid pointless "you need to rate Monks higher than Assassins because of Staff of Travel"



Caveat: It should be noted that while teleporting is very useful for every character to have, it is often unnecessary (ranged and/or already highly mobile PCs, ex. Wizards and Monks) or counter-productive to your primary role (defenders and/or characters with many minor actions, ex. Fighters and Warlords). It's also highly item dependant, so focusing too heavily on teleporting can be detrimental to the build.



For the time being, if you see a color, it doesn't mean rating.  It's just so it's easier to identify the usage of an effect when browsing.  At-Will, Encounter, Daily



The Fantastic Four


There are 4 Classes that have such excellent teleport options that completely avoiding them is detrimental.  These are also the classes that if you want to build a teleporter, you invariably need to Hybrid or at least Multiclass into one of these classes, there is but one exception that will be discussed later.  Needless to say, combining any 2 of these will create a very impressive teleporter.



Assassin (Dex, Cha/Con) – Yup, the oAssassin is actually good at something!  Shadow Step is quite good with decent range for most combats; the class also has several good teleport + hide IA Utilities.  It’s rather ironic that such a bad striker class is a really good choice for other strikers to MC (For both Shadow Step, and Ki Focus use)



Bard (Cha, Con/Int) – Even though seemingly light in the teleportation department, with only a handful of powers that teleport allies and 2 feats, those feats are fantastically concept changing.  Bards are also the Ultimate Multiclassers and make excellent Hybrids as well.



Swordmage (Int, Con/Str) – Probably the most iconic teleporters in D&D, it’s entirely possible to build a good character only taking teleport powers, even if that is a bit overkill.   Swordmages Hybrid very well, and are fairly stat independent thanks to the nature of their Mark and many Stance powers.



Warlock (Cha/Con, Con/Int) – Cutting to the chase, U10 Ethereal Sidestep is an at-will teleport, and Fey Pact lets you teleport as your boon.  The real strength of Warlock teleporting comes from their Paragon Paths however.  And thanks to the class’s overall feat support, they also Hybrid and can be MC’d well (are you seeing the trend?).



And the Power Cosmic!…



Avenger (Wis, Dex/Int) – For some odd reason, the Avenger has the most powers with the Teleportation Keyword of any class.



Battlemind (Con, Wis/Cha) – Persistent Harrier is a cornerstone of the class, and they have a good deal of Swordmage-esque powers for battlefield repositioning.  Blurred Step can also be turned into a teleport, giving you a massive boost in being able to trap someone trying to get away from you.  Being Con/Cha doesn’t hurt either, since that opens up both Warlock and Bard for Power Swapping.



Sorcerer (Cha, Str/Dex) – While best known for being worse Blasters than a highly optimized Wizard, Sorcerer’s bring a good deal of offensive teleporting that allows them to set up their bursts easier.  Wild Sorcerer’s especially like teleporting thanks to a particular combination of feats with MC Bard.



Warlord (Str, Int/Cha/Wis) – Despite not having a single teleportation power (though there is a PP), the strength of teleportation for battlefield control lends itself well to Warlords.  And Warlords can Hybrid well with any other class thanks to lazy powers and their multiple secondaries.






Eladrin (Int, Dex/Cha) – Fey Step is a nice long teleport, with gobs of feat (and PP) support including the ability to use it at-will and multiple ways of recharging it beyond that.  Eladrin have a lot of support for just about every class, but specifically of the TP classes, they make very good Bards, Swordmages, Warlocks, and Warlords.



Revenant (Dex, Cha/Con) – Revenant can be any other race, so … yeah.



Shadar-Kai (Dex, Int/Wis) – Shadow Jaunt, while not as long distance as Fey Step, gives the nice bonus of insubstantial; unfortunately the most useful support doesn’t involve the teleport, only the insubstantial.  They make good Assassins, Swordmages, and Avengers of the TP classes, but also have decent support to be Rangers, Rogues, Wizards, and even Clerics Templars.



Shardmind (Int, Wis/Cha) – Shard Swarm is a fantastic power that scales with both your Speed and Teleport boosters, and hey, free CA.  They’ve got some support (but could really use a Winning Races article) that seems to indicate they’re designed for both Psionic Classes and Leaders; for our purposes, they’ll make decent Bards, Shaman, Warlocks, and of course Warlords.



Tiefling (Cha, Int/Con) – While technically not a race with natural teleporting, not only do they make superb Bards, Warlocks, Warlords, and Sorcerers, they get a special mention because of Secrets of Belial allowing them to steal a Utility from any other class (like Ethereal Sidestep – Warlock 10, the only power that lets you reliably teleport at-will)



Wilden (Wis, Dex/Con) – One of their aspects lets you teleport, but of the 3, it’s the weakest really, so we’ll just move on.



Noble Phantasms

Gear falls into 6 categories, items that allow you to teleport yourself, allies, or enemies, items that increase your teleport distance (and may also grant teleports) – Boosters, items that prevent teleportation, and ways to prevent blindness.

As a note, I fully intend on leaving the slots with no items listed in there, I think it helps with item planning (and design space, hint writers!)

EoE – Until the End of the Encounter
EoT – Until the End of your/its Turn
EonT – Until the End of your/its Next Turn
SonT – Until the Start of your/its Next Turn
X – Enhancement bonus of the item









To be honest, most of these are pretty much crap, unless you desperately want to teleport and lack other options in other slots you should be choosing things that have other desirable effects if it’s a daily power (or at least be a Minor Action).






Transcendent Ki focus (Superior KF) – Property: Gain concealment SonT when you hit with a TP Attack power.
Rod of Malign Conveyance (3+, Rod) – Daily Move, TP X: Yourself, 1 Ally within 5, and 1 Enemy within 5*
Staff of the Evader (3+, Staff) – Daily IR, TP 5 and end immobilize when immobilized
Weapon of Surrounding (3+, Melee) – Encounter Free Action, TP to a different square adjacent to an adjacent enemy you hit.
Abduction Ki Focus (4+, KF) – Daily Free Action, TP 5: Yourself and Enemy you hit to a square adjacent to you, when you hit with a melee attack using this ki focus*
Staff of the Traveler (5+, Staff) – Encounter Free Action, TP same distance when you TP with a Psionic Power.  Property: TP same distance as shift, instead of shifting*
Wailing Tome (5+, Tome) – Property: Gain X THP when you use a wizard psychic or TP power, or 2*(X+Cha/Int/Wis) if you chose to be dazed EonT. Daily Free Action, expend an unused wizard daily attack or utility power to gain the use of one of the daily psychic or TP powers contained in the tome of equal or lower level.
Wand of Wonder (7+, Rare Wand) – Critical: TP 1 for each 1 rolled on the crit dice.*
Bolt of Transit (8+, Ammo) – Property: TP adjacent to enemy when you hit with this bolt
Rod of the Feywild (8+, Rod) – Encounter Move, TP 3+X.  Property: TP +X when you trigger Fey Pact Boon
Rubicant Blade (8+, 1H) – Daily Move, TP 5: Yourself and 1 or 2 Allies within 5*
Forked Lightning Ki Focus (9+, KF) – Daily Free Action, TP adjacent to enemy (and use an MBA) within 5 of target you dealt lightning damage to with a melee attack with this ki focus
Staff of New Horizons (9+, Staff) – Daily IR, TP X: Yourself and adjacent Allies when you take damage*
Fickle Twilight Totem (9+, Totem) – Daily Free Action, TP X when you hit with this totem
Incisive Dagger (9+, Dagger) – Daily Minor, TP 5/10/10-without-LoS*
Shadowrift Blade (12+, LB) – At-Will Free Action, TP 2/3/3/4 and take 5/10/10/15 damage when you hit with CA
Retributive Bow (13+, Bow) – Daily IR, TP 5 and make a RBA against the enemy that hit you with a melee attack
Staff of Portals (14+, Staff) – Daily Free Action, TP 5: You and Allies within 2 after you use a TP power*
Nightstalker’s Poingard (14, Dagger) – Daily Move, TP Speed to adjacent to an enemy and gain CA
Transposing Weapon (14+, Any) – Encounter Free Action, TP Swap with enemy you hit with this weapon.*
Staff of the Far Wanderer (17+, Staff) – Daily Free Action, TP adjacent to any target of a radiant power.
Sword of Croodle (17, Longsword, Rare) – Encounter Free Action, TP 5 when you hit an enemy with this weapon.
Hestavar Dueling Blade (18+, LB) – Daily Free Action, TP 3 and adjacent to enemy you miss with a melee attack with this weapon and make an MBA
Planesplitter Weapon (19+, Axe or HB) – Daily Minor, Create rift connecting 2 squares within 10 of each other EonT, creatures that enter one square can move to the other as if they were adjacent.*
Orb of the Planes (23, Orb) – Encounter II, TP 10 and prevent TP when enemy within 10 uses a TP power*
Wave of Sorrow (30, Greatsword) – At-Will Free Action, TP adjacent to enemy you hit with melee or close attack with this weapon



Breaching Armor (3+, Any) – Daily Move, TP 3 to the other side of a wall
Robe of Contingency (4+, Cloth) – Daily IR, TP 6 and Surge when Bloodied and damaged
Blink Shirt (8+, Cloth) – Daily IR, TP 2+X when missed by an enemy
Armor of Transport (10+, Chain or Scale) – Daily II, TP 5 when hit by an enemy  Aug 1: TP adjacent allies to adjacent to your destination*
Teleporting Armor (12+, Scale or Plate) – Daily Move, TP 2*X (why is this so bad?!)
Translocating Armor (14+, Any) – Encounter IR, TP 3 when missed by an enemy.
Robe of Bloodwalking (17+, Cloth) – Encounter Free Action, TP to any square of a target you reduce to 0 hp or fewer.
Driftmetal Armor (18+, Chain or Scale) – Encounter II, TP Swap with enemy that targets you with a melee attack, it takes a -2 penalty to attack EonT.*
Sudden Escape Armor (28, Chain) – Daily II, TP 5 and Insubstantial SonT when an enemy hits you with a melee or close attack



Baffling Cape (3+) – Daily IR, TP Swap with adjacent enemy that missed you*
Necklace of Keys (3+) – Daily Minor, TP 3/3/5/5/10/10 when grabbed or restrained
Cape of the Mountebank (5+) – Daily IR, TP 5 when hit
Cloak of the Crimson Path (7+) – Daily IR, TP Swap with your spirit companion, while bloodied, when an enemy adjacent to either of you misses with a melee attack.
Guardian's Circlets (8+) – Daily II, TP Swap places with an attuned ally within 5/10/15 (+5 with Mark of Sentinel) who would be bloodied by an attack, and you take the damage instead.wait
Cloak of Translocation (9+) – Daily Minor, Recharge an Encounter TP Power
Cloak of Displacement (10+) – Daily II, Force Attacker to reroll when hit by a ranged or melee attack, TP 1 if the reroll misses
Chaos Cloak (14+) – Daily IR, TP 1d8 sometimes (1/3 chance) when an enemy hits a NAD
Eldritch Medallion (17+) – Daily IR, TP X when bloodied by an enemy
Chamber Cloak (18+) – Daily Free Action, Banish yourself SonT when you take damage from an enemy or trap, returning to within 5 of your last space.
Cloak of Autumn's Child (19+) – Daily Move, Banish yourself SonT (you can choose what round to return), suppressing all effects on you and gaining a bonus to saves. You remain aware of your surroundings and can return within 5 and LoS of your last space.
Bralani Cloak (20+) – Daily Move, TP Speed+X and gain fly 8 (hover)
Cloak of Feywild Escape (20+) – Daily Move, Banish yourself SonT, returning within 5 of an ally you choose when you use this power.
Cloak of the Phoenix (20+) – Daily No Action, Banish yourself SonT and damage enemies within 3 when you drop below 1 hp, returning to your last space, ending all effects on you and healing your surge value/bloodied value/full hp, but you lose all your remaining surges.
Guardian's Cape (20+) – Daily Move, TP swap with an ally within 10 without LoS
Far-Step Amulet (29) – Daily Move, TP 20*



Charger’s Headdress (12) – Daily Standard, TP instead of moving when you Charge
Helm of Teleportation (15+, Rare) – Encounter Move, TP 6/12.  Property: Gain CA EonT against enemies you TP adjacent to on your turn.*
Evasion Shard (20) – Encounter II, Chance to TP 5, or TP and not expend this power, or take damage and fall prone when an attack hits you.



Feyleaf Vambraces (4) – Daily Free Action, TP to nearest flank before attack
Bracers of Escape (7+) – Daily II, TP 2/5/10 when hit by a melee attack



Blackleaf Gloves (4) – Encounter Free Action, TP 3 when Pact Boon triggers
Gauntlets of Remote Action (9) – Daily Move, TP Swap with the floating gauntlet.



Horned Ring (8, Rare) – Daily Move, TP to any location in Undermountain you have seen. Property: As long as the destination space of a TP power is within range and you have seen it before, you need no LoS.*
Eladrin Ring of Passage (14, Rare) – Daily Move, TP 6 (without LoS after Milestone)*
Ring of Calling (14) – Daily Minor, TP adjacent to ally within 20 after Milestone*
Ring of Shadow Travel (15) – Daily Move, TP 4 (8 if in non-Bright)(Double Distance after Milestone) but not into Bright
Death Spiral Ring (16) – Daily IR, TP into or adjacent to the space of a creature within 10 that dropped to 0 hp or lower.  Can be used twice in one encounter after Milestone
Ring of Eladrin Grace (16) – Encounter No Action, TP 5 if you are conscious and end your turn without having attacked
Ring of Retreat (17) – Daily Standard, TP to a predetermined location.  TP Back with a Standard within 10 hours*
Ring of the Protector (18) – Daily Standard (Minor after a Milestone), TP adjacent to wearer of other ring
Ring of Dimensional Escape (20) – Daily No Action, TP 20 when an attack drops you to 0 hp or fewer, and stabilize after Milestone*
Blink Ring (22) – Daily Minor, TP 1d4. Sustain Minor: TP 1d4 no sustain after Milestone
Ring of Fey Travel (22) – Daily Minor, TP Speed
Star Opal Ring (26) – Daily Move, TP 10 and after a milestone, attack creatures within 3 of your destination (maybe)
Ring of Windows (28) – Daily Free, TP without LoS when you use a TP power, and TP +4 after Milestone.  Property: When you TP, no creature can enter the space you leave



Belt of Breaching (19) – Property: TP 5 and surge when you reduce an enemy to 0



Boots of Jaunting (2) – Daily Minor, TP 1
Feyleaf Sandals (2) – Daily No Action, TP 5 when you fall
Boots of the Dryad (5+) – Daily Move, TP 4/8/12 to adjacent to a Tree, Treant, or Plant of your size+
Foe Chaser Boots (6) – Daily IR, TP adjacent to marked Enemy when it attacks not you
Rift Dancer Boots (8+) – Encounter Move, TP Speed, after you use an attack which allows you to move. 2/enc at 18.
Feystride Boots (11) – Encounter Move, TP 5 when you have an Eladrin Ally within 10 and you expend Elven Accuracy or Llothtouched*
Feystep Lacings (12) – 5 Charges/Day Move, TP # of charges you spend
Boots of the Shadowed Path (13) – Encounter Move, TP 3 adjacent to a creature or object that is Small or larger.
Earthstriders (14) – Daily Move, TP 5 along the ground
Fireburst Boots (14) – Daily Move, TP 6 and deal damage to creatures adjacent to you before the TP
Swift-Step Boots (14) – Property: When you run, TP last 2/2/4/4 squares (+1 further at 24/29th)
Flanker’s Boots (15) – Daily Move, TP adjacent to adjacent creature
Eladrin Boots (16) – Daily Move, TP 5 (10 if Eladrin)*
Dimensional Stride Boots (18) – Encounter Move, TP 2 or Speed if at max HP
Planestrider Boots (18) – Encounter Move, TP 10.  Property: Split Teleports
Sandals of Arcane Transposition (18) – Daily Free Action, TP into area of effect after making an arcane area or close attack
Shadowsteppers (18) – Daily Move, TP 5 and insubstaintail EonT.  Take 5 damage if used in Bright light
Swiftstrike Shoes (20) – Daily Move, TP 20 adjacent to an enemy
Backtrack Bindings (24) – Encounter Free Action, TP Back to square you were in when you used this power if within 10, at the end of your turn
Fey Warrior's Boots (24) – At-Will IR, TP 3 when an attack misses you
Time-Jumping Boots (27) – Daily Move, Banish yourself (kinda) SonT, ignoring negative ongoing effects, taking no damage, and not having to make saves if you don't want. You take a Standard and 2 Minor Actions. Returning to your last space and are dazed EonT.
Boots of Teleportation (28, RAre) – At-Will Move, TP Speed
Boots of the Infinite Stride (28) – Daily Move, TP 1 MILE without LoE or LoS



Escape Tattoo (3) – Property Free Action: TP 3 when crit by nonminion
Tattoo of the Escape Artist (8) – Property: Gain TP 1 as a Minor EoE when crit by nonminion



Avandra’s Boon of Escape (3+, Boon) – Daily Move, TP 2/3/4/5/6/7
Lloth's Fickle Favor (3+, Boon, Rare) – Encounter IR, Chance to TP d8 and turn invisible EonT when bloodied by an enemy attack, or become dazed (?!)
Sehanine’s Mark of the Dark Moon (3+, Boon) – Daily IR, TP 2/3/4/6/8/8 + stealth when you take damage
The Raven Queen’s Shroud (3+, Boon) – Daily Minor, TP Adjacent to specified enemy
Torog’s Lamentation of the Shackled (3+, Boon) – Daily IR, TP 2 and end condition when slowed, immobilized or restrained.
Tempest Fan (5+, Wonderous) – Daily Move, TP 5/10/15: Yourself or an adjacent Ally, deal damage to enemies within 3 of destination.*
Gift of Flame (7+, Boon) – Daily IR, TP 10 to adjacent to a creature within 10 of you that takes fire damage and deal 3/6/9 fire damage to each enemy adjacent to you before and after the teleport.
Abalach-Re's Deception (8+, Boon) – Daily II, TP Swap with one ally within 3/5/10 when an enemy hits you with an attack, and the ally is hit instead, and you and the ally gain a +0/1/2 bonus to all defenses SonT.*
Sanctuary's Poise (8+, Boon) – Daily Move, TP 1/3/5+Cha or Wis
Fey Step Potion (10, Potion) – Consumable Minor, TP 5 as a move EonT
Transposition Harness (12+, Companion) – Daily Move, TP swap with your companion within 10/20.
Gift of Chaos (13, Boon) – Daily Free Action, Chance to TP yourself and each creature adjacent to you up to d6 squares when you roll a 1 or 20 on an attack or save.*
Teleportation Disk (14, Lair) – At-Will Move, TP to any location in the structure.
Homing Collar (15, Familiar) – Daily Move, TP into your Familiar’s space.
Nightmare (15, Mount) – At-Will Move, TP its Speed with its rider.
Saddle of the Nightmare (15, Mount slot) – Property: TP with Mount.
Safe Retreat (15, Wonderous) – Daily II, TP your Familiar to you when an attack reduces it to 0, it enters passive mode and cannot become active EoE.
True Kiss of the Mistress (18+, Boon) – Daily Free Action, TP 5/10/15 and daze EonT attacker that hits you with CA.
Rune of Fiery Might (19, Boon, Rare) – Daily II, TP 5 and deal 10 damage to adjacent enemies when you are hit
Portal Gun (20, Wonderous, Rare) – Encounter Standard, Chance to create a portal between 2 squares within 20 EoE (or you close them as a minor), Any creature that steps into one portal teleports to an unoccupied square adjacent to the other portal, OR you and the creature nearest to you teleport, swapping places and are both dazed (SE)*
Instant Portal (23, Wonderous) – Consumable Minor, Create a portal in an adjacent square that leads to a destination chosen at creation, it lasts until the end of your fifth turn after use.*
Mithral Maze (28, Lair) – Daily Standard, Attack to Banish an immobilized creature in the hallway (SE)
Cubic Portal (30, Wonderous) – Daily Minor, Create a portal within 3 that leads to a premanent teleportation circle EonT (sustain minor). Each side of the cube opens a portal to a different location, chosen at creation.
Eldritch Panoply 2pc Set Bonus – At-Will Minor, TP equal to # of items from set after you use a teleportation power on the same turn.  (Blade of the Eldritch Knight (15+ HB), Eldritch Medallion* (17+), Rebuking Bracers* (18), Dimensional Gauntlets (20), Belt of Breaching* (19), Swift-Step Boots* (14+))
Implements of Argent 4pc Set Bonus – Daily Move, TP 3 (Controller's Implement (13+), Striker's Weapon (14+), Defender's Armor (15+), Leader's Helm (16), Champion's Ring (17))






Because positioning is such a major factor of being a Leader, some of these are absolutely fantastic, especially the Rod, Rubicant Blade, and the Armor (which is great for negating a PC start box).  It’s important to note with these items and similar powers exactly who is doing the teleporting, you or the ally, in order to determine the teleport distance and Line of Sight to the destination square (The Summoning Bullet, for example, lets the ally do the teleporting)




Rod of Malign Conveyance (3+, Rod) – Daily Move, TP X: Yourself, 1 Ally within 5, and 1 Enemy within 5*
Astral Redoubt Totem (4+, Totem) – Daily Free Action, Banish an ally within 5 SotnT, healing them 2*X, when you hit an enemy with a primal attack using this totem, returning to their last space.
Way-Leader Weapon (4+, Spear) – Encounter Move, TP one or two Allies within 5 to adjacent to an enemy you hit this turn.
Summoning Bullet (8+, Ammo) – Property: TP Ally within 3 of Enemy to adjacent to it when you hit with this bullet
Rubicant Blade (8+, 1H) – Daily Move, TP 5: Yourself and 1 or 2 Allies within 5*
Staff of New Horizons (9+, Staff) – Daily IR, TP X: Yourself and adjacent Allies when you take damage*
Totem of the Flensing Sands (10+, Totem) – Daily Standard, TP 5 Ally and some Burst 5 Zone
Symbol of Security (13+, Symbol) – Encounter IR, TP Ally within 10 that is first bloodied in an encounter to adjacent to you.
Staff of Portals (14+, Staff) – Daily Free Action, TP 5: Yourself and Allies within 2 after you use a TP power*
Staff of Transposition (14+, Staff) – Daily Free Action, TP Allies when you use a close or area power to the nearest unaffected square.
Songbow of Summoning (15+, Bow or Xbow) – Daily Free Action, TP Allies within 5 of Enemy or You to adjacent to Enemy when you hit with this weapon.
Planesplitter Weapon (19+, Axe or HB) – Daily Minor, Create rift connecting 2 squares within 10 of each other EonT, creatures that enter one square can move to the other as if they were adjacent.*
Armor of Transport (10+, Chain or Scale) – Daily II, TP 5 when hit by an enemy.  Aug 1: TP adjacent allies to adjacent to your destination*
Helm of Teleportation (15+, Rare) – Encounter Move, TP 6/12.  Property: Gain CA EonT against enemies you TP adjacent to on your turn.*
Ring of Calling (14) – Daily Minor, TP ally within 20 to adjacent to you*
Ring of Retreat (17) – Daily Standard, TP Yourself and up to 7 Allies to a predetermined location after Milestone.  TP Back with a Standard within 10 hours*
Reinforcement Tattoo (9) – Property: TP Allies you can see to within 3 of you when crit by nonminion
Guardian's Whistle (4) – Daily Move, TP Ally within 10 to adjacent to you.
Tempest Fan (5+) – Daily Move, TP 5/10/15: Yourself or an adjacent Ally, deal damage to enemies within 3 of destination.*
Abalach-Re's Deception (8+, Boon) – Daily II, TP Swap with one ally within 3/5/10 when an enemy hits you with an attack, and the ally is hit instead, and you and the ally gain a +0/1/2 bonus to all defenses SonT.*
Gift of Chaos (13, Boon) – Daily Free Action, Chance to TP yourself and each creature adjacent to you up to d6 squares when you roll a 1 or 20 on an attack or save.*
Recalling Harness (18+) – Encounter II, TP your companion 10/∞ to be adjacent to you when an attack bloodies or drops you to 0.
Portal Gun (20, Wonderous, Rare) – Encounter Standard, Chance to create a portal between 2 squares within 20 EoE (or you close them as a minor), Any creature that steps into one portal teleports to an unoccupied square adjacent to the other portal, OR you and the creature nearest to you teleport, swapping places and are both dazed (SE)*
Instant Portal (23, Wonderous) – Consumable Minor, Create a portal in an adjacent square that leads to a destination chosen at creation, it lasts until the end of your fifth turn after use.*
Offerings of Celestian 4pc Set Bonus – Benefit: TP a number of allies equal to # of items from this set when you TP, they must begin and end adjacent to you. (Staff of the Far Wanderer* (17+ Staff), Mooncloth Robes (17+ Cloth), Star-strewn Scarf (18+), Sun Sphere (20), Gloves of the Wandering Star (19))






There’s two things of note when teleporting enemies.  First, teleporting is not forced movement, so it’s the easiest way to both get around dwarf and giant sturdiness.  Second, teleporting a creature into the air does grant them a save to negate the teleport completely.




Pact Sword (2+, LS) – Daily Free Action, TP 1+X cursed enemy you hit
Rod of Malign Conveyance (3+, Rod) – Daily Move, TP X: Yourself, 1 Ally within 5, and 1 Enemy within 5.  Critical: Xd6 and TP target X*
Abduction Ki Focus (4+, KF) – Daily Free Action, TP 5: Yourself and Enemy you hit to a square adjacent to you, when you hit with a melee attack using this ki focus*
Dislocation Weapon (4+, HB or LB) – Daily Free Action, TP Enemy adjacent to your ally when you hit with this weapon
Staff of the Traveler (5+, Staff) – Critical: TP target 2/4/6/8/10/12
Fey Strike Weapon (5+, Any) – Daily Free Action, TP Enemy 10 to adjacent to you when you hit with this weapon
Staff of Bitter Dismissal (7+, Staff) – Daily Free Action, TP Enemy X when you hit it within 3 with a force attack with this staff
Wand of Wonder (7+, Rare Wand) – Critical: TP target 1 for each 6 rolled on the crit dice.*
Space-Shifting Bolt (8+, Ammo) – Property: TP Enemy 1 when you hit with this bolt
Mithrendain Steel Weapon (8+, HB or LB) – Daily Free Action, TP Target 2 when you hit with this weapon*
Githyanki Silver Weapon (9+, HB) – Daily Free Action, Banish target you hit with this weapon (SE) returning to its last space.
Staff of New Horizons (9+, Staff) – Critical: Xd6 and TP target X*
Wyrdwarped Weapon (12+, Ranged) – Daily Free Action, TP X target you hit with this weapon
Banishing Spellblade (14+, HB or LB) – Daily Free Action, Banish target that you would pull, push, slide, or TP EotnT, returning to its last space.
Staff of Portals (14+, Staff) – Critical: xd6 and TP target X*
Transposing Weapon (14+, Any) – Encounter Free Action, TP Swap with enemy you hit with this weapon.*
Voidcrystal Weapon (14+, Melee) – Daily Free Action, Banish target you hit with this weapon SonT, returning to a space of your choice within 3 of you.
Prismatic Orb (15+, Rare Orb) – Daily No Action, TP target X when you hit it with this Orb.
Rod of Sylvan Trickery (15+, Rod) – Daily Free Action, TP target 3 (6 if in Feywild) when you hit it with an arcane power using this rod EoE, after Cursing it.
Orb of Unintended Solitude (18+, Orb) – Daily Free Action, Banish target that you would pull, push, slide, or TP EotnT, returning to its last space.
Driftmetal Armor (18+, Chain or Scale) – Encounter II, TP Swap with enemy that targets you with a melee attack, it takes a -2 penalty to attack EonT.*
Baffling Cape (3+) – Daily IR, TP Swap with adjacent enemy that missed you*
Rebuking Bracers (18) – Property: TP 3 enemy you crit with a melee attack, and daze if wielding Blade of the Eldritch Knight
Gloves of Dimensional Repulsion (14) – Daily Standard, TP 10 adjacent target you hit with Cha+4 vs Fort*
Foe Caller Gauntlets (22) – Encounter II, TP 10 enemy marked by you that attacks not you to adjacent to you and make a MBA
Ring of Sorrows (18) – Daily Standard, Conjure 3 Sorrows within 10, an enemy that starts adjacent to a Sorrow and deals damage on its turn is teleported to another square adjacent to the Sorrow.
Gift of Chaos (13, Boon) – Daily Free Action, Chance to TP yourself and each creature adjacent to you up to d6 squares when you roll a 1 or 20 on an attack or save.*
Portal Gun (20, Wonderous, Rare) – Encounter Standard, Chance to create a portal between 2 squares within 20 EoE (or you close them as a minor), Any creature that steps into one portal teleports to an unoccupied square adjacent to the other portal, OR you and the creature nearest to you teleport, swapping places and are both dazed (SE)*






These are probably the most misunderstood piece of the Teleporter’s build.  Just looking at those 3 weapons, they each apply differently; A “Teleportation Power” is different from a “Power that allows you to Teleport” is different from a “Teleport you make”.  Fey Step is all 3 of these, Feywild Advance turns Blurred Step into the later 2 (because adding a teleport to a power doesn’t give it the Teleportation keyword, so it’s not a Teleportation Power), Fey Charge is an example of a Teleport you make (you are not actually using Fey Step, and Charge itself is not a power either) unless you are using a power in order to charge (ex. Swift Charge and Hurling Charge).



There is also a distinction between “you can Teleport” and “a Teleport you make”, which is that the former only applies to your own personal teleporting and not when you teleport allies or other creatures.  I’m sure there’s some debate over this somewhere, but that’s the simplest, most logical interpretation.  Unfortunately, CB lacks the ability to track your teleport distances, so that’s a lot of bookkeeping you have to do.



I also (apparently) have to mention that these things boost Range, not Distance.  If you’re using a Teleport Swap (ex. Dimension Swap), a Pursuit Teleport (Relentless Stride), or a Triggered Teleport (Robe of Bloodwalking’s Encounter Power) teleport boosters are generally of no use – they don’t increase the range of a power, and you still have to meet the conditions of where your teleports destination is, where applicable.




Works with all teleports: Mithrendain Steel Weapon (+1), Eladrin Armor (+1/2/3), Eladrin Ring of Passage (+1), Ring of Dimensional Escape (+1), Eladrin Boots (+2), Arcane Wisp/Dimensional Pet Familiar (+1)

Works with powers that let you teleport: Rubicant Blade (+1)

Works with teleport powers: Incisive Dagger (+X), Far-Step Amulet (+3), Ring of Retreat (+1), Creeping Gatevine (+2/5/10)

Mithrendain Steel Weapon (8+, HB or LB) – Property: TP +1*
Rubicant Blade (8+, 1H) – Property: TP +1 with powers*
Incisive Dagger (9+, Dagger) – Property: TP +X with TP powers*
Eladrin Armor (3+, Chain) – Property: TP +1/2/3
Far-Step Amulet (29) – Property: TP +3 with TP powers*
Gloves of Dimensional Repulsion (14) – Property: TP +2 with TP powers used on others*
Eladrin Ring of Passage (14, Rare) – Property: TP +1 (+2 if Eladrin)*
Ring of Calling (14) – Property: TP +4 with TP powers used by adjacent Allies
Ring of Retreat (17) – Property: TP +1 with TP powers*
Ring of Dimensional Escape (20) – Property: TP +1*
Feystride Boots (11) – Property: TP +2 with Fey Step when you have an Elf or Drow ally within 10*
Eladrin Boots (16) – Property: TP +2 (except the Daily of these boots)*
Arcane Wisp Familiar (11+) – Property: TP +1
Creeping Gatevine (10+) – Consumable Free Action, TP +2/5/10 when used with a TP power up to 10/20/30th level
Dimensional Pet Familiar (11+) – Property: TP +1*




These are pretty “meh” items except for the Feyslaughter and the Orbs




Byeshk Weapon (3+, Any) – Daily Free Action, Daze, Restrain, and Prevent TP EonT an Abberant Creature you hit with this weapon
Forbiddance Bolt (9+, Ammo) – Property: Prevent Enemy TP and TP within 2 of it EonT when you hit with this bolt
Totem of Enduring Vigilance (9+, Totem) – Daily Free Action, Prevent enemy you hit with a primal power with this implement from using or being the target of TP powers (SE)
Feyslaughter Weapon (9+, Any) – Property: Prevent TP EonT when you hit with this weapon
Ashurta’s Blade (10, BS, Dagger, LS, Shuriken, or SS) – Same as Byeshk but with other unrelated bonuses
Orb of Translocation Interference (13+, Orb) – Encounter Free Action, Choose the destination when an Enemy within 10 TPs
Moran’s Eye (14, Orb) – Encounter Minor, Prevent TP and slows (save ends both) target you hit with ranged 10 Int vs Will
Forbidding Weapon (14+, Any) – Daily IR, Prevent TP (save ends) and damage creature that TPs adjacent to you
Orb of the Planes (23+, Orb) – Encounter II, TP 10 and prevent TP when enemy within 10 uses a TP power*
Anchoring Armor (17+, Plate) – Daily IR, Prevent TP and Immoblize EonT (Augment 1: (save ends) instead) a creature that TPs adjacent to you
Gauntlets of Discontinuity (13) – Daily II, Prevent TP of enemy within 2 EonT when it tries to teleport
Boots of Grounding (8) – Encounter II, Prevent TP when an attack would TP you
Planar Stasis Boots (18) – Property: You cannot be TP against your will
Bead of Force (15+) – Consumable Standard, Prevent TP, Restrain, Deal Ongoing, and block LoE to target hit by this item (save ends all)
Dimensional Pet Familiar (11+) – Encounter II, Prevent TP of enemy adjacent to active pet SonT
Dimensional Shackles (17) – Daily Standard, Prevent TP and Restrain until escape creature you hit with a Str or Dex vs Ref attack that you must have CA for



SONAR – teleporting while blind




Horned Ring (8, Rare) – Daily Move, TP to any location in Undermountain you have seen. Property: As long as the destination space of a TP power is within range and you have seen it before, you need no LoS.*





Fey Beast Tamer – The Blink Dog companion has an aura which allows it and its allies (including you) to teleport to another square in the auraNot particularly good for distance, but for effect purposes (and the near constant CA) it's pretty good.



Iliyanbruen Guardian – Eladrin Only. You can take another ally with you when you Fey Step (for a total of 5 allies if you're a Bard|Warlord/Student of the Plague).  And you can Fey Step as a minor, which certainly has its uses for hit-and-run.



Order Adept – The level 5 feature gives you access to Wizard Utility powers (if you aren't a Wizard), which opens up some decent Teleportation powers (and other powers which might be really good).



Scion of Shadow – Optional level 10 utility lets you teleport 3 into dim/dark areas for 1 encounter/day.



Spellscarred Harbinger – Option of a Minor Action TP 2 every encounter, this is generally a better theme than the Eladrin one (even for Eladrin, since it's not using up Fey Step) since it has other options and a daily daze.






Feats of Strength, or Strength of Feet?









Acolyte of the Veil [MC Assassin] – (13 Dex) Training in Athletics or Stealth, Shadow Step 1/Encounter, wield Assassin Implements
Cast Afar the Spirit – (Familiar) TP Familiar when you switch it to active
Haunting Shade Expert – (Haunting Shade) Swap a U6 for a long encounter TP into dim or darkness
Mark of Passage – (Oh look, this is OP) Increase Shifts and TPs with powers and you can master travel and other rituals
Zealous Fury – Baphamut lets you swap a U6 to heal, teleport, and mark as a daily



Refracting Mantle – (Shardmind) Targets of Shard Swarm grant CA EonT to allies within your Mantle
Arcane Repositioning – (Eladrin) Expend Fey Step to TP one of your Conjurations or Summons
Redistribute Minions – (Eladrin) When you Fey Step you can TP your Summons
Vanishing Concoction – (Eladrin) Ally can end Resistive or  Shielding elixirs as a Free Action to TP instead of normal benefit
Close to Death – (Revenant) Ignore requirements for Shadow Step when bloodied
Darkness’s Wings – (Shadar-kai) Gain darkvision and you can expend Shade Form to regain Shadow Jaunt
Darting Shade – Shadow Step as a FA after you take damage while in Shade Form
Death Walk – (Revenant) Shadow Step as a FA when you Dark Reaping
Hunter in the Gloom – (Shadar-kai) Target Ref instead of AC when insubstantial from Shadow Jaunt
Hunting Shadow – (Wilden) TP instead of shift with Pursuit of the Hunter and +1 damage per shroud EonT
Leaping Shadows – Shadow Step as a FA when you kill an enemy
Maw of the Hungry Killer – (Gnoll) Gain THP when you kill a shrouded target, and TP if you invoked the shrouds
Phantom Blade Evasion – (Halfling) Shadow Step as a FA after you Second Chance
Quick and Dead – (Revenant) Increase distance of Shadow Step after using Dark Reaping
Spirited Shadows – (Drow) Increase distance of Shadow Step when used from within Cloud of Darkness
Twilight Phantom Step – (Eladrin) Extend range of Fey Step when you TP next to your Shroud target
Feyborn Pursuer – (Eladrin) Extend range of Fey Step when you TP next to your Oath target
Godsworn Sidestep – (Corellon) TP next to Oath target when you crit
Oathbound Stalker – (Assassin?!) Increase TPs so long as you go next to your Oath target
Bardic Wayfarer – Once per turn when you TP an ally, you can also TP; instead of sliding with Majestic Word you can TP the target
Feywild Advance – (Eladrin) TP instead of shifting with Blurred Step
Harrying Step – TP adjacent to enemy with Blurred Step
Fey Preserver – (Eladrin) TP ally when you use Preservers Rebuke
Feyborn Companion – (Eladrin, Beast Mastery) Beast gains racial traits and when you use Fey Step it TPs as well
Shadar-Kai Beast – (Shadar-Kai, Beast Mastery) Beast gains racial traits and when you use Shadow Jaunt it TPs as well, but only one of you gets insubstantial
Aggressive Spirit – TP spirit next to an enemy when you kill an enemy
Linked Spirit – (Shardmind) Telepathy within 5 of your spirit, and you can swap positions with your spirit when you Shard Swarm
Spirit’s Fey Step – (Eladrin) TP Spirit companion when you Fey Step
Eladrin Swordmage Advance – (Eladrin) Free MBA when you Fey Step next to an enemy
Extended Teleportation – Makes your SM or PP TPs longer
Grasping Ensnarement – (Ensnarement) Slow EonT enemies you TP with Aegis
Dancing Leaves – TP Closer to an enemy instead of sliding it with Warden’s Grasp
Curse of Displacement – TP Cursed enemy you crit
Exultant Shadow Step – TP when you crit a cursed enemy
Frost Step – (Fey Pact) Leave behind Difficult Terrain when you use Misty Step
Improved Misty Step – (Fey Pact) Increase Misty Step
Renewed by Blood – (Eladrin) Regain Fey Step when you kill a cursed creature 1/encounter
Spirit of Lalali-Puy – (SK) TP next to an ally instead of dealing extra damage when you augment Hand of Blight
Swirling Leaves of Autumn – (Fey Pact, Sehanine) Leave behind Light Obscurement when you use Misty Step
Fey Command – (Eladrin, Tactical) When an ally APs they can TP before or after the attack



Feral Fey Step – (Primal) Fey Step as IR when first bloodied, even if already expended
Fey Escape – Use Fey Step as IR when grabbed, immobilized, or restrained
Fey Familiar – (Arcane, Familiar) TP Familiar when you Fey Step
Healing Step – (Divine) Before or after Fey Step, grant an adjacent ally THP and let them shift
Moon Elf Resilience – Spend a Surge after using Fey Step when bloodied with no allies within 5
Planar Blurring – (Spellscar) Before or after Fey Step, slide an adjacent creature, also TP an adjacent creature if you have Student of the Plague
Starlight Duelist Style – (Dex 13, Martial) Use Fey Step as a FA after Hit and Run or use Fey Step as a IR instead of the II granted by Riposte Strike
Sun Elf Grace – +1 All Def EonT if you Fey Step before getting Bloodied
Twist the Arcane Fabric – (Arcane) Expend Fey Step to TP an Ally out of your Burst/Blast
Ubiquitous Step – (Psionic Augmentation) Regain Fey Step when first drop to 0 power points
Winterkin Heritage – Resist Cold and gain an encounter power that lets you TP and gain concealment
Winter’s Reach – (Winterkin) Increase distance of the power from Winterkin Heritage
Storm Step – (Storm Soul) TP Adjacent to an enemy you hit when you have Promise of Storm active
Get in your Head – (Psionic) Augment Fade Away to TP as well
Darkening Mind – (Psionic) Augment Shadow Jaunt to increase distance and remain insubstantial EonT
Devious Jaunt – Increase distance of Shadow Jaunt
Doom of Jiksidur –Knock prone when you hit when insubstantial from Shadow Jaunt, and Stealth bonus
Dread of Sakkors – Push and slow EonT when you hit when insubstantial, and Intimidate bonus
Drowing of Nhalloth – Slide and a penalty to hit EonT when you hit when insubstantial from Shadow Jaunt, and Arcana bonus
Krinth Heritage – Become insubstantial after getting crit and replace Shadow Jaunt with an Encounter power that TPs you next to an enemy that damages you and gain CA
Shade Heritage – Gain darkvision and replace Shadow Jaunt with a longer Encounter TP that increases if you goto Dim or Darkness
Shadow Exile – Remove yourself from play SonT instead of TP with Shadow Jaunt
Shadow Legacy – (Divine, Raven Queen) Gain Channel Divinity that TPs an ally when they become bloodied
Daunting Swarm – Mark EonT enemies you affect with Shard Swarm
Distant Swarm – Change Shard Swarm into an Area Burst 1 within 5 that you have to TP into
Liberating Shard Swarm – Make a Saving Throw when you Shard Swarm
Mineral Resilience – Gain THP when you Shard Swarm
Myriad Crystal Eyes – No creature can benefit from concealment EonT when you Shard Swarm
Warding Shard Swarm – +2 all Def EonT when you Shard Swarm
Improved Aspect of Nature – Increase Voyage of the Ancients TP, Bonus hit with Wrath of the Destroyer, and increase shift with Pursuit of the Hunter









Arcane Familiar: Arcane Wisp – Bonus Stealth, TP +1 (Active: It can TP 5 as an II when attacked 1/encounter)
Arcane Familiar: Dimensional Pet – Speak Primordial, TP +1 (Active: Prevent TP SonT of creature adjacent to Pet as an II 1/encounter)
Liberating Teleport – Gain bonus to saves when you TP
Space-Bending Spirit – (Familiar) Familiar gains TP as a movement mode



Enlarge Familiar – (Familiar, 16th Utility) Minor, TP Familiar back to you after turning it into a flanker for a round
Fade into Shadow – Shadow Step as a IR when you become bloodied
Grave Step – After you kill a creature, Shadow Step as a minor without having to begin or end adjacent to a creature
Raven Queen’s Scorn – (Raven Queen) TP adjacent to undead that you just placed your Oath on
Sequestering Jaunt – (Shadar-Kai) Shadow Jaunt takes your Oath target with you if it was next to you
Walk Among the Fey – TP creatures instead of Sliding them
Fey Charge – (Eladrin) Expend Fey Step to TP when you charge, is not expended if you hit
Marked Jaunt – (Shadar-Kai) TP with Shadow Jaunt as an Interrupt to attack a marked enemy that isn’t attacking you
Darkjumper – (Drow) TP into Cloud of Darkness as a Free Action once on the turn you use it
Fey Gambit – (Eladrin) Gain CA EoT against enemy you Fey Step next to
Unlucky Teleport – (Wild) Deal Psychic damage to enemies you TP
Ensnaring Flourish – (Ensnarement) Bonus damage against enemy you TP with Aegis
Shadowed Aegis – (Shadar-Kai, Assault) Gain insubstantial when you TP with Aegis
Timely Teleport – TP when you 2nd Wind
Vigorous Assault – (Assault) Gain THP when you TP with Aegis
Eochaid’s Lure – (Fey Pact) Slide enemies adjacent to the square you leave when you use Misty Step
Flitting Shadows – Reduce Curse damage on Encounter or Daily powers to TP the target
Fey Tactics – (Eladrin) TP ally within 5 of you when you Fey Step
Feywild Flanker – (Eladrin) Gain CA against one enemy you TP next to
Lightning Transport – TP when you kill a creature with a lightning power



Fey Death – Use Fey Step as a IR after killing an enemy
Fey Step Trailblazer – TP adjacent ally with you when you Fey Step
Feywild Protection – +2 All Def EonT after you Fey Step
Reactive Fey Step – Expend Fey Step to negate Forced Movement
Wind’s Fortunes – TP instead of shift with Shifting Fortunes
Reactive Jaunt – Shadow Jaunt as a IR when damaged
Buffeting Shard Swarm – Slide enemies in burst when you Shard Swarm
Perfect Fracture – Shard Swarm as an IR when bloodied
Burden of Liberty – When you use a Wilden racial power, an ally within 5 can TP next to you
Secret of Escape – Once per day when you drop to 0 or fewer, you can TP next to an ally








Untouchable Shade – Become insubstantial to creatures subject to your Shrouds when you Shadow Step
Vanish into Shadow – (Revenant) Gain concealment SonT when you Shadow Step
Binding Ensnarement – (Ensnarement) Immobilize EonT enemies you TP with Aegis





Feywild Warrior – (Martial) TP yourself and a target you hit with a Martial Daily Attack Power
Vanishing Act – TP when you Fade Away
Sequestering Jaunt – Phasing EonT when you Shadow Jaunt
Expanded Shard Swarm – Shard Swarm becomes Burst 2
Razor Shard Swarm – Enemies in burst take Int, Wis, or Cha damage when you Shard Swarm
Rejuvenating Shard Swarm – You can spend a surge when you Shard Swarm
Hellfire Teleport – Deal Fire damage 1/turn to enemies adjacent to the square you leave when you TP



Paragons Squad





Shadow Dancer (TP At-will or Encounter, Trained in Stealth) – TP on AP, and E11 is basically a TP Charge (but without charge benefits)

Anarchic Adept (Ardent) – Sometimes (50%) TP with Ardent's Surge and D20 has a crappy TP effect.  The APF and F16 are at least decent


Awakened Visionary (Ardent) – Defender Ardent?  There's a lot of teleporting going on here (Swapping with allies, TP marked enemies)


Shadowblade (Assassin) – This barely bears mentioning, but I am going for completeness.  TP on AP, bad path overall, unless you really really like being the only one with CA


Gloaming Dancer (Assassin) – TP on AP (I can tell I'm going to get sick of typing that), TP +1 with shadow powers, TP with its powers (yay synergy), too bad F16 is MOAR CA and the Daily is **** (Note to writers: Daily powers create zones that last until the end of the encounter or until a target saves, EonT on a Daily is reserved for stuff like Lead the Attack)


Hammer of Judgment (Avenger) – TP +2 with powers against bloodied creatures, Kinda controlly PP


Zealous Assassin (Avenger, Trained in Stealth) – TP on AP, and grants or gives bonuses when you have CA


Summer Rhymer (Bard, Cunning) – TP on AP (you or Ally), Lots of leadery stuff (Concealment, Healing, Resistance, TP, Attack)


Storm Disciple (Battlemind) – TP on AP, Augment At-Wills to teleport (in addition to normal effect), multi-TP+attack E11, and the U12 is an encounter Flight


Unbound Nomad (Battlemind) – TP enemy on AP, TP instead of being pushed, TP with blurred step, E11 TPs you and an enemy next to an ally, U12 creates a teleport conjuration that anyone can use, and D20 is a Banish/Random Teleport sustainable zone


Mithral Arm (Dragonborn) – F16 gives you TP as a movement mode and the daily lets you TP, use an Encounter Attack for free and then TP again


Shiere Knight (Eladrin) – TP with AP (replaces the Standard? Ugh), F16 is a Def bonus when you TP, and worse Wizards Escape as a utility


Azure Guard (Eladrin/Elf, Corellon) – F16 is a Def bonus when you TP, powers are TP, CA, and control oriented


Blade of Cendriane (Eladrin, Ranger) – TP on AP, Attack bonus when you TP, powers look like Swordmage powers (TP+Multi-target)


Gnome Nightcloak (Gnome, Paladin, Stealth) – TP on AP, E11 lets you TP next to and attack an enemy that hits an ally (regardless of mark)


Hammer of Vengeance (Invoker) – U12 is an Ally recall


Orien Swiftblade (Mark of Passage) – TP as a Move after AP, U12 you end immobilize and TP, and D20 is another TP+Multi-target


Thuranni ShadowKiller (Mark of Shadow, Stealth) – U12 creates an area of darkness that you teleport into


Ghostwalker (Monk) – TP after you kill an enemy, E11 is a Movement Tech that TPs an enemy with you, U12 is a stance that lets you TP when you get missed, D20 lets you TP after the attack


Unseen Hand (Monk, Stealth) – D20 is a teleporting spring attack that stuns


Legendary Hexblade (Hexblade, Fey) – Invis and TP on AP, Soul Step turns you Invis, and D20 gives you a NAD boost, TP, and a Minor Action attack every round EoE


Valiant Hexblade (Hexblade, Fey) – Heal and TP on AP, U12 TP and Insubstantial sometimes after getting hit


Eldritch Knight (Knight, Arcana) – TP a creature in your Aura when you TP, TP on AP, U12 TP adjacent to an Enemy, D20 TP yourself and target of Power Strike


Time Bender (Psion) – TP on AP, F16 lets you borrow a move action from your next round


Alienist (Psion) – Sometimes TP on AP


Horizon Walker (Ranger) – U12 TPs you and your Beast


Stormwarden (Ranger, 2 Blade) – TP on AP


High Forest Scout (Ranger, Archer) – Prevent TP on AP, E11 TPs the target


Gatecrasher (Rogue, Arcana) – Gain a move that you can use to TP before EoE on AP, Gain CA against enemies that TP, E11 lets you TP and attack, and U12 creates a Gate


Ghost Panther (Shaman) – D20 creates a very large zone that lets allies TP


Spirit Tempest (Shaman) – TP Allies on AP, U12 swaps an ally and your spirit, D20 creates a zone that lets allies Swap with each other


Shard Disciple (Shardmind) – Increase distance and size of Shard Swarm, use Shard Swarm 2/Encounter, Powers all let you teleport various ways (including an Epic-like anti-death power)


Arcane Wellspring (Sorcerer) – Swap creatures hit by Area or Close attacks


Celestial Scholar (Sorcerer, Cosmic, Phase of Stars) – TP when attacked (free if missed, reaction if hit), E11 lets you TP, D20 TPs target


Wild Mage (Sorcerer, Wild) – Sometimes TP on AP, sometimes TP when you roll a 1


Coronal Guard (Swordmage) – D20 TPs target


Ghost Blade (Swordmage) – Gain CA when you teleport, increase TP distance, and D20 lets you attack everyone that you can see when you use the power, TPing between them!!


Wandering Swordmage (Swordmage) – TP on AP and a really bad TP U12


Sword of Assault (Swordmage, Assault) – Use an At-Will when you use the Assault TP


Sage of Fate’s Bonds (Swordmage, Ensnarement) – TP adjacent or marked creature on AP, TP ally hit by a marked enemy as IR, U12 lets you Wizard’s Escape an ally EoE, D20 TP and attack an enemy that attacks an ally as IR


Sigil Carver (Swordmage, Shielding) – U12 Better Wizard’s Escape an ally


Hell’s Keeper (Tiefling, Divine) – Prevent TP on a Crit


Redeemer of the Damned (Tiefling, Primal) – TP yourself and 5 allies adjacent to 1 enemy instead of taking an action when you AP, U12 TPs an ally who gets hit


Evermeet Warlock (Warlock) – Become Invis to adjacent enemies when you TP, and take 1 adjacent ally with you when you TP 10 or fewer.


Feytouched (Warlock, Fey) – Damage adjacent enemies when you TP, sometimes TP further with Boon, E11 is a TP charm, U12 TPs anyone to the space where a creature just died


Long Night Scion (Warlock, Fey) – Damage adjacent enemies when you TP, Cold themed for extra cheese.  Worthless U12.


Planeshifter (Warlock or Wizard) – TP on AP, Prevent forced TP for you and Allies, Powers are portal based, so not true TP


Spiral Tactician (Eladrin, Warlord, Tactical) – Regain Fey Step on AP, U12 TP Ally, D20 is a TP multi-attack


Witchmaster (Warlord, Warlock) – Ally can TP when they gain benefit from your Presence


Arcane Wayfarer (Wizard) – TP when you Crit, TP on AP, TP as movement mode, E11 is a large repositioning, U12 is a better Wizards Escape


Bonded Summoner (Wizard) – TP after using a Conjuration or Summoning, D20 lets you swap with the creature it Summons


Weaver of Chance (Wizard) – Sometimes TP on AP




Destiny of a Hero






Darklord – Free rituals!  And a Daily TP 20 that makes you invisible EoE or until you get hit

Guardian of the Void – Anti-death feature that includes a TP


Heir of Siberys (Mark of Passage) – Daily TP 20 for you and adjacent allies, no LoS


Keybearer – More Free rituals! Anti-death feature that includes a TP, TP when you roll an 18+, and a Zone you’ll never use if you don’t want your allies to hate you


Planeshaper – Planeshifting isn’t really teleporting, but this ED is still awesome


Prince of Hell – Gain TP as a movement mode


Feyliege (Arcane and Fey-ish) – Shield Allies in Burst 5, and allow Teleport Swap


Magister (Arcane) – Anti-death feature that includes a TP


Glorious Spirit (Primal) – TP 1/encounter


Mythic Spirit (Primal) – TP an ally within 20 that got dropped to 0 next to you and heal them


Primal Avatar (Primal) – TP as a reaction when hit


Honored Ancestor (Primal) – TP on AP (is this really an ED? This looks like a decent PP, maybe)


Demiurge (Psionic) – Anti-“death” feature that includes a TP


Master of Moments (Psionic) – Gain TP as a movement mode


Grandmaster of Flowers (Monk) – TP 3 adjacent to target you hit with a melee attack


Raven Knight (Raven Queen) – TP on AP (again?)


Winter Sovereign (Fey origin) – TP as a minor after you hit with a Cold Power


High Elf Mage (Elf or Eladrin) – Anti-death feature that includes a TP


Master of the Eternal Hunt (Seeker) – TP Yourself and an ally within 5 to within 5 of an enemy within 20 that you hit, 1/encounter.  Tremorsense too, which can let you TP through walls


Thief of Legend (Stealth, Thievery) – 1/day TP an Object or Vehicle to “somewhere safe” that you choose







Yeah right, like I’m actually going to go through all 400+ teleport powers.  Class guides will generaly rate a power accurately, even if you have significant teleport boosters or things that trigger off teleports, a power that sucks is still generally going to be a power that sucks even with your bonuses.



There are only a couple powers that I’m going to bother mentioning, 2 of those are Ethereal Sidestep (Warlock Utility 10) which lets you TP 1 as a move action, and Queen’s Clemency (Bard Utility 22) which lets you TP an ally 1 as a minor action.  If I had to give things ratings, ES is Sky Blue in general and QC is Gold for a leader and Sky Blue for everyone else.  The final power I’ll mention is Aegis of Assault, it’s not generally as well liked as other mark punishments because Swordmages have crappy MBAs, and it only triggers on a hit, but I personally feel that’s justifiable given the SMs capacity for multi-marking and its large range.  Regardless, it’s very useful for setting up Catch-22s when you hybrid with a class that has a good MBA.








As with powers, the possibilities are far too great for me to list anything specific; while I could post a build that can teleport hundreds (probably even thousands of squares) per turn, I’ll leave that sort of level 30 nonsense to other people (and then link it here).  I think it’s far more useful for me to just outline the common methods, provide guidelines if you will.






Nightcrawler: The key here is the Staff of the Traveler.  There’s a multitude of ways to shift as part of every action on your turn.  Considering I made a build that could go over 100 squares when Initiative was rolled + 1 Move action, and Mellored has one that can do 98 per round, there is massive design room while still being really freaking good.



The Bard Taxi:  There’s dozens of variants of this build, but the core concept is based around the Level 16 Feature of Evermeet Warlock which allows you to take an adjacent ally with you every time you teleport 10 or fewer squares.  Why is this Bard Taxi instead of Warlock Taxi?  I really don’t know, probably because positioning allies is really a leader-ish thing and 2 feats make this PP just silly for a bard: Bardic Wayfarer (TP as a Free Action when you TP an ally, and TP instead of Slide on your Majestic Word) and Walk Among the Fey (TP things instead of Sliding).  Suggested Item: Planestrider Boots, lets you split the teleport, because it’s trivial to get a single teleport over 10 squares, they also let you “drop” an ally in a location and you can retreat or continue into a flank with that same ally.  Because Incisive Dagger doesn’t work with Teleports that used to be Slides because it requires powers with the teleportation keyword, I recommend the Rubicant Blade (unless you don't need to be holding an implement, or can use any Blade implement), at least until 22nd, but that’s personal preference.



Swordmages: You’re a defender whose best powers are teleport powers, even if you aren’t MC/Hybrid Warlock for Ethereal Sidestep, you want to teleport because your mark works best when you aren’t adjacent to the target.  Take TP powers and “Get a Cloak of Translocation already!”



Eladrin Knight: Even though this build's existance offends many, I'm obligated to include it as the only teleport focused Fighter.  Feywild Guardian and Glimmering Blade allow for highly reliable teleportation.  It's personal PP isn't bad either (and gets the Taxi ability earlier).  A shame Hybrid Knight doesn't exist yet, Eladrin Knight|Swordmage would be absurdly iconic.



Eladrin Telepult: Fey Tactics, Fey Step Trailblazer, and Planar Blurring combine with Spiral Tactician (optional: Student of the Plague or MC Bard and Walk Among the Fey).  Go first, get allies to their targets, and enjoy an appletini.  Similar to the Taxi, but less taxing.






Sample Builds:

The original Taxi a Monk|Bard by Thaldryn




Winning Init, getting your allies into position, adding some buffs, and enabling … Shows how easy it is.  Proof that you don't need to be optimized to optimize (I mean really, Hybrid Monk and no Staff of the Traveller?)

Dead Kobold Transita Revenant Psionic?/Rogue/Evermeet Warlock/Master of Moments concept by Mellored.




Combines Kobold's Shifty with extra actions in Epic (Revenant and Master of Moments) and teleport boosters to be able to go 98 squares every round, only (lol) able to Taxi an ally 80 squares.

Invisible Stalker a Battlemind|Swordmage/Evermeet Warlock By Mommy_was_an_Orc.




Teleports with Blurred Step, Aegis of Assault, 2x Fey Step, and Daily TP Stances to maintain Invisiblity to multiple enemies thanks to Evermeet Warlock and thus encourage them to provoke/trigger mark.

Psilent Guardiana Kobold Battlemind/Evermeet Warlock by Mellored (Half-Elf varient by jmcmmin).




Shift as a Minor becomes Teleport as a Minor thanks to Staff of the Traveler, which results in Invisibility to multiple enemies, again with Evermeet Warlock, High Stealth to remain hidden against anyone without Tremorsense or True Sight.

Evermeet Knight an Eladrin Knight/Evermeet Warlock by monkeygentleman.




Really, who didn't see this coming?  Teleport when you hit them, Teleport when they provoke and then hit them (and then Teleport).  Knight version of the Battleminds above.

The Blinker by thespaceinvader




Knigt's stealing swordmage tricks! (They're taking our Jearbs)






Problem Ruleslawyers?






  1. Teleportation is Instantaneous, yet somehow it takes just as long to teleport 1 square as it does to walk 6.  I guess it takes all that time to concentrate on teleporting or something.
  2. You have to teleport to an unoccupied space.  That is, unless you’re using a Swap power, because otherwise they wouldn’t work.
  3. Targets can save to not be teleported into Hindering Terrain or into a square where they’d fall; but NOT an allies damaging zone, difficult terrain, or a trapped square.
  4. If you teleport while prone, you don’t stop being prone, except if you teleport into the air and make an acrobatics (requires training) check to avoid taking falling damage.  Let’s face it, if you were knocked prone, and then pushed off a cliff, you’d be able to do the same thing.  This is cheesy as all hell, but only because WotC made Teleporting such a trivial thing to obtain.
  5. Teleporting doesn’t require Line of Effect, this is even in the rules.
  6. Teleporting doesn’t provoke Opportunity actions that are triggered by movement.  This includes Polearm Gamble (which is triggered by entering a square), but not Repel Charge (which is triggered by the Charge Attack, if you somehow are teleporting with a charge)
  7. Teleporting breaks Immobilized, or Restrained conditions if those conditions are caused by a physical restraint or some other effect that is located in a specific space.  This means it breaks Grabs even if you don’t manage to escape the reach of the grab.
  8. Teleportation isn’t Forced Movement, suck it dwarves.
  9. Walk Among the Fey states that the teleport “remains subject to any restrictions on the original slide.”  This means no teleporting into the air (unless the creature has flight (hover) but then why would you do that?).  Some people also believe this means the teleport is restricted to the distance of the original slide, regardless of TP Boosters.
  10. There is a difference between teleporting a creature and letting a creature teleport.  This is important for determining LoS and what Boosters apply.
  11. There is a difference between a Teleportation Power and a Power that lets you Teleport (and a Teleport you create), not all of your Boosters always apply.
  12. “When you Teleport” stuff only applies to when you teleport yourself, not when you teleport another creature, not all your Boosters always apply.






Well, that only took me 3 months from the time I said I’d do it.  And of course there’s new content that I already need to update.
